Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Blue Eyes at 2:58

Nina and Val having Champers, celebrating their WUB.  Talking about Charlotte. 

CarSon talking in the GH Hallway outside Jason's door-- Alexis and Sam went to check out the facility. They talk about how Jason isn't really acting like Jason anymore.  "Look how fast he got out of the business".

Lante making out on the couch, talking about Charlotte's custody. UGHHHHH.. Charlotte comes in and wants money for some girl at school with spinal scoliosis  They go to visit Valentin, I think for money? Anyway she asks him about it. Is that what he had??  Yes, that's what he had!  Val is going to try to help Bailey's mother to help her through this since he went through it.
Kudos for tying the Shriner's story into a character that already had something. Good job. This will be good for Valentin. 

Ava with Hoodie Boy. Why the hell would they let him sit like that if he's so damn dangerous? I mean..DUH.  She's just yabbering on and on. Oh, when she mentions Nikolas Cassadine, he reaches out and grabs her. 

Scotty is trying to convince Franco to leave the whole Photo thing alone -- Franco thinks it was his "friend" leaving that turned him into a nut. Scotty says it was the "TUMOR, SO CUT IT OUT." He doesn't want him to follow Betsy. 

Some rando chick comes to the Art Show and yells that Franco killed her sister and all she got was a million dollars. Then she pulls out spray paint. We don't see her spray it--but later Liz is seen with red paint on her. She protected the painting!! The sister yells and said he killed Lorainne.  Dante is going to arrest her but Franco won't press charges. She says "Burn in Hell" . Franco and Liz leave the Art Show to go see about Jason (???) --Scotty is frustrated. 

Liz goes to see Jason (Billy Miller) in the hospital. Franco slips in alone. He says that he has to wake up "So I know who I am"..whatever.

Carly later confesses to Sonny: "I've been grieving for myself because I don't have that connection with Jason like I used to..." (paraphrased) SO.. ugh

END:  JUST Like the EW spoiler video they put on FB and Twitter yesterday, at 2:59pm/est The HOODIE BOY removed his glasses. Looked at the camera. Steve's eyes. 
That was it. 


  1. Brooklyn Silzers younger sister Londyn will be playing Charlottes friend.

    1. Yeh I read that yesterday. Looking forward to this storyline.

  2. Soooo after watching it appears (to me at least) that we know who's in the chair. Ava said it with just one word.

  3. Ava's art gallery: Wait what?!!??!!? The painting that BobTodd didn't want sold was sold online?!?!! How did that happen?!?!!

    Liz, Maddox, and Felix: Wait why did Felix go with Maddox, and not his boyfriend? Where is Felix's boyfriend?

    Liz and grieving woman: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Betsy's hotel room:

    BobTodd and Scotty: Poor BobTodd is so confused.. Great scene!! Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: You know what? Maybe it was baseball shirt day at the playground. Who knows!



    Charlie and V.C.: GREAT SCENE!!!! Love that V.C. wants to help his daughter's friend!!!! And wow when V.C. talked about Shriners hospital for children, it didn't feel forced!!!! Felt real!!!! Good job writers!!! :)

    ValeNina: Oh man!!! When they were talking about V.C. and his scoliosis, it made me cry. :( Great scene!!!!

    Lante's home:

    Lante: Everytime they try to have sex lately, They keep getting interrupted! ROFL!

    V.C. and Lulu: Oh great scene. Yes you do need to become a team. :)

    Russia clinic:

    Ava and mystery guy: Whnever Mystery guy hears the name Nik, he gets affected!! HE IS NIK HE IS NIK!!!

    Mystery guy: Oh!!!! He got Jason's eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is Jason! No Nik! No Jason! No Nik!! He is JasNik! :)

    The hospital/Headless Jason's room:

    Carson: Poor angsty whiny Carson.

    BobTodd: Poor BobTodd. :(

  4. sonya said...And wow when V.C. talked about Shriners hospital for children, it didn't feel forced!!!! Felt real!!!! Good job writers!!! :)

    *** Yes. that was the best onscreen ad they've ever done. I sniffed during the scene and during the Shriner's ad that come up after. Kudos, indeed.

    1. I agree. I may not like Val, but he loves his daughter and the scene was awesome. Can't wait to see Londyn in the role of Charlotte's friend.

  5. "Di said... Yes. that was the best onscreen ad they've ever done."

    Yes!!! I agree!!!!!

    "I sniffed during the scene and during the Shriner's ad that come up after. Kudos, indeed."

    Yes indeedy!!!!

  6. *Michelle Latta said...

    Soooo after watching it appears (to me at least) that we know who's in the chair. Ava said it with just one word.

    ** Yeah, after seeing how things played out today, I'm even more sure it's Nik, with Jason's face. Now it's just waiting to see where it goes from here.


    1. No, the other way. She mentioned how he sat there "stone cold".

  7. Oh, please, not Nik with Jason's face, PLEASE NO!! Would that be Frankennik, or Frankenjason?

  8. "AntJoan said...Oh, please, not Nik with Jason's face, PLEASE NO!! Would that be Frankennik, or Frankenjason?"

    FrankenJasonNik? ROFL!

  9. Sonya said: Lante: Everytime they try to have sex lately, They keep getting interrupted! ROFL!

    Maybe they should go into the bedroom since there are 2 kids living there!

    It's about time someone confronted Franco about his psychotic past. I could watch Maura W. for a whole hour straight - she is just such a talented actress. VC was very moving. I wish they would clear him of killing Nik already, by hopefully revealing that he didn't. And they should put him on contract.

    1. Well it looks like SB is Nik so that should be happening soon. Roger is the best part of this show. Deconstructing Franco now would not be helpful. Friz is the most entertaining couple on the show.

  10. AntJoan said...

    Oh, please, not Nik with Jason's face, PLEASE NO!! Would that be Frankennik, or Frankenjason?

    ** Unless they pull some VERY sneaky WTF?!?1 type of thing, I can't see them doing anything else. Particularly with what we've seen since mid last-week, IMO, at least. It's reminded me a lot of how stuff usually plays out, whenever they have some big "secret" or "plot twist" they're building up to. Even though they're trying to be real "mysterious" and "hidden". if one is paying close enough attention, they can pretty easily figure things out before the "reveal". While this isn't ALWAYS their M.O. it is FAR more often than not.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...