Monday, December 1, 2014

Stink Face

Is what Faison makes when he has to hug Lesil. Just pretending! Faison says he thinks Anna isn't worthy of him. BUT Lesil is! He kisses her. She tells Britta that she'll tell Nik about the whole Spencer scam if she calls the cops.

Speaking of...there's "FLUKE" who I'm saying isn't LUKE BUT FLUKE..whatever. I explained it in Sunday Surgery. Looking at the video below took my will to blog away today. 
Tracy is stunned that Fluke wasn't Luke.  "Luke lays into Larry saying he was the one that had his face. I say that's not true. They are going to have a mask so people will THINK Luke is Luke but he's not.

Nina and Franco in the cabin...*SIGH* Franco did have some good one-liners. 'How will Sonny care for the baby"? Says Nina..
:Hench Nannies: says Franco 

Ava sure looks recovered huh??? They are in NYC looking for Franco. She doesn't want him to have his phone.  Kiki tells Silas that Ava killed Connie

Jordan finds out it was fake Luke being the boss. 

OH I'm back!  Coming SOON

If Fluke wants to convince all he's really LUKE ..he'll use a FAKE mask to throw them off center. So the mask in the video could be totally a red herring.
I think Fluke is still hidden.

SO, when you see the OTHER LUKE tomorrow threatening Julian, I say it's Ashton in a mask-- TRYING to get caught so they'll all think it's him.


  1. I think we will know if it is the real Luke or not if he calls Tracy "spanky" or not.

  2. I'm beyond confused. Which leads me to not care at all anymore.

    I love a good mystery and a good whodunnit. The keyword being "good".

    This just sucks.

    1. It's so obvious that it's the real Luke in the Q living room. It's also obvious that it's Fluke/Ashton threatening Julian. I'm so close to being over this sl. I'll be so glad when it's over....

  3. For me, the line of the day goes to Faison. Britt says, "He's an international terrorist, murderer, criminal." And Faison replies, "You say that like it's a bad thing."
    Another day of fast forwarding. STILL don't care about Fluke. The only way I will be impressed is if Fluke is actually TJ's putative father.

  4. I agree with Michelle. Although he didn't say Spanky to Tracy he did say Cupcake to LuLu..and Fluke never did.

  5. By the way, today is World AIDS Day. Since the show won't honor it like it has in past years, I will here.

    Remembering the hundreds of men that I lost in the 90s when I was living in San Francisco and those who have survived and are living with dignity through the illness.

  6. Emma, I think Helena knows that nickname tho

  7. NOPE.. I think Helena gave the fake Luke info...I'll say it again, I really believe that Luke is still kidnapped.

    I think Larry is PRETENDING TO be FLUKE (mask).
    I think Fluke is Bill Eckert.

  8. That is waaaaay too confusing. Also, "saved" Luke didn't ask about seeing Rocco - something he wanted to do when he realized he has a grandson while in hiding.

  9. Sounds too confusing to me. I'm with delcodave on this but will trust Karen to walk us through it. Geary will be off again for 6 months soon so all we can hope is it's wrapped before then. The whole mask thing will put a lot over the edge.

  10. Kelly's: Oh look!!! The Captain and Tennille are having Thanksgiving at Kelly's! How sad! Even McSilas thinks so! Oh oh Tennille had to open her mouth and spill out Ava shooting and killing Connie!!!

    New York City: McSilas can't find his phone! Oh Ava has it! She doesn't want him to find out the truth about what she did to Connie! Nice try! What is McSilas gonna do now?!

    Canada: BobTodd wins the lines of the day!!!!

    BobTodd: That is not your baby crazypants.

    Nina: How is Sonny going to take care of his kid, when he is in prison?

    BobTodd: Hench nannies.

    ROFL! BobTodd kills me!!! HAHAHAHAHA! I love how he isn't afraid to call her crazypants, and she doesn't hit him over the head for calling her that! :)BobTodd is so good with Zyrtec!! Awww he is feeding her! WOW baby Zyrtec is a newborn, and can hold onto the bottle all by herself and can feed herself!!! She is a GENIUS!!!!!!

    Q home: Hmmmmmm. Maybe Luke isn't really Luke. Tony Geary sounds like he has a cold. Oh oh there goes Ashton! Running! Wait Dante lost Ashton!?!?! But Dante you were so close to him, you could touch him! And you lost him?!!?! OH COME ON!

    Ava's home: Julian spills to Jordan! :) Awww now you are making her leave?! What no goodbye kiss? Oh oh there is Fluke!!! Man Fluke looks drugged up! I am thinking that the writers want us to think that Fluke is Ashton, and Fluke is wearing a mask. BUT what is REALLY the truth, is there is no mask, and Fluke is Bill Eckhart. :)

    Wyndemere: Hmmmm Faison is acting very strange. What?!!? He doesn't love Anna anymore and wants to be with Dr O now?!!?! They are all kissy kissy?!!?!?! Wait that is not Faison! It's an imposter!!! Either that or it's really him and he is lying to Dr O. I mean he and Helena did talk about a plan. Hmmmmmmm. Dr O is all happy and wearing Spencer's pilgrim hat. Is she going to spin around, sing and dance??:)Seems like it hahaha.

  11. You know Faison is fake because he would never stop his obsession by Anna! Helena would never just allow Alexis to walk into a room and get the real Luke. She somehow switched them out. I am beyond tired of the "mask" stories where people are not who they visually appear to be. I am also tired of characters being surprised when they find out the truth , especially after this has happened multiple times with Faison, Helena, and Duke being involved.

  12. Dave,
    I totally agree , this really sucks. And Karen, I agree this cannot possibly be Luke who was rescued.
    Does anyone else think they are just making this up as they go along? This story is like a fungal infection that just will not go away.

    For me the line of the day was RH - like blood on a wedding gown! So weird.

  13. Karen,

    Pretty soon we are going to need a FLOWCHART.

  14. Sonya said:

    Wyndemere: Hmmmm Faison is acting very strange. What?!!? He doesn't love Anna anymore and wants to be with Dr O now?!!?! They are all kissy kissy?!!?!?! Wait that is not Faison! It's an imposter!!! Either that or it's really him and he is lying to Dr O. I mean he and Helena did talk about a plan. Hmmmmmmm. Dr O is all happy and wearing Spencer's pilgrim hat. Is she going to spin around, sing and dance??:)Seems like it hahaha.

    Oh nos! Me so confused! Who's who anymore! Loved Obrecht in the pilgrim hat. I was expecting her to proclaim this "Ze Miracle of Sanksgiving!"

    Baby Zyrtec has been recast! This new baby looks more like Morgan's with Ava instead of Sonny's. She's all blonde and blue-eyed. Franco called her "Dimples".

  15. "RedSoxFaninVA said...Oh nos! Me so confused! Who's who anymore!"

    Hahahahha! Yeah my head is spinning! :)

    "Loved Obrecht in the pilgrim hat. I was expecting her to proclaim this "Ze Miracle of Sanksgiving!"


    "Baby Zyrtec has been recast! This new baby looks more like Morgan's with Ava instead of Sonny's. She's all blonde and blue-eyed. Franco called her "Dimples".

    I hope that means that baby Zyrtec is Morgan's!!! :)

  16. I hope she's Morgan's too, if only to hear Carly's reaction to being a grandmother!

  17. Karen, You're on to something for sure. Living Room Luke is not the real Luke, and Julian's Place Luke is also not the real Luke. Luke is probably Pit in Spoon Island Stables Luke right about now.

    Anyone else just get the feeling that Faison was Duke in a Faison mask? Or maybe it was really Anna in the mask, softening up Olbrect to get info outta her? Just did NOT seem like Faison to me, in dialogue or Anders Hove's acting.

    And, I enjoy the way Cartini weaves epic tales of intrigue. The whole thing of AJ/Connie/Ava/Sonny/Carly/Michael/Morgan/Nina/Silas/Franco/Kiki....It was one loooong storyline, but they brought so many people into it, and everyone has been effected. It really is incredible how they can do that. (That was what made OLTL so amazing.) Looking forward to the FLuke story doing the same.

  18. I'm kind of worried about Tony Geary. Back surgery is chancy and no picnic. Takes lots of physical therapy and doesn't always help. His health is more important than this story. It has dragged out only because of Tony's health, so I feel we should be a bit more understanding. At least he is still on the show and we can watch this amazing actor.

    I was thinking Ashton was Tony's size better, but seeing them in the same scene, he is not. Did Luke and Ashton exchange any glances at all--I didn't see any. Well, anyway, Faison was hardly as tall as Duke and he was supposed to fool people...

    Two things to consider about Fluke: Was Ekhart ever as slimey and ruthless as this Fluke? Did Ekhart have any specific reason to hate Sonny? He was off the show before Sonny came on. So why would his main goal be to destroy Sonny? (Sonny destroyed himself anyway.) I'm stumped.

  19. "RedSoxFaninVA said...I hope she's Morgan's too, if only to hear Carly's reaction to being a grandmother!"

    Hahahahaha! She would probably say, I am too young to be a grandmother!!!! :)


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...