Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Deer In Headlights


So as you know, I was on vacation some of the week and needed to speed through Tues-Thursday's shows to catch up. I have to say Wednesday's show was the best...good old "who's voting what" intrigue!! And is it just me or ....are people NOT social distancing? LOL.. I mean, really! I can see it here and there but wow..characters are THISCLOSE! I'm not complaining mind you, but in these times I spend the majority of the show figuring out how they were filming it under the guidelines. This is where we are now in August 2020!! 

I'm quite critical this week so you'll need whatever you enjoy to fortify you this morning. 


So, I'm starting off your day with a cute pic of Kin and Maurice that Kin posted on Twitter. They were on a zoom together for @WizardWorld. (Photo by Jim Warren). I like how the cast support each other on and off set. I'd rather see all the behind the scenes stuff than the show sometimes!!

Here we go:  The show is back and I gave it a week to find it's I'm coming out swinging. 


So... you don't want me painting stuff? Cause I can quit.. 

No, I just want you to erase your past and not talk about it... 

Wait, I thought you were ok with all of that. You have the tumor on your dresser! 

No, I'm not, I'm not okay with anything! 

I'm confused.....

FAKE ASS'D FIGHT OF THE WEEK: What the hell. I GET you want to create this whole angst with Friz but-- ??? This is what you're doing? Liz forgave him, ALL of him and now suddenly is all pissy about it? Not only that, Franco is acting like a saint. I mean, there's no edge there anymore and Roger is playing him like an ice-cream man. I'm not feeling this and I'm NOT feeling the Nik/Liz connection. No banter, little humor.. just flat. 


MISSED OPPORTUNITY OF THE CENTURY: What the hell. (again). Ava and Nik. I was SO psyched!! I totally thought it would be old-school soapy "enemies that can't stop sleeping with each other because of the hot chem" deal and I get.. um.. nothin'.  This trying to get the other to cheat? Boring. Liz and Nik? REALLY? :eyeroll:  I'm disappointed all the way around. Ava and Nik should be fighting their desire for each other and working on taking people in Port Charles down. Period. (photo thx to R K on Twitter) 


SCAR OF THE WEEK: Oh, impressive... looks real. Did Steve shave his head for this?? I finally got why they did the whole "fall of your bike thing" and it wasn't because he signed POA over to Carly.  It was to get Sam to sign her kid's proxy over to Valentin. Which was pretty tricky and the way Sam has been acting, totally within her spineless orbit. I WILL MISS LINDSAY. There I said it. Yes, I will miss her. Kelly is back taping this Monday.  That's that. 


YOU REALLY HATE US DON'T YOU OF THE WEEK.  This is the ONE THING you could have totally fixed during this COVID mess. Maxie sure as hell doesn't need another kid. PETER IS NOT WORKING so there's that and .. ugh. UGH. UGH!  And PS Stop dressing Maxie like my mother. (who actually is in her 80s and is way more fashionable than this). 


SONNY'S RANT OF THE WEEK: Did ya tamper with dah bike?? Brando says No but we saw Cyrus ask him a favor. Brando is useless. I'm serious. Plus the fact we know Molly won't be on (which was the only intriguing thing about him)  --or if she is it will be for 3 days then gone. Rudderless character. He and Sasha can fall for each other and leave. 


WHAT WORKED THIS WEEK:  Emergency shareholders meeting...because they ALWAYS are amazing. They have been since the 70's!! The tradition continues today. The shock! The angst! Who's voting with who?? Who's in trouble?! Welp.  This had it all! Brook Lynn reading her Dad. Lucy surprising everyone. Olivia going to go make pasta to soothe her soul!!    (photo tx to @NivFansGH from twitter--amazing!) 


NELLE APPRECIATION OF THE WEEK: In all honesty, this character keeps me coming back. I like the baddies. I like the manipulative ones. When Michael got sole custody she acted shocked--SHOCKED I tell you! Lol.. Poor Nelle. Now Wiley will be with stale, boring Chillow who will marvel at taking him to the park and reading him bedtime stories. snooze. The marriage to Julian might have worked if they had an attraction to each other. He sees his family in her...the dark side and all that but.. nope. 


Jordan declares Cyrus is a great guy! Go about your business, nothing to see here! 

Jason's ok. Woke up pretty quickly as those things go

Michael got custody of Wiley 

Sam gave Danny and Scout's proxy to Valentin so she can get a different parole officer

Lucy voted with Valentin to save Deception

Cyrus Clay is now running GH's board 

Nik and Spencer are working together 

Ava's having second thoughts about staying married to Nik because of Spencer

Ned blew up when he found out about Brook Lynn's deception. Olivia: Shocked

Finn and Anna talk about the wedding and inviting his Dad (or not) 

Someone messed with Ava's portrait (we haven't seen it yet but something's wrong) 


NEXT WEEK: NURSES BALL IS BACK. That's right!! We will have one this year! Not sure what it will look like, but at least our tradition is alive. Plus, Lucy. Can't go wrong with that. 


All in all, not a great week. Very boring in parts. I understand the groupings of people and the 'distancing'.  It was hard to spot though and the directing team does a great job.  I'm just not into the stories . I WANT to be. I want to root for people and be excited but every time anything gets going (ie: Mike's situation) they drop it for days and focus on something else. Maybe some people like their soaps like this?? I'm also not digging the Ava/Franco/Liz/Nik thing at all and keep writing things in my head about how I'd do it differently. That's not a good sign.  Starting Deception back up was a great idea, now let's not get bogged down in the Maxie is pregnant drama, ok? She could finally take off in a career story and..she's pregnant? What? Not into Sasha either. She's got no bite. The drugs thing is old.   

My real issue? I'm also forgetting things. Why is Liz mad about Franco's past? Why does Jordan have to help Cyrus? Why is Brando around? Every day I'm asking questions about the stories. I get we were on a break but dang. I shouldn't have to struggle with things this much!  

Ending on a positive note: Things I like: The reboot of Deception, Brook Lynn being back, ELQ intrigue, Mike's end story and Nelle.  We need tighter stories stat. Circle in the wagons and get rid of the dead weight. Wubsy has spoken! 


  1. Thanks for another great SS Karen.

    The only story line I like right now is Mike and Sonny. So sad. I do like when Laura is on and Robert (my faves) but that is about all. Anna used to be my favorite too but they have ruined her. Been watching for 42 years. I am sad :(

  2. Things I liked: The Q shareholder meeting, the portrait unveiling and party (so far), conversations between Olivia & Brook Lynn and between Ava & Nina, Nelle's courtroom histrioncs, everything with Mike, Lindsay as Sam, Dante's impending return.

    Things I disliked: Anything with Sasha, anything with Brando, how quickly Cyrus became board chairman (come on!), Maxie's look and pregnancy, anything with Peter.

    BTW, if Holly comes back for a visit, it may not be anytime soon...

    1. Thanks for sharing that link Kevin. No, I don't imagine Emma Samms is coming back for this story line. Hope she's better soon. Always liked her.

    2. Also, here are some things I'd like to see in the future:

      ** A Chase/Brook Lynn romance
      ** A Lucas/Felix romance
      ** Sasha's death or departure
      ** Peter's death or departure
      ** Julian's departure (the character has run its course)
      ** Brando's death or departure
      ** More on-screen time for Kristina and Molly
      ** A time-jump of six months to clear the decks for new storylines
      ** More Lucy, with a possible Lucy/Scott/Bobbie triangle bubbling in the background

    3. Oh, sooo sorry to hear about Emma Samms, wishing her a speedy recovery!

    4. Kevin, are Felix & Lucas still on the show? We see so little of them, doubt they’ll get a storyline.

    5. thanks for the link, I forgot to add it in!

  3. "is it just me or ....are people NOT social distancing? LOL.. I mean, really! I can see it here and there but wow..characters are THISCLOSE! I'm not complaining mind you,"

    I'm complaining!!! It's making me nervous and I wish there was a behind the scenes thing about it explaining what they do!

    "So, I'm starting off your day with a cute pic of Kin and Maurice that Kin posted on Twitter."

    I love Kin's shirt! He looks great in it. He looks great in blue. :)

    "FAKE ASS'D FIGHT OF THE WEEK: What the hell. I GET you want to create this whole angst with Friz but-- ??? This is what you're doing? Liz forgave him, ALL of him and now suddenly is all pissy about it?"

    Yeah I don't get it either. I'm confused myself.

    "Roger is playing him like an ice-cream man."


    "MISSED OPPORTUNITY OF THE CENTURY: What the hell. (again). Ava and Nik. I was SO psyched!! I totally thought it would be old-school soapy "enemies that can't stop sleeping with each other because of the hot chem" deal and I get.. um.. nothin'."

    Yeah I don't what Dan O'Connor and Chris Van Etten are doing!!!! Ava and Nik are just bland. They are doing nothing!! She was affected by Nik in a towel. (So was I) That was something, but then she got pissy.

    "Oh, impressive... looks real. Did Steve shave his head for this??"

    I'm impressed too!!!! :) I'm glad his side of his head is shaved and he doesn't have a maxie pad on the side of his head! ROFL!

    "YOU REALLY HATE US DON'T YOU OF THE WEEK. This is the ONE THING you could have totally fixed during this COVID mess. Maxie sure as hell doesn't need another kid. PETER IS NOT WORKING so there's that and .. ugh. UGH. UGH! And PS Stop dressing Maxie like my mother. (who actually is in her 80s and is way more fashionable than this)."

    UGH is right!!! And Maxie was dressed like a librarian on Friday! :)

    "Brando is useless. I'm serious. Plus the fact we know Molly won't be on (which was the only intriguing thing about him) --or if she is it will be for 3 days then gone. Rudderless character."

    Yeah I liked Brando with Molly. I really don't like the Brando and Sonny scenes anymore. I didn't like that Brando had to have permission from Sonny to stay in Port Chuckles. UGH!

    "He and Sasha can fall for each other and leave."

    Yeah that sounds good.

    "Now Wiley will be with stale, boring Chillow who will marvel at taking him to the park and reading him bedtime stories."

    You mean Millow. :) They are doing other things besides that! They have been having eye sex! ROFL!

    "Cyrus Clay is now running GH's board"


    "Not into Sasha either. She's got no bite. The drugs thing is old."

    I am enjoying making fun of her bulging high eyes. :)

  4. Tristin said on Zoom that night that Emma was SUPPOSED to come here from England and do a Holy storyline, but she developed COVID and he didn't see that she would be able to come now...….so that means she IS alive - he even suggested she might call or something but not physically be in the studio filming.
    Mike's rallying confused me??????
    WHERE IS KEVIN and I said this weeks before COVID - WHERE is he?
    I think the pic is of Kiki - not Ava - and Nicholas did it on purpose. I agree - NO chemistry with Nik and Liz
    and WHY in the world did TERRY suddenly pop up????
    I personally believe COVID is over-rated now, so I don't mind the not-so-much social distancing...…… did you know 0.08 percent of people who contract it pass away? I believe it CAN be dangerous but 6 months of this has made me say 'we can't live in fear forever'...
    sorry I got on a tangent!!!!
    Nurses Ball TOMORROW is just ridiculous...…….it should be weeks of Lucy running around and acts practicing.

    1. For past two weeks a thousand people per day have died. That is pretty scary.

    2. I am a nurse. Please take COVID seriously

    3. it is tragic, however if you are in a car accident and have COVID, it is marked died of COVID, which is not true - so the numbers are totally not right....I know in my family, a member died of cancer, but was marked died of COVID because she tested positive her last day on earth. so sad....

    4. I couldn't agree more mufasa. While I do agree that Covid is serious and I take it as such, unfortunately, it's being used for other purposes.

    5. Thank you Lindie, your factual information is much appreciated. And THANK YOU for being a nurse :)

  5. Great SS but I really hate Nelle and can’t wait to see someone off her. We need to get rid of Peter, Brando, this Jordan and Cyrus and as mentioned some of these bad storylines. KM sure decided to get back fast when LH was getting lots of praise for filling in as Sam. Liz married Franco baggage and all and now doesn’t want him to be successful? She would rather he teach classes at GH than use his talent just because it brings back bad memories? How are they struggling with money when Jason is Jake’s dad and she works day and night? And I believe Nik had bought her house although it did burn down.

    1. I don't get this lack of money either. Liz is a nurse.Jason gave her the house, didn't he? Franco has a job and he has sold paintings. It just seems ridiculous that they'd be struggling for money.

    2. "Di says, I don't get this lack of money either. Liz is a nurse. Franco has a job and he has sold paintings. It just seems ridiculous that they'd be struggling for money."

      YES! I have been saying that all along!!!! it's so stupid and makes no sense!!!

    3. Linda she was only going to be out a wk, it had nothing to do with Lindsay. She just had to get used to the mask. Personally I wish she'd stay gone. I enjoyed Lindsay.

  6. Didn't Franco (the old Franco) have tons of money being a famous artist and all? Did they show him losing his money? I don't remember

    1. If I remember correctly Franco was used by his victims families and he ended up paying them a lot of money.

    2. Yep, I think that is correct.

  7. Karen and Sonya, did you not see my comment about how my girlfriend who works in the entertainment industry in Hollywood explains how GH is taping. Karen, I know you were away, but Sonya, don't you read my comments LOL??

    I also cannot understand why Jordan is so much under Cyrus's thumb. Because he threatens to kill all of her loved ones? Can't she do anything about this, she is the police commissioner. I thought the deal was that Sonny/Jason would do away with him as soon as he saw the light of day. Now he is running PC, including GH?

    Maxie is young, they should dress her differently. It seems that, if you are not a size 0, they don't know how to dress you.

    1. Maxie and Laura, they dress them both sooo frumpy, and they are BEAUTIFUL women!

      Also, it makes no sense that Ava didn't look at her portrait and is waiting for the unveiling. How stupid! She has lots of enemies, she should know better . . .

    2. The Jordan/Cyrus story is just ridiculous. She is pathetic.
      I have a feeling that hair/make up/wardrobe may be up to the actors right now.

    3. Yes, it seems like if you're not a size 0 they dress you like a frump. A normal sized woman can't be sexy? Ridiculous.

      And I'm getting so tired of the mobster storylines. The "evil" or criminal element is taking over the show. All darkness. We've been stuck quarantined and surrounded by conspiracy theories and hatred and they want us to watch the darkness overtake our favorite soap. Trust no one! Good can't win!! Thank you, writers but nobody needs this right now. Give us some light!!

      Ans stop making all the non criminals so boring and soft voiced like neighborhood creepers. Good people can be interesting, sexy, and fun!!!

    4. "Di says, Ans stop making all the non criminals so boring and soft voiced like neighborhood creepers"

      Neighborhood creepers! ROFL! Is that a hint for whispering Sam? :)

    5. NO! I didn't I'm sorry-- do you remember which day you wrote it?? can you email me ??

  8. Great SS...thanks! The Liz/Franco/Nik/Ava thing is dull. The writers have taken these strong characters and turned them to mush. Just like they do with the GH women.
    Some of this is confusing. They had plenty of time to pull it together.
    Cyrus running GH; Valentin running ELQ. As I said before, not crazy about the bad guys winning right now. We need some happiness. Before long will they change the name of the hospital?

    1. ITA, we all need to see some love/happiness in the afternoon.

    2. Hmmm. Cyrus Renault hospital. There could also be a Cyrus Renault wing! :)

    3. Why would they let Cyrus in the hospital board? He is a drug running criminal. Makes no sense

  9. Who voted the Oscar shares that are still in dispute, or did TIIC drop it and think we wouldn’t notice?

    1. oscar left his shares to shiloh, who maried nelle and she sold them to valentine

    2. Time for the court to decide that he had been brainwashed and was a minor so he couldn't leave them to Shiloh.

    3. Witch, I remember those shares being in dispute. Either Shiloh or the mountain thing. Am I wrong?

    4. No. That was another storyline they just left hanging.

  10. "AntJoan says, Karen and Sonya, did you not see my comment about how my girlfriend who works in the entertainment industry in Hollywood explains how GH is taping. Karen, I know you were away, but Sonya, don't you read my comments LOL??"

    ROFL! I did read that, but I want to see a behind the scenes video!!!!!! ROFL!

  11. Used to be that the ABC tagline for the soaps was "Love in the Afternoon". For many years.
    Those were the days my friends.
    We had a nice rainy Sunday in CT. Hope you are all enjoying your day.

  12. Liz doesn't want Franco acting like his past was a good thing and something to be showcased and celebrated. Her point is that Franco worked really hard to put it behind him and now he & Ava are trying to trade on it (and the murders of a lot of people) to revive his "art career" (which, if I remember correctly, was just posing dead bodies in homage to Jason).

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Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...