Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Nurse's Lounge

Sit back a bit and take a load off! I had a meeting until 2:15 so I was a bit late  I see the red carpet is progressing! Nina looked great-- Ava looked old Hollywood.

Where's Rocco? 

Where's Robin? 

Nina looked great.  Ava looked like old Hollywood.  Lulu looked..well...9mo PG and just like she was going to float away!!

Chimera necklace--DON'T CARE

Sonny and Maddox discussing DA PILLS. He spills them out and spies something in the very bottom.... a broke and crumbled pill. Maddox takes it to the lab.

Ava wants to drop a check

First number takes places in the Hospital-- they play a film to the Ball Audience-- we see it like it's live. Felix has a deep voice. Bobbie sings!

Of course there's no Cam or Aiden! 


  1. I can't believe they showed some random kid on the red carpet but no Cam or Aiden. Has Cam gone from Scout camp to military school?

    I loved the Nurse's number.

    1. I did too, what I saw of it. I was making a grilled cheese thru part of the red carpet stuff. I didn't see Liz though, did they leave her out? Wish Amy would go away.

  2. Karen it was mentioned that Robin was home with Uncle Mac since she needs to take a load off. I think that was in the first 15 minutes. Ticked no Cam or Aiden. Well the littles I understand like Danny etc but at least Cam should've been there.

  3. Hasn't Kiki spent the last few days worrying if she would pass her tes and could be in the opening nurses number? Well, where was she?

    Why wasnt Liz in the nurses routine?

    Where was Chief of Staff Monica and Board Member Laura?

    Where was hospital staffer Hayden? Dr. O? Dr. Lucas Jones? Lab Tech Brad? Dr. Collins? Finn?

    Why wasnt Milo with Epiphany?

    Where was Dillon? Ned? Olivia? Alexis? Kristina? Molly? TJ? Diane?

    Instead we get Mario Lopez, Amy, and other nurses we dont know who they are or even care about.

    And the show ends today, of course, with Sonny walking in. I assume the show opens tomorrow with everyone else falling to the knees before him.

    Day 1 of Nurses Ball is big fail in my opinion.

    I wonder if they will have Emma interact with her old pal Joss now that they've SORAed her?

    1. It was nice to see Bobbie in the opening number, but yeh where is everyone else?

  4. Sonny's home: PILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! :)

    Sonny and Michael:

    Sonny: Michael! I am NOT going to the nurses ball!!!!

    Pilly: Shut up Sonny.

    Michael: But dad.

    Sonny: NO! I am staying home and being a big baby! Now leave me alone and let me wallow in self pity.

    Sonny and Maddox:

    Sonny: Duhhhh what is that in the bottle?

    Maddox: A pill?

    Sonny: Uh duhhh no it doesn't taste like it!!!

    Maddox: I can figure it out for you.

    Sonny: Duh thanks!!!

    Nurses ball/red carpet:

    Mario Lopez: Yum!!!

    Piffy and Felix: Piffy where is Milo? Felix where is your boyfriend? He is not covering the red carpet this year? Why isn't he with you then?!

    Lulu:: What the hell is that dress? Yikes!!!

    Paint, her cupcakes, and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


    Ava and Scotty: Scotty squirting that spray in his hair! ROFL! Ava looks beautiful! :) Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Lucy she does like to squeeze them.


    Nurses ball:

    Song, You are not alone anymore: Damn it!!! Everytime tears!!! :'(

    Chimera necklace and Chimera toxin bomb: MAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

    Joss: Hmmmm are we going to have a scene with Joss and Emma together? That would be HYSTERICAL!!!! :)

    Emma, Charlie, and Jake: Yeah Joss would look way too old to be in that group! ROFLMAOPMP!

    V.C. and Nina: They are looking at each other! Looks like she is going to forgive him! Oh wait Anna shows up.. Oh wait nevermind! Looks like Nina changed her mind!

    Sonny: Oh he changed his mind?!?!!?!

  5. Sorry, but Lulu looks like a rose bowl parade float.

    1. Yeh it's probably hard to dress an actress who's about to pop. LOL!!
      Emme isn't taking maternity leave either, which is suprising.

  6. I hope they raise a lot of money this year.

  7. Mario Lopez said that the "rich and famous" would be walking the red carpet. Who left in PC is rich and famous?

  8. Michelle Latta said...

    Karen it was mentioned that Robin was home with Uncle Mac since she needs to take a load off. I think that was in the first 15 minutes. Ticked no Cam or Aiden. Well the littles I understand like Danny etc but at least Cam should've been there.

    ** Somehow I must've spaced out the explanation as to why Robin and Mac weren't there. (VERY long day) I'd been wondering where he was.


  9. Michelle Latta said...

    It was nice to see Bobbie in the opening number, but yeh where is everyone else?

    ** Having her back and participating was definitely the highlight from today. The pink scrubs on the female nurses were nearly blinding, they were so bright, though. Though, the one thing I couldn't help but wonder: Since GH is a fully functioning (and quite busy) hospital, just when and HOW they were able to shoot something with that much energy and people.


  10. Sonny and Maddox:
    sonya said...

    Sonny: Duhhhh what is that in the bottle?

    Maddox: A pill?

    Sonny: Uh duhhh no it doesn't taste like it!!!

    Maddox: I can figure it out for you.

    Sonny: Duh thanks!!!

    ** GH has a lab open 24/7? That is EXTREMELY impressive!! The hospital here is NEVER open past 5 PM.

    Nurses ball/red carpet:

    Lulu:: What the hell is that dress? Yikes!!!

    ** When I saw it, the FIRST thing that popped into my head was Carol Burnnett's old "Gone With the Wind" skit! That dress is just frightening!


  11. I thought the opening number was ok but I agree there were so few in it. I can't stand Amy, good to see Bobbie in it and Epiphany did some bad lipsynching. Of course Sonny had to show up. Liz, Ava, Anna, Felicia and Anna looked fabulous. Not a big crowd there either. Couldn't they get some more extras?

  12. As a long time fan I know I'm supposed to love the Nurse's Ball but I find it to be a huge CRINGE FEST! That opening number was painful to watch.

  13. As others here have said, there are, like, 12 people in the audience of the ball. THEY SHOULD HAVE ALL OF THE CAST THERE, this is GH, all of the cast have some relation to the hospital, they should have a large ballroom and tons of extras. They can't even do this ONCE A YEAR, this is soooo sad! . . .

  14. The Nurse's Ball used to be so much better, it was in a large ballroom with tons of tables. I still have my 1994 Nurse's Ball t-shirt lol


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...