Thursday, May 11, 2017

What Say You!!? Soap Fans!


  1. I definitely have to take issue with the "all soap opera writing is horrible" statement. Sure, there is some awfully horrible writing out there (GH currently being a definite offender). But no means is EVERYTHING bad. For me (at least) more than any other genre out there, when it IS good, soaps have the ability to touch me, and make a connection with the characters. Especially if I've been watching it for decades.


  2. Roger Howarth staying on GH. Got new contract Read on Twitter

  3. I don't watch other soaps, but I think that the acting on GH is EXCELLENT. How they can memorize so many lines, do so many episodes, be given pretty bad material most of the time, and still make it all sing is a tribute to the actors.

  4. JSL said...

    Roger Howarth staying on GH. Got new contract Read on Twitter.

    ** I saw that on Soapcentral today, it defiitely made my day!


  5. AntJoan said...

    I don't watch other soaps, but I think that the acting on GH is EXCELLENT. How they can memorize so many lines, do so many episodes, be given pretty bad material most of the time, and still make it all sing is a tribute to the actors.

    ** Yeah, without a doubt the cast and their talent are a MASSIVE factor in making the awful writing still worth watching. The amount of work that goes into producing a soap is just insane. Which is why whenever someone says something to me about how silly or over the top they can be, after I explain about what it takes, they get pretty quiet after that.


  6. I couldn't finish watching. Couldn't stand his condescending tone.

    No, not ALL soap writing and acting is bad. It's not for everyone, obviously, but clearly, it's enjoyed by enough of us to keep several shows on for decades! It fills a need that no other type of show fills. For me, it's like visiting with friends every day, or the same enjoyment I have, reading a long novel; I also have fond memories of watching with my mother and sister, from the time I was 11. Yes, we saw movies, but those aren't what I remember,'s sitcoms on Saturday nights, and our soaps.

    I suppose this comment may get me into hot water, these days but... soaps are primarily for women, and viewed by women. So it doesn't surprise me that men don't get their appeal.


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