Friday, May 19, 2017

Finally Friday

Brad talks to Dr. O about Finn.  Later we see Dr. O-- NOT Brad tampering with the urine test. 
And we get a close up of the Finn pee--SO GROSS. 

Everyone is getting ready for the Ball. Jake is doing a magic act. 

Robin sees Griffin and tells him Anna "isn't herself" .

Sonny talks to Martina about MORGAN. wants her to 'stay with him'

Carly is trying to order Ava around in the park. Um, Carly--you get NO SAY in Avery's life!!! Later she goes to talk to Sonny about Ava and finds 2 wine glasses! What else will she find?! 

Anna/Alex talking about the Chimera -- blah blah blaaaahhh. Don't care...don't care SO DON'T CARE...


  1. So even though it wasn't Brad but Dr O I hope Finn still has a job since the last test proved he was being set up....

  2. The REAL park:

    Carly and Ava: Carly! This is not your business!!!!! Avery wins the line of the day.

    Avery: Bye bye Carly.

    ROFL! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! So sweet!!!!

    Sonny's home:

    Martina and Sonny: They are having pasta, and they just woke up?! Isn't it morning? I guess not. Since she said she has to leave because she has to catch a plane tonight. Hmmmm. What is this dinner or lunch?!

    Martina: The butter is going to give me a heart attack.

    Why? Are you 80 years old? Oh man! His sadness is going to make her fall in the love with him!!!

    The airport:

    Anna and Alex: So good to see you Anna!!!!!! Yes arrest Alex!!! Poor Nathan is all confused! ROFL!

    Private room:

    Anna and Alex:

    "Karen says Anna/Alex talking about the Chimera -- blah blah blaaaahhh. Don't care...don't care SO DON'T CARE..."

    Yeah I don't care either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO AWAY ALEX!!!!! GAH!

    Metrocourt/the nurses ball room:

    Lucy and Dr. O: Hahahahahaha great scene! Dr. O you better behave! :)

    Lucy and Liz: Oh Liz handled Lucy really well! :)

    Chimera: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! I'm a beer can with toxin in it!!!! I will be the bell of the ball!

    The hospital:

    Brad and RayFinn: Boy while Brad was whining, I thought it was Lucas who came in, but it was Griffy talking! :)

    Brad and Dr. O:

    Dr. O: You were a friend to my Brita. I'm here for you.

    Awwww. :)

    Dr. O and the pee:

    "Karen says Later we see Dr. O-- NOT Brad tampering with the urine test."

    Wait!!! I thought Brad told her off screen, and then Dr. O helped Brad with the pee test. Hmmmm. Oh so since Brad didn't do it, he won't get fired and then Lucas won't dump him! Nice play Jelly!

    "Karen says And we get a close up of the Finn pee--SO GROSS."


  3. sonya said...

    Private room:
    Anna and Alex:

    "Karen says Anna/Alex talking about the Chimera -- blah blah blaaaahhh. Don't care...don't care SO DON'T CARE..."

    Yeah I don't care either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO AWAY ALEX!!!!! GAH!

    ** ARRRGH This now totally contradicts what was said on AMC. Alex wasn't even AWARE of Anna's existence until she came to PV in the late 90s. Nor, did she ever have ANY connection to the DVX or WSB, let alone being recruited by the DVX to get this Chimera crap from VC, as Anna. Not to mention, sure her personality could be somewhat stand-offish at times, and rather reserved. But, she was NEVER the nasty cold bitch that we saw, today.

    Dr. O and the pee:

    "Karen says Later we see Dr. O-- NOT Brad tampering with the urine test."

    Wait!!! I thought Brad told her off screen, and then Dr. O helped Brad with the pee test. Hmmmm. Oh so since Brad didn't do it, he won't get fired and then Lucas won't dump him! Nice play Jelly!

    ** No, Brad definitely DID do the others, just not today's which we saw Liesl do today.


  4. Wait, did Brad do the others or not, I am sooo confused!!

    Sonya, I also thought for a hot minute that it was Lucas . . . Lucas, oh Lucas, where are you??

    Boy, they are sure using the REAL park set for all it's worth. So there are Carly and Ava dressed all in black with high heels on walking around a park!?! Sure, that makes sense . . . Did anyone catch Ava pushing the baby carriage away, she looked like she was struggling with those high heels, she looked all bent over, it looked like maybe she was pushing it uphill? . . .

    So now Martina will stay in PC to be with Sonny and lose her career? Does anyone know if she is now part of the cast?

  5. How cute was Avery when she said "bye Carly"..LW looked liked she was trying not to laugh. best thing on the show all week

  6. Have we not all established by this time that Sonny can boil pasta? And like Donald Trump he doesn't just boil pasta he makes the best pasta that any man ever made! Instead of being a coffee importer they should've made him a pasta maker!

  7. AntJoan said...

    Wait, did Brad do the others or not, I am sooo confused!!

    ** He did do the others. Just not this last one, that we saw Dr. O do at the end of Friday's show. That having been said, the way things came across on screen, wasn't very clear. So being confused with all of it, is both totally understandable, and acceptable!

    Lucas, oh Lucas, where are you??

    ** I would definitely like to know the answer to that, myself. As we've seen him twice on screen, since Ryan Carnes has gotten back from shooting a Spanish language film, and starting up an "affordable" mobile phone carrier service when he was in Mexico. I'm HOPING we'll be seeing more of him shortly here, when the shit really hits the fan as a result of the fallout of Brad's messing with Finn's drug screens. Though, with the NB starting on Monday, he'll be on for it, also. Seeing as he SHOULD be attending.

    Boy, they are sure using the REAL park set for all it's worth.

    ** It's good to see, though it would be even better, if they did some other places. But, since there isn't much (if at all) money with the way the budget is these days, for location shoots. Which with the way things are these days, doing more would help. Especially in comparison to how stuff is on primetime, It's really obvious that damn neaar everything is shot in the studio.



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