Sunday, August 2, 2020

Sunday Surgery: On The Road Again...

It's coming!! Tomorrow is the day!! I think Michael will get custody (how could he not? We need an angry Nelle!!) ...and... um...what else was going on? LOL I didn't get the chance to see it Friday like I thought I would. Whoops. 

GUESS WHAT !!? My Dad is in town for tests tomorrow and I have to pick up my Mom and IT'S AT 1-3 at least!
COME ON DAD... next time check with me, ok??? 


So, that means, I won't be live for the first day back. What were the odds? :sigh: I can't tell my Mom to wait in the parking lot or watch GH while she's here and ignore her. Damn it. I WILL put a blog up so you can post however. Then I'll catch it on Hulu. Tuesday will have to be my official day back. 

You saw the MASK-DRAMA with KeMo right? If not, go a post below. I really want to see how Lindsey does. What if she and Burton have great chem? :giggle:  Her mom says that she will be back next week. I'm trying to figure out what will be different then?? Because you still need to wear a mask when you're not filming? 


I am psyched for Dom to be back as well. It will give us something to look forward to. He never should have left. (it was his choice, remember). I wonder if they'll keep "Dustin"?? Maybe he'll turn out to be a jelly-psycho and want LULU all to himself. 

Turns out that spoilers say the Nurses Ball will be held in August! How will they do that? Hmmm, all the acts are virtual and characters watch on Zoom?? We will have to see! 

If you need recaps of what happened when GH left off go to Soaps IN Depth. They have the goods. 

SO !! We'll be back, kids! I know some people are back to school this month. EESH. WE still have a month and some to go. I'm glad for that. Still not sure what my role will look like yet as far as the little kids go. So many restrictions in place. 

Leave a comment, let me know you're still here and ready to watch! 


  1. Not to burst any bubbles but I thought I heard that Nellie gets custody. I hope it was someone just shooting their mouth off, but you KNOW Nellie ALWAYS wins!
    As for KeMo who knows. Does she have Covid maybe? I just can't see what would be different??
    Am I the only one not stoked about Doms return? I mean he chose to leave and just like Chloe he keeps coming back. It's like stay or go...or with Chloe just go...LOL! (Sorry not feeling Nellie)
    I hear Dom is only in for 12 wks and it's for a funeral. Mike?
    So glad I get to watch tomorrow. Sorry you don't Karen. I have a dr appt Tues finally for my foot but it's early so I can watch then too..I hope.

    1. "Michelle L says, but you KNOW Nellie ALWAYS wins!"

      No she doesn't! :) She went to jail! She didn't win that time.

    2. I am THRILLED that Dom is coming back, and I hope that he stays for good. My hubby and I have been watching Battlestar Gallactica this spring/summer. He had watched it years ago, but forgot most of it, and I never had watched it. It is a great show, but VERY depressing! It kinda takes you out of this depressing reality into another one . . . Anyway, Dom was on the show, I was just THRILLED to see him! He left after a couple of seasons, I was wondering if that was when he got the job at GH. I was struck by just how AMAZINGLY HANDSOME he is, he was really good on the show.

    3. BSG (2004 reboot!) is one of my top shows along with the Sopranos, the Wire, and Fringe. It IS a great show and that it was denied Emmy recognition for writing or acting is a travesty. Have you seen the ending yet? It was...controversial in some respects, but for some characters I thought it was very moving. FYI, the new Peacock streaming network is going to reboot it again's unclear if it's a clean reboot or some kind of continuation, but should be worth checking out. Also, you may want to check out Caprica which was a brief prequel series...very different the BSG but I thought it was underrated.

    4. Anon, have NOT seen the ending yet, so glad you didn't spoil! My husband watched it before, as I said, so we still have a movie or 2 to finish to get to the last eppies. We also plan to watch Caprica, it was on for one season.

  2. "GUESS WHAT !!? My Dad is in town for tests tomorrow and I have to pick up my Mom and IT'S AT 1-3 at least!
    COME ON DAD... next time check with me, ok???"

    Yeah sir!!! Really!!! ROFL!

    "I think Michael will get custody (how could he not? We need an angry Nelle!!)"

    I heard Nelle gets custody. Mothers mostly get custody of the kids, its very rare that father's get custody. Yes we do need an angry Nelle!!! An angry Nelle is so much fun! :)

    "I wonder if they'll keep "Dustin"??"

    I hope so! I like him! :)

    "Maybe he'll turn out to be a jelly-psycho and want LULU all to himself."

    NO!!! :( If Lulu and him are over (which I hope they aren't) then he can find someone else. They can give him a storyline to chew on.

    "Turns out that spoilers say the Nurses Ball will be held in August!"

    Really? Wow!

    "How will they do that? "

    Yeah that's what I want to know!

    "Hmmm, all the acts are virtual and characters watch on Zoom?? We will have to see!"

    Sounds good to me and very realistic.

    "I can't tell my Mom to wait in the parking lot or watch GH while she's here and ignore her."

    Wait in the parking lot! HAHAHAHA! Hi mom. Yeah can you wait in the parking lot while I watch GH for an hour? Yeah thanks. Here is some milk and cookies. She doesn't watch GH at all? Awwww! Catch it on hulu? I guess you don't tape it.

    1. I like Dustin too. And I don't want them to turn him into a psycho or a bad guy. What's wrong with having a hard working nice guy on the show. They do exist you know, even in this time which seems to be driven by young people who want only darkess and evil in the shows they watch.

      And I don't see how someone can overcome claustrophobia in a week. Wish they'd send me that cure. Practice and short trips are the way to go with the mask. Or she can wear a see through face shield. I think she just needs an extra week to practice enunciating while wearing it because she's hard enough to make out without one. lol Sorry. That was mean.

      If Nelle gets custody I won't be watching for a while. I can't stand the character. I'd much rather see her lose and go even more evil on us. Then the writers can flow into a murder mystery. ( *stifles maniacal laugh* Gawd isolation has done nothing for my inate goodness. ) And how long do you think Julian will stay married to her? lol Think The War of the Roses. LMAO

    2. "Di says, What's wrong with having a hard working nice guy on the show."

      Yeah!!!! There is nothing wrong with that. We need good guys just as much as we need bad guys. We need balance.

      "They do exist you know, even in this time which seems to be driven by young people who want only darkess and evil in the shows they watch."

      Like I said, we need balance!!

      "And I don't see how someone can overcome claustrophobia in a week. Wish they'd send me that cure."

      They can't! You have claustrophobia? Awww. :( How are you doing with masks? You okay?

      "she can wear a see through face shield."

      YES!!! She could do that!!! Do you have 1?

      "I think she just needs an extra week to practice enunciating while wearing it because she's hard enough to make out without one. lol Sorry. That was mean."

      ROFL! But it's true! She is a quiet/low talker!!!

      "I'd much rather see her lose and go even more evil on us."

      Hehehehe. Yeah! :)

      "Then the writers can flow into a murder mystery. ( *stifles maniacal laugh*"

      Why you little!!!!!! ROFL!

      "Gawd isolation has done nothing for my inate goodness."


      "And how long do you think Julian will stay married to her? lol"

      A month? Then they can get divorced, then oops she is pregnant! ROFL! *Runs away and hides*

      "Think The War of the Roses. LMAO"

      Hahahahaha. Delicious!

    3. Even with a face shield you have to wear a mask. So that's a negative. Can't stand the Jules and Nellie marriage. Could he look any happier, 😂 Hope we don't look Dustin.

  3. I don't want Dom to return AT ALL - HE chose to leave and do other things and then when he didn't receive many offers to work, he wants to come back. I hate that about soap actors and actresses - like Chloe
    No no no - I like Dustin - Dom can't keep coming back and forth and I am gonna be really mad if Rocco is like 15 now..... Also please have a Nelle murder and who-dun-it...…
    I DO think Brando is a Fed and is trying to infiltrate Cyrus's organization.

    1. Exactly. I don't like his returning either, same with Chloe. They chose to leave. Sorry your gigs didn't work out but oh well...

  4. I too heard that Nelle gets custody which of course is totally ridiculous. Another theory is that shortly after she is killed and then the mystery. I just don't see them getting rid of her.
    It will be sad to see Mike and his story go away. I had always hoped for a misdiagnosis.
    Before the break things were just dragging along. We need some excitement. And Taggart.
    Maybe they have some Nurses Ball on tape.
    With CA such a mess let's hope they can stay safe and healthy while trying to entertain us.

  5. this what i would do if i were a writer...i'd have nina tell in court about the blackmail of julian and after nina finishes her testimony she could see nelle crying with the neckless and want to bond with her but, you know nelle it will probably too late...nelle tells the secert of julian fixing the brakes to fail on brads car resulting in lucas injuries and of course sonny here's and julian has hell to pay



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...