Friday, September 29, 2017

Leaving PCPU

I MADE IT!! It's the end of the month so I wasn't sure..but here I am!! 

NOTE: Due to confusion...ALL Jasons shall be referred to by their sir names. 

Griff and Ava..oh fake out, it was a dream. Ava did have her surgery tho. She's got a huge bandage on. 
Burton is picking his lock with a paper clip. OH! NO! he drops it!! Oh! Wait! Ava picks it up!! he finally gets out. Beats a guy up. Says thank you to Ava. She leaves and he takes off his mask.  Runs.

Krissy and Parker. Kris tells her Jason woke up. I guess an excuse to talk to her?? Krissy says her grades suck. She withdrew from classes to manage Perks and so that Parker and she can date. They couldn't if she was at college.  Anyway, they are going out to dinner. 

It's DILLON WITH AN "i"!! 

Dillon and Kiki (Dillon is back? I guess for a min)  Kiki is eating lunch with Dr. David Bensch. He yells at Dilly for giving Kiki the tequila. Dillon is all "you said my NAME WRONG, its' DILLON WITH AN "I"--" He's being REALLY pissy. I wonder why. Hmmmmmm. 
Why do I feel like he's going to get hit by a bus??? 

Alexis wants to tell Julian that Miller woke up . Sam is like WHY? Do you want to TALK TO HIM??  Later, Sam tries to set Alexis up with Dr. David Bensch. LOL.. Boy, if he was acting like Max Holden used to they would make a cute couple! Not with this guy tho. zzzzzz

Weird Griffin Franco scene about Ava. Franco figures out Griffin likes her and says "you're polar opposites"! Griffin says: "JUST LIKE YOU and LIZ'!!  They talk some more (WHY? Who knows) and Franco says to get to Russia asap.  Griffin is going. 

Liz take Jake to see Miller. He says he could hear he and Danny singing to him.  Liz tells him about Franco and his paintings and that he's working in the hospital again. Jake shows Miller the photos of something on his ipad--- and he says "but I left out the photo of you and Franco" 
Liz says: There's only ONE Jason Morgan (AHAHHAA)

Jake tells Franco that people can "hear you when they are in a coma" !! Franco flashbacks to himself talking to Miller in the hospital. Then, his phone rings. It's Miller!! "Why haven't you come to visit me yet?? It's been 2 days since I've been up"?? So Franco and he are going to talk. 

Burton is free, running through the hallway. End of show. 


  1. Why are they dressing Sam like a trashy tramp again? I get her history and all and I'm OK with edgy fashion, but her shirt looked like a cross between a ripped-up concert t-shirt and a body-pillow case. (???) Sigh...:)

  2. If I have to put up with this lame storyline just to see billy miller in a full beard, well.... so be it.

  3. First I think we should just call the 2 "Jason's" by their first name. Miller is Andrew, and Burton is Jason. We all know that is the way it will end up being.

    Second am I the only one that looks at Sam's wardrobe and things the 80s called and they want their wardrobe back?

  4. Karen, from what I've read/heard (Some of it being from RPW, himself) about Dillon's current "status". RPW wasn't fired. His contract was just about to come up. So, TPTB opted not to renew the contract. But, he SHOULD still be on recurring, then. So will still continue to do GH when wanted/needed. He just won't be on contract anymore, is what looks to be the case. Unfortunately when him getting taken off contract first came to the light and started to be announced/stated/mentioned, there was a lot of info that never got mentioned, making it all the more confusing.


  5. Did I hear something correctly ? Drew was kidnapoed/heathersold by Helena and she trained him to be a skilled fighter. Now they're going to make it so that when the car accident happened years ago with Steve Burton and AJ, Helena actually swapped Drew and took Jason Quartermaine. That's why Drew aka Jason Morgan had no memories of the past and was such a good fighter because he had been trained. Her plan was to swap them back at some point in time to destroy PC. It was then that she took Jason Quartermaine ( now would be Billy Miller )and trained him and gave him memories so they can swap back. However when she went to swap Quartermaine back in from Morgan Ava ran over Morgan and his face was messed up. This means that the Jason Morgan we love – the Steve Burton Jason Morgan was actually drew and was only interjected into Port Charles at the Time of the car crash. So therefore Jason Morgan is Drew, and Jason Quartermaine would be the Billy Miller version. I hope that made sense. That would work because no one liked Jason Quartermaine other than Keisha, and we all fell in love with Jason Morgan who is Steve Burton but was originally raised as Drew. A very complicated story idea and going to take months to roll out. I really don't care about any of these details about Drew or whoever as long as Steve Burton turns out to be Jason Morgan – the one you loved Carly, Robin, Elizabeth, Sam, Michael and Sonny

    1. I am very confused by it all since it started, I have a headache and wish the Jason Drew mess would go away. I do believe though that they mean this Jason is Drew. smh to it all...

  6. What doesn't make sense is that Jason's accident occurred in 1995 and we hadn't seen Helena since 1981 even though she was responsible for Leslie's "death". Helena wouldn't make another appearance until 1996 in the form of Dimitra Arliss as a frail bed-ridden Helena and I do not think it was ever made known how long she had been in that condition. In any case, I hope TPTB, if they are planning to go that route, fill in the blanks in a way that actually makes sense as to why Helena would be targeting the son of a Q. I know they didn't do a very good job of telling the backstory of Heather being pregnant while Susan was giving birth since the timeline makes no sense if one actually watched the show back then.

  7. LiamAZ said...

    What doesn't make sense is that Jason's accident occurred in 1995 and we hadn't seen Helena since 1981 even though she was responsible for Leslie's "death". Helena wouldn't make another appearance until 1996 in the form of Dimitra Arliss as a frail bed-ridden Helena and I do not think it was ever made known how long she had been in that condition. In any case, I hope TPTB, if they are planning to go that route, fill in the blanks in a way that actually makes sense as to why Helena would be targeting the son of a Q. I know they didn't do a very good job of telling the backstory of Heather being pregnant while Susan was giving birth since the timeline makes no sense if one actually watched the show back then.

    ** Yes, I've been watching since 79. What it pretty much comes down to right now, is they're completely making this up as they go along. And it just DOES NOT FIT. At LEAST when RC made Franco, Scotty and Heather's child, he at least came up with a plausible scenario, around what was possible at the time. This storyline, most definitely isn't that way. This is almost identical to the mess a few months ago with Anna/VC/Alex, in which they completely rewrote whole swaths of Anna and Alex's history that made no sense at all.


    1. You said it, making it up as they go along...that is what they've been doing ALL their time as writers on GH.

  8. Michelle Latta said...

    I am very confused by it all since it started, I have a headache and wish the Jason Drew mess would go away. I do believe though that they mean this Jason is Drew. smh to it all.

    ** It really is a giant mess, and is definitely still a pain in the ass to even TRY to get shit sorted out. As far as exactly who is who, and what's going on. We really don't have very much that we can say for certain we know, yet. Besides, that Jason had a twin. Which is which though? At this point, with the way this is going, I still think it could go either way. Although it currently LOOKS like Jason is in Russia, that could change at anytime. One of the biggest problems with our trying to make sense of what's going on, based upon what he know for CERTAIN that happeend in the past, by watching it. The problem with that though, is that the writers right now aren't restricting themselves that way, so they pretty much come across as/feel that everything is basically "fair game". if they think it benefits what they're writing. As frustrating as it is, I've pretty much resolved myself that just trying to speculate what's going on (at least with this SL) especially just by what we've seen in the past, does no real good, except it gives me a headache at times.


  9. College:

    Karker: ACK NO KARKER!!!!!!! I want Val and Krissy!!!! Why did the writers tease us with Valrissy, when they are bringing Karker back together?!?!! GAH!!!!


    Dr. Benchy, Dillon, and Kiwi: Dillon wins the line of the day.

    Dillon: It's Dillon with an I, I can always hear it in people's voices when they say it wrong in their heads.

    BAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHA! He is so jelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!

    Dylan and Kiwi: I mean Dillon.. Sorry Dillon.. And oh yes you ARE jelly!!!!! :)

    Jake, Liz, and BobTodd: Jake looks like a cowboy. All he needs is a cowboy hat. :)

    The hospital:

    Sam and Alexis:

    Sam: Oh yes you are right. I should take a break.

    Alexis: Great! Let's call your father to tell him Jason is okay.

    Sam: NO MOM!!! I don't want Julian to know and stop calling him my father!!!

    Now when Sam was talking to Alexis moving on and finding someone, I'm like who? Who is single? Then Dr. Benchy shows up and I'm like AHHHH.

    Dr. Benchy and Alexis: Hmmmm interesting..

    "Karen says Boy, if he was acting like Max Holden used to they would make a cute couple! Not with this guy tho. zzzzzz"

    Hmmmmm.. You never know he could surprise us. :)

    Locker room:

    Griffy and BobTodd: Yes BobTodd, Griffy is in wuv with Ava!!!!!!! He just can't admit it!

    Drew's room:

    Drew: Yes son. I hear all, see all, and know all!!!! Now I gotta call Franco because I know he visited me.

    Clinic: Ava got her surgery! Another one when? Couple of days? Gee who is that masked man who has Jason's eyes!! And he can talk to and has Jason's voice! And we can hear him as clear as day even with that mask on!!!! The mask is magical!!!! Poor guy can't get out of the handcuffs. And he is strong like the incredible hulk!!! Oh he escaped!!!!!! And when he knocked out that guy, he didn't steal his shoes!!!! He is barefoot! He must be cold!!! OH OH OH OH OH! WE SEE HIS FACE!!! He is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, JASON! Freeze frame!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.. I can hear the audience gasp!!! The gasp heard around the world!!!

  10. Michelle Latta said...

    You said it, making it up as they go along...that is what they've been doing ALL their time as writers on GH.

    ** Yeah, it's exactly what Jelly did once taking over for RC. They admitted to it multiple times in interviews. And they didn't think there was any problem at all with doing so. I've noticed some smaller improvements since CVE took over for JP. (There is a good interview with him in last week's SOD worth reading, btw) But, he SHOULD know GH well enough that some of the crap in the "2 Jasons" storyline does not make sense nor does it fit with what he know that has happened in the past.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...