Thursday, September 28, 2017

Anne Jeffreys ..GH Star

I say STAR because when Amanda Barrington would come into a room, you KNEW it!! Sadly, Anne passed away at the age of 94. 

"Anne was a beloved member of the General Hospital and Port Charles families," a "General Hopsital" spokesperson said. "We’re deeply saddened by the news of her passing and all feel so lucky to have known her and will never forget the many talents she brought to GH and Port Charles."

1 comment:

  1. I loved her! One of my favorite scenes was Sarah Brown's Carly (during the Carlybabes episode) embarrassing Amanda at the Quartermaine mansion during a party. RIP Anne!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...