Thursday, August 6, 2020

NuFace Brook Lynn

Dante in Switzerland...doing push-ups in jail. His doc is handsome. He was on BOSCH S3 as a lawyer. He also played Cain Rogan on OLTL. Anyway, Dante isn't sure he wants to go home. He looks ZEXY as all hello! 

OMG Deception Office is EXACTLY like Crimson's?? I'm disappointed. UGH STUPID. Maxie, Lucy and Sasha and Val walks in. He has the new "VOICE" of Deception. It's Brook Lyn. Played by Briana Lane. Another new face --that's because the other one is PG. 
So, Brook is going by the name "BLQ" now... and she's going to do a signature song for Deception. Lucy thinks it's a good idea (she wanted Gaga but will take BLQ). Maxie (who's hair is HORRIFIC) says: NO WAY. They argue. 

Lulu is at the garage with Brando, getting her flat fixed, Cyrus walks in. Lulu tells Brando all about Cyrus being in jail. 
Um, okay but why? Lulu leaves. Cyrus has a favor for Brando.  We don't really find out what it is but he calls Jordan and tells her to meet him at his "new place".

Jason comes to get his bike from Brando. Brando says he put a new destablizer on it no charge. (Jason bought the part but he put it on). 

Sam thanks Carly for doing Jason's Power of Attorney. Sam said she calmed down and realizes it's the best. They talk..Sam feels badly she went after Shiloh without thinking of her kids first. Wow, she's contrite. 

Jason, Jordan and Chase at the courthouse. Chase his hair is like Michael's used to be? Chase wants to know where Jason was the night of the warehouse fire. Jordan says to back off. Chase leaves. Jordan tells Jason that she can't take much more of being in Cyrus' control. 

Curtis and TJ. Curtis thinks TJ is working too much.  He tells TJ that he needs to have a 'safe space" and to take care of himself. TJ says his Mom is doing the same thing. 

END: DAMN IT.....Maxie goes to her OBGYN.

Jason is down on the road...motorcycle accident. Did Cyrus do that? Brando? 


  1. Christopher Cousins! of my favorites. I was having a hard time seeing him so thanks for the confirm. Hope he joins the cast for real.
    TempBLQ...looks like AS but not that energy.
    Michael looks great. Less like a little boy.
    So Diane said the 'Wiley' judge has been known to take forever. Oy. Just like the darn story line.
    The most noticeable thing about social distancing is Sonny going through hell with Mike and he and Carly can't hug. They are doing a pretty good job. Hope it can last.

    1. "Zazu: TempBLQ...looks like AS but not that energy."

      YES!! She doesn't have that energy or oomph!!!

  2. So Jason has a motorcycle accident? Does that mean that there will be mucho angst as Carly has to struggle with carrying out the DNR?

    Can someone please explain to me why Jordan is Cyrus's bitch? I forgot, is it because he might kill TJ? Does that make any sense? Wasn't Sonny supposed to off him when he got free?

  3. I think Brando is a Fed - and he was SUPPOSED to kill Jason but he didn't......but enough to make Cyrus think he is STILL on his payroll....

    1. "mufasa says, I think Brando is a Fed"

      Well if he IS a fed, that is just so soapy delicious! :)

  4. Courthouse:

    Jordan and Jason: Are they bonding? She understands how Jason became Jason Morgan and how he and Sonny met? Why are they sitting so close?!?!! GAH!!!!

    The garage:

    Lulu, Brando, and Cyrus: Lulu are you in love with Cyrus that you had to tell Brando all about him?

    Brando and Jason: Brando and his snitching on Lulu and Cyrus and then he and Jason had eye sex.

    WSB Room:

    Doctor and Dante: Yes the doctor is hot! Damn I didn't recognize him as Cane Rogan!!! Dante doesn't want to go to therapy? Uh oh! Okay I said it before and I will say it again. WHERE THE HELL IS THE BATHROOM?!!?!?! Does he have to have someone open the door and say I have to use the bathroom? Let's say I'm in that room.. Tell me where the bathroom is Doc Cane Rogan! Dante has carona hair. :) I see a lot of gray.

    Deception offices:

    Maxie, Sasha, Lucy, V.C. and recast Brooky: GAH! There are way too many people in that room! They are too close!! Where is the hand sanitizer?!?! The recast Brooky, meh. She doesn't have that edge that our Brooky has. Maxie has got carona hair. ROFL! Wait BLQ? Sounds like a sandwich.. Anybody want one? I do!!! :) Lucy stop touching Maxie!!! UGH! Hmmm is something going to happen between V.C. and Brooky? :) Lucy wins the line of the day.

    Lucy: Yah Yah.

    ROFL! Her yah was so high pitched!!! Hahahahahaha.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Sam: Wait I thought Sam knew of why Carly and Sonny got married the 1st time? Carly said it!! 5 times she married Sonny! HAHAHAHAHA. Sam finally admits it! She wasn't thinking of her children! About damn time. Sam you never think of your children.

    Carly: Nothing is going to happen to Jason.

    Ummm. After she said that, I'm thinking is something going to happen to him?

    The road: YES!!! SOMETHING HAPPENED TO JASON!!! Man down! Man down!!! Who ruined his bike? Brando? Hmmmmm nahhhh. Cyrus? I bet!!!

    Cyrus's new home:

    Cyrus and Jordan: Uh nice new home you got there Cyrus! You wanna have a fling with Jordan? You want the hospital, and you also want Jordan?

    The hospital:

    Curtis and TJ: TJ is working too much? Jordan isn't contacting TJ back when he tries to contact her? HUH?!?!!? None of it makes no sense!!! TJ was kidnapped!!! Molly didn't even see you at all for awhile TJ! Did Jordan forget that TJ was kidnapped? What an odd scene.

    Lulu and Lucy: Oh Lucy! Did you really have to tell Lulu that her bestie Maxie was sticking up for her? I mean really! ROFL! What was the point?

    Okay I can't give up my time machine 100% *Jumps into time machine to go to December 29th, 1993. A Luke and Laura promo.

    Throwback Thursday:

    1. Dante keeps saying he has to complete the mission. He's obsessed with that because he's been brainwashed. I'm thinking he goes back home to complete the mission, and kills CYRUS. Perfect way to get rid of him . And completing his mission will leave room for Dante to heal. Just my 3 cents worth.

    2. "Di says, Dante keeps saying he has to complete the mission. He's obsessed with that because he's been brainwashed. I'm thinking he goes back home to complete the mission, and kills CYRUS. Perfect way to get rid of him . And completing his mission will leave room for Dante to heal. Just my 3 cents worth."

      Ohhhh. That sounds interesting.. Very soapy. :)

    3. GH was so so good back then. They looked so young!!!! When Lucky was like 13

    4. "lindie says, GH was so so good back then."

      Yes it was!!!!! :)

      "They looked so young!!!! When Lucky was like 13"

      Yeah so young!! Time flew by!!!

  5. At first when I saw BLQ, I thought she looked like Lois. I didn't think that so much in the second scene she was in. And, when she opened her mouth--no Brooklyn accent! C'mon, BrookLynn is supposed to be from Brooklyn!

    I also thought that the actress playing Sam did a much better acting job today, she seems really good. I just wish that she looked more like Sam. . .

    1. I think the Sam actress kinda sorta looks like NLG so a win for me....keep her GH! KeMo who????

  6. Maxie’s hair is so ghastly but her skin looks really beautiful. I like the Sam actress-much more expression than KM and she doesn’t need 7” heels. Brando is so blah.

  7. maybe brain damage for jason, and back to being a Quatermaine.

    1. "Witch said, maybe brain damage for jason, and back to being a Quatermaine."

      HA! I wish!!!

  8. On another note.... is anyone else noticing the use of green screens in some scenes on these new episodes? I see it. It's actually being used very well but I can still spot the "lines" around the edge of a body when they're placed in front of a video screen. They're using it to make characters appear closer together than they are.

    1. Frank, I thought I saw the use of this technology in some scenes. I asked my husband for his opinion, as he knows more about these things than I do. He said he did not see it, but I hope that just means that it is being done very well, because when I see them get close to each other it causes me anxiety.

    2. "Frank says, On another note.... is anyone else noticing the use of green screens in some scenes on these new episodes? I see it."

      No I don't see it.. Where?

    3. "AntJoan says, He said he did not see it, but I hope that just means that it is being done very well, because when I see them get close to each other it causes me anxiety."

      Yeah makes me so nervous I can't relax and enjoy the show! We need to relax!!! :) Maybe they do have a green screen.

    4. Hard to tell about green screens. I noticed that when Sonny walked out of the kitchen (with the huge moss) that his hand got very close to Carly's.

    5. Let's all relax and enjoy the show 😊❤ they do know what they are doing.

  9. OMG, this story line with Mike is so hard. I am crying like a baby. So well done

  10. Not that it matters on a soap but it is a HIPPA violation for Felix to talk about his patient like he did about Yvonne

  11. Replies
    1. Yes, you're right, it is a HIPAA violation, I didn't think of that . . .


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