Friday, July 31, 2020


Well, first things first: Dom Z is coming back! That's right... he'll be back for "12 weeks"-- which might extend into more. Happy? Sad? I do think he fills a hole for both Lulu and Sonny. Maybe if Dante is back we can lose BRANDO. YEP. Bye. 

On to the BIGGER News! Kelly Monaco is being temporarily replaced by Lindsey Hartley  (of Passions fame) Go check it out on Daytime Confidential.  Why you ask? Well... Kelly's Mom took to twitter to let everyone know that Kelly had "difficulty with the mask" and even tho she tested negative for COVID, she was told to go home. 

SO, does this mean they don't have to wear masks next week? Mom went on to explain that Kelly is claustrophobic and has been since she was a kid.  Okay then! Here's hoping she's healthy and working soon. I don't know much about Lindsey but it will be a little exciting change in the show to talk about! 


  1. "Well, first things first: Dom Z is coming back!"

    Yup!! YAY! :)

    "he'll be back for "12 weeks"-- "

    What?!?! I haven't heard that.. Why?!!?! :(

    "which might extend into more. Happy? Sad?"

    I hope it's more!!!! Well I'm happy he is coming back, but 12 weeks? :(

    "Maybe if Dante is back we can lose BRANDO. YEP. Bye."

    Oh I don't know. I like Brando. Especially with Molly. :) But he can stop kissing up to Sonny and asking permission to stay in Port Chuckles.

    "Kelly Monaco is being temporarily replaced by Lindsey Hartley (of Passions fame)"

    And AMC. :)

    "Mom went on to explain that Kelly is claustrophobic and has been since she was a kid. Okay then! Here's hoping she's healthy and working soon. I don't know much about Lindsey but it will be a little exciting change in the show to talk about!"

    Claustrophobic oh dear. She should just stay home!!! I don't really understand why they are all working at all. Since California has gotten worse. I just want everyone safe. :(

  2. What a damn drama queen...figures it was something. Omg!

  3. Glad Dom is coming back. Hope he stays longer. I think Brando is working for Cyrus. Still wish they would bring Brenda back.

  4. Passions! That was a hell of a fun soap

  5. KM is more trouble than she's worth. Lindsay has been in many Lifetime movies and is a great actress. She brings a lot of passion to her scenes. Kelly has simply been mumbling her lines for years. No passion, no nothing....just speaking her lines. Very odd to me.

  6. Oh look a sneak peak of everyone in the courtroom!! :)

    Diane: Or is counsel trying to bond with his witness?

    ROFL! Yes? :)

  7. I hope Dominic is back for good, as Dante is a great character. Honestly, Kelly doesn't seem to be into her role anymore and I think some of it probably has to do with how they treated Billy (Drew). I've never really cared for the Sam character, so maybe a new actress can make it more interesting.

  8. Is it wrong I want mad Chem between Steve and her?? :)

    1. Honestly I think it's inevitable with KM the way she was. However I do like him on his own.

    2. I always wanted liason, thought they had crazy chemistery

    3. "kdmask says, Is it wrong I want mad Chem between Steve and her?? :)"

      No it's not wrong!!! :) I hope they do have chemistry! :)

  9. I am looking forward to new episodes and the end of the baby Wiley story...hahahahahaha.
    Nancy Lee Grahn posted that she felt very safe at work and they are testing everyone three times a week.

    1. "zazu says, I am looking forward to new episodes and the end of the baby Wiley story...hahahahahaha."

      Hahaha. Yeah me too!! :)

      "Nancy Lee Grahn posted that she felt very safe at work and they are testing everyone three times a week."

      GREAT!!! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.



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