Tuesday, May 2, 2017

General Hospital: News and Notes

As you can see, I'm so not invested in the show right now. I went on my tirade about their complete lack of respect for history and what the viewers have actually watched and now I'm just tired.

That said, I shall still keep you up to date on the happenings around Port Charles!

Roger Howarth is in "protracted" contract negotiations at the moment.  (Meaning not settled yet). He told us at the meet/greet I went to he flies out to LA, does his scenes, flies back.  Could be a sticking point? Not sure.

The GH Account tweeted this photo today saying: Look who's at the Nurses' Ball so it's clearly not going to be an issue there. 

Sonny's new lawyer, wonder if they'll end up you know, doing what Sonny does best. Doesn't she look like a cross between NLG and Sabrina? 

Not sure if you knew, but The Writer's Guild was threatening a strike--which always turns things upside down in all of TV. Well, they reached an agreement last night so, no worries! 

I heard Samira what's her face and Larry were scamming Tracy all along? REALLY? We sat through this for....THAT? AHAHHA. Glad I didn't watch the reveal or I probably would have thrown bar ware. 

How do you think Tracy will leave? With Luke? Just driving off? Alice? What? Remember her last airdate is Thursday.


  1. This is my thought on how they will write off tracy. this is based on the incompetence of the writers and the fact that they cannot - CANNOT - write an original thought down on a piece of paper. Everything they do is recycled and rehashed. this is soemthing that has been written many many times in the past in various scenarios, so i see this happening.

    so, here it goes...

    tracy decided to go on a trip around the world on a much needed vacation. talks about all the cities she wants to see and things she wants to do. sightsee, cruises, etc. one by one she says goodbye to her family. monica, ned, dillon, etc. she is alone in the living room and says goodbye to her parents' photo. She begins to walk out the front door and we see a hand with a black leather glove on it come up from behind her and cup her mouth and stop her. She tries to scream and looks up/over at her assailant and...

    black screen

    cliffhanger that is never resolved.

    we dont know who the assailant is. friend (luke?) or foe? previous mob tie?

    we dont know what happens next. the writers KEEP US HANGING as they always do with every storyline they deliver because they dont have a clue how to write a beginning middle and end. That's the end. A shitty end to a storied career because the writers suck that bad right now.

    and Tracy is never mentioned again....

    (and the fans revolt. and no one listens)

  2. I think that Tracy will leave with Luke, as many here are saying that Luke is returning to GH for one day.

  3. Ohhh so that is how you pronounce that word? I always thought it was pronounced Chi merah! So it's pronounced Ki merah.

    Paint and Wall home:

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Friz home:

    Liz: You're awfully good at that.

    I thought she meant the sex at first hahaha! I'm glad that BobTodd is part of this story and that Paint and Wall let him be there!

    The pier:

    Alex and V.C.: ??????????????? Is she faking the twisted ankle? Was she the one who did something to V.C.'s car and phone?! I am so lost! Oh man I thought they were going to kiss at first. JELLY GIVE US A CLUE THAT SHE ISN'T ANNA!!! Throw us a bone!!!!!! So she wants the truth about Chimera?!?!?! Is that why she has been spying on him?!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Joss and Sonny: FANTASTIC SCENE!!!! Great actress! Go Joss!!! :)She has every right to be bad at you Sonny!

    Carly and Sonny: Talking about Pilly again! I know where Pilly is!!! He has been dating an Aspirin bottle! :)

    Carly and Joss: Great scene!!! And great question Joss!!! Why is Carly still wearing her wedding ring?!:)


    Ava and Scotty: Well well well. Ava is so calm and relaxed. :) They are so cute together!! :) Come on Sava just kiss already! :)

    Haunted Star:

    Sonny and mystery woman: Oh goodie. A new woman for Sonny to bang and for her to fall in love with and become dumb! Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: I don't like to whine about my problems.

    BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! What? You always whine about your problems Sonny! :)

    1. How much do you want to bet that is carlys new lawyer sonny is with.

    2. Sonny better go stock up on Trojans.

  4. dear antjoan,

    i have heard that many times on the internet. that he was in the studio, etc. my thinking is that perhaps TG was in the studio for a farewell party/luncheon for Jane, but didnt film any scenes and the photo op of them together ran rampant with speculations and no one disputed it. (red herring?)

    just my thoughts. i have absolutely NO knowledge and I am looking forward like everyone to see how things play out on thursday.

    it is entire possible that TPTB asked Jane for her input in how she wants to be witten out and she mentioned bringing TG back for a day. They seem to really have an incredible off camera friendship.

    its going to be nice to be spoiler-free for this one.

  5. "Michelle Latta said...Sonny better go stock up on Trojans."

    ROFL! Always keep that "umbrella" with you at all times Sonny! :)

  6. Is it just me? Or does what's been said about Roger's contract negotiations sound JUST LIKE what we were told when WDV was working his out a couple months ago?


  7. AntJoan said...

    I think that Tracy will leave with Luke, as many here are saying that Luke is returning to GH for one day.

    He is, it was confirmed in this week's issue of SOD. He will definitely be in Thursday's show.


  8. sonya said...

    Haunted Star:

    Sonny and mystery woman: Oh goodie. A new woman for Sonny to bang and for her to fall in love with and become dumb!

    ** Or stab him in the back, (Either literally, or figuratively) In any case, we all know this will NOT end well!

    Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: I don't like to whine about my problems.

    BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! What? You always whine about your problems Sonny! :)

    ** I don't think Sonny will EVER understand that "denial" is not just a river in Egypt. :)


  9. Sonny with that woman was kinda hot!! So I had a nice dream about Sonny last night (nothing naughty, just something nice . . .)

  10. If, as someone said here, that she is Carly's new lawyer, then maybe she set a trap for Sonny so he would commit adultery? It does look like she was a set up, except that I think she was there first, and how would she know Sonny would go there?

  11. By "there," I meant to the Haunted Star.

  12. Sonia said: JELLY GIVE US A CLUE THAT SHE ISN'T ANNA!!! Throw us a bone!!!!!!

    I think when "Anna" didn't recognize Nathan was our clue.

  13. I don't really care about a new romance or whatever for Sonny - his lover boy days are long gone. And it wouldn't break my heart to see RH leave. Wasn't anyone even curious that not a shred of Morgan's body was ever recovered - just a necklace, since he is still a main topic of conversation. I'm not even enjoying watching "Anna" and VC. I do however love anything with Ava and Scott! Did Paint and Wall leave the baby and Danny alone at home when they rushed over to Liz's in 2 minutes? Karen, the only thing worth seeing in the painting reveal was Ned in the spotlight!

  14. "K says Or stab him in the back, (Either literally, or figuratively) In any case, we all know this will NOT end well!"

    No! It won't end well you are right!

    "I don't think Sonny will EVER understand that "denial" is not just a river in Egypt. :)"

    Hahahahaha. No I don't think so either! :)

    "Sandi said...I think when "Anna" didn't recognize Nathan was our clue."

    Yeah and another clue was that she didn't know about the blood cancer.. I really want Jelly to let us in on who this is!!!! :)

  15. "LSV422 said... Did Paint and Wall leave the baby and Danny alone at home when they rushed over to Liz's in 2 minutes?"

    No. Paint said that Krissy is watching them.

  16. Sonya, ah, the invisible Krissy! I must have missed that mumble, LOL!

  17. "LSV422 said...Sonya, ah, the invisible Krissy! I must have missed that mumble, LOL!"

    ROFL! Yeah you must have. :) I wonder, since Amy and Krissy are BFF's now and roomates, that Krissy asks Amy to help with the kids! :)

  18. I'm confused...i realize I didn't watch the show for a whole wk but this woman...his new lawyer? He's already in bed with her???? Talk about moving fast!

  19. AntJoan said...

    If, as someone said here, that she is Carly's new lawyer, then maybe she set a trap for Sonny so he would commit adultery? It does look like she was a set up, except that I think she was there first, and how would she know Sonny would go there?

    ** After watching yesterday and today's shows, to me it just came across as a pure chance encounter. That having been said, when she told him she had to be somewhere in an hour, it became pretty obvious that she was gonna turn out to be Carly's lawyer. I was thinking she might have been setting him up in some sort of trap at first (ala Hannah) But, as things went on, I dismissed that thought.


  20. LSV422 said...

    Wasn't anyone even curious that not a shred of Morgan's body was ever recovered - just a necklace, since he is still a main topic of conversation.

    ** I have a friend who I think summed things up PERFECTLY: In PC mortality is...fluid. Really, even if they DID recover a body, that still doesn't necessarily mean he was definitely dead. I think probably the main reason this hasn't still been talked about lately, is that even before any specifics about when Brian was leaving, and/or how it was going to happen, we already pretty much knew they were gonna leave it open ended, in case he came back. But yeah, many many times in the past, we've seen a body, and the person still shows back up alive in a few years.


  21. sonya said...

    Yeah and another clue was that she didn't know about the blood cancer.. I really want Jelly to let us in on who this is!!!! :)

    ** Which is another reason, I can't see it being Alex, either. She was a very respected doctor. There is no way she would've not known about that. In last week's issue of SiD, when Jelly was talking about what was coming up in the next few weeks/months, the way they said things, there was no doubt at all that it's Anna. Usually whenever they talk about anything coming up, it's pretty easy to tell if there is something else going on, than what things look like. There wasn't anything at all like that. The ONLY other thing I can think of now, is maybe it's some DVX agent masquerading as her to try and find out what VC actually did with the Chimera mission stuff, when he was still WSB. She was really wanting him to tell her what he did with them. Other than that, I dunno at this point.


  22. K...interesting idea-- but why play Anna like this? It makes no sense. This is driving me nuts. Especially her "panic" about not knowing about the blood testing. Maybe she has memory losses because she's 'reprogrammed' by WSB--and she was back then too. ?? Like the Bourne Identity??

    See why I hate this?? It all makes no sense, so I watch it and go UGH because I have NO faith they can A) write this with any sense and B) are not changing crap as they go along.

    You know I haven't watched it all week--I don't miss it a bit. And I'm not enraged ;)

    1. Me either Karen. I did watch the Tracy flashback show but other than that nothing else and didn't miss it. I watched yesterday and will watch today but back to not watching after that....who knows if and when I'll tune in again.

  23. Boy! The night and morning came quickly in Port Chuckles!!!!

    Haunted Star:

    Martina and Sonny: Wow!!!! They are hot! Geez back in the day it took months for Sonny to have sex with someone.. The writers back in the day like to take their time and go slow.. Jelly likes wham bam thank you ma'am!!!! I hope Sonny used his "umbrella" but he has strong spermies, so wearing the "umbrella" won't matter! Oh oh Sonny's ring fell.

    Ring: Ow! I hit my head!!!

    Oh good morning! I loved how Carly just heard a noise and thought it was okay to try to open the door hahahahahahha!

    Lulu: Carly what are you doing? We have guests!

    Carly: Oh I didn't know!


    Carly and Lulu: Oh shut up Lulu and stop defending Sonny!

    Q home:

    Ned and Olivia's bedroom: Wow! We hardly get to see Ned with no shirt on!!!! :) He was looking at something.. I was thinking Is that adoption papers for baby uncle Leo aka Lorenzo Alkazar?

    Living room: Oh love Kiwi's outfit. So pretty. Wow Tracy invited a lot of people! Ned is going to change his name!!! When he said his new name, I had tears.. Oh man I'm tearing up again!! :( Oh so that is what the paper is about!!!! Edward Laurence Quartermaine!!! OH NED!!!!! :'( Karen if you didn't watch yesterday's show, that's fine, just watch this scene!!!!! It will make you all choked up!!!! :( Oh gee there are two Karen's here.. The Karen I mean, is our Wubqueen.. Watch the Ned scene!!!!! Olivia wins the line of the day.

    Olivia: So make your announcement already, so that your guests don't starve to death!


    Naxie's home: Boy I wonder whomever put water on Nathan's body, enjoyed doing so. :) Wait Maxie is coming home?!!?! THAT'S GREAT! Wait I didn't hear anything about Kirsten Storms coming back. That place is a mess hahahahaha!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Lucy, Dante, and Nathan: Lucy has changed. It used to be she would go on and on and on and don't even think about how other people feels. Now, she goes on and on and then stops short and notices how people are feeling.:) Awwwww Maxie isn't coming home after all. :( Love the Dante and Nathan scene.

    Lawyers private room:

    Diane and Carly:

    Diane: Jasper Jax is in least of need of help. I'm sure he has got a team of lawyers. Even now as we speak. Negotiating. With the Government. I give it a year maybe two before he is back in the country.

    Diane is right!!!!! I LOVE YOU DIANE!!! Oh wait is this foreshadowing? Is Jax coming back in a year or two? No I don't wait that long!!!! Oh my Diane almost convinced Carly to back down where Sonny is concerned, but then she didn't see his ring hahaha. Oh wait! Where IS the ring! The last we saw of it, it was on the floor and it hit it's head!

    Sonny, Diane, and Carly: Oh good Carly's Lawyer is here.. It's the woman Sonny slept with!


    1. Lulu knew who was in the room????

    2. I meant to say Lulu knew Sonny was in the room?

  24. Oh forgot one other thing.

    Tracy: I'm leaving.


  25. "K says Which is another reason, I can't see it being Alex, either. She was a very respected doctor. There is no way she would've not known about that. In last week's issue of SiD, when Jelly was talking about what was coming up in the next few weeks/months, the way they said things, there was no doubt at all that it's Anna. Usually whenever they talk about anything coming up, it's pretty easy to tell if there is something else going on, than what things look like. There wasn't anything at all like that. The ONLY other thing I can think of now, is maybe it's some DVX agent masquerading as her to try and find out what VC actually did with the Chimera mission stuff, when he was still WSB. She was really wanting him to tell her what he did with them. Other than that, I dunno at this point."

    I dunno!!!! I just want Jelly to let us in on what is going on through Anna!!!! I am getting sick of being in the dark!!!!

  26. "Martina and Sonny: Wow!!!! They are hot! Geez back in the day it took months for Sonny to have sex with someone.. The writers back in the day like to take their time and go slow.. Jelly likes wham bam thank you ma'am!!!! I hope Sonny used his "umbrella" but he has strong spermies, so wearing the "umbrella" won't matter! Oh oh Sonny's ring fell. "

    Back in the day before Claudia Z. He slept with her the 1st night.

  27. "Cheryl said...Back in the day before Claudia Z. He slept with her the 1st night."

    Slept with who?

  28. Claudia Zaccarah.

    He slept with her the 1st night she was in PC, before anyone knew who she was. They played pool in a bar & then played matress tag.

  29. "Cheryl said... Claudia Zaccarah. He slept with her the 1st night she was in PC, before anyone knew who she was. They played pool in a bar & then played matress tag."

    Hahaha. Sonny just loves his one night stands. :)

  30. OMG. Who HASNT Claudia slept with the night that she met them?

  31. kdmask said...

    K...interesting idea-- but why play Anna like this? It makes no sense. This is driving me nuts. Especially her "panic" about not knowing about the blood testing. Maybe she has memory losses because she's 'reprogrammed' by WSB--and she was back then too. ?? Like the Bourne Identity??

    ** Thanks Karen, I've probably been putting WAY too much time and thought into this and similar GH stuff right now. I really have no idea why Jelly is doing what they are. I've been wracking my brain trying to sort things out. If this still IS Anna, but she isn't able to resist someone elses control, remember Faison did that in the past. I'm not saying for sure that's what's going on, but since it has been done before, it's at least plausible. Though, I'm definitely leaning towards it not being Alex, again. At this point, if this isn't Anna just being written VERY out of character, or isn't under somebody else's control, this being a DVX agent posing as her is about the most logical scenario I can think of currently.

    See why I hate this?? It all makes no sense, so I watch it and go UGH because I have NO faith they can A) write this with any sense and B) are not changing crap as they go along.

    ** I agree with you wholeheartedly! Really, this is EXACTLY how they did stuff when they were writing Y&R also. One of the biggest takeaways I've had from what they've done over the past several years, is they don't know the history, and don't really seem to give a damn that they don't. They have admitted in the past that they do make stuff up as they go along. Not to mention they really don't give a damn about the fans opinions, either. There's a fairly sizable bit in the last issue of ABC SiD (the one before what's out right now) where they answer questions readers had sent in before, one of them being if they listen to fans. If you can find a copy somewhere (It's not online anywhere, I've checked) I very highly recommend reading it, and the other questions fans asked.

    You know I haven't watched it all week--I don't miss it a bit. And I'm not enraged ;)

    ** Yeah, a BIG reason why I adopted the practice of recording EVERYTHING and watching stuff later on, is so I can at least FF the stuff that's really really bad. Because like I've said in the past, growing up and watching soaps with my grandmother is at this point one of the only things that I shared with her, and have left. Not to mention with my health/medical issues and what not, even though there are only 4 left, they're still one of the best "escapes" that I've got, to be able to lose myself in completely for a bit, better than anything else does. Even when stuff is such a mess like GH is now, there is still SOME good stuff in there, at least. Though being able to actually go back and rewatch stuff I haven't seen in decades, and thought she'd probably never see again, on Youtube has been amazing.


  32. sonya said...

    Oh good morning! I loved how Carly just heard a noise and thought it was okay to try to open the door hahahahahahha!

    ** That's pretty much to be expected from her, though! As much as she's matured over the past decade, except for with her kids, what Carly wants to do, she does. Screw what anyone else thinks!

    Q home:

    Living room: Oh love Kiwi's outfit. So pretty. Wow Tracy invited a lot of people! Ned is going to change his name!!! When he said his new name, I had tears.. Oh man I'm tearing up again!! :( Oh so that is what the paper is about!!!! Edward Laurence Quartermaine!!! OH NED!!!!!

    ** Yeah, it was VERY hard to hold back tears. Ned was wrong about one thing though: Michael is NOT a Corinthos, he legally changed his name to Quartermaine. The nameplate on the door to his office at ELQ even reflected that a couple weeks ago.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...