HELLO.... I have work today-- so I'm not going to be here for it. I'm sure I won't miss much PRE-JASON return. Spinning wheels right now or what? eesh!!
Thanks to DISCO DAVE for the photo!! He's a photoshop master. Behave. BeKind. YOU BE YOU.
FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...
Watching DAYS and have to ask, when did Maggie become such a beetch? Or is that just for "Adrienne"?
ReplyDeletechemistry today between anna and finn. i like them together.
ReplyDeleteDamn it I fell asleep. I've been doing that alot. Thank God for the dvr.
DeleteLove the Jason picture hahahaha.
ReplyDeleteFinn's home:
Finn and Anne: Oh man I am so bored!!!!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Carly's home: *GASP* MILOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You have been missed Milo! Where have you been?!!?!?! Broken up with Piffy yet? Yes you are right, Joss IS too young to date! Hmm when Joss showed up, Oscar shook his head to her! Like he was signalling to her that his story was a lie!!!!
Joss and Sonny: Oh man! She is back to love him isn't she? ACK!
Carly and Oscar: Hmmm he didn't answer her question about his mother. Joss and Sonny must have come in, so Joss and Oscar must have left.
Melle: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Joscar: RA RO! Their kisses are getting intense!!!
Oscar Jr: I'm ready!!!!
Joss Jr: I am ready too, but I am not sure if Joss is.
The hospital/Jason's room:
Bobbie and Monica: GREAT SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Monica!!!! :( Love the talk of the past. :)
Bobbie and Janelle: Bobbie vs Janelle LOVE IT!
Janelle: I love you Michael.
Michael: I love you too.
Awww how sweet. Nephew and aunt are in wuv. :) What next? They get engaged, and then Janelle tries to kill Michael? I mean the other day when they were in bed, she was very creepy!!
Was it me or was there a lot of background music today? Really sounded cheesy. I loved Bobbie and Monica-was amazed that they actually brought up their history together. However, I thought the Nelle/Michael stuff was badly written and acted. Anna and Finn are cute together.
Before I fell asleep I saw the scene with Monica and Bobbie and they were talking about losing children. Bobbie was talking about her recent loss. Eh? I know she lost BJ but that was way way back. Can anyone feel me in. Memory sucks.
ReplyDeleteI think she meant Morgan
DeleteOh yeh...easy to forget. LOL!
ReplyDeleteSurprised the writers remembered haha!
DeleteI thought Hayden AND FINN were leaving? Are we really still stuck with Michael Easton No. 6?
ReplyDeleteThere was never any mention of Michael leaving. If you ever saw that, it was false. I'm glad he's still "stuck" around. 😁
DeleteMichelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteWatching DAYS and have to ask, when did Maggie become such a beetch? Or is that just for "Adrienne"?
** Maggie has never cared for Adrienne. But, she's generally been better with her for Justin's sake. Though, throwing Bonnie into the mix, (even though she doesn't know it) It's pretty understandable. Bonnie tried to attach herself to Mickey when Maggie was thought to be dead, during the disaster that was the "Melaswen" storyline. And really, I can't fault Maggie one bit. I can't stand Bonnie. The whole Adrienne/Bonnie Marlena/Hattie storyline right now, is definitely my biggest issue with what RC's doing. I love both actresses quite a bit, but this sort of stuff kinda makes me wince a bit. Otherwise, the show is FAR FAR better than the disaster that DH made of it. There really is a lot to like right now with it.
Oh thanks so much, I watched back in the days of Patch and his Sweetness, when Stephanie Kay was born and stopped after awhile. I guess when there was just the vcr and DAYS and OLTL ended up airing the same time. Yeh this Bonnie and Hattie thing...hope it's over soon.
Deletesonya said...
ReplyDeleteCarly's home: *GASP* MILOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You have been missed Milo! Where have you been?!!?!?! Broken up with Piffy yet? Yes you are right, Joss IS too young to date! Hmm when Joss showed up, Oscar shook his head to her! Like he was signalling to her that his story was a lie!!!!
** That was surprising as I thought Milo hand only gone back to helping Sonny when Max was shot several months ago, and when Max was up and about again, that was it.
LSV422 said...
ReplyDeleteI loved Bobbie and Monica-was amazed that they actually brought up their history together.
** Same for me. It was without a doubt the best part of today'a show. I just REALLY wish we could get more of stuff like it. Instead of maybe once or twice every 6 months or so, if we're lucky.
MONICA AND BOBBIE!! Y#S!!! I was SO happy during their scenes together, speaking about the past, and the writers remembering that they are friends. They were BEST FRIENDS, now they almost NEVER interact, I loved that they remembered the past, mourned their losses, yet spoke of being strong, resilient women!! PLEASE writers, have more scenes with them, and the other vets together.
ReplyDeleteRe Finn, I did not think he was leaving. I think they need SOME drs. at GH besides Monica and Dr. Handsome (oh, and also the creepy dr. maybe hitting on Kiki). Well, I guess when Kiki "fast-tracks" and becomes a dr. in a month, then we will have more drs. at GH. I wonder if there really is such a thing as a "fast-track" med program, I tend to think not, I surely would not want such a dr. working on me!
AntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteRe Finn, I did not think he was leaving. I think they need SOME drs. at GH besides Monica and Dr. Handsome (oh, and also the creepy dr. maybe hitting on Kiki). Well, I guess when Kiki "fast-tracks" and becomes a dr. in a month, then we will have more drs. at GH. I wonder if there really is such a thing as a "fast-track" med program, I tend to think not, I surely would not want such a dr. working on me!
** Ahhh, and thought you did think he was going, I probably just read it wrong. The thing with Kiki is really weird. Really, the ONLY reason I'm not auto ffwding through it, is because of JDP. I adored him on OLTL, and I've been hoping that at some point he'd come back to soaps, while there are still any left. And now with the kids gone, and KDP's cancer in remission, I'm glad he was given the chance. It's just sad that this is the best they could do? I've suspended my ability of disbelief MANY times over the past 40 years. But one would think a soap about a hospital would at the VERY least respect it's audience enough, and stop this type of bullshit.
Speaking of old OLTTL actors, I thought John-Paul (Rex) was going to DAYS I believe, but I never saw him.
DeleteMichelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteOh thanks so much, I watched back in the days of Patch and his Sweetness, when Stephanie Kay was born and stopped after awhile. I guess when there was just the vcr and DAYS and OLTL ended up airing the same time. Yeh this Bonnie and Hattie thing...hope it's over soon
** You're quite welcome. I'm happy to answer whatever you ask. As huge of an improvement the writing is under RC now, I am noticing a bit of a pattern with his stuff that is a bit frustrating (And I don't just mean the seeming obsession he has with twins). It just seems like nearly everyone suddenly has their IQ dropping somewhere in the double digits. So quite intelligent people do things that they NEVER would. For instance, Victor (and Justin) SHOULD have been able to tell that wasn't Adrienne instanantly. Instead they have him sitting there like a clueless old man.
Yeh even Marlene, or even John. Their convo today I thought she had it figured out...but no. Haha!
DeleteMichelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of old OLTTL actors, I thought John-Paul (Rex) was going to DAYS I believe, but I never saw him.
** JPL did as a Phillip (Kate and Victor's son (complete with a magically regrown leg!)) recast before the 50th anniversary in the fall of 2015, and was let go last summer. (This being DAYS though, he last was last onscreen around the end of last year.) I haven't heard of ANY talk of him coming back at all. But, I'd definitely be up for it. He was perfect for the role, and I thought did the best he possibly could with the material he was given to work with. With the writer shift several months into 2016 started out quite good, but then Josh Griffith left, leaving Deena Higley in charge of the writing, and things went south fast, and he was let go. He pretty much drew the short end of the stick. That happened to quite a few talented people.
** Have you seen Winterthorne, per chance? He was great in it also. Though, Winterthorne was very good, as is, and should still be watched, regardless!
Ah that was before I started watching more regularly than I do now.
DeleteNo I've never seen that show.
Michelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteYeh even Marlene, or even John. Their convo today I thought she had it figured out...but no. Haha!
** Yeah, I was REALLY hoping this wouldn't happen when it was announced he was the new HW. On a whole the show actually FEELS like DAYS again. Which I am very grateful for. It's just ridiculous that John (An ISA agent) And Marlena (A very respected therapist) wouldn't have figured this stuff out immediately.
Michelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteAh that was before I started watching more regularly than I do now.
No I've never seen that show.
** I started watching in the early 80s, it was about a year or so before "The Pawn" storyline, where John first introduced. (And my absolute favorite from the show.
** If you haven't seen Winterthorne yet, that needs to be addressed as soon as possible!!
It's a completely free online four part show. That's as much as I'm going to say about it. Because the front page of the site should tell you all you need to know!