Monday, July 6, 2020

2008: Mobular Warehouse action

Megan Ward as Kate. Old Michael. 
Claudia, Johnny Z and Trevor Lansing. 


Oh this is where Michael gets shot in the head! Hmmmmm, middle of the Guza blood-bath years? 

Liz and Robin talking about Jason. OMG, Becky looks EXACTLY like she did in March. That girl does not age. Dang. 

Jax and Carly. Carly is STILL just running her mouth. ugh 

Luke and Lulu at the Haunted Star.

Claudia runs into Jerry Jax at The Metro. 

Michael is shot ... will be in a coma, then SORA'd. 

Yeah, mob talk.  I did not like this year of GH. BoRINg 


  1. I couldn't go on my time machine. Di, Karen, and lindie wanted to borrow my time machine to go to December 30th, 1987! ROFL! Today's GH is from April 4, 2008.

    Johnny's home:

    Trever, Johnny, and Claudia: JOHNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Hi baby! :) So good to see you again! Come back to GH PLEASE!!! I BEG OF YOU!! Hi Claudia!!! Wow Trever it's been a long time!!! Hi!

    Johnny and Claudia: Claudia tells Johnny not to worry because Sonny is going to be taken care of! Oh there she goes again. Being all motherly to him. :)

    CarJax home:

    Kate and 12 year old Michael: Michael knows the score!!! :) He knows what Sonny does for a living! Oh yes Kate things will be different now. NOT! Everyone is in denial!!!!

    Mercedes and Carly: Carly is so upset with Jax!!! She wants to take her kids out to eat! Oh she can't. She tells Mercedes to feed young Morgan fish sticks and corn. ROFL! Did she feed baby Joss a lot of corn? Is that why she was obsessed with Corn as a youngin? ROFL!

    Carly and Jason: No Jason don't you dare stick up for Sonny! Oh okay good you are not.

    Jerry, Mercedes, and little Morgan: JERRY!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    Little Morgan: Hi uncle Jerry.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Mercedes is telling Jerry where everyone is. He don't look happy.

    Metrocourt hotel lobby:

    Claudia,and Marty: She wants a room, but the room she wants is ocupado!! She is not having ANY of it!!!! She wants to talk to the owner!! When she said owner, I thought she meant the person who is staying at the room she wanted. Marty how have you been? I don't see you on GH anymore!! Man Marty is hot.

    Claudia and Carly: Oh boy! They have a strong bite. They are also wearing black! ROFL! Carly talking about the one night stand Claudia had with Sonny!

    Claudia and Jerry: JERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Sorry can't help it. :) Oh they are pretending they don't know each other.

    CarJax: They are arguing! Jax has a meeting out of town! He is going for Kate, since she can't go! Jax wants her to go with him. She don't like being the afterthought!!! I don't think that is what Jax is doing. Oh Jax I would go anywhere with you baby. ;)

    Jerry on the road: Alexis accidentally hits Jerry with her car.

    Jerry and Alexis: YOW YOW YOW! The chemistry!!!!! I want more of them!!!!!

    Haunted Star: Luke wins the line of the day.

    Lulu: That bitch!

    Luke: Which one. The possibilities are endless.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Lulu is upset with Maxie and also with Kate. Oh but wait she is just hiding the fact of the REAL reason she is upset!! :) She has feelings for Johnny! Luke figured it out! Luke wants her to deal with it! YEAH LULU! You are a Spencer!!! Act like it!

    Johnny and Lulu: GREAT SCENE!!!!!!! :) Lulu is all upset! She is trying to forget Johnny, but it's not working!! Lulu grabs him and kisses him!!! Awww love Jolu!! :) Always have. Course my favorite woman that Johnny was with, was Olivia. :)

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Max: Oh no Max! Sonny don't need you at the coffee warehouse! Things are going to change! The warehouse is going to be safe now!!! NOT!


  2. Sonny and Alexis: Sexis!!! :) Alexis found a dead body and Sonny don't know who this person was. Sonny tells Alexis that 12 year old Michael shot Kate. 12 year old Michael bought a gun! Alexis is just oh so happy to hear this! Sonny says he promises that things are changing!! Everyone will be safe.. La la la denial. La la la la.

    The coffee warehouse: Oh look! Ian Devlin with a gun!! He used to be on Castle. Great show!!

    Kate, Michael, and Sonny: La la la la.. What a wonderful day. Things are going to be different. It's going to be safe from now on. La la la la la.. Oh yes darn tootin it will be! I promise!

    *Bullet tries to hit Sonny, but it ricochets and hits 12 year old Michael*


    The hospital:

    Liz and Robin: They are talking about Jason! Liz is so in love with Jason!!! :) I love Liason! :)

    Jason's home:

    Jason and Liz: Awwwww! They are kissing! She wants Jason to be with their son Jake. She wants a life with him. Awwwww. :)

    My flashback: January 23rd 2012. Sonny tells Johnny who his real parents are. Too bad Claudia died before Johnny was able to confront her!! I knew from the get go that Claudia was Johnny's mother! The way she touched his face and how all motherly she acted toward him. I made a post about it on another website back then! People were all you are crazy. There are people who are family who touch the face and it doesn't have to be a mother. On and on and on! Well, I was finally vindicated when the truth came out! HA! :) Although I'm not sure those people still on there. Maybe they were just quiet. :)

    Tomorrow's episode is from May 4, 2010 Michael confesses to killing Claudia.

  3. I watched today and remembered how much I would like liason. The walking dead always showed emotion with robin and liz.

    1. "Witch said The walking dead always showed emotion with robin and liz."

      ROFL! True. :)

  4. I couldn't use my time machine, because Zazu wanted to borrow it to go to April 1st 1963. The pilot! :) ROFL! Today's episode is from May 4th 2010. Chad Duell is in the role! He started on April 20, 2010.

    The courthouse: Michael is on the stand. Judge Carrol wants Michael to answer his question about Claudia's death! The judge is not messing around!!! He is pissed off with everyone. He kicked everyone out of his courtroom hahahahaha. Olivia talks to Jason about staying away from Dante.. Her wittle wittle boy! The judge is talking to the jury. Alice!!! Coleman!!!!!!! I want both of them back!!!!!! Oh look Lisa Niles on the jury. :) Alice wins the line of the day.

    Alice: Are you trying to tell me, that I have to wait a whole nother year until I am called to jury duty again?


    Outside the courthouse:

    Lulu and Carly: Carly is PISSED!!!!! Tracy shows up and speaks the REAL truth! :)


    Sonny and Olivia: Sonny blames Olivia for not telling him about Dante, and now Dante hates him. Oh Sonny! Look at the mirror and take a long look at yourself!

    Jason's home:

    Jason, Spinny, and Sam: Jason needs Spinny to hack hack hack into the police department computer system. All the while Jason and Spinny are talking, Sam was quiet as a mouse. WHOA! Very unlike her!!! Spinny was telling Jason not to kill Dante!!! He is Sonny's first born child!!!!

    Johnny's home:

    Johnny and Olivia: Awwww Jolivia. :) Of course they talk about Michael and they talk about Claudia. Oh stop talking and just kiss.. :) No? Okay. :(

    Police station:

    Dante and Michael: They are having a nice chit chat. Dante doesn't think Michael will go to jail. That he suffered brain damage. Hmmmm. It's an invisible brain damage! :)

    Carly and Dante: Dante doesn't think Michael will be prosecuted! Blah blah blah. You were wrong Dante!!! She thinks Dante is a vindictive liar! HAHAHHAAHA. And you are not Carly? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Carly and Michael: :( He is sorry! Carly thinks the judge will believe his story. HA!

    Dante's home:

    Lante: Dominic Zamprogna sounds like he has a cold. I am glad Lulu is there for Dante. :)

    Michael's jail cell:

    Michael and Sonny: Awwwwwwwwwww. :( Michael thinks he is a coward. Sonny says he respects him. Michael says he is going to be okay. Jason showed up and listened in.

    Carly's home:

    Carly and little Morgan: She had to explain to him what happened in the courthouse. :( Little Morgan is sad. :(

    My flashback: 3rd part of Introducing Frisco Jones. There are 30 parts to it. I'm not going to show all of it, but you can check it all out on youtube. :)

    Tomorrow's episode: May 7th, 2010 Michael is sentenced to prison.

    Sidenote: Yesterday's episode when Liz and Jason decided to be together, the next day, they find out Michael got shot, and Jason decided that they shouldn't be together! UGH! I hated that back then! GAH!!!!

    1. Well I'm back from 1963! What a ride. Thanks sonya!
      Now I have a question: how long did it take the writers to make Sam Alexis' daughter?
      Wow...Maxie was so annoying. They wrote her the longest sentences ever.

    2. "zazu says, Well I'm back from 1963! What a ride. Thanks sonya!"

      ROFL! You're welcome. :) Had fun did ya?

      "Now I have a question: how long did it take the writers to make Sam Alexis' daughter?"

      Oh great question. Now I want to know the answer to that!

      "Wow...Maxie was so annoying. They wrote her the longest sentences ever."

      Hahahaha. Oh I forgot to talk about Maxie. Yes Maxie is very long winded! :)

  5. Sonya said - "Sam was quiet as a mouse. WHOA! Very unlike her!!!" I know what you meant - but never thought I'd see those words on this blog lol

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "JohnD says, I know what you meant - but never thought I'd see those words on this blog lol"

      What do you mean? At first I thought you were talking about sex and Sam and quiet during sex. (Well she is actually ROFL) But now I'm not sure what you are saying. :)

    3. everyone calls Sam mumbles because they can't hear her - so saying her being quiet is unlike her struck me as odd - sorry for the confusion

    4. "JohnD says, everyone calls Sam mumbles because they can't hear her - so saying her being quiet is unlike her struck me as odd."

      Ohhhhh! Hahahahaha! I call her mummbles too.. No I mean she wasn't saying anything. She was sitting on the couch not saying a word. Then she stood beside Jason and still didn't say anything, until she finally did hahaha. I just thought it was funny. You don't think she mumbles? Can you hear her well?

  6. I stopped watching between 2002 and 2009. Hated the "Guza bloodbath years." (A good term for it.)

  7. Chad was great yesterday, and I didn't realize he had just started as Michael back then! I really felt for him.

    The total lack of self awareness of the bar ware thrower was in full force. It infuriated me then and it infuriates me now. Carly's rage was understandable but I didn't need to see it or listen to her mouth. She was great with Morgan, though. And what a pleasure it's been to see Johnny Z. I still miss him!

  8. I watched Monday just to see a lot of the actors I met on set. I really miss Johnny Z and old Lulu. Jason and Liz were so great together. He fell asleep about the time he met up with Courtney.

    1. "LindaV says, He fell asleep about the time he met up with Courtney."

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thank you! That was great. :) Yes he did fall asleep when he met her! :)

  9. I couldn't go on my time machine. Julie H borrowed it because she wanted to go to January 3rd 1990! ROFL! Today's episode is from May 7th 2010. The theme yesterday was Michael isn't going to prison! And the theme today is the same thing.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jax and Claire (Michael's lawyer) Jax wants to know what Michael's chances are. Claire said that Michael might have a suspended sentence.

    OG Queen Helena and Tracy: HELENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Helena wins the line of the day.

    OG Queen Helena: Luke can be quite thrilling, when properly stimulated.



    Lulu and Maxie: Lulu is just parroting what Dante said about Michael and that he won't go to prison! Maxie's head is not in the sand. Lulu talked about the guilt she felt killing Logan. Dammit I loved Lulu and Logan together!!! :(

    Lucky and Maxie: Hi Johnathan Jackson Lucky! :)

    Maxie: I think Dante should have let Michael have the opportunity to at least arrange for a plea deal.

    SHE IS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Little Morgan and little Molly: (Molly played by Haley Pullos) Awwww teeny tiny little Molly!!!! :) She is tutoring little Morgan. Oh hi very young Krissy! Hi Mike! Oh Mike is going to the courthouse. Little Morgan, Little Molly, and young Krissy, are going to the courthouse too without anybody knowing! :)

    Olivia and Johnny: GAHHHHHHHHHHH! Jolivia are holding hands!! Dammit I miss them as a couple!

    The hospital:

    Liz and patient: Hey Michael Learned as a patient!! I remember her on it!! :) Liz gushing over her love for Lucky. She thinks they will get back together. That he will forgive her for cheating on him with Nik and they will get back together.

    Piffy and Tracy: Tracy needs to talk to someone about the dna test for Liz. Cus at the time, everyone thought Liz's child is Nik's, but it was really Lucky's. But the person she wants to talk to, Piffy said drowned. But nobody knows the truth. Queen Helena killed the person.

    Courthouse: Little Morgan, little Molly, and young Krissy all hiding so nobody can see them. They are waiting for the verdict. Little Molly tells Morgan that everyone hates Dante! Hahahaha. Well eventually, everyone will love Dante. So what are you going to say about that huh?! :) Love this Judge!!! The judge hates being lied to and hates Sonny! He says Michael is an adult! Sonny's speech to the judge, is so heartbreaking. :( Johnny's testimony he was saying that Michael is a hero and the person responsible for Claudia's death is Sonny. The judge says, 5 years in jail with a possibility of parole in 2 years. This judge is great!!!! You gotta hear his speech!! Is Michael's lawyer Claire rolling her eyes? HE IS RIGHT YOU DUMMY! Don't roll your eyes at him! GAH!

    Dante: You can't do this!!!!

    Oh yes he can dummy!!! Feeling guilty eh Dante?

    Little Molly and Michael: Little Molly's squeal of no is so adorable!!!!

    My flashback: Tony proposes to Bobbie. 1989. I remember this! They weren't even dating they were just friends! He did ask her out on a date. Does anybody remember this?

    Tomorrow's episode is from January 6, 2011: Sonny visits Kristina at the hospital. That is from the bus crash!!!

    1. Oh wait! Claire wasn't Michael's lawyer!! She was the prosecuting attorney. I forgot all about her.. She had a fling with Sonny. She came in by Jax to prosecute Sonny, but ended up sleeping with him! ROFL! I'm reading up on her. Does anybody remember her?

    2. I don't have a may 7th 2010. I have a may 4, 2010....was something pre-empted maybe???

    3. "Michelle L says, I don't have a may 7th 2010. I have a may 4, 2010....was something pre-empted maybe???"

      Really? You saw a different episode? How odd.

    4. Dang time machine took me back to when Robert died, the 1st time, lol! But lo and behold, there was a little Robin, Katherine Delafield (loved her, she had great hair!), Teri Brock, Felicia, Frisco, Bobby, Tony, Sean, the get the idea. What a ride! Thanks for the loan Sonya!

      Thanks for the recap from yesterday. I kept getting weather reports as we had some serious storms roll in. That judge was perfect!! I would have sent them all to jail. Big fat self entitled liars, all of them! Johnny Z. was superb. He was good with a Olivia but he and Lulu were the best. :)

    5. "Julie H says, Dang time machine took me back to when Robert died, the 1st time, lol!"

      Awwww you ended up going back to 1992 when Robert and Anna "died"! :(

      "But lo and behold, there was a little Robin, Katherine Delafield (loved her, she had great hair!), Teri Brock, Felicia, Frisco, Bobby, Tony, Sean, the get the idea."

      Wow! You went way back hahahha.

      "What a ride! Thanks for the loan Sonya!"

      Hahahaha. You're welcome. :)

      "Thanks for the recap from yesterday. I kept getting weather reports as we had some serious storms roll in."

      Oh you're welcome!!! You had rain?!!?! Lucky you!!! :) I want rain!

      "That judge was perfect!! I would have sent them all to jail. Big fat self entitled liars, all of them!"

      HA! Yeah the judge was great!!

      "Johnny Z. was superb. He was good with a Olivia but he and Lulu were the best. :)"

      Oh I loved him with them, but I loved him with Olivia more. :)

    6. Sonya, it's there today. Not sure what took it so long. Going to watch it now... I think LOL!

    7. "Michelle L says, Sonya, it's there today. Not sure what took it so long. Going to watch it now... I think LOL!"

      Really?!!?! So you saw May 7th today?!!?! Wow!!!

    8. Yes I have it but can't watch it on hulu... being a stinker! Keeps starting over. I've cleared the cache, checked for updates, and restarted firestick and still nothing. The others played fine, and other apps were fine too. So I gave up.

    9. "Michelle L says, Yes I have it but can't watch it on hulu... being a stinker! Keeps starting over. I've cleared the cache, checked for updates, and restarted firestick and still nothing. The others played fine, and other apps were fine too. So I gave up. "

      Oh no! Don't give up. :( Check on youtube or dailymotion..

  10. Today's GH is from January 6, 2011 This is after the bus crash!!! Back then the only comment I made, was about Abby and Michael's age. They are 10 years apart and how did Carly know! Hahaha. Well, Abby 28. Michael 18.. Michelle L wanted to borrow my time machine to go to November 29th 1995. ROFL! That is actually when Stone died. :(

    Diane's office:

    Spinny, Diane, and The Balkin: The Balkin! UGH! He was such a evil cartoon character! Diane and the Balkin are talking, when Spinny walks in! Spinny sneezes! YIKES!!! Where is your mask Spinny?!?! Social distancing please!!! The Balkin wins the line of the day.

    Balkin: That is exactly the type of insensitivity that spreads disease and launches pandemics!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! RIGHT?!!?! :) You are way ahead of your time Balkin. :) I'm surprised he didn't tell him to wear a mask. :)

    Q mansion:

    Edward, Maya, and Ethan: Edward wants Maya and Ethan to live together as husband and wife, and he will give them a million dollars! :) Oh fun! :) Ethan says he will move in right now! Maya is all NO WAY! ROFL! Oh hello Tracy!! She is supposed to be on her honeymoon with Luke! *GAG* Oh he decided to skip the honeymoon and go right to grand larceny. ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but the Balkin was funnier.

    The hospital:

    Dr. Terrell Jackson, Robin, and Patrick: Oh yes Terrell! I remember him! HI STEVEN Lars BABY! :) My poor Steven looks all beat up. Because of the bus crash. Doc Terell wants to get to know people. Robin and Patrick are separated, but I am not sure why she would tell a complete stranger. Robin says she can cook and Patrick says he can't hahaha. Terrell and Lisa Niles keep looking at each other.

    Dr. Terrell and Lisa Niles: They know each other!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN! Lisa wants Terrell to seduce Robin! Well Lisa, don't forget to tell him that Robin is HIV +!!

    Morgan's room:

    Carly, Morgan, and Michael: Morgan got hurt from the bus crash, but he is going to be okay. Carly wants to make sure. :)

    The Balkin and Morgan: Hmmm. The actor playing Morgan sounds like he has a cold. The Balkin says he is an attorney and Morgan says he don't need one. Don't we all need one at some point Morgan? :) The Balkin says that Sonny was a neglectful father! BAHAHAHAHHA!


    Carly and Michael: Carly brings up Abby. Michael insists they are just friends! HA!

    Krissy's room:

    Sonny and Krissy: Krissy has all the guilt feels because her friend who was on that bus died. She blames herself. He understands and brings up Stone. :(

    Olivia's room:

    Lulu and Dante: Dante tells her of when he was a kiddo that he got hurt but got better, Olivia yelled at him. So he wants to do the same when she wakes up. She got hurt on the bus crash.

    Dante and Johnny: JOHNNY!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Johnny: Olivia and I broke up because of the life I choose to lead.

    Uh no Johnny. Olivia broke up with you because Claudia blackmailed her too!!!

    Olivia and Dante: She is awake!!! YAY!!! :)


    Sonny and Balkin: Balkin was talking to Dante and Sonny didn't like it.

    Conference room:

    Carson: Carly wanted to talk to Sonny about Michael and Abby! She thinks Abby is using Michael for money! Sonny says Abby has a job. At a strip club! She is an exotic dancer! OOPS big mouth Sonny ROFL! Carly doesn't like that at all!!!

    Carly: Sonny! This is NOT happening!

    Mama bear is coming out!!! Love that line!!! :)


  11. Kelly's:

    Abby and Michael: Oh there is Abby. I had to read my past posts on here about them as a couple, cus I didn't remember. Reading it refreshed my memory. I liked them as a couple in the beginning, but then ended up wanting Abby to break up with Michael because he was acting like such a jerk! Now Chad Duell sounds like he has a cold. Must have gotten it from the actor who played young Morgan. :)

    McCall and Jackal Private Investigation:

    Spinny and Diane: Talkin about the Balkin. Spinny still not wearing a mask!!!! He wants her to chronicle the exploits of "the Jackal, P.I." Diane laughed and laughed and laughed ROFL! She thought he was joking.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE!

    My flashback: December 9th 2009. This is after Michael got shot in the head and was in a coma for a year. He is brain damaged and he is so angry here. Well well well Jason. Now you know how your family felt with your anger and turning against them.. Hmm karma! ROFL! My favorite parts.

    Jason: SHUT UP!!!

    Yikes!!! Yes sir!!!!

    Jason: But you are acting like a little BITCH!


    Tomorrow's episode: July 25, 2016: Sonny tells Kristina about Parker.


No Body But...

  Well, seems like everyone on BlueSky watched The Gates yesterday so...I wonder how many are with me today!! I'm taping it to watch l...