Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Who Do You Think You Are"?

Here we go...continuing with the madness.

Spencer is all mad about Britt. She's at Kelly's and Brad stops by.  She tells him about Nikolas throwing her out.  I really like Brad and Britt's friendship.
Spencer is not happy. Lots of Courtney's talk--and Nikolas forbids Spence from seeing Britt. "She's a Terrible Person"! 

20141204 0719(28)

"FLUKE" is the headline in the Port Charles Paper...and Anna questions Faison. Um, you'd think she prolly might want to recuse herself. Such good actors. LOVE Anders and Finola. "in that instant you made yourself no better than me" Faison says about Anna putting him in the pit.
HE grabbed her!! WOW..they are so good!!  They talked about Robin--great dialog! 

Fluke talking to Alice-- poor Alice thinking this guy is the real LUKE. 
Tracy lays into Anna about putting Faison in a HOLE. LMAO--- 

Liz seems to be spending a lot of time at the diningroom table now--without the kids. LOL. I really DON'T like them tying Jason/Jake into all this mess. It's enough he has a new damn face, I don't need a giant "mystery plan" too.
Makes me TIRED. 

Jake tells Liz Hells showed up to her house on Thanksgiving. She's NOT happy. 
Jake is going to get a job.
"What can you do"?? "What skills do you have"??

"Um, can't remember"'
He has NO Social Security number, NO history--no ANYTHING how can he get a job? LOL. Of course in PC, he'll probably end up running a company.
AND-- get this. NIK shows up at Liz'. Can they redux them enough?? 

HELENA AND LESIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh :) love. love. love LOVE. "Seems like I'm the only Cassadine around to avenge Victor"...Helena is making Lesil shake. She takes out a---powder compact. Helena also says Faison won't be in jail for long.

Meanwhile, Sam and Paddy go to question Faison. He says Victor was the one that ordered Pat's car off the road. OH FAISON spilled the TRUTH about Jason to Sam--and Patrick has to tell her the truth!!!!!  NICE. 

OMG...OMG I so hope that they put Spencer and Hells together SOON!!!! 


  1. What if NiceJake ends up running ELQ; seizes the power from Mick the Thug. Now THAT would be amusing. After all, NiceJake has no experience or credentials either, just like Mick the Thug did when Michael (as he was then known) took over. And NiceJake can go back to being Jason, and will really be St. Jasus. Just a thought.

  2. That would make too many old fans happy.

  3. Where is the real Luke right now ?

  4. Wyndemere: Great Nik and Spencer scene!!!! Spencer made me cry! :( He just wants a mother!!!! :( Spencer should really know about Courtney! Nik if you won't do it, then Carly should!!!

    Police station: I love how Faison and Anna are talking at the same time haha. Faison wins the line of the day!

    Faison: Why so cold Anna? Why so cold Anna? Are you angry with me?

    ROFL! SEE! He still wuvs her! :) And then he grabs her! Damn great scene!!! Oh here comes Sam and Patrick! Oh oh Sam is pissed!!!

    The pier: Dr O and Helena!!! DELICIOUS!! I actually thought Helena was going to pull out a gun. I was thinking oh oh! :) Helena and her master plan! So part of the plan is to free Faison! :) Are Dr O and Helena going to be BFF's?!

    Liz's home: Time for Jake Doe to get a job! :)Oh no Nik shows up! UGH! Another round of Liz and Nik?!!?!?! BAH!

    Kelly's: Britch and Brad!!! Love their scene! Oh so THAT is why Britch can't have her own home and other things! Makes sense.

    Britch: I love you.

    Brad: I love you too.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) I love that they are besties!!

    Q home: Newspaper says FLUKE! ROFL! Oh oh Tracy is pissed!!! Fluke and Alice scene love it!!!

    Fluke and Luke: WOW! :) Come on Fluke admit who you are!!!! Hmmm hey that room looks familiar. Is that a room in the Crichton-Clark Clinic?

    Awwww no Jamie Frank bionic baby scenes today? Too bad. :(

  5. Laughed that even Brad was confused that Britt has no money.

    The Fluke headline was funny.

    Spencer needs to be grounded for a LONG time. What a brat!

    Is RealLuke in the basement of the Q's?

  6. I am not on twitter. has anyone twitted the head writer about the height-differential with faison?

    even though i am not on twitter, i at least know the hashtag #GHepicfail when I see it.

    hey, maybe when Georgie died she was really someone else wearing a mask and she is alive somewhere?

    hey, maybe when Alan died he was really someone else wearing a mask and he is alive somewhere?

    hey, maybe when AJ died he was really someone else wearing a mask and he is alive somewhere?

    the list is endless.

    wouldnt it be GREAT if there was a big gathering at the metro court and everyone, really, everyone, took off their masks at once and it turned out to be the cast of ALL MY CHILDREN?

  7. Odd how people forget that Jason the good was a little boring and everyone was pleased when he turned tough and bad, like Michael is turning now. Especially since Michael also was thought boring just months ago.

    I would like to see Jason remain a decent guy though--no more hitman. He can still be interesting as a good guy.

    I fear we may be having to see Courtney again, shudder. We actually saw her die, though. But most fans disliked her--she was not one we'd welcome back. Nik apparently didn't know her well. Anyway, isn't she on another show?

    Another thing I do not want to see is Nik and Liz Again. It never worked well because it was shot thru with betrayal and guilt. They are entirely unsuited. I like Liz with this nuJason. And I think he is more unjudgemental.

    Maybe Jake Doe could go to work on the brownstone--it isn't finished, surely. No one but Morgan lives there.

  8. "soaplover said...I fear we may be having to see Courtney again, shudder."

    Oh I hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "We actually saw her die, though. But most fans disliked her--she was not one we'd welcome back. Nik apparently didn't know her well. Anyway, isn't she on another show?"

    Yeah I hated her guts!!! I hope we never see her again! But I don't mind Spencer wanting to know about her. She is his mother. Of course he wants to talk about her. :( Is the actress on another show? Hmmm.

  9. I think some of the things we saw today like the paper calling him Fluke and Brad asking the Britch how come she had no money since she's a doctor, definitely proves that someone is reading the fan reviews.

    That room looks like a basement somewhere. Maybe it's at the Quartermaine mansion and Alice will find her beloved Luke. ( I live in hope.)

  10. soaplover,
    Just checked IMDB hoping that Alicia Leigh Willis is on another show. Unfortunately, she is not. We do not need her back on the show. Please no - we're suffering enough as it is.

  11. @delcodave - that would be AWESOME! (The cast of AMC - ha!)

    Loved the Anna/Tracy scenes today way more that the Liesel/Helena ones.

  12. Did anyone notice Alice's slip talking to Fluke? She said the gangster she got her heart from was shot by an FBI lady!! When NO ONE KNOWS Jordan in undercover. Alice should think he was shot by a drug runner protecting herself from being raped. Disappointed in that slip up.

    And for some reason I thought that was the basement from the house in Corinth, which we saw about the time the Fluke story started while they were searching for Big Baby Ben and Robin.

  13. "CareyN said...Did anyone notice Alice's slip talking to Fluke? She said the gangster she got her heart from was shot by an FBI lady!! When NO ONE KNOWS Jordan in undercover."

    No I didn't catch that!!! OOPS Alice!

    "And for some reason I thought that was the basement from the house in Corinth, which we saw about the time the Fluke story started while they were searching for Big Baby Ben and Robin."

    Oh that's right!!! No wonder it looked familiar! :) Thank you!

  14. I thought I was the only one who HATED Alicia Leigh Willis/Courtney. Glad to know I'm not in the minority!

    Anna/Faison was just perfect today!

    Helena/Obrecht.. DELICIOUS is right!

    Can't wait for more tomorrow!

  15. CareyN said...

    Did anyone notice Alice's slip talking to Fluke? She said the gangster she got her heart from was shot by an FBI lady!! When NO ONE KNOWS Jordan in undercover. Alice should think he was shot by a drug runner protecting herself from being raped. Disappointed in that slip up.


    I got that. I thought Fluke was gonna alert someone.

  16. Man, Nik needs to spank the crap outta Spencer.

  17. Loved Liesl & Helena. She trembled in fear when Helena threatened her. Hells has to be the only person Obrecht is scared of.

    Nik appears at Liz's door tomorrow. UGH! Both of them just use the other when they're on the rebound. No. More. Niz. Please.

  18. Lauren, the REAL Luke is the guy tied up in the basement. Fluke is the guy opposite him. Faison just put a mask on for one day.

    I think Larry Ashton is awol. Because I won't accept that it might be ashton in a mask. It HAS TO be Bill Eckert.

  19. We saw Courtney die, but we also saw Bill Eckhert die, so I wouldn't put it past the writers to resurrect more people. It's just not always the ones the viewers want to see.

    I do not want to see Niz again, I was disappointed to see Nikolas show up on Liz's doorstep so fast. I like her with Jake and I hope the writers didn't put them together for so many weeks just as a placeholder for Jason and Sam. It remains to be seen if new Jason has chemistry with Sam. However I don't want new Jason with Liz if he's still a hitman.

    Even if Faison can't be tried for murder since Jason is alive, what about attempted murder? It always seems to be, "Well, so-and-so isn't really dead, so you're off the hook." Faison isn't a character essential to the daily flow of stories, surely he can go to an actual prison for a long time until the writers bring him back for another story. That would make more sense than Helena getting him off on some lame technicality.

  20. Please, no Courtney ever again. Almost as bad an actress as Natalia L. So much great stuff yesterday! Anna the Divine and Faison - brilliant. Leisl and Helena, Nik (great acting from Tyler)and Spencer, Alice and Luke, and Britt and Brad. I also am glad they finally addressed the poor Britt issue with a valid explanation of her finances. Was Jake going to walk to work? He should be getting therapy to help regain his identity.

  21. After being so pissed about the mask again I'm getting sucked in as it's becoming a joke now. Mystery of the mask. Love delcodave- cast of AMC! I actually was hoping it's Alan behind the real Fluke but seems there's a connection to Cassadines. Not sure Helena would have taken Alan to Cricton Clark. Karen knows all about Bill Eckert- but I don't remember him at all. From the 70s? Maybe during my drunk college days. Are there more Cassadines it could be? Stephan? It's so corny you have to watch now.
    Courtney didn't bother me - and wouldn't surprise me if they bring her back. ALL come back from the dead on GH. However, she wasn't all good! Didn't she bag Nicholas when she was married to Jax? They weren't sure who the daddy was to her baby.
    Amazing acting by all today. Love.

  22. "JasonRoks said...I actually was hoping it's Alan behind the real Fluke"

    Why do you want Alan to be Fluke?

  23. I'm thinking that FLUKE has got to be Jerry, he is in this up to his chin.

  24. I think Finola and Anders need Emmys RIGHT. NOW. just based on the whole scene where he grabs ahold of her. Incredible.

  25. I think it would be great to see Courtney again. What if Helena blackmailed Nik into doing something awful just so that his son could spend sometime with his mother. I believe Nik would do it.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...