Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Turkey Trot

What's left of the "Quartermaines" going down by another one. If you
count-- there are 5 left. Ned, Michael, Dillon, Tracy and I'm counting Monica. 

The writers and PTB on GH had at least a year to think of a creative exit and execution for the legacy character of Tracy Quartermaine. 

What do we get? A hastily thrown together short "story" about a painting in Turkey, in a monastery with a weeping woman in the wings.  Oh,, they even recast Larry Ashton. 
The ONLY thing good about this story was that Laura and Tracy went together.  The sets were cheap, the story was thin and it wasn't even on that much. 

Of course Jane played everything to the hilt. Of course Tracy's 'trial' was saved by her eloquent monologue. And yet. Who was in the scenes with her?  Scotty. Diane--Nathan and...Sonny. That right there says it all. 

The Turkey thing was just--cheap and sad. Even the set was cheesy and so "soapy".  I know they can't afford location shoots but geeezze. The Samira actress? Sorry but in ALL of LA, this is who you choose?  We are to think she's Edward's daughter...but..she's not. We are to think she has a daughter who was kidnapped....but she doesn't.  WELP! Thanks for 3 weeks of mind-numbing clues that led to-- nothing. 
In other words: A Turkey. 

Tracy should have been ushered out under something like Parkinson's or MS. A disease that is devastating and long lasting. Doctors and nurses at the hospital would have been directly involved. Tracy could have gone for treatment where we knew she'd be safe and that her loved ones could visit her when needed.  The build up of that would have been amazing. 

 Everyone is all giddy about the Monica Tracy scene at the end. "We could have been friends all along" (Feud, anyone?). However, if GH had half a creative brain, they would have had those 2 being all Frankie and Grace for most of the year.  Aging, name it. Why bother tho when you have newbies like Nelle to fill our screens 24-7?? 

How about a nice Pizza Wedding Cake!!? 
Another point. Why in the HELL didn't they give Ned and Olivia a wedding before she left? Invite 80% of the cast. Splurge a little. Tracy and Olivia could have clashed on the catering for awhile, gotten it all set. The day of the wedding, they find out the company burned to the ground the night before. SO? Tracy ORDERS PIZZA (see I can get that in there as well). 

The funniest thing about her departure was of course, TG's hair-do at the end-- LOL. No, seriously-- having her just see him there and ......? Well, I guess we use our imagination, which can be good in some cases. Although not so  good in this case because everything was so thin before that, it was just the cap on a crap ending. 
They could have at least put a hat on him. Seriously. Sorry.  By a hat, dude. 

One last note: Of COURSE we had to see Sonny having throw-away sex with some newbie that I don't care about.   Of course Tracy was only on two days during her last week. A lot of what I hate about GH was pointed out on twitter the other day. People were all giddy because Ava and Griffin had ONE scene together and they 'had chemistry'. OMG-like you'll see those two again in what? 7-8 days for a short scene..then again in a month? Look at Lucas. What a gold mine they'd have in him and his totally opposite devious husband Brad. But? Nothin'.  So-- until it gets it's messes straightened out I'll be taking the show off the DVR. I may watch now and then because I love soap twitter and you all but as far as enjoying whatever this is? Nope. I'm tired of being all happy to see one or two scenes a week that are 'good' or 'meaningful'.  

If you want to know how I reallllly feel about the show you can read THIS BLOG post from last week.  

We've gotten so much rain here I need a boat.  Spring seems far, far away. I really hope wherever you are it's warm and blossoming with flowers!  


  1. "What's left of the "Quartermaines" going down by another one. If you
    count-- there are 5 left. Ned, Michael, Dillon, Tracy and I'm counting Monica."

    Don't forget Olivia!! She is changing her last name to Quartermaine!!! :)

    "The Samira actress? Sorry but in ALL of LA, this is who you choose? We are to think she's Edward's daughter...but..she's not. We are to think she has a daughter who was kidnapped....but she doesn't."

    Yeah it was a waste of time, but I am just glad that squinty girl is gone.

  2. I like the idea they wanted Tracy to have closure with her father. Makes sense but I think they could have done it without the Samir business. All of the heartfelt scenes Jane Elliot had were's frustrating they couldn't have it happen somehow organically over the few weeks with the characters on the show which could have set up for some consequences later. I did enjoy the last day scenes but it would have been fun to see her go around for the last few days to share her "live!" message each day with each person important to her. They could have drawn that out. A quirky moment I enjoyed was when Hayden said "excuse me?" and Tracy said "you heard me". Her last day made me cry. Will miss Jane and Tracy.

  3. Karen, you really are taking GH off of your DVR? You are our fearless leader, what will we do . . . I will continue to watch every day for the actors, the history, the wonderful moments that still are there. . .

  4. Karen, I am in Brooklyn, NY, and it is cold and rainy. I was out doing errands Friday in the worst rain I EVER have experienced, the highways were flooded, I thought my car would drown. Now they are calling for weather in the 50s for at least the next week . . . We had a few REALLY warm, actually hot, days in April, some nice spring days, now it seems to have returned to winter. I grew up in upstate NY so I know how that goes, but I expected better in NYC . . .

  5. Just another comment on Tony's hair. The picture you posted makes him look awful, but I thought he didn't look that bad on the actual show, his hairstyle was shocking for Luke, but he looks far worse in the picture.

  6. Tracy could have had a much better exit story than the silly Samira story. Nad and Olivia's wedding probably should have been it. But I would have hated it had Tracy left with an illness. I want to think of her having a grand time in the world, with or without Luke. If Jane ever wants to return, it's left open for her. I hope she does stop back in Port Charles once in a while.

  7. Don't forget Jason and Danny are Q's!

  8. And Brooke Lynne, Maya, Zoe. Jimmy Lee has got to have chidren of his own, which would be Q grandkids (unless Edward disowned him. I can't remember). Celia was a Q, too, and she should have kids. A good writer could actually mine history and restore the Quartermaines.

  9. Karen,
    Warm and sunny? Not in Buffalo. Waterfowl are scouting my yard as a possible nesting area. I got 1 flower from all my daffodils. Nothing else even bothered. Just to the north Lake Ontario has closed lots of roads in Niagara County "indefinitely." This is crazy. It has to stop soon doesn't it?

  10. "Mrs. Goose said...Ohh. And Sky"

    She will always be a Chandler to me.

  11. I agree that Jane's exit story could have been (much) better, but I am glad they didn't go the illness route. So happy Samira is gone! I wonder how much they paid TG to return for that brief, dialogue-free scene? Your 'Grace & Frankie' idea for Monica and Tracy would have been great.

    Really wish Lucas was on more often. I hope he dumps Brad, and that he and Felix get together. (I know that won't happen).

  12. this is normally where I remind Karen that this is an emmy-award winning writing team who obviously knows more than we do since they wine such prestigious awards. unfortunately, this year, I can no longer say that.

    so instead...

    please keep in mind that this is the show that is considered BEST IN TELEVISION for daytime dramas and that the emmy committee much know more than we do to keep rewarding such a prestigious show the emmy year after year for outstanding drama.\\

    :) ha ha ha

  13. next year's emmy award categories:

    best performance by an actress in a scene with Maurice Bernard

    best supporting performance by an actress in a scene with Maurice Bernard

    best supporting performance by an actor in a scene with Maurice Bernard

    best performance by an offspring fathered by Sonny Corinthos

    best performance by a shattering piece of barware thrown by Sonny Corinthos

    you know.... we could be here all night...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. sonya said...

    "What's left of the "Quartermaines" going down by another one. If you
    count-- there are 5 left. Ned, Michael, Dillon, Tracy and I'm counting Monica."

    ** Jason was STARTING to get back that way, until Jelly decided to only give him back the ones that for all intents and purposes are the results of Sonny taking him in and turning him into a sociopathic killer. And Alan DID legally adopt Skye. (Besides who Zak listed ( who beat me to them)). I still feel like we're forgetting someone.

    Yeah it was a waste of time, but I am just glad that squinty girl is gone.

    ** I definitely agree with that! She just had a VERY "creepy" vibe about her, IMO.


  16. AntJoan said...

    I will continue to watch every day for the actors, the history, the wonderful moments that still are there. . .

    ** That's definitely one of my main reasons for sticking with it also. There's also that after watching for just about 40 years, stopping completely now (especially with the fact that we're down to only 4 soaps (Something that if someone told me 20 years ago, that there would only be 4 left in 20 years time, I'd have told them they were crazy (and that's AFTER the O.J. trial mess)) just wouldn't feel right, with any of the remaining ones. And like I've mentioned a few times in the past, that soaps are just about my last remaining link to my grandmother, she got me into them and we shared that.) GH has been up and down over the years, but like you said up above, there is still SOME good left there, and the potential for more. And that's what I try to embrace more than the bad (if I can.) One the things that's also helped a LOT, is that I can go to Youtube and rewatch older storylines I haven't seen since they originally aired, and never thought I'd see again. Sure the quality isn't very great a lot of the time, but just being able to watch again, is great.

    Just another comment on Tony's hair. The picture you posted makes him look awful, but I thought he didn't look that bad on the actual show, his hairstyle was shocking for Luke, but he looks far worse in the picture.

    ** I know I'm in the minority, being I like it. It fits "Tony". Which is great. I couldn't see him getting it cut shorter for 15 seconds of screen time at the most. As Luke got older, the shorter hair styles fit the character. Since he's retired now, he can do whatever he wants. Him showing up and agreeing to do that, was entirely for Jane, because of their friendship. Which considering how much he likes to keep his personal life private, and his history in general, says quite a bit. I admit I've been a big L&L fan since I started watching when things were just starting, though.


  17. Metrocourt hotel:

    Ava, Martina, and Carly: *snicker snicker* Ava is having fun. :)

    Martina and Carly: Oh yes! Keep your rings on Carly! Sure great idea!!!

    Maddox and Carly: Oh talking about Pilly! Gee Pilly isn't around. Must be with his girlfriend. Oh oh Maddox is figuring out the dosage!!! Keep digging Maddox!!! :)

    Sonny's home:

    Michael and Sonny: Michael, I love you, but STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!

    Ava and Sonny: This is fun! :) Come on Ava tell Carly what Sonny and Sonny Jr did! :)

    The REAL park:

    Michael and Avery: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) So sweet!!! They still are using that little actress who looks just like Maura West! :) Love that they are still using her! :)

    Michael and Nelle: Oh man!!!! Michael why are you talking to her like she is your friend?!!?!?! STOP IT! And Michael Jr, stop panting! I hear you!!!!

    Michael and Charlie: Love that he put the flower over her ear! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Ava and Avery: Avery wins the line of the day!

    Avery: Are you going to put me in your car?

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    The hospital:

    Liz and Sam: Hmmm why is Sam wearing Liz's pillow cover from her house?

    Friz: Hmmm BobTodd hugged her like he is never going to see her again!

    Hotel lobby: At first I thought it was Cassadine Island home!!!! But no it was the lobby! Wow they both got the same design!!!

    Jason and Daphne: Daphne is skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeered!!! I don't blame her for wanting to stay far away from Cassadine Island!!! Geez Jason can the picture of Jake be anymore darker?!!?! DAMN! How the heck can Daphne see him?!

  18. Loved seeing Avery! Adorable!!

  19. sonya said...

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Maddox and Carly: Oh talking about Pilly! Gee Pilly isn't around. Must be with his girlfriend. Oh oh Maddox is figuring out the dosage!!! Keep digging Maddox!!! :)

    ** I've had to deal with a dosage issue pretty closely to this, where I thought I'd been taking the higher dosage of one of my pain meds, but discovered several months later when I went to call in for a refill and used a different way of telling the nurse what I needed to have refilled at what dosage so I could have someone go up and get the scripts for me get refilled, and got a call back from the nurse that the dosage I said was wrong, (I'd been wondering for a bit why things didn't feel right.).Apparently one of the receptionists or nurses had gotten things screwed up. Luckily when I went to see the doctor next month, it all got straightened out and was NOWHERE near as serious. But, the point I was starting to make when I started this reply, was that having a dosage screw up like that isn't THAT hard to have happen.

    The REAL park:

    ** I wonder what had to be sacrificed budget wise, just to be able to afford this very small location shoot! (I really do miss the days when location shoots were much more common with all the shows, and when they DID do them, it wasn't as much of a contrast to stuff shot in the studio, unlike these days where they're so rare, they don't blend in as easily as in the past. ((B&B and Y&R being much better about it, (especially B&B since the Bell family still has control over things))

    Michael and Avery: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) So sweet!!! They still are using that little actress who looks just like Maura West! :) Love that they are still using her! :)

    ** We haven't seen her in so long, I completely forgot she was a toddler now, and was surprised for a minute when I first saw her, today. She definitely is still adorable!

    Ava and Avery: Avery wins the line of the day!

    Avery: Are you going to put me in your car?

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    ** For some reason that sounded a bit disturbing to me, coming from someone so adorable.

    Jason and Daphne: Daphne is skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeered!!! I don't blame her for wanting to stay far away from Cassadine Island!!! Geez Jason can the picture of Jake be anymore darker?!!?! DAMN! How the heck can Daphne see him?!

    ** He just held it up where the light hitting it wasn't at a very good angle. And/Or it looked like the phone didn't have a backlight on, which would definitely make it look darker like it did.


  20. Avery is so adorable, and just think that there are two of her!! I am really sick of the Sonny and Carly overload but I fast forward all of their scenes and get through the show in no time. I just can't take anymore of either of them, especially that smirking Sonny. Nice to see the outdoors! Looks like Franco is going to Cassadine Island, too, and will get there in about five minutes, not that he has any idea where it is or has any money for the very expensive plane tickets.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...