Thursday, July 9, 2020

Surviving The COVID

                                                         So, how ya'll doin? 


  1. I guess I'm doing about the same as everyone else... Bored, tired of all the controversy, tired of missing my TV shows!!! lol... But grateful that my friends and family have been spared any of this mess. Hope you and all your family, friends, and readers are doing well too, Karen.

  2. Doing okay here. Not liking the extreme heat/humidity but it is summer. I live near the Long Island Sound where yesterday there was a raw sewage leak of 2.1 million gallons so all our beaches are closed. Too hot for me but it is a bummer for many. I prefer the AC.
    Hope you are staying cool, calm and collected...whatever that means. lol

  3. I only restarted watching GH in 2011 after OLTL stopped; used to watch in the 70s and 80s. I am enjoying the retro shows prior to 2011.

    1. "broncomom says, I only restarted watching GH in 2011 after OLTL stopped;"

      Hey! When AMC ended, I started watching Y&R! :) So, we are in the same boat. :)

  4. I'm doing well. Just chugin along. I'm surviving too. The virus and the heat wave!!

  5. So, I have been watching some older "GH" episodes on YouTube, mostly ones from the 1990s, but also the '70s and '80s also. With ABC forced to do reruns, there are some really good storylines from the '90s that they could repeat each week -- pick out the five most important episodes which would definitely include a "beginning" and an "end" episode. Two no-brainers: BJ's death/Maxie's heart and when Mac, Felicia and Kevin tracked Ryan to Canada.

    1. "Kevin says, So, I have been watching some older "GH" episodes on YouTube,"

      Yeah me too. :)

      "With ABC forced to do reruns, there are some really good storylines from the '90s that they could repeat each week -- pick out the five most important episodes which would definitely include a "beginning" and an "end" episode. Two no-brainers: BJ's death/Maxie's heart and when Mac, Felicia and Kevin tracked Ryan to Canada."

      Yeah I wish they would do that!!

  6. I wish they would do that too. Don't like the ones they are showing. I actually watch on U tube so don't have to have commercials. So when I want a little GH I pick one from there. Not always easy to find what you want, but they do have some nice "oldies" up there. I just can't find "particular" ones per se.


  7. anxious and fearful. County I live in is a hotbed now. Hospitals full and no end in sight
    now. Staying home, washing hands and wearing mask the few times I leave house. Retired
    and able to stay at home.

    1. "GGSCH11 says, anxious and fearful. County I live in is a hotbed now. Hospitals full and no end in sight"

      Oh no! Where do you live? :(

  8. Doing as well as can be, not infected yet! :) Missing our show, of course...Hope everyone is doing well!!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...