Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Yesterday was GLORIOUS!

Can you believe I've watched and watched and when SPENCER FINALLY meets his Grams I'm on there!!
LOL..TOO Cute. He held his own with those 3 ladies. Kelly did a wonderful job. Even ol' Hells was touched. I am actually going to miss Britt. Glad Dr. O is staying.

Things were good  yesrerday with Eliud. Now not so good. so I'm out again this afternoon, sorry.  His oxygen levels need to come up. We joked that he looked like he was on a soap yesterday, all hooked up to everything. He was responsive so that's a huge plus. Thanks for all the thoughts. 

Pic from General Hospital Snark on FB 


  1. I wonder if Faison meant everything he has been saying to Obrecht and even Britt...it seems he genuinely cares for them both..especially Obrecht...hope Faison isn't gone for too long...quality acting like Anders can't be found too often....

  2. Liz's home: What?!!?!?! There was a witness who taped the whole hostage crisis?!!?! I wonder who the witness is. PCPD plaza?! That is what they call the PCPD? A plaza!?!?! RIC!!!! :) Liz talking about Ric awww! :)I hope they get back together when he shows up!

    Kelly's: I love how Maxie is racing to see Nathan! :) Molly looks a little like a hippie. All she needs is hippie makeup. :)

    Hospital: Oh look! It's Ellie Trout! Oh wait no it's not. :( Dr O should NOT be taking the bullet out of her son! Sam why are you whining?!!?! And what happened to all of your skills?!?!! You could have taken down that gunman easy!

    Q home: Awww Ned and Olivia! :) Love it! Come on Olivia tell Ned how you feel!!!!! Oh shoot Alexis had to ruin the moment! Ned and Alexis awwww! :) Now Olivia won't tell Ned how she feels crap!

    Pier: Oh oh Jordan is fired. RIC IS MISSING!?!!?!?!?!?! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?! OH HELL NO! Where did he go!!?!?!?!! I DON'T LIKE THIS! I want him back to Port Chuckles NOW! Damn damn damn and Alexis was going to tell Molly that Ric is alive! DAMN IT!

  3. Faison is acting really out of character. have they checked for a second mask? lol

    How long has Rick been missing and what might he be up to in Port Chuck?

  4. I didn't think that cell phone tapings had audio.


    I thought Faison was lying to Dr. O when he declared his feelings for her, he didn't seem sincere at all.

  5. I think it was another of Helena's people who taped the escape. And said that Faison was the drug lord. That is part of her plan.
    Old Jake was acting pretty weird today!
    I have noticed that without Franco, Nina, Sonny, Kiki, and Michael, I am ff a lot less than I had been. Hooray.

  6. I agree that the actress who plays (played?) Britt did an great job! Kind of hard to swallow she and Faison bonding so quickly. Ya, Helena seemed almost human during the Britt/Spencer interaction.

  7. Yesterday was so GOOD! I had to run the Spencer/ Helena scenes over and over, enjoyed them so much. That kid is really remarkable! His timing, his expressions--what an actor. Loved when he said, 'My father said I'd know you by the snakes in your hair (Medusa reference!)'

    I will miss Britt--she was a good actress and a human character (except for her beginning when she was too evil). I liked her very much with Nik.

    I am still looking forward to Ric's return--just hope he hasn't gone back to his old ways out of bitterness. I wouldn't like it much if he was part of Helena's plan.

    I'm disappointed that Jason is using his criminal skills--was so hoping this nuJason was really changed. I never liked the old Jason (he was a killer!), but was starting to like the new one a lot....

  8. "Soaplover I'm disappointed that Jason is using his criminal skills--was so hoping this nuJason was really changed."

    He is only using his criminal skills because he has been brainwashed! :) So really this isn't his fault.

  9. Jakeson was acting really strange with Liz. I hope that with Anna getting fired she will still be around. It has been really wonderful having her front and center. Liked Dr' O's wink at Maxie. Jordan's lipstick yesterday was awful. Can't wait to see Ric!!!

  10. "LindaV says I hope that with Anna getting fired she will still be around."

    Anna wasn't fired. Jordan was.

  11. Oops - Anna is supposed to be getting fired, too, from what I've read.

  12. "LSV422 said...Oops - Anna is supposed to be getting fired, too, from what I've read."

    OH! That's too bad. :(

  13. sonya---PCPD Plaza is a knock off of NYPD 1PP. Also, 1PP is also in the television series Blue Bloods, where the character of Commissioner Reagan is often seen in his office on the 14th floor.

  14. "Kg said...sonya---PCPD Plaza is a knock off of NYPD 1PP."

    Oh is it? :) What does PP stand for? Wait is it police precinct?

    "Also, 1PP is also in the television series Blue Bloods, where the character of Commissioner Reagan is often seen in his office on the 14th floor."

    Oh really? I don't watch that show, but wow, It's all connected. :)


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...