Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sunday Surgery: What Just Happened!?


WELP! I was so happily shocked by the Friday show I don't even know where to go from all of it!! They could just have kept building on that for a month and I'd be happy!!  So much came together this week it was a sight to behold. 

I almost wish I had written it myself. 


Yes, I still think there are 2 different tones and writing on certain days. Some days this week were just skipable. Then--you get a whopper and it's glorious. Tuesday and Fridays were the shows to watch. FOR SURE. 

THE TRINA PRINCIPLE:   Case in point of different day Trina's in Kelly's giving Joss what for (rightfully so) and then shows up all smiles and happy at court to support her. It was like she fell and hit her head that morning! Not only that SHE APOLOGIZED !! WHAT? Why are YOU apologizing? So weird. BTW, did you notice Trina was going to support Joss then left when Dex walked up? Just...left? 

Trina did get her narrative about Spencer's death. Finally she talks about the love they had and her feelings. Lone over due and well done. 


GREGORY and SONS: I wanted to put this in here because Greg Harrison did an AMAZING job with this scene. His breathing and vocal stress were perfection. That along with the physical traits just made the disease seem all the more real. Brook and Chase are going to get that wedding done ASAP which I'm also happy about. Just get married already! 

THE CONFESSION:  Things moved pretty damn fast on this front (for GH anyway). We could have done without the week in the boathouse but at last we get the backstory about where Jason has been. After the cave collapse, the FBI hauled him out and took him to Quantico to make him be a mercenary and infiltrate the mob. They didn't want anyone to know, not even the WSB because that's where the weapons were coming from. Anyway, when all the other snipers messed up with killing Sonny, Jason was sent in to do the job. When he saw who it was, he stopped it and the rest is history. Oh, one more tid-bit: Jagger KNEW who Jason was (but Jason didn't know him due to his head injury years before) and STILL did this. Both Anna and Jason are pissed about that! 

JASON'S WAITING AREA:  This PCPD room was just full of people wanting to see ol' Jason!! Brook comes in with a letter of support from Monica. Sam comes in and yells at him for having Danny lie to her. I don't know about you, but Kelly Monaco was playing that from her soul. (IYKYK) Ripping into him for basically not being there and then overstepping with their son. She did believe him that he didn't shoot Dante so that was a point in his favor but Sam made it clear to Danny she's done with Jason ...and so is he. 

FIGHT! FIGHT! Bringing in the younger gen is so important and GH is finally doing that. Danny and Jake fighting about their father is also a pretty good idea. I loved poor Aidan just standing there like: GUYS, you're going to get in trouble!! LOL. More please. Jake and Char can date and is Georgie their age as well? 

THIS IDIOT: I don't know how but he's got an offer from Anna to stay on the PCPD. I was so hoping he'd just leave PC. 

CROWDED COURT:  Molly argues with Kristina over Jason's guilt/innocence. People are on all sides with this. Liz is in the house and Danny sneaks in. DREW is there and BOY oh BOY does he get an eyeful when Carly and Jason touch like Romeo and Juliet. :Giggle:  Diane did her thing and Michael paid $5 million in bail to get St. Jaysus out of the pokey. All is well. 

A MOMENT OF JARLY: So, Jason finds out that Carly renamed Kelly's Bobbie's and they sit in the empty diner to talk about where he will stay. Fearing for people's safety he decides the room over the restaurant is the place to be. Well, I'll be damned!! The rooms being used again. Yeah!! Carly lived there when she first met Jason who was living over Jake's. Nice circle. 

A MAN IN A VAN:  Ok, I had a drink at lunch and maybe that colored my reaction to Friday's show a bit but it was still a HUM-DINGER. I mean.. WOWZA. For me, it all started to fit. Even if the story was changed a few times (and I have no doubt it was) ..things clicked. Who's talking to a key player in "Pikeman"? VALENTIN. The guy that roped Sonny into selling those arms in the first place. VALENTIN...the guy that sobbed to Anna it wasn't it fault he was working with them. The guy who obviously LIED through his teeth...because with Brennan in jail, guess who's taking over? Yep. The Cassadine! Who's also messing with Sonny's meds as we speak! He paid the pharmacist to cut his dose to 1/4. That's why Sonny's been acting so paranoid. That's why he's so angry all the time. Oh it's delicious. 

AVA FACTOR: Now bring in Ava. I KNEW she was up to something. Not when she first moved in (because the story wasn't there yet) but now that she's in there and Nina's gone, she's been acting like the cat that ate the canary. Watching Sonny Drink. Whispering things in his ear to get him more paranoid than he already is. I think Valentin was behind Austin's shooting and began to terrorize Ava and sent her that gun. I also think Ava might be doing this for Julian-Revenge. I don't know but it's SO GOOD TO WATCH!! I think Selina Wu might be a part of all of this because she put the doubt in Curtis' head about the shooting. I sure hope so. 

STELLA JOY:  She's on so much now !! Vernee is a great actress who brings such light to her role. I just love her. She talks with Trina about grief and is also with Sam to help her realize Dante may need to go into long term care. Even Sam came around. I so hope they have her on more and she gets on contract. 

DANTE RETURNS: A knocked over glass of water let everyone know Dante was opening his eyes. Rocco came in, Danny and Sam were all there. What was his big message? JASON SAVED HIM and someone ELSE SHOT HIM. Which I was SO afraid he was going to have a memory loss for that time period. I can't tell you. So yeah!!! Thank you for doing that in one go. 


AVA's up to something--just what it is remains to be seen

Danny and Jake fight about Jason's innocence or guilt

Brook Lyn and Chase move up their wedding date because of Greg's health

Trina visits Spencer's grave and talks to her Aunt about grief

The whole town takes sides on Jason 

Anna asks Dex to be on the PCPD

Jason tells Anna the FBI secured him and Jagger was at the forefront 

Jason is released on 5 billion dollars bail (Michael pays)

Stella talks to Sam about palliative care but Dante wakes up

Dante clears Jason's name

Valentin meets with Jack Brennan; they discuss Pikeman Project and taking Sonny down

They are messing with his meds

Sonny and Ava share a kiss but Sonny goes to bed before it goes any further 

Carly and Jason talk at Bobbie's, he takes a room upstairs 


The only Black voice on GH's writing team has been let go. Shannon Peace took to IG to say her good byes. It's truly a shame because she was a driving force behind the words for Sprina. Here's to much luck in the future, you know she'll find it! 

IS Nicholas Chavez off of GH for good? Crafty spotters saw his name is off the credits which usually indicates an actor is off contract. I can find no official word on this right now but with his shooting schedule it could be they opted out. We will have to wait and see if he comes to close things out or Spencer gets recast. 

TWO NEW CHARACTERS: They will be recurring. One is Nina's assistant and one will manage Bobbie's Full Read at: SOD 

Damn but Danny and Rocco could be twins! 

SO, here we are. I'm enjoying all of this because it's dang entertaining and all the actors are just on-point. Things are just coming fast and furious at the moment which I also love. Are the scenes longer? YEP! Thank you production! I hope it lasts!! By the way: Is it ok to play with someone's mental health?? NO. Is it ok on a soap? HELL YES. So, just put that in a drawer for now. I know this is going to turn into a "Save Sonny" show at some point. Jason, Carly and probably even Anna are going to figure out what's happening and well, that will be that. I'm going to enjoy the ride while it lasts though!! 



  1. Great Sunday Surgery. Thank you.

    And Happy Easter to all who celebrate.

  2. Thanks for the great SS!
    Better dialogue, longer scenes and faster pace. All things we hoped for. Every day can't be perfect but Friday was pretty close.
    Karen...did you see my post on FB that the "Notify Me" email feature has not been working. Not important I guess but thought you should know.
    Happy Easter to all who celebrate!

  3. ----I guess I misunderstood - I thought Valentin was doing the lower meds when Sonny attacked Cyrus NYE
    -----Fantastic show Friday and I DO feel better than MB commented on Twitter he LOVES this storyline/having fun----------cause it's great but hard to watch someone without meds
    ------clearly the writers changed things and I am okay with it kinda but I do not want Ava working FOR Valentin - blackmail would make more sense but I just want her torn about her feelings for Sonny.
    ---------SOOOOOOO guys and girls - Cyrus IS truly not involved with Pikeman NOW???? Cause the Prison Warden WAS (but now not)
    -------I guess Carly and Jason WILL realize he is off his meds - hopefully MAY sweeps and not NOVEMBER!! LOL!
    -----if writers can change so much can they NOT make Gregory misdaignosed? Please?
    -----another question: so Valentin first approached Sonny about Pikeman and implied VICTOR was in charge ----so does Valentin just HATE Sonny or is it just cause Sonny refused to work for Pikeman anymore. (cause again the Prison Warden turned in Sonny in that fake bust....)
    -----WHY again would Dex working at PCPD save him from Sonny's enemies? Cause Dex and Joss DID also save Dante so at some point Sonny will run into Dex
    ------I mean this is a kind way - but the new manager of Kellys and Nina's assistant are very attractive people and they ARE being announced in SOD - SOOOOOOOOOOOO will they mean something or fall for someone?
    ------I know social media disagrees but Valentin head of Pikeman, etc. means he cannot stand on GH forever.........think the writers totally dropped the Tarot cards/Charlotte therapy, etc.
    -----HOW is Heather I wonder?
    ----Friday's show was fantastic!

  4. A "spoiler" on one of those fake GH Facebook pages implied that maybe Ava is THE boss. That would be interesting. I love manipulative bitchy Ava but not over the edge dark evil.

  5. Trina did not just leave. She saw Dex, smiled at Joss and said see you later. She left so Joss and Dex could talk.

    And I don't think Sonny has messed with the drugs yet. I know people are debating this, but he said "will," not is. So it's gonna get worse.

    If history is a lesson, if they're messing with Sonny, eventually they will leave the show. So maybe this is JPS's swan song. Not sure about Ava.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...