Monday, August 31, 2020

Talk Talk

 Valerie questions Carly about the Nelle incident.  Carly lies.  You know what, Carly would GIVE NO Fks about Nelle dying or going over the cliff. She'd lie at the drop of a hat too. 

Sonny seeing his Dad. Mike just lays there. He tells him he knows time is short and is glad Mike was his Dad. 

Sam is on the phone with Jason.  He tells her he got side tracked finding Wiley.  She says meet her at home. 

Nina and Valentin talk. Then Sam comes out and yells at Valentin for Cyrus taking over the hospital. She also tells Nina that Michael knew about Sasha being fake. 

Willow and Michael discuss how he found Wiley.  Yada yada, ice pack on Michael's head...then the COVID KISS.

Neil and Alexis. Boring as ever. She wants to be more than friends with him. They COVID kiss.  They sleep together and they show Alexis fully clothed and Neil is naked in bed. WEIRD. They also talk about her wrist. Which is ok but... you know, still hurts. 

END: I don't want to tell you. If you've seen it you know. If not. well WATCH --very end. 


  1. No one responded to my comment about Mike. If he can't swallow, and refused a feeding tube, how is he alive?

  2. If he is dead I am angry. Sick and tired of doom and gloom. There is always happiness somewhere in a soap story. But not on GH. Not in a very long time. I won't see a movie that doesn't have a happy ending so this is a problem for me. Of course Nelle will go on and on which will carry the f'ing baby story on forever.

    1. Yes! Nelle will go on and on...but...just damn it...

    2. "Zazu says I won't see a movie that doesn't have a happy ending"

      Yeah I like movies with a happy ending, and if I don't get it, I am never happy. Like for example La la land! UGH! I also hate movies that just leave the ending hanging, and we have to give our own ending. GAH! Hate that with a passion too.

    3. I prefer happy endings, but a sad one is ok. That crap of leaving it hanging and coming up with your own ending is BS. It's like the writer/director didn't finish their job!

  3. The ending sucked ass! Why do that!! Why! I'm so pissed! I'm so sad for her. 😓

    1. In GH fashion they probably want her back with Julian who I used to like but no more. It seems as if the writers are a very depressed, miserable bunch. I really like Joe Flanigan and hope maybe he isn't dead but he probably is.

    2. I had my own depressing day and now Alexis man dead...cause you and I know he is. 😭😭😭 Someone up there doesn't want either of us to have a man. LOL! Well at least NLG has better luck! 🤣😂
      Anyways...Poor Alexis...reminded me of the episode of Mom, anyone watch? When Alvin died. I was mad then too. LOL! Christie had her dad and well Bonnie got her 2nd chance...

  4. Such a strange ending. Maybe the actor playing Neil got a better job. Alexis looked so happy. Please don't put her with Julian. So she gets disbarred and then this happens. Can't they let her have a little happiness.

  5. Just read in some soap dirt site that they planned to kill off Neil before the shut down and have Julian be a suspect. So things have changed a bit unfortunately. Darn. And the writers initially had Nelle being Nina's daughter but Chloe left so they switched to Willow. Then Chloe came back and they switched back. No wonder GH is so bad sometimes.

    1. "zazu says, Just read in some soap dirt site that they planned to kill off Neil before the shut down"

      I haven't heard that! :(

      "And the writers initially had Nelle being Nina's daughter but Chloe left so they switched to Willow. Then Chloe came back and they switched back. No wonder GH is so bad sometimes."

      I have whiplash!!

  6. Man today's show was so boring!!

    The cabin:

    Carly, Val, and Jax: Lies lies lies. Around and around. Where it stops, nobody knows! Jax SHUT UP!!!!


    Nina and V.C.: Okay stop V.C.! Stop being all negative Nelly on her! She doesn't need it!!! Let her be!!! Well, they weren't boring. :)

    Sam and V.C.: Sam finally got what she wanted, and yet she STILL whines!!! Her chesticals wanted to tell off V.C. too, but Sam kept them at bay.

    Nina and Jax: Here we go!!!! Lying to Nina!! Oy!

    Mike's private room:

    Sonny and Mike: GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sad!!! :( Mike's tear going down his face! :( Squeezing Sonny's hand! :( Wait Mike's hand is so huge compared to Sonny's hand! ROFL!

    Carson: Oh Carly!!! If Mike was dead, you wouldn't be hear beeping!!! Idiot!!! Oh look Carly lying to Sonny about Nelle. I wonder what will happen when Sonny finds out the truth! And that Carly was lying and Jax told her to.. Probably he will call her a faithless whore! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Then throw barware! HAHAHAHHA!

    Jasam home:

    Jasam: Sam changed clothes? I guess her chesticals were cold, so she had to keep them warm.

    Young Cheeto and Jasam: Wait! Why the hell is young Cheeto there?!?!!?!? Why is he and Jason hugging?!!?!?! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Throws hand sanitizer and a mask at them* Oh no!!! Now all three of them are hugging!!!! NO NO NO NO!!! *Throws more hand sanitizers at them and a hazmat suits*

    The Q home:

    Michael and Willow: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Willow: We are stronger together!

    Oh gag me.. Wait! NO NO NO NO! Stop the Covid kissing!!! I still miss Chillow and I am not over them yet!!!!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Neil: Oh dammit! Make it stop!!!!

    Neil: I miss you. I hope you miss me. I hope we can be friends, and that you want that too.


    Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: I think I may have had a really crucial error in my judgement.

    ROFL! Don't you always? :) Oh look Covid kissing and Covid sex. Alexis is rubbing his feet!!! *Gag* *Throws hand sanitizer at them* Wait his feet are cold? Wait wait wait. I think this is a dream.

    1. "zazu says,I hope so."

      It better be!!!!

    2. What??? A dream??? But she yells?? Oh I hope so!! So wait I must have missed stuff, was there kissing? Or are we just saying they were going to kiss (but of course couldn't obviously) so we call it covid kissing? LOL! Cause I did see Michael and Willow have that look in their they were going to...but didn't cause Valerie was at the door...

    3. "Michelle L says, What??? A dream??? But she yells??"

      She could yell in her dream! :)

      "was there kissing? Or are we just saying they were going to kiss (but of course couldn't obviously) so we call it covid kissing? LOL!"

      Hahahaha. Yes. :) They "kissed" but we couldn't see it. It was a covid kiss. :)

      "Cause I did see Michael and Willow have that look in their they were going to..."

      They had a covid kiss too. All we saw was the back of Michael's head and then the camera zoomed away. :)

    4. "Young Cheeto and Jasam: Wait! Why the hell is young Cheeto there?!?!!?!? Why is he and Jason hugging?!!?!?! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Throws hand sanitizer and a mask at them* Oh no!!! Now all three of them are hugging!!!! NO NO NO NO!!! *Throws more hand sanitizers at them and a hazmat suits". Ok, that entire phrase had me snorting coffee this morning....hahahahahah! Thanks!

      I do love the phrase covid-kissing. Explains everything, at least to me!

    5. Remember they are being tested all the time, there is hand sanitizer included and before going live etc there are face masks. Guys...they got this. 😉

    6. "Julie H says, Ok, that entire phrase had me snorting coffee this morning....hahahahahah! Thanks!"

      ROFL! You're welcome. :)

      "I do love the phrase covid-kissing."

      Yes so do I!! Thank you Karen! :)

      "Explains everything, at least to me!"

      Haha yeah!! :)

    7. "Michelle L says, Remember they are being tested all the time, there is hand sanitizer included and before going live etc there are face masks. Guys...they got this. 😉"

      I know I know! :) But I am a visual person, so that is why I like how Bold and the beautiful, and young and the restless are doing it. Bold and the beautiful are 6 feet apart and have mannequins, which is pretty funny, but I like it, and Young and the restless are 6 feet apart, and when people have sex, you don't see it and it goes to another scene. Just like how soaps were back in the day. :)

  7. Shocked and a bit bummed about Neil’s demise, but perhaps this paves the way for Dante’s doc (Chris Cousins) as a potential new love interest for Alexis?

    1. This is exactly what I was thinking. (But I will miss Neil. I liked the character and the actor.)

    2. "Nance says, perhaps this paves the way for Dante’s doc (Chris Cousins) as a potential new love interest for Alexis?"

      Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Could be!!! :) We need to keep him!!! :) I just love his last name.. :)

  8. I was reeling and shocked with this last scene. I'm wondering if there is a chance that what we actually saw in that last scene was Alexis' DREAM. She's been so unlucky in love for so long that her sense of self worth and deservedness of happiness is so low that her subconscious expectation is that her chance at happiness will once again be surely derailed, and is expressed via this dream of hers. I mean, this 'death' comes just sooo out of the blue. I really like the two of them together and their onscreen chemistry. I don't want it taken away from us.

  9. Okay I have followed wubtub for the last few years and never commented, I FF through their scenes because they have been boring and then I see these posts! Please someone tell me what I missed after they slept together PLEASE!!

    1. Hi Sandra and welcome! The next morning, Alexis is up and is talking to Neil who's still in bed, rubs his feet, they feel cold, feels his shoulder, rolls him on his back, and he "appears" dead. Died in his sleep. The preview for today shows her leaning over him and yelling for someone to "come up here quick!" Some say it might be a dream. I kind of hope so! So did NOT see that coming!!

    2. "Sandra says, Okay I have followed wubtub for the last few years and never commented"

      HI! Welcome to the wubs blog!!! :) Well, now that you said that, you will have to start commenting a lot more!!! :) How long have you been watching GH?

  10. So I really enjoyed yesterday's show. Except for Sam. She needs to STFU! Can't stand the actress, can't stand the character. She got on my nerves way more than usual.

    Mike and Sonny scenes were excellent, had me tearing up as always. I sure I'm in the minority, but I like Michael and Willow together. Yeah, they're a little bland, but I still think they're cute. Sasha is kind of useless. And what was the deal with the half-heart necklace laying in the woods? Find the necklace, find dead Nelle? That would be fab. Her being dead, I mean. Lol! But then we get the scenes of Nina sobbing all over Jax that crazy, broken Nelle was her daughter. Yuck. Don't know if I'm up for that. And if Neil is dead, then Nelle better be dead, too!!

    1. I agree 100% about Sam. can't stand her. she needs to die!

    2. No Julie, you aren't. I like Willow with Michael too. Finally someone who agrees with me. LOL! We're the 1%? 😉 I loved her with Chase with same with Michael. I just love her character. That's why I wanted her to be Nina's daughter so bad. Oh I agree, if Neil dead she (Nelle) better be dead too!!

    3. i like michael and Willow together too. I think the writers just need to give them meatier roles. They don't need to be in daycare mode forever if Nell is dead.

    4. Hopefully they won't be now that she might be. But that necklace is missing from her so...

  11. Judging from a NLG post on Facebook it was not a dream. We shall see.

  12. TERRIBLE if Neil is dead, what a waste all the way around! I guess Mike will pass away, so I doubt that Nelle is dead also, not 3 deaths at once. So they will find her necklace. If ANYONE takes a look at the property, they will see that there is a cliff, can't they figure out that she might have gone over it by accident if it was night? Carly feels so guilty that she didn't go to Nelle right away that she listened to Jax and lied about the whole thing, how stupid!

    Kelly M looks like she has put on a little weight. This is NOT a snarky comment, as she likely was a size 00, now maybe she is a 0, she is still perfectly beautiful, I'm just wondering if she is PG . . .

    1. Nelle is most likely not dead. She is their reusable villain. On the other hand Neil most likely is dead. Which really sucks.
      I agree...KM does look like she put on weight. Maybe meds. I can actually hear her.

  13. The story line where NeIL and Alexis lose their career is stupid


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...