Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Chain-Smoking

It's Mother's Day and I saw GH one day this week. That means I get to play my favorite blog!! I go grab pictures off Twitter and see if I can guess the "dialog"!! 
I'm not missing the show all that much... they are on the cycle up of one story...cycle down of another.
BTW, I watched the day that Jason and Franco were chaining each other up in the scarecrow patch. LMAO. I pick them well. :eyeroll: 


Hey Dumkofs!! Knocks its off!!! You look like two lovers getting readys for ze zex! 

What is it? 
How did we see this in the pitch dark? 
Wanna chain me up? 

MOM! Tell her to stay away from me!! 
Stay away from my Lulu! 
NO way, she's a bitch, trying to take Charlotte away
Now, a psychologist I must say...
All the Ladies: SHUT UP KEVIN!! 
Wub Note: Were Laura, Lulu and Kev going to a funeral??

Oh..Mom, I remember the happy times...
Carly, that's a photo of Michael in a coma..
I know, was so special...

And....I just flash my dimples and---BAM!  It's a gift! 

Oh? My cancer? Well... yes, I know.'s manageable.  I'm  coping. It's difficult. You know, with the memory loss...and..
Memory loss?? What memory loss?
Pardon? Um...oh, nothing.nothing. You look pretty today. Did I tell you that? 

Yah, well.
Um...what do you want to talk about? 

My urine? 
Ok, let's just sit here. 
Exciting, yes? 

Nelle! Why are you out here, don't you know it's dangerous? 
Well...I'm dangerous, Michael.
No you're not.
Ok, I'm not...but it's badass to stand here and talk.
Well, as long as you don't get ..I don't know, hit in the head or anything...
Don't worry.  Like that would ever happen...

COOL! Look, I got a magic set!! Wow.. what could this be?  It's a NOTE?? Did that creepy UPS guy leave it? What is it? Says 'TOP SECRET" must be really exciting...right? RIGHT? 

Oh, large, handsome body goon... you should have seen some of my other boys. One I even stabbed in the eye with an ice pick!  I miss those days...that and when we had real rocks on our set. (Coughs because of fog machine) 

Come on, Andre...look at me in my LuLuLemon outfit..don't you notice anything that's "off"?? Can't you see this GIANT NECKLACE I have around my neck? No? Here, let me play with it and have the camera give a close up.  Isn't it great to be outside on our one set?  Did you see my necklace yet? Did you? 

Why am I here? Well, I have to be on once a month to be considered recurring ..I think. I dunno.  Maybe to make you and Curtis more interesting? Aren't I interesting? 

Here is the beer can oh mistress of the island....
Oh my, it's much more than that my twisted henchman...much much more...
What? What is the beer can with the picture on it? 
Wait...wait for months perhaps years until I decide to tell everyone. 
Yes, master...I mean mistress...

Oh. My. God.  Am I gonna screw with my contract demands... like, BIG TIME! 

Between Jake's Magic kit and that Chimera thing, I'm waiting for ABC to offer decoder rings for us to order....only $45 plus postage and handling. 

Ok! That's it!! I GNFs about the Chimera story --NONE.  Don't care about anything this week. Sad. 
I suppose I'll tune in for a day or 2 of the Nurses Ball. 

Have a great Mama's Day to you mothers out there-- 


  1. Karen, yay, I am first again, thanks for the laughs!! MUCH more entertaining than the actual show!!

  2. I agree there is a lot of poor writing on GH these days, some really bad stories, but if you are going to review a show, you really should watch all of it.

  3. hysterical. better than the show.

  4. Happy Mother's day to all the moms. I agree Karen except for the Fayden, I'll watch them do anything :)

  5. "And....I just flash my dimples and---BAM! It's a gift!"

    ROFL! Martina has dimples too! They can charm the pants off each other.. Oh wait they already did! ROFL!

  6. It's sad that Valerie is only used for prop duty. This is show going to have thirteen children under ten, so why does this show need another kid. This show is just awful.

  7. PAT... but it's so fun and it's not a "" it's just for fun.

  8. The black turtleneck and black jacket on Kevin, was pretty damn weird. He hasn't looked that creepy/disturbing, since he played Ryan.


    1. Maybe Laura and Kevin dressed in black as well to go with Lulu since she's hiding her huge bump.

  9. cooks7570 said...

    This is show going to have thirteen children under ten, so why does this show need another kid. This show is just awful.

    ** That's easy to answer! Since Lulu is no longer talking about nothing but babies and embryos anymore (Because Charlotte is now an actual child), someone else, who is also on contract, is now required to start to obsess about babies, as part of a contractual obligation!


  10. Valerie is a good character with ties to the canvas and played by a wonderful actress, what a shame they have closeted her!! Of course, the same could be said of soooo many . . .

  11. Michelle Latta said...

    Maybe Laura and Kevin dressed in black as well to go with Lulu since she's hiding her huge bump

    ** LOL, and completely forgot about that. I just thought it was kind of weird. Especially for the middle of May, where even her it's been in the 80s for the last couple weeks.


  12. "Michelle Latta said... Maybe Laura and Kevin dressed in black as well to go with Lulu since she's hiding her huge bump."



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...