Monday, December 15, 2014

Eastern Seaboard

So, Johnny's taking it over. In exchange for Ric's life, he wants Sonny to tell his people to work for him now. Yeah right.

Julian is in court. Carlos is trying to talk him into joining Johnny's mob too. Julian pleads not guilty and Carlos gives him 200K in bail so he'll join the new Mob Frat. 

Carly visits Franco. Just so we can hear her mouth run again. UGH..Then, Franco asks to "use the bathroom" (there are NO toilets in those cells???) and goes by Nina and talks to her a lot. The guard just stands there. 
Um duh.

Kiki is that baby's guardian. I bet she names her Coco. ahahha. I don't know but it could happen. Silas is going to do a paternity test.  You CAN buy them at Walgreens now.  Silas says the only way to do a quick one since SonnyMorgan are so close in DNA is to test Carly. @@ don't ask. 

Ned and Alexis at the Metro. Olivia gets in some good digs about Alexis' over easy eggs. LOL. But theres' a fake out where Olivia makes a plea for Ned. STUPID fake-out. GH has way too many lately.  


  1. OK, I think this is how it works. Carly's DNA along with Morgan's, would be helpful because if the baby has some of Carly's markers in it, she is Morgan's baby. If she doesn't, she is Sonny's, because Sonny would not have donated any of Carly's markers, only his own. Morgan has markers from both of his parents. Like I said, I think this is what it means. Took that class a really long time ago. Hee hee hee.

  2. You are ever so clever, ishouldread more. That makes perfect sense. Thanks.

  3. so basicaly if Ned isnt married to 2 women he is dating 2 women?

    Of all the women ned has been with (including Monica) I think Lois was the best pairing.

    hey, i missed a few episodes because of work. How did that wonderfully compelling Rosalie storyline turn out? What was her big secret that had all of us on the edge of our seats? Please tell.

    ps. i cannot view or read the required text below to prove I am not a robot. I didnt know that robots watched GH. Zombies, maybe. Robots, no.

  4. Dave,
    The writers have not yet decided what Rosalie's big secret is. I'm sure when they do pick a secret they will let us know. (Although I don't know if anyone cares).

  5. Dear Dave, She's a man.
    Love, Ron

    PS the stupid robot thing? I can't turn that off. Blogger started it?

  6. BobTodd's jail cell: BobTodd worried about Nina awwww! Oh Carly shut up why are you there?! Oh the video tape. I forgot all about that. Carly threatening BobTodd hahaha. Oh he turns it around on her and brings up Sonny in jail! HA! Yes BobTodd can threaten Sonny in jail Carly! Boy Carly you are an idiot.

    Ava and Nina's jail cells: That poor guard! BobTodd's jail cell: Oh Carly shut up why are you there?! Oh the video tape. I forgot all about that. Carly threatening BobTodd hahaha. Oh he turns it around on her and brings up Sonny in jail! HA! Yes BobTodd can threaten Sonny in jail Carly! Boy Carly you are an idiot.

    Ava and Nina's jail cells: That poor guard! He wins the line of the day! I'm sorry, but I have to give it to him! He made me laugh so hard! Great line!

    Guard: They don't pay me enough to play Dr Phil with yall.


    Ava: She is my baby!

    Nina: No she is my baby!

    Ava: No she is my baby!

    Nina: No! Jamie is mine!

    Ava: You named her?!!?! You are a nut!

    Nina: Franco is coming and we are going to be a family.

    Ava: You are delusional!

    *Nina throws chair*

    Nina's thoughts: Boy this chair is heavy.

    Courthouse: Poor Caaaaaaaaaaarlos! He so wanted to be with Sabrina! Stupid Sabrina. And look he has tears in his eyes talking about what he and Julian will never have with the women they love! :(

    Caaaaaaaarlos: We are going to be the next kings of Port Charles.

    Oh a threesome bromance with Caaaaaarlos,Julian, and Johnny! :)

    Jail outside: Oh Julian gives Sonny proof about Ric! :) Julian wants Sonny to join him! OHHHHH so it could be a 4some bromance! :)

    Metrocourt: Lisa Locicero covering her tummy hehehe. Oh finally someone brings up the new look of the metrocourt! It's very dark looking though. When Olivia was telling Alexis and Ned how she felt, I had a feeling it was a daydream! I mean if she did tell them, it wouldn't make any sense. I mean the other day she couldn't tell Ned! I really wish the daydream was real!!! That was a great scene!!! Come on Olivia! Tell them!

    The hospital: Oh shoot! McSilas can't get Morgan's blood! Need Ava's permission. Oh wait no. Starki is next of kin! YAY! Awwww but then Morgan and Sonny are just too close in DNA! So who can help?! Carly! HUH?!

  7. "ishouldreadmore said...OK, I think this is how it works. Carly's DNA along with Morgan's, would be helpful because if the baby has some of Carly's markers in it, she is Morgan's baby. If she doesn't, she is Sonny's, because Sonny would not have donated any of Carly's markers, only his own. Morgan has markers from both of his parents. Like I said, I think this is what it means. Took that class a really long time ago. Hee hee hee."

    OH! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "DelcoDave says ps. i cannot view or read the required text below to prove I am not a robot. I didnt know that robots watched GH. Zombies, maybe. Robots, no."

    ROFL! You can ignore it. :) It won't stop you from posting.

  8. I think Rosalie will be related to Carrrrrrlos, although I don't know how that equals a "dirty little secret" in Nina's words, unless she was referring to Carrrrlos's hair. Someone get that man some shampoo! He's out of prison now - he needs a wash, cut and a shave!

  9. Karen, I'm with you on the fakeouts. Way overdone! And all too predictable. You know when they're happening.

    Epic scenes with Nina and Ava today. I thought they were going to break into a chorus of that old Chili's ad. "I want my baby back baby back baby back...Baby Back Ribs!"

  10. "RedSoxFaninVA said...Epic scenes with Nina and Ava today. I thought they were going to break into a chorus of that old Chili's ad. "I want my baby back baby back baby back...Baby Back Ribs!"

    ROFL! Bionic ribs baby Jamie Sommers!!!! :)

  11. I fear that somehow the DNA test results will show Morgan isn't Sonny's child.

    Didn't Lorenzo Alcazar hate Sonny?

    What's Ted King doing?

  12. As far as Rosalie goes, I think we got our clue way back when with this:

    It looks like from this post that this was actually Rosalie:

    By SOD • Posted: Apr 15, 2014
    Steven Bergman
    GH has sent out a casting call for a role that sounds like a recast for Sabrina, whose portrayer, Teresa Castillo, is slated to begin her maternity leave soon. The actress would begin taping in May in a part described as "Hispanic. 27-33. Beautiful, passionate, dynamic. Originally from Mexico [Sabrina, it should be noted, is a native of Puerto Rico], she has come to Port Charles to pursue a career in medicine." While the show is seeking a recurring player to fill the role, the casting notice asks, "Please only submit actresses that are open to the possibility of a Contract Role as well."


Uncut Filler

  Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curti...