Friday, September 15, 2017

Come on, Bobby!


Love Maxie's outfit!! 

Sam's dream shows Jason in the fog on the docks... will it come true??

Nina and Valentin zzzzzz

Art Gallery:  Franco's BIG PICTURE CAN'T BE SOLD. (it's not even that good). Maxie wants to do a story about her one night stand with Franco but he won't comment on it. Franco's adoptive mama comes to see him.  She sees the painting Franco did of he and the blonde kid. Then he shows her the photo. "You deserve the truth" She says. (then the show ended)

Finn's acting weird?? Anna is talking to him about a caper. Then he goes to see Liz-- to tell her Hayden's gone. She has to go to the Art Gallery.  She gets there and runs into Franco's Mama. I love her dress. Franco's Mom is a nurse too! 

Finn goes to Anna's after she fakes an emergency. She hands him a folder and says "now you are coming with me, right" This is about Cassadra and the diamond? This is chopped up and I don't understand what the story is. 

MONICA! MONICA! MONICA!! "if Jason Dies you have the blood of BOTH of my sons on your hands"!! She's yelling at Sonny. Yeah! Then Alexis totally interrupts her rant. Thanks for nothin'. 
Oh crap, Monica was all mad then she backed off and was like "well, it's not all YOUR fault, Jason wanted this life"..blah blah blah. UGH 

Spinelli wants to talk to Det. West. Then he goes to see Sam and Jason. He talks Spin-Speak to him. No change for Jason. Alexis and Monica both go talk to Sam about them (nice touch). They tell her no difference. Monica says he can't stay in GH forever, he has to move to a facility. She can't even pull enough strings. Sam says I want to take him home! We have the means so I'm getting all the equipment. Alexis says: What about Danny and Scout? Sam's all: I don't care!! 
Spinelli talks to her a bit.  He says it may be for the best. She hugs him and Jason's hand shakes. 

Rando Curtis and Jordan filler scene on the docks. She leaves. Sonny comes up and they talk about Jason. Is Curtis getting ready to fill in for him?? Yes, they shake on it and Jordan sees them around the corner. 

 Thank you I said HER NAME WAS Karen on GH ---no one believed me. It's Betsy. UGH. WEIRD! she was named after me, damn it lol. Oh, the recast Mama called Franco "BOBBY" LOL that was fun.


  1. Maxie and her one night stand with Franco, totally forgot about that. Awkward....I can't watch til tonight but why would she want to do a story on that?

  2. I guess she promised Nina a "scoop," maybe that is it? . . .

  3. This show is damn ridiculous.

  4. I didn't think that was James Franco's actual mother today, and the end credits did confirm that at least.


  5. Blogger Michelle Latta said...

    Maxie and her one night stand with Franco, totally forgot about that. Awkward....I can't watch til tonight but why would she want to do a story on that?

    ** Since the ONLY way Nina would let her comeback to Crimson, was that she had to have a HUGE "scoop". Unable to do the Man Landers one, which was her original plan, she was trying to come up with something else, and that was her first idea.


    1. I finally got to watch and it was hilarious when she went up to him with her recorder, standing there with her one night stand on one side and the other her husband. LOL!! Ya know....the scenes with Finn and Liz today, I could see them getting together. Oh and OH MY GOD please Sam stfu. LOL!!

  6. I hope Steve Burton is not to play Nikolas Casadine. That would definitely be bad news for Friz fans. Though, that would be a stroke of genius by Valentin to punish Nikolas by giving him the face of his enemy. Also twin story would be history.

  7. The hospital:

    Finchy: So sad!!! Should I delete RayRay's picture or not? Awwww he deleted. :(

    Finchy and Liz: AHHH this is killing me!!!! Finchy your baby is still alive and growing!!!! Damn you RayRay!!!! :(

    Finchy and Anna: Oh Anna stop following him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!

    Sonny and Monica: Monica yelling at Sonny was great!!! No don't back peddle Monica! GAH! I love the wall of pictures of people from the past!!!! They need to show it more.

    Headless Jason's room:

    Paint and Wall: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I will be in a coma soon!

    Sam and Spinny: Awwwwww. :)

    Outside headless Jason's room:

    Monica, Sam, Spinny, and Alexis: SAM!!!! Putting headless Jason in a long term facility is a great idea!!!!! Maybe there, he will get his head back!

    Ava's gallery: Great scenes.. Love that Scotty and Kiwi want to help BobTodd sell a painting! Love Betsy calling BobTodd, Bobby! :) Maxie wanting BobTodd to talk about their one night stand was odd even for Maxie.. BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: So, good luck with her.


    BobTodd: Elizabeth is my girlfriend.. Right? Right? This is the person that I love.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww LOVE THAT!!!!! :) Such a sweet loving scene!!!!!!

    "Karen says Thank you I said HER NAME WAS Karen on GH ---no one believed me. It's Betsy. UGH. WEIRD! she was named after me, damn it lol."

    ROFL! I don't remember her being named Karen.. We will have to find that scene on youtube. :)


    ValeNina: Love the scene.. Love her talk to V.C. about BobTodd and their relationship. Love the dress. WOW!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Finchy and Anna: GAH!!!!!! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE JEWELARY OR CASSANDRA!!!! Who the hell is Cassandra? Is it that blonde woman with Ava? So now Anna is going to blackmail Finchy? UGH!


    Jurtis: Oh come on Jordan! Tell the man the truth! That you are in wuv with him!!!! :)

    Curtis and Sonny: RA RO!!!! TWOUBLE!!!!

  8. Sonya said...
    I don't remember her being named Karen.. We will have to find that scene on youtube. :)

    ***Here you are, Sonya. They give her name in the first 51 seconds.

  9. lol helps if I post the link.

  10. "Di helps if I post the link."

    Yes that would help a lot! ROFL! Oh thank you!!!! Oh that's right!!!! :) Too bad they changed her name.

  11. JSL said...
    I hope Steve Burton is not to play Nikolas Casadine. That would definitely be bad news for Friz fans. Though, that would be a stroke of genius by Valentin to punish Nikolas by giving him the face of his enemy. Also twin story would be history

    I would love to have the character of Nikolas back but not with Burton (the most worthless actor in daytime) playing him. That would drive me away for good this time. I've been a loyal viewer since the introduction of Laura but I've been off and on for most of the last 10 years mostly because of Sonny Corinthos and all the mob shite. I much prefer if they brought in Nick Stabile the recast Nikolas from last year. He had real chemistry with Ava and Ava needs someone but not Griffin.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...