Monday, May 15, 2017

England's National Health

Anna's in"LONDON"...which is basically Ava's old cancer room in NYC.  But the nurse tells her she's Alex. Anna can't talk, something is wrong with her speech. Oh, Call the speech pathologist! 
Alex is drinking wine with Val. He tells her Nina left him. She gets all giggly... he gets giggly. Oh brother. 
OK, So Anna got switched out after she said to Griffin "I have to go find/see someone" --that was the end of March.  So Anna has the cancer and she's in London right now. Alex has been in PC for like 2 months at least. 

Julian is on. He's offered a deal to go back home and help trap Sonny so they can arrest him.  Julian said NO. WHY???  Because Julian wouldn't WANT Sonny in Jail? That makes no sense.
Alexis is talking to Scott...blah blah blah. 

Jason is all bruised.  "The scarecrow was me" says Jason. He's telling Liz about the island. Zzz

Jake is in the park.  HELL...Aiden is there too! Am I seeing things?? Nope! He was allowed out today with a soccer ball! WOW
Franco and Liz are in the park.

Then,  Friz and JaSam are ALL in the park. Jason goes to talk to Jake about not being afraid of him or "the scarecrow". 

Watched until 2:30 today! 


  1. You need to watch the last bit too.

    kd said...Julian said NO. WHY??? Because Julian wouldn't WANT Sonny in Jail? That makes no sense.

    *** Because he wasn't offered immunity. They wanted to use him to get Sonny and then they could still prosecute him because there's no statute of limitations on murder.

  2. London hospital/private room: Hey lady!!!! That is NOT Alex! That is Anna!!!!! Why can't Anna speak?! What did that doctor do to her?!!?!! Is he working for Alex? Is he working for Helena?

    Chandler Mansion:

    Alex and V.C.: Alex is all flirty flirty. Ewwww they are kissing and she wants him to make the wuv to her! GROSS!!!! Alex go away!!!! You are NOT needed! You were not needed on AMC and you are NOT needed on GH! UGH!

    Building/private room:

    D.A. and Julian: Awww Julian won't sign the paper!!! He is still in wuv with Sonny!!!

    Scotty and Julian: You can't change his mind Scotty! He is still in the wuv with Sonny!

    Alexis and Julian: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.. I thought they were done with conversations.

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


    Aidan and Jake: Where is Cameron!?!?!! Cameron should be there to play with Aidan!

    BobTodd and Sam: Oh shut up Sam!!!! Like you never lied in your life!!!!! Get off on your damn high horse.

    BobTodd and Jason: Wow!!!! Jason shaking his hand and thanking him!!!! I thought I would never see the day!!!! :)

    Jason and Jake: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Made me all emotional!!! Hudson West is a such a great actor! :) He was awesome on Grey's anatomy! :)

    Chimera: I am taking the place of Pilly!!!! You will see me a lot more!!! MUAHAHAHAHHA!

    1. I agree. The scenes between Jake and Jason were great. He's a great little actor. I also loved the scenes between the "fab 4". Never thought I'd see those 2 shake hands.

  3. Sam bitching about Franco again. There is nothing friendly about Sam. Hope Helena's curse really messes her up.

  4. Well sad that Helena is "really" least for now...however excited that the threat looks to be FAISON...yay more Anders Hove is always a good thing...

  5. "Spider's Nightmare said...yay more Anders Hove is always a good thing.."

    Hell yeah it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  6. Di said...

    *** Because he wasn't offered immunity. They wanted to use him to get Sonny and then they could still prosecute him because there's no statute of limitations on murder.

    ** Which after watching that new D.A, I have no doubt whatsoever, that's exactly what he'd do. Julian would have been an idiot to take the deal.


  7. sonya said...

    Chandler Mansion:

    Alex and V.C.: Alex is all flirty flirty. Ewwww they are kissing and she wants him to make the wuv to her! GROSS!!!! Alex go away!!!! You are NOT needed! You were not needed on AMC and you are NOT needed on GH! UGH!

    ** We don't know for certain yet that this IS Alex with VC, we just know for certain that it is NOT Anna. She still isn't acting AT ALL, like Alex did. (Though, this being Jelly it probably is her, and just having her personality rewritten) It still doesn't make any sense as to WHY she would be involved. Since all she was was a surgeon, she had no ties with either the WSB or DVX. I did find it interesting though, that she kept Dimitri's last name after the divorce. That was a bit surprising.

    Building/private room:

    D.A. and Julian: Awww Julian won't sign the paper!!! He is still in wuv with Sonny!!!

    Scotty and Julian: You can't change his mind Scotty! He is still in the wuv with Sonny!

    ** Nah, he's just not an idiot, is all. He knows that as soon as he turns on Sonny and Sonny gets busted, the D.A. will just refile/reinstate the murder charges against Julian, since there is no statute of limitations on murder.


    BobTodd and Sam: Oh shut up Sam!!!! Like you never lied in your life!!!!! Get off on your damn high horse.

    ** I am so beyond sick of all her bullshit. She came to town as a con artist, and has screwed over a LOT of people since. At least Franco realizes what he did was wrong, and has been doing whatever he can to make up as much as possible. Sam, not so much.


  8. i agree about sam. high and mighty. guess she forgot about hiring the goons to scare liz and the kids. she also forgot about watching jake get kidnapped. plus her mumbling. please let helenas curse kick in.

  9. I agree about the little Jake actor - he is wonderful and so cute! Great scenes with Jason! And finally another of Liz's kids shows up. Finola looked stunning in that white outfit. Best of all, no Sonny and Carly!!!

  10. "K says We don't know for certain yet that this IS Alex with VC, we just know for certain that it is NOT Anna"

    Well, whoever the hell it is she is annoying! :)

    "Nah, he's just not an idiot, is all."


  11. witch said...

    i agree about sam. high and mighty. guess she forgot about hiring the goons to scare liz and the kids. she also forgot about watching jake get kidnapped. plus her mumbling. please let helenas curse kick in.

    ** I liked Kelly when she FIRST showed up on PC, as Kevin's unknown daughter via Rachel Locke. When they decided to turn it into "Dark Shadows Lite", I only kept watching until the end for Kevin and Lucy. And I've hated Sam from the start. She was a con artist, who has NEVER had any ground to stand on when it comes to morality crap.


  12. LSV422 said...

    I agree about the little Jake actor - he is wonderful and so cute! Great scenes with Jason! And finally another of Liz's kids shows up. Finola looked stunning in that white outfit. Best of all, no Sonny and Carly!!!

    ** I agree totally! Especially with the Jake recast, USUALLY it's better to bring back the original person. But, as much as the little kid who did it originally tried, it was very clear he was just way out of his depth. The current one though, just always continues to impress me!


  13. sonya said...

    Well, whoever the hell it is she is annoying! :)

    ** Absolutely! None of this crap makes ANY sense, taking into consideration pre-established and KNOWN history.


    ** I think he's also just very tired and sick of all the bloodshed and violence, and doesn't want to contribute any more than there already has been, EVEN if after doing that to Sonny, as he knows that won't be the end.


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Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...