Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Having a Ball Yet?

Oh, Just set that thing off already, will ya? 
Well, it was a weird week for me at least. I watched Mon-Thursday then didn't see Friday's show until Saturday. FF really helps--lol. Sometimes I think all the commercials are just making the show seem to drag during the live watching. 

*Most of the acts-- the actors put it out there and for that, I applaud them. I wish more were actually in the variety show but I'll take what I can get.   
*Krissy--Valerie chem test. Sure it was a Burt's Bees promo but hey, don't care. Just get them on more than 2x a month and maybe we'd have something!
*Mario was a decent addition. Cute, did the red carpet well. 
*Helena-I'm glad she's an illusion. I do wish she would be in full on Kabuki Makeup however. Give her some more creepy :) 
*Valentin singing and playing piano because I had no idea


*Not having Robin for the actual Ball.  I get that she's Pregnant but she was on at the airport. Put her in there.  I was hoping she'd have her baby during it. But...GH.
* Too many damn BREAKS between acts. Used to be the NB would be a day or two with almost all acts. A break here, there. Now it's all break and one act. 
*Not having Lucas and Brad there. It's the one time I could count on seeing them together
*Double Ditto for Alexis and Molly. Um, Krissy was in the show....? 
*Mac should have been there to avenge Mr. Marbles
*I was sad Nina wasn't her usual fun self on the red carpet. I get it was part of the story line but I like her goofy when she's interviewing.  
* Nelle the Kidney Princess-- because zzzzzzzzzzz. 

Let's talk about some other snarky stuff, shall we? 

LULU's DRESS: Dear GOD--come on! LOL.. we didn't even wear this kind of maternity tent in the 90s! There are so many great gowns for pregnant ladies out there. I'm sorry but it was a funny distraction. Like, REALLY funny. The material and color were gorgeous but--hell, anyone could have been hiding under there! 

NURSE AMY:  She does have a great voice. I'm sure she's a good actress--but man, can they write her LESS ANNOYING, please??? And get this--she's going to have a story line now. Stalking Nathan or some such non-sense. It could be interesting if they did a stalking thing right but I have NO HOPE. None. Zippo. It will be a filler until Ms Storms decides to get back.

I looked, and I found no less than 10 photos of THIS EXACT BILLY FACE. 

THE CHIMERA:  What a terrible story this mess is. I can't even begin to explain it all.  Jake wandering around like a zombie, staring at that damn can for DAYS ON END is not good TV.  BM sure seems to think this is stupid too, he hardly even tries anymore.  The Helena will reading was over a year ago. In all that time we saw Jake being a little creepy for a few weeks at the start of it all. Then he WAS GONE for almost the entire rest of the year!  Now all of a sudden it's BOOM! Here you go. If they were going to have this story get some life, strange stuff should have been happening for awhile. (and I'm not talking that stupid scarecrow) It's just all-- not very well planned or executed. 

BACK ENVY: Oh, you have NO IDEA how I've wanted to be able to look like this in a dress!! In the 70's Cher was my beauty idol. Think about it: a tall, olive skinned beauty with long long black hair compared to...well, Cindy Brady with short-waist. LOL Anyway, it's why I'm giving Liz best dressed. Love the print and oh, that back..

YES.  I'm not even a Valerie fan but lets get some people under the age of 40 that have life and maybe an angsty story. 

BEST OF THE WEEK:  (acting, not story) 

And Finally: Give Maura West ALL the awards. She was superb-- and acted the hell out of that scene. Carly and Sonny being all "you do anything to protect your kids"--like they don't do that lol. Like MORGAN never switched Michael's meds. Like Carly wouldn't claw some chicks eyeballs out to save Michael or Joss. They call him "little boy" AHAHAA.  But--that's not the point. Maura even got visually  SHOOK in that scene..sweaty, pale. Perfection. 
Don't get me wrong, this story was ill-conceived from the get go. Having Morgan go through his bipolar story, at least there was a purpose. Having Ava switch the pills out turned it into one more damn plot point. It's taken since Oct to get to get here.  Was it worth it? No, because Maura West could have had way better stories than this.  Hearing Sonny's hate spew out for yet another time--could have lived without it, thanks. 
PS. Ava's get-away jump suit was way better than her ball gown! 

The lantern was a good touch but I wish Ava would have used the gun and mowed Carly down. 

Ok, MONDAY'S SHOW is a repeat.  Not sure which one but if I were you I'd enjoy the Memorial Monday. See a parade, hang a flag--thank a vet, eat some picnic food. 

What did you think of the Nurses Ball? I am happy and grateful we still have it.  I would however, like to see it done up the way it should be! 


  1. And no Dr O singing. I missed her.

  2. Going to say what GH offline friends ALWAYS say to me. Thanks for even trying to watch/recap this for all of us. (They stopped watching months ago) Now just read recaps/see clips or have me detail the incredible crap fest that is.

    Can we just NOT with NB anymore. Its too long and no longer has the informative or emotional impact it did. Let's do a walk for Cates Wing,another carnival heck even a bachelor auction.(yeah goal there is hot guys in tuxes still. LOL)

    IF NV is right "kids" are expensive to shoot with schooling, caretakers, teacher aides, camera time. THEN. AGE the damn kids. Emma now has too play with Jake & Charlotte since Joss her BFF last summer is now 8 years older then her. Emma/Jake were NEVER portrayed as close. She dated Cam & Spencer. Charlotte & Jake should've been made too know each other from CI and she was one of the Creepy Children Helz was manipulating. Drop this chimera mess.

    It's past time BH get over her 40 plus yo old ass "I'm too young looking for teens" and have teens onscreen like she's raising IRL. Cam should come back from a visit w/Lucky. As hell raising, anger boy man-child he should be. Chasing after Joss & Lila Rae and being like a Zander, sexy smoldering bad boy with a heart of gold that's been overlooked, used and pushed aside for golden child Jake or the "Man of the Moment" by Liz. Also if can cut a deal w/Rick H would still have paternity question raised by Cam... "Mom, we know u play fast & loose with DNA results so I'm going to test Ric or Molly and know the truth for myself, and heaven help u mom if u denied me a father and family all these years!" #soapydrama

    Time to divide and conquer. Franco/Liz moving in together and trying to be a romantic couple with 3 kids, an aging Grams, a semi demanding hospital job and then the issues of TPTB FINALLY having civil lawsuits be told ONSCREEN. Liz having to deal w/Franco drama in the news again and trying to justify to herself and her sons. If he has a mental illness then where is therapy with Kevin/Andre? Where's him going to work to provide for a family of four? Where is Heather still butting in and proving that "Franco is Franco, tumor or not."

    Jason/Sam also need a story that involves them. He was gone for over 3 years. Sam in that time raised a kid, fell in love w/Patrick, planned new, different life and ran her business w/Spin. Hire Curtis for field work, she adds him to McCall & Jackel PI. Have the city hire them for cases PCPD is JUST NOT solving and they get a higher profile which brings an enemy from the past back for Sam or Curtis. If Spin is staying could even be him he worked for Alcazar & Corinthos - Morgan has hacked a lot of things and could've made a lot of enemies. Jason needs SOMETHING to do. Either run legitimate Assets of Corinthos - Morgan Import or maybe set up an off shore Casino&Club w/Carly and it would give a more realistic set then that dumb ass Haunted, Never any Customers Star. Jason could go back to security at ELQ and investigate with McCall/Jackel & Ashford.

    GH is only show where its Lust in the afternoon instead of Love. Where are love scenes? Where is passion btwn the pairings? Everyone looks bored&uninspired. Sam just had a baby. Hayden having a baby adds another kid s/l we don't need. Have Hayden getting the hospital on its feet with secret $$ funded in. Turns out to be Berlin fund missing money that she's had knowledge/access too. Have Hayden move into Johnny or even Jax's old PH set and get everyone out of MC as if its a rooming house and not supposedly a luxury hotel

    Just wish a show that's fighting for survival on a network that wants out of the soap bizness to try whatever gains new/returning viewers. Stop hiring people that were fired for bad work on 6 thousand other shows.

  3. Damn mess. Long overdue for Jelly, Frank and that swarmy little Varni to hit the road!

    1. We know that but it's never gonna happen as long as they're winning the awards...

  4. I've been intriqued by the backstory of Anna and Valintin and the acting that is carrying it. Especially, those moments when Valintin gets wrought up to the point of stuttering again or struggling to erase his emotions about Anna. This has also given Nina a better story (I've always found her very annoying) and while I don't quite understand the need for the twin kidnapping...well, sort of, but it is all coming together.
    I am a bit disgusted that no one seems to remember Morgan was a pain in the a.. and not a sweet boy. OK, mother forgiven, but really, for some of us it was a relief to see him go.
    I think Liz and Franco need more romantic moments. They always seem to be rushing here and there. And Franco needs his job back and he should go back to school to get the qualifications. Art therapy is something a messed up guy like him would be good at. (I always try to forget that dreadful movie actor who was a mass murderer named Franco--this Franco is just Todd moved to PC.)
    I agree that Billy Miller looks bored and is barely phoning it in--but he's been like that all along, really. I hope they never tie him up with Sonny again. Maybe he can open his motorcycle shop and run that for a living. I guess they are living on the old Jason's ill-gotten gains...does he remember where he stashed the off-shore accounts?

    The Nurses Ball this year seemed kinda short and rushed, but I enjoyed most of it. I'm old so the music was nahaa to me, but the cast was doing some good work. The effort this must take is staggering.

    1. I've always found Nina annoying, except for her short stint with Franco.
      I remember what a pain in the rear Morgan was, couldn't stand the character and am so tired of hearing his name.

  5. The actress who plays Amy was apparently fat shamed on some social media recently. She replied that she loves herself. I have no argument with her size. But she sucks in the crappy role they have given her. She is a good singer, but a terrible actress, at least on this show. She and Nelle are two of the main characters we could do without on my list. We have to watch these two, and Lucas, for example, is completely MIA?? Someone tell the writers we don't need more storylines, just more GOOD ones.
    And Bless Emme's little heart for wearing that hilarious dress. I loved it, every time she showed up in that balloon. She floated through her scenes like some giant pink warships.
    Oh, and most importantly, thank you again, Karen, for your blog and Sunday surgery. I don't think I would even watch the show if it wasn't for you.
    Have a great holiday, all.

    1. Yeh that dress!! Haha! There was a photo on IG (Instagram). I believe of Kelly Monaco hiding under it (I follow Emme) Hilarious!!

  6. Great SS and comments above! The NB was ok but too many cast members MIA. Maura was the highlight of the week, trying to fight those two hypocrites. I would like to see Nelle and Amy gone, as well as the memory of the obnoxious, unpleasant Morgan. Lulu's tent must have cost a fortune for a seemingly working class family. I loved Liz's dress, too, and Anna's. Tracy's goodbye show repeated Monday!

  7. I totally forgot about Dr. O not signing..ugh, !! Yes, she could have belted out something. They also don't put up a number to donate anymore--

    Did you also notice that Hayden and Finn were MIA? Further isolating them.

  8. Actually I am not entirely too sure that Helena is a "ghost" or "illusion" when Jake was backstage I believe it was Thursdays show, you saw her shadow approaching him that makes me wonder if she is alive but he is also seeing her in his mind due to the programming...sorry but I want Helena alive...she is too wickedly awesome to die...

  9. How do we know that Rebecca doesn't want her kids aged. Rebecca's kids are almost teenagers, so why doesn't the show want to age her kids. I have to think Frank and Nathan don't want to age her kids. The show only seems to care about Sonny's family. Why bother having the ball if have the cast is missing too.

    1. Yeh I doubt it's her doing, but theirs. Also she still looks quite young so maybe that is why they aren't aging? She certainly doesn't look like a 40 yr old woman, if I didn't know I wouldn't guessed late 20s early 30s.

  10. This show had a shot a few years ago, but that time has come and gone. It's circling the drain now and will be cancelled by 2020 for sure...Sad, because there are still GREAT actors in play: Fin Hughes, Maura West, the guy that plays Valentine, Dr. O, Genie Francis, KIN SHRINER MY MAIN MAIN, Lynn Herring, etc. BUT they are all being missued. Also, the problem is not Billy Miller - the problem is the character of Jason who is boring and one note. Steve Burton played him that way for years and Miller does now too because the character is in a deep rut.

  11. Karen, thanks for the great SS, I agreed with everything you said about the NB. I am crying because Dr. O wasn't able to perform :(

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. K said...

    My laptop is FINALLY working again now, after being unable to use it at all for the past 4 days. This whole week has been pretty...underwhelming, really. Thurs and Friday particularly so. So actually finally being able to comment has DEFINITELY been needed.

    I'll try to keep this as brief and coherent as I possibly can, and will just try and say it as it comes to me. (I.E. there is no particular reason as to the order of what I say.)

    First I'll just start off with the NB. I dunno how much time was focused on it and the performances this year, but it definitely felt MUCH shorter than before. There definitely were fewer actual performances. My favorites being Ned and Olivia doing George Michael, and Valentin doing Billy Joel, hands down. The lack of Dr. O performing this year was very much missed. KG is such a talented person. The opening number did make me wonder though, since it's been very well established that GH is a VERY busy constantly working hospital, just exactly HOW and WHEN it was actually able to be shot. Since something that elaborate would've had to take awhile to shoot, especially due to all of the nurses performing! (Which seeing Bobbie in scrubs again and performing made me VERY happy!) Not to mention it's essentially the busiest nurses station, always. All that aside, the lack of Monica, Kevin, Lucas, Brad, Finn and Hayden was quite strange. Especially since they all work at GH. And OF COURSE except for the ball itself, and Jake's stuff (I'll get to that in a sec) EVERYTHING else revovled around Sonny and Carly, and Morgan's death. :P

    As far as the stuff with Jake, I'm VERY glad they went the spectral route with Helena, and not just tjat she didn't die. As far as the Chimera mess itself, none of it makes sens at all. For one thing, it this is something that's been around for a few decades, why is everyone so focused on finding it NOW, and why not years ago?

    And I know I've said so several timea in the last month, but the Alex I know from AMC is NOT at all the one that we've seen on GH

    One last thing. Lulu's dress made me IMMEDIATELY made me think of this:


  14. I'm thinking when then Chimera canister opens a big springy snake will pop out of it. Dont think these writers can do much better.

  15. JSL...Best. Comment. Ever.

  16. I agree the Nb was way to short and with too many unknown performers. Sonny and Carly are THE biggest hypocrites ever. Getting so tired of the same stuff with them.

    1. While I'm totally not a fan of Carson or even Morgan I do like how they creates a United front (even though they are divorcing) against Ava. Laura and Maura brought it as actors, Maurice was eh...

  17. JSL said...

    I'm thinking when then Chimera canister opens a big springy snake will pop out of it. Dont think these writers can do much better.

    ** The really sad part about that idea, is that I really don't think your that far off the mark, at all, with it. As much as I REALLY wish it wasn't the case, after reading interviews and what not with Jelly over the last several years during their previous tenure over at Y&R right before coming to GH, and since they've been at GH, it's fairly evident that they're in their own "little world/heads" And are pretty oblivious to most everything else.


  18. Michelle Latta said...

    While I'm totally not a fan of Carson or even Morgan I do like how they creates a United front (even though they are divorcing) against Ava. Laura and Maura brought it as actors, Maurice was eh...

    ** You're totally right about "Laura and Maura" (Is it just me or does that sound like the name of a really awful children's musical group?) Both really are great actors, and just keep getting better over time. Maurice on the other hand has gone completely in the other direction. I liked him when he was on AMC in the late 80s, and during his original GH stint. But, when he came back in the late 90s, for the most part, it's all been downhill since then. I just wish they hadn't done this during the NB this year, is my biggest issue. It was so shortened enough as is, to begin with. Then to just see that go down (which will be rehashed several times this week (and most likely next also.

    I did forget to point out yesterday, that GH VERY badly needs to get their shit together when it comes to delivering PSAs and product endorsements. The whole "Burt's Bees' plug was just painful to watch.


  19. What a total let down this Chimera storyline has been. All that angst with Jake staring at the darn thing and then nothing. Pathetic

  20. Lante home: Oh look! Dante shaved!!! :) Fresh faced. Oh boy what is it midnight? And Lulu, Laura, and the girls are playing charades? :) ROFL!


    Nathan and Amy: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Amy you had no right putting his picture online!!! TAKE IT DOWN!!!!

    Lante home: Oh look! Dante shaved!!! :) Fresh faced. Oh boy what is it midnight? And Lulu, Laura, and the girls are playing charades? :) ROFL!


    Carson and Ava: Great scene!!!!! Love how Ava called them hypocrites!!!! You tell them Ava!!!

    Carson: Well Ava did warn you that you could get lost you idiots! Oh Sonny doesn't want to call 911? And you call yourself a Catholic! Glad Carly called 911!! Oh gee Dante was fresh faced before, and he quickly got a 5:00 shadow! ROFL!

    Ava: Huh?! They take her out in a garbage bag?! ROFL!

    The nurses ball room: When Jake was holding onto the Chimera, I was loud! I kept yelling OPEN IT JAKE!! OPEN IT!!!! Oh crap he shut it down!!! Well that was anti climatic. I'm bored now. Hmmm the camera panned to the magic box.. Why? Is there a bomb!?!?!:) Ghost Helena won the line of the day!

    Helena: Enough of this drivel.

    ROFL! Oh look bad men!!!!

    Bad men: The hell you trying to pull?

    V.C.: Run!

    I LOVE IT! :) He smiles at her and says run!!!! It was great! :) And love the old school fist fighting!!! :) OH NO!!! V.C. GOT SHOT!!! DON'T DIE!!! Is he gonna die? I don't want him to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    V.C. and Anna: They had a great scene too!!!

  21. I actually liked yesterday's show, but wish it hadn't taken so long.

  22. The Chimera stuff was disappointing but I likde some parts of the show. Shame on Sonny and Carly - their phones didn't work IN the warehouse, had to wait until they got outside? What Ava did to Morgan was bad but Morgan switched Michael's medication, too. She wasn't responsible for the actions that led to his death, if indeed he is dead. CT looks incredible for her age and they sure know how to dress her!

  23. "LindaV says CT looks incredible for her age and they sure know how to dress her!"

    Yes she does, and yes they do sure know how to dress her! :)

  24. sonya said...

    Lante home: Oh look! Dante shaved!!! :) Fresh faced. Oh boy what is it midnight? And Lulu, Laura, and the girls are playing charades? :) ROFL!

    ** I've always thought he looks better that way. Now to just get Nathan to do the same thing!


    Nathan and Amy: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Amy you had no right putting his picture online!!! TAKE IT DOWN!!!!

    ** I have yet to find any redeeming values for her, at all. And I have a bad feeling that they're gonna keep ramming her down our throats more and more now. :P I've now started to see her name mentioned in episode descriptions on my cable box, which usually ends up meaning that said person becomes more involved storywise, now. (At least that's generally how things go I've noticed, since actual brief episode descriptions have started to show up in the listings for soaps anymore.


    Carson and Ava: Great scene!!!!! Love how Ava called them hypocrites!!!! You tell them Ava!!!

    ** By no means whatsoever was swapping out Morgan's pills a WISE or even good idea on Ava's part. But, I do think she was had a VERY valid point about how S&C handled Morgan's depression and care, left a LOT to be desired, and definitely should have had a much larger/more active role in his treatment. They really did drop the ball on it.

    Carson: Well Ava did warn you that you could get lost you idiots! Oh Sonny doesn't want to call 911? And you call yourself a Catholic! Glad Carly called 911!! Oh gee Dante was fresh faced before, and he quickly got a 5:00 shadow! ROFL!

    ** Don't you just LOVE Sonny's "honor"? They could have helped her get out of there VERY easily.

    Why? Is there a bomb!?!?!:) Ghost Helena won the line of the day!

    Helena: Enough of this drivel.

    ** Truer words have never been spoken!


  25. LSV422 said...

    What Ava did to Morgan was bad but Morgan switched Michael's medication, too. She wasn't responsible for the actions that led to his death, if indeed he is dead.

    ** Funny how everyone (especially Sonny and Carly) has completely forgotten about that, isn't it? I really do hope he stays dead. I couldn't stand BC, though. He just got on my nerves from right when he started, and just got more and more so, as time went on. But, as a friend once said to me: In Port Chuck, mortality is ....fluid. (for better or for worse)



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...