Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Watching the LAST 15 min today..change of tactics? Not really. I was busy, busy! 

Griff had no shirt on...sooooooo

Friz are all making out on the couch. 

Nina tells Charlotte to stay overnight at Lante's...I'm sure that's to piss off Val. 

Alex wants the Chimera. Cripes. Val says he's been addicted to "her" since the Academy.  Then he says he's going to end it and walks towards her with a scarf. Commercial. I guess we are supposed to think he strangled her because the next time we see him he's talking to Nina at the Metro saying "You'll never have to worry about Anna EVER AGAIN". 
Like they'd kill off Alex now. LOL Whatever. 

OMG I think Nelle is going to need a damn KIDNEY LMAO!! LOL  If I hear KIDNEY ONE MORE TIME@!!!! UGH

Jake talks to the beer can with the lion on it. 

Anna tells the nurse she's Anna NOT Alex... and that the doctor is in on it. 


  1. Bathroom:

    Griffy: I don't know where he is, if he is in his place or at the hospital, but DAMN! :) Sexy!!! He needs a love scene with a woman ASAP! :)

    Chandler mansion:

    Alex and V.C.: Her flirty flirtiness is making me feel sick! Whoever the hell she is!

    V.C. grabbing a scarf!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Kill her off!!!!

    "Karen says Like they'd kill off Alex now. LOL Whatever."

    Yeah you're right! Crap! :( V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: You didn't care so much when you asked me to steal it, now suddenly you're using you powers for good?


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Charlie and Griffy: Awwwww! This scene made me teary eyed.. Great scene!!! :)

    Lulu and Nina: Oh Lulu shut up! You have Charlie with you, and you are STILL whining!!!! UGH!

    Pier: Hmmm so Nelle has been out for 2 hours! Oy!

    Michael and Nelle: Oh goodie! Michael the white knight has saved the day.

    The hospital: Oh no! Michael looks so worried! And he also looks like he is in wuv!!!!

    Nelle's room:

    "Karen says OMG I think Nelle is going to need a damn KIDNEY LMAO!!"

    ROFL! And will Michael give her his kidney?!!?! Then when he does, they will bond! UGH!

    Liz's home: I wonder if Jake will take the Chimera and expose it to people at the nurses ball! Oh that is where Cam is!!! At camp!

    "Karen says Jake talks to the beer can with the lion on it."

    The beer can!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Chimera: I will make a big explosion at the nurses ball!!! Well at least I want to.


    BobTodd: I love you!!!

    Liz: I love you too!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    London/Anna's private room: Oh oh! That doctor keeps shooting Anna up with drugs whenever she wakes up!!! Hey lady! She is NOT Alex!!!! She is Anna Devaine!!!!!

  2. sonya said...


    BobTodd: I love you!!!

    Liz: I love you too!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    ** FINALLY!!! :)


  3. I don't mind the Alex storyline, but geez don't make Anna Devane look incompetent! Also, again, where the HELL is Robert Scorpio?

  4. "K says FINALLY!!! :)"

    Finally? Didn't they already say to each other I love you? :)

  5. I think they did.

    If Anna is tied up and not getting her blood treatments, she will be in great danger. It looks like VC did kill Alex, then will be very surprised when Anna shows up!! So, are they saying that it was Alex who slept with VC and did everything else, and that is why Anna doesn't remember it?

  6. Of course, it looks like the Chimera will be the big danger at the Nurses' Ball, then Helena will return and have her revenge. So I guess that was the plan with Jake all along? Who knows, they write this stuff backwards, so trying to figure it out can make one's head spin.

  7. I'm pretty sure they use some stuff that doesn't stick to the wall, too.

  8. Blogger AntJoan said...

    I think they did.

    If Anna is tied up and not getting her blood treatments, she will be in great danger. It looks like VC did kill Alex, then will be very surprised when Anna shows up!! So, are they saying that it was Alex who slept with VC and did everything else, and that is why Anna doesn't remember it?

    The first time Griffin came to Anna/Alex after she came back he said she had missed her appointment, when he left she called someone and said she needed to schedule something. I am assuming she called that doctor that has Anna and had him do the treatment so she doesn't die.

    I have a question about Griffin, when did he have the scare from the bullet wound removed?

  9. sonya said...

    Finally? Didn't they already say to each other I love you? :)

    ** Yeah, but this time it was very obvious now that they're both fully committed to each other, and are in it for the long haul. (if possible).


  10. AntJoan said...

    If Anna is tied up and not getting her blood treatments, she will be in great danger. It looks like VC did kill Alex, then will be very surprised when Anna shows up!! So, are they saying that it was Alex who slept with VC and did everything else, and that is why Anna doesn't remember it?

    ** Apparently she IS still getting her treatments, where exactly everything else though is going, I'm still not sure. But, as far as the past and who/what happened, nothing said yet. But, with the events of what DID happen on AMC, that could NOT have been Alex in the past with VC. Alex didn't even know of Anna's existence, until she suddenly disappeared in the middle of a party, having been contacted by the man who saved Anna from the explosion that had supposedly killed her, Robert, and Faison, to help Anna because she needed medical attention. That was the first time Alex learned of Anna. So that's decade's later.


  11. "K said...Yeah, but this time it was very obvious now that they're both fully committed to each other, and are in it for the long haul. (if possible)."

    Oh good point!!! Yes FINALLY! :)

  12. sonya said...

    Oh good point!!! Yes FINALLY! :)

    ** And now that we know for CERTAIN, that Roger isn't going anywhere for a few more years (barring any unforseen difficulties), having taken as long as it has to get them to this point (which considering both of their pasts, I actually DO applaud Jelly for how they handled things.) I just REALLY hope Jelly doesn't suddenly make a massive disaster of things, like they did with Julexis. Since it seems that they just can't stand any couple to be happy for longer than a month or so.


  13. "K says And now that we know for CERTAIN, that Roger isn't going anywhere for a few more years (barring any unforseen difficulties), having taken as long as it has to get them to this point (which considering both of their pasts, I actually DO applaud Jelly for how they handled things.) I just REALLY hope Jelly doesn't suddenly make a massive disaster of things, like they did with Julexis. Since it seems that they just can't stand any couple to be happy for longer than a month or so."

    Yeah what a waste of Julexis!!!! I hope Jelly doesn't waste Friz!


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...