Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Phone Banks


It was the week of the Nurses Ball! Usually a fun week, filled with thrills and sometimes chills. Of course, due to the PANDEMIC things were different this year. What worked? What didn't? What left Wubsy going What the What? 

Grab some donuts from the Nurses Station and let's jump right in! (It's a long one so take 2)


WEAK START OF THE WEEK:  Red Carpet.  Would have been best skipped this year. Maybe they did it to explain things? Either way it was super awkward and just ... weird.  The dialogue was choppy and everyone acted like they didn't know quite what to do. Lucy should have just stood in front of the phone bank to explain things. 


GOOD IDEA THAT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER OF THE WEEK: Telethon? YES! I did miss the ball gowns but I get the idea behind the whole thing. Good way to keep the cast apart. (not that you could tell). Why didn't you make this into a real fund raiser? We did it years ago for HIV/AIDS. Or at least have a PSA to give to your local organizations. BIG MISS not selling those Tshirts, btw. Even my mom texted me about them!! She was going to buy me one (aww). 


BEST NUMBER OF THE WEEK : Giving this to Valentin. Loved the band and love JPS's singing.


DID I MISS SOMETHING OF THE WEEK: Did I dream seeing Molly? Was she only on for a nano-second? At least TJ had some scenes last week with Curtis. It was really not even needed, imo. Either bring her on more full time or stop it. Why she and Krissy aren't FEATURED CHARACTERS I will never understand. 


CHARACTER GONE WTF OF THE WEEK: Ok, I'm going to do a whole Julian thing so if you're not interested, just keep movin'!! First off, Julian has been written seven ways to Sunday ever since they brought him back after he tried to murder Alexis. He's either a super bad guy being blackmailed by some female, a bad-dad being blackmailed by his son in law, a guy that stand behind the bar or a really stupid criminal. That brings us to his latest idiotic story--the taking of Wiley. Let me get this straight. Julian goes to the Q mansion to kidnap the kid and after that's done, figures out he should kill Nelle.  He leaves Wiley IN THE CAR and goes to the docks to confront Nelle. Why in the hell didn't they meet at the cars? In the parking lot? Then, what does he do? 
He pulls a gun. Not only does he pull a gun, there's no silencer on it. So, you're telling me a former mobular man is pulling out a gun to shoot Nelle on the pier where everyone will hear it. Either he better hustle her into the car and drive to the Pine Barrens or I give up.  Julian also either needs to throw in with Cyrus or roll over and just open a florist shop in Beecher's Corners. 


GREATEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Nelle and Brook Lynn. I didn't see it coming. I mean, I DID see it coming because that scene wasn't written great but.. good on the scissors. Now I bet Brook won't be able to sing anymore.  


RUNNER UP MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Maxie tells the entire town she's pregnant. It was funny and I'm glad it's finally out there. Loved Mac's reaction. I refuse to talk about Peter. That is all. 


HE'S ALIVE OF THE WEEK: I don't think any of us doubted this. 


MISSED OPPORTUNITY OF THE WEEK:  Well, the Ball wasn't the Ball for me without Obrect. Sorry. I missed her. Wouldn't  it have been glorious to have her strut out, free from jail and do a great number and throwing Nina off to dance with Jax??  You know it would have. 


BASIC GIRL REACTION OF THE WEEK:  Um, Willow-- could you BE anymore bland in that "Where's Wiley" scene? Geesh. It was almost like "Wow, I think I left my phone at the Ball" sort of moment. Fun fact: Baby Theo who plays Wiley (one of two) was home sleeping when this was filmed! 


LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS OF THE WEEK:  I'm liking the Ned/Olivia fight because it gives LLC and WK some airtime. I love the two of them. I also love the Robert angle. Knowing Lisa had a crush on Tristan when she was younger is priceless. She even fan-girl tweeted about him when he came back the first time! So when I see them together, I can tell her cuteness around him is genuine! I'm glad they're going alone to see Dante. Could be some good stuff. The foreshadowing of Olivia saying Ned is turning into his Grandfather is great as well. Why? Ned was always such the rebel against the corporate world. Just goes to show what age can do to you!! 


TOP DISASTER OF THE WEEK: This continues to be the Nik/Ava/Franco/Liz "Story". OH. MY GOD. Let me write this. Really. I would have to go back in time, but I'd do it. Thank you for the Nik Ava almost kiss. I can deal with that. It's the way it should go. This fake Liz/Franco "fight" is NOT working. There's just no history behind it. Having Liz be all weird and jelly over Ava and hating Franco's past when she made peace with it all plays terribly. I realize Friz can't be all light and happy all the time but damn! She has 3 kids that really could be putting her through the paces. Revisiting the failed Niz romance? NOT the way to Go-Go. Nope. 


MONKEY SHINES OF THE WEEK: Ava's portrait is the monkey face and CO77x. Old Franco stuff. But we figured out it was probably Nikolas behind it all. Ava was all ready to forgive him and... he did this. So we suffer. We DID get the NEAR KISS (Off screen due to COVID) which gives me hope for the Ava Nik pairing I'd like. 



Kelly is back as Sam 

The Nurses Ball began and was a telethon this year

Maxie told the town she was pregnant

Finn and Anna tried to iron out wedding plans (still)

Cam, Joss and Trina sang together. 

Taggert is alive and wants to kill Cyrus 

Nelle slashed Brooklyn in the throat

Robert is getting Olivia in to see Dante

Wiley is taken by Julian and he may kill Nelle 


The Ball didn't have enough numbers by any stretch of the imagination. I guess it was too tough to prepare. It should have been 2-3 days then. It would have been exciting if everything was happening faster. As it was, I was bored 80% of the time and that's the truth. HOWEVER, I am grateful we did have the Ball. I do think it's a tradition to keep alive. Kudos to the actors and staff that work so hard to put on the show. 

Check out Next Week's Scoops: on Diagnosis Daytime 

Did you finish your donuts yet? Do you think Nelle will die? What's going to happen with Julian? 


FACE OF THE WEEK : Let's end this with Franco looking...confoozed lol 


  1. I LOVED the Nurses Ball, every single minute of it, so glad they did this. I thought the acts all were spectacular--Nina and Jax, Valentin, Cam and the girls, etc.

    ITA that Julian has lost his s--t. Brook Lynn definitely is not the brightest bulb on the tree, but the way she handled the Nelle fiasco was beyond stupid!

    I will miss the children, wonder when we will see little Violette again, I hope we can see them soon, before they are all grown up!

  2. I like nik and liz together. reminds me of the 4 musketeer days. I like franco just never liked him with Liz. liked franco with nina. and I don't care about the kidnapping at all. nelle can take wiley and come back in 20 years.

    1. I like Liz and Nik together too, always have. And I like Roger, but the whole Franco thing should never have happened.

  3. kd said.... Julian also either needs to throw in with Cyrus or roll over and just open a florist shop in Beecher's Corners.

    OMG...Thanks for that. I needed the laugh. And thanks for the SS. It seems like the only bit of normalcy for me these days.

    If Nelle doesn't die or at least leave the country on the Most Wanted list I'll be really upset. I want Wiley at home with his parents and Michael back to work. He and Willow with their "at home with the Q's" segment every day is getting way to old. ( I think Katelyn had trouble coming down the stairs in those heels. She was walking like she was afaid she would fall. They should have had her kick the shoes off when she got home so she could run down and concentrate on the urgency and her reaction.)

    I've never been a Liz/Franco fan but this latest writing of their relationship is beyond watchable.

    As for Julian, I'd like him to have called Sonny and turn Nelle over to him for a boat ride in the harbor. Redeem him or bring on the flowers. lol

    1. Yes! Julian should have called Sonny, had him in on it!

  4. I like the Robert and Olivia thing. They are cute together. BUT, I don't want Ned and Olivia to break up because I like Ned and Olivia together. Just fun to "shake things up" a little. No cheating though. Maybe Anna could get jealous and realize she wants to be with Robert again. I want Robert and Anna

  5. Tristin is my fav, but he is in his 70's so too old for Olivia BUT I like the triangle they are setting up cause it DOES give Lisa and Wally a great storyline.....
    WHERE is KEVING and WHERE is Laura? AT LEAST tell us something!
    Sorry but Sasha and Willow are bland and need to go...
    I want Nelle dead - HUGE who-dun-it and again for the 1000 time- turns out it is the sister of her ex-husband but have 2-3 people arrested in the meantime....cause Jordan has never solved a case - True - I looked it up - nary a case did she solve...and please for the love that is all good and kind ----------have Taggart staying at Sonny's safe house!!!!!!
    LOVED this year's telethon!!!!!!!!!

    1. I guess they can't kill Nelle, because she has the other half of Nina's necklace. So my guess is that she is shot by Julian, goes to GH, and Nina finds out she is her daughter.

      Sonny and Julian are supposed to be hardened criminals (albeit with hearts of gold). So why can't they team up and get rid of Cyrus and Nelle? I keep asking this, but no one has answered me, Sonny/Jason made a deal to get rid of Cyrus when Jordan got him out of jail, whatever happened to that?

    2. Exactly AntJoan - this makes NO sense!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Julian KNEW Wiley was Michael's son and kept it a secret. When Sonny learns that fact, he will throw the closest barware and put a hit on Julian. Granted, if this was true Mafia, Sonny would of killed Julian and Ava off a LONG time ago.

    4. Sonny would NOT kill Julian over that, plus they can't prove that Julian knew. I think that Julian also is afraid that Lucas will find out, not sure, as Nelle mentions only the Sonny threat.

  6. Sonny and Jason got too "soft" and decided not to kill Cyrus. lol

    1. why won't they kill him? I just can't remember.

  7. As much as I'd LOVE a "who dun it?" with Nelle or even Peter they won't do it. Nelle is too handy living near the studio and "Peter" is Carly RL boyfriend. Neither are going anywhere.

  8. Not trying to be mean, but from that picture it looks like Kelly Monaco got a lot of facial work.

  9. Plus, Chloe already had COVID, so she shouldn't be able to get it again.

    NO ONE answered a question that I asked an earlier post: I can't remember why Anna doesn't know if Hiney is her son or her nephew. I know she must've given a reason for this, but I can't remember it.

    1. She decide via Robert that she didn't want to know.
      I THINK it was probably in her summer vacation (again that is so stupid she has 6 weeks off) maybe she was gonna try again like last summer?
      BUT Robert DID convince her that ALex would lie and she would never know the truth.

    2. Thanks, but I am trying to figure out how she didn't know whether or not she gave birth.

  10. IMO I think beautiful people (anyone for that matter) should age gracefully without the face lift stuff. IMO it makes them look much worse. Like Meg Ryan. So, so gorgeous and she ruined her face. So sad.

    1. I think it's sad that so many beautiful young girls have been convinced that they can't look "sexy" enough for a role unless they blow up their lips and learn to pout like a fish. Lucy is a great example of aging gracefully without changing her look and trying to erase her true self to fit someone's else's idea of beautiful.

  11. Could "Wiley" be more cute. They should tape the other little Munchkins in their own homes too. Well, if it's safe. Going to miss little Avery and little Violet too. Sometimes they are the only thing I've enjoyed from the show

  12. Another great SS! Thank you.
    I kind of like the show rough around the edges. Even actors stumbling over their words a bit. Makes it all more realistic.
    Did I miss something? Michael and Willow talked about how good Sasha and Chase were at the Nurses Ball. Were they even there?
    Totally agree about Julian. He won't kill Nelle. Could the baby story almost be over? I have doubts.
    Totally disagree about Valentin's song. I thought it was heavy and depressing, but he has a great voice.
    I missed Dr. O too.

    1. I didn't like the song Valentin sang either. Although, the actor is super talented.

  13. I will say it again, William Lipton is one of the most talented actors GH has had in a LONG time. Since the days of Frisco, Blackie and Rick Springfield.

  14. Best moment of the week: Nikolas donating his AND Ava's money to the ball. Ava's WTF reaction was priceless. Though the Liz scholarship was a bit corny.
    Runner-Up: Lucy wigging out over Jordan going MIA and going into a panic.

  15. I think with everything going on they did a wonderful job. Agree on so many points: Jason not looking so young in the bed Sam can age gracefully, Liz/Franco, Nic/Ava story so stupid! William Lipton is amazing! Get him in more storylines! I like Julian but please redeem him. Why can't he turn Nelle in and then Nina can visit her in prison. The whole Nina kid story is so old. James Patrick Stuart's dad is Chad Stuart a 60's icon. He is so talented, great actor. What would be great is it he was with Anna! Can we get Lucy a love interest. She is so awesome!

  16. Did anyone else think the crazy phone bank lighting was UV lights to kill any covid? Just me?

  17. Britt is coming back...

    1. Well that's kind of awesome! Maybe she'll help her mama so we can have Dr. O back!

    2. I agree. My guess is she will help Dr. O (yay!) and Julian (boo!).

  18. I was thinking I wanna buy those desk and lighting! LOVED it!


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...