Monday, September 25, 2017

Ingo Goes to The Beautiful!

So, Ingo was cast as some guy "Thorne" on The Bold and The Beautiful. I don't watch...but Daytime Confidential does! Hit the link to learn all.  I'm happy for him, actually. I also think GH has been missing out on having Jax around but--that's me! 


  1. Yay!!!! I've been watching B&B since December and I love it. After watching GH's mess for the past few years, BB reminds me of what a well written soap should be, IMHO. INGO will be a great addition!!!!

  2. Oh, I miss Jax so much, sad that he's on another show :(

  3. At least someone can appreciate his work. Since GH doesn't.

    I really enjoyed when he was married to Carly and Morgan was still little, and going to karate practice, and he was more of a father to him than Sonny was. It's too bad they didn't continue down that route.

  4. Good for him. It is nice to see that there is a show that actually wants him.

  5. I always resented Jax because I loved Sonny and Brenda together, but now when I see him I really enjoy him, I think he looks wonderful and is a really good actor.

  6. So that's why they fired Winsor Harmon? I wonder if Thorne will now have an Aussie accent?

    I love the charisma Ingo has, but he is not the best actor. I think he will fit in well on B&B, which is full of hammy (and entertaining, beautiful) actors.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This pisses me off (And a LOT of other B&B watchers too) For quite awhile there has been a desire to get Thorne back on the canvas, as there never was any real logical reason for not. While I'm glad the character is coming back, recasting Winsor Harmon makes no sense at all. He's been fantastic in the role. (And apparently was also blindsided with the news, himself) I love Ingo, and always have, I'm just not at all happy about this.It really seems like the whole thing suddenly came out of nowhere, all around. Ingo really isn't at all right for the role. I've been watching B&B since it started. I'm trying to keep an open mind about it, and it is good that Ingo has gotten work again. I just wish it had been some other place/character, is all.


  9. First of all, I wished they had kept him as Jax. I have watched B&B for years and Winsor Harmon was excellent as Thorne but they haven't used him in a long time except for a rare visit maybe once a year. Sad that they canned him to get Ingo, but glad Ingo got a good part since GH couldn't offer him a contract. He was so much better with Carly than the little greaseball.

  10. Oh, LOL, you insulted my darling Sonny!!

  11. LSV422 said...

    First of all, I wished they had kept him as Jax. I have watched B&B for years and Winsor Harmon was excellent as Thorne but they haven't used him in a long time except for a rare visit maybe once a year. Sad that they canned him to get Ingo, but glad Ingo got a good part since GH couldn't offer him a contract. He was so much better with Carly than the little greaseball.

    ** I totally agree. I just think Ingo is totally miscast here. Thorne is much more serious and reserved. Hell, he would actually be better as Ridge. As much as I love Thorsten Kaye as an actor, I really think he was the wrong choice to replace Ron Moss.
    Carly was SO much better with Jax. He just wouldn't put up with her shit, and was MUCH better at reigning her in, and keeping her in check. Which Sonny NEVER has done.



  13. sonya said...


    ** Care to elaborate on that, a bit more? ;)




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