Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Live Wire


Ok, day 2 of the Ball! 

Brook has stage fright? Since when? OH! I get it, Dustin supposedly helped her with her "Stage Fright" long ago and will do it now too. They hold hands. Brook kisses him and Lulu walks in. Dustin tells Brook Lynn to buzz off. 

People talking about a bunch of stuff...nothing really huge.

Spin wants to out Peter tonight. 


SO, Maxie puts her mic on backstage and leaves it on and says she's pregnant and everyone hears it. Mac, Spin, Peter Anna.. yada yada Peter finds her. Says he'll help with the baby and even sell the paper and stay home 24-7 with it. She says she loves him. blah

Anna and Mac come in. They are happy! Mac hugs Maxie says lets go call your Mama. Anna and Peter hug. Peter leaves. Anna flashes back to Robert saying Peter could be Alex's. 

Cam, Joss and Trina sing a song. Campfire one. They are cute. 

TAGGERT IS ALIVE which we knew. Jordan yells at him for coming back because it was damn hard making him "dead" . He's back to kill Cyrus. Jordan of course, talks him out of it. 

Jax and Nina do a number ..they dance. 

Um, so even with some surprises on today's was still pretty zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


  1. it can't be a ZZZZZZZZZZ show if TAGGART is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lucy isn't even changing clothes - why did they have that rack of them in the back if she isn't changing? That used to be one of my favorite parts. This ball is pretty lame.

    1. Remember they had to put it together pretty fast. 😉 I like the little nods to the frontline workers. ❤
      I enjoyed the show, if only because of Taggs ba-be!! ❤❤❤

  3. With not much rehearsal time I'd say they are all doing pretty good. The show is moving along a bit faster. Maybe they should not tape so far in advance when things get back to normal someday. Too much time for over editing and tweaking the hell out of it. Just maybe there will be a lesson or two learned.
    Hiney finding out about baby was funny. No more baby stories please.

  4. The pier:

    Jordan and Taggart: TAGGART BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! I was so happy to see him I kissed him on my tv! :) Oh he wants to kill Cyrus! I thought he was going to say he wants to kill Sonny. Taggart! Don't tell the police chief that you want to kill Cyrus!!! Man he was so close to her! It's like he was going to kiss her or something hahahaha.

    Nurses ball/Telethon: Cyrus wants to talk first before anything goes underway hahahahaha. I was really hoping that Dr. O would break out of prison and sneak to the nurses ball to sing! :)

    Cyrus, Portia and Curtis: Hahahahaha. Cyrus you little sneak! Reminding Portia that you are her boss. :) I really love this guy hahahahahaha!

    Friz: Holding hands awwwww. :)

    BobTodd: Are you mad at me?

    Liz: Should I be?

    GAH! What in the hell is with her snotty attitude! I hate it!!!!

    Molly, TJ, Sam, and Brando: Awwww TJ finds out that Brando can box, and now TJ wants to box with him. Awwwww. :) Uh Sam and Molly stop acting strange, or TJ is going to notice! Idiots!!! Oh now I have noticed Sam's lips.. Damn.

    Sam and Brando: UGH! I am getting so sick of this. Leave him alone Sam!

    Maxie and Lulu:

    Msxie: This is a very delicate situation Lulu. I need to find the right moment to tell Peter that I'm pregnant.

    KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! *Mic drop* :) That was a great scene. The looks on everyone's face, it was beautiful!! :) One of my favorite scenes now.

    Everyone in the telethon room: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Soapy goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Bravo!! Thank you writers! :) Hiney ran out of the room like a bat outta hell. :)

    Maxie and Hiney: Ick.

    Mac and Maxie: Awww Mac hugs Maxie. :) He seemed like he was careful. Mac is so happy! :)

    Anna and Hiney: Anna is happy! Well until Hiney calls her grandma! Then she has a flashback and all the guilt feels! Tell him you are NOT his mother Anna!

    V.C. and Hiney: Oh yes listen to V.C. Hiney! Tell Maxie who you really are!!!!

    Spinny and Robert: Spinny can't tell Maxie the truth!!!! Hmmmm. Maybe Hiney will tell Maxie the truth or someone else, or she overhears the truth by someone, and she is so upset, she runs out and has a miscarriage..

    Portia and Curtis: Portia's skin crawls because of what Cyrus just told her hahahahaha. Love it! Oh my Portia still has feelings for Curtis!!! :) They do have chemistry! :)


    Cam, Trina, and Joss: They were great!!!! :) I want to see Chase sing dammit!

    Nax: Jax was hot!!! :) *Jumps on Jax*

    Changing room:

    Brooky and Dusty: Dusty has got really sexy eyes.. Brooky has stage fright! Yeah that could happen. Donny Osmond has it. :) Oh my! I wasn't paying attention the first time and missed the kiss. I just saw it. Well, they really didn't show the kiss, but we know she kissed him. :) Oh hi Lulu. :)

    Brooky: I am BLQ!

    Yup! She is a BLQ Sandwich! BLQ = Bacon, Lettuce, and Quiche! :)

    Sidenote: Behind the scenes of GH! Which I have been waiting for! :)

    Josh Swickard: Will Chase get back with Willow?

    I hope so!!!

    1. Once again thank you for the recap Sonya! My governor spoke for the first 30 minutes of GH. I now need to watch on Demand to see Cam/Joss/Trina. And I was just SOOOOO happy Taggert was back. YAY!

      I don't want Pooter to be a daddy. Make it stop! Pretty please?

    2. "Julie H says, Once again thank you for the recap Sonya!"

      You're welcome! :)

      "My governor spoke for the first 30 minutes of GH."

      Awwwww. :(

      "I now need to watch on Demand to see Cam/Joss/Trina."

      Yeah they were really good.

      "And I was just SOOOOO happy Taggert was back. YAY!"

      YAY! :)

      "I don't want Pooter to be a daddy. Make it stop! Pretty please?"

      Yeah I don't want Pooter to be a daddy either!!! UGH!

    3. Oh, can we please still call him Hiney?? :)

    4. I agree AntJoan. Pooter is way too 'cute'. His name is really Heinrich after all. He will always be Hiney to me.

    5. "AntJoan says, Oh, can we please still call him Hiney?? :)"

      Hahaha. I will always call him Hiney! :) He can have a lot of nicknames.. Like Hiney Pooter! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Pooter Hiney.. How about Poop. :)

    6. Well we can't have Hiney being cute. I'll cease and desist with Pooter! 😄

  5. OK, someone said that they didn't like the color of Lucy's dress, but I think it is gorgeous! What a woman, what a figure! She never ages, I swear!

    I thought that the actor who plays Taggs SWORE that his character was a goner, he wrote it all over social media. I guess they were trying to surprise us . . .

    I'm gonna say something, I hope no one is offended by this, but it is something that I noticed (just like I noticed Sam's lips right away). I want to say first that I think that Liz and Maxie are beautiful and perfect as they are, this is not a criticism of them, but something that I noticed which is driving me crazy. Liz always was small-busted, then for a while her chest seemed larger, now it looks smaller again. And Maxie, who also was small-chested, when she wore that fugly dress to the portrait shindig, her boobs looked enormous. Again, no criticism, just wondering if anyone else noticed, or is it just me?

    1. "AntJoan says, OK, someone said that they didn't like the color of Lucy's dress, but I think it is gorgeous!"

      I said I didn't like the color. :) I like the dress, just not the color.

      "What a woman, what a figure! She never ages, I swear!"

      I know right?!?!!?!? :)

      "And Maxie, who also was small-chested, when she wore that fugly dress to the portrait shindig, her boobs looked enormous."

      Yeah I noticed, I just was afraid to mention it. I don't know what happened.

    2. Never noticed. Maybe it's their bra, I watch Good Girls and Christina Hendricks has some very....well let's just say she's very blessed and she must have an awesome bra cause they sit WAY UP HIGH. Need to find out where she got it from LOL!! So yeh maybe it's the bra?

    3. So I will tactfully say I too noticed Liz way back looking bustier, and now not. I'm thinking under garments, too. As for Miss Maxie, when I gain weight it all goes to my chest and bottom, lol! And yes, both women are beautiful exactly the way they are now! :)

    4. "Julie H says, when I gain weight it all goes to my chest and bottom, lol!"

      Well you are blessed! ROFL!

    5. "Julie H says, Hahahaha! Thanks I think!"

      Hahahaha. You're welcome! :)

  6. Also, Taggert on the docks, really? One of the most public places in PC? CRAZY! And, no one has answered me, wasn't the deal that Sonny and Jason would take care of Cyrus when he got out? Whatever happened to that? And he got to be the chair of the hospital board without them even having a vote on it?

    1. AntJoan, totally agree about everyone and their mother meeting on the docks and blabbing secrets. Good Golly that ticks me off to no end!

  7. Sorry, but why would Taggert come out in public and tell the police commissioner that he plans to commit murder, thereby making her complicit? Makes NO sense.

    Speaking of making no sense, can someone remind me why Anna doesn't know if Hiney is her son or her nephew? Wouldn't she remember giving birth to him? I know they explained this in some way, but I can't for the life of me remember what the explanation was.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Q home:

    Julian and Monica: Nelle wants Julian to kidnap Wiley!!! Julian has a ski mask on! No I don't want him hurting Monica, so I hope he doesn't bonk her on the head! Oh chloroform! Okay. She will just go nighty night.

    Wiley's bedroom: A sleeping Wiley! :) Hmmm how come he isn't in his pajamas?

    Nurses ball/Telethon:

    Martin and V.C.:

    Nik and Ava: Ava whining about Liz hahaha.

    Ava: She has the wrong idea about Franco and me. We're just good friends. I just wish he understood what it felt like to have the shoe on the other foot.

    Oh my! Ava planting seeds in Nik's brain. Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: Break a leg. And I do mean that sincerely. I hope you break a leg.


    Nik, Ava, and Lucy: WOW!!!!

    Nik: My wife and I are endowing a scholarship for future nursing students. We like to name it. The Elizabeth Webber scholarship.

    Nik planting seeds in BobTodd's brain! While BobTodd isn't happy, Ava is grinning because her plan is working, and Liz loves what Nik said.

    Nedlia: Oh oh mom and dad are still arguing. :(


    Nedlia: Sexy dress Olivia. Their performance is so good!!!!

    V.C.: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I love it!!!! I'm a little confused about this piano. Is it small? What is that thing?

    The telethon room: While V.C. is singing, a lot of people are having eye sex. Nina is affected by V.C.'s performance. She still loves him!!! It looks like she is about to cry.

    Friz and Nik: BobTodd doesn't like what Nik did.

    Liz: I appreciate it! I'm sorry Franco couldn't be more gracious.

    WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!!?! Liz what the hell is wrong with you?! Did an alien take you away and this is a fake Liz? So she runs away?!?!?!!?!

    Bathroom: Why is Liz in the bathroom stall? What is going on with her?!?!!?! She isn't crying or anything. Just standing there like an idiot.

    Ava and Nina: Nina is affected by V.C.'s performance! HA! I knew it! :) OH MY! Liz overhears Ava and Nina talk about Ava's plan for Friz! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    BLQ sandwich and Nelle: Nelle stabs BLQ sandwich with scissors!!! DID YOU HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID?!!?! NELLE STABBED BLQ SANDWICH WITH SCISSORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into time machine to watch Stone find out he is HIV positive.*

    Sidenote: Mr. Poopie pants Hiney wasn't on today.. Must be still talking to Maxie about the baybay, Poopie pants Hiney Jr.

    1. I laughed out loud when Mik announced that scholarship...soapy goodness.

      And Brooke Lynn has proved she's an idiot. Why wouldn't she have called the police or texted someone before she confronted the psychopath. Is it mean to hope she's a goner? Maybe she can take her last breath after warning someone about Wiley and the GPS in the kangaroo.

      I loved that Liz overheard Ava and Nina talk about Ava's plan for Friz! More soapy goodness.BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

      They really should make these performances available online somewhere. they make a mint selling the downloads. They've all been so good.

      I'm also hoping that Julian will take Wiley's kangaroo and put it on the back of an 18 wheeler somewhere. lol Let Nelle take off on a wild goose chase and leave Wiley alone.

    2. That should be Nik not Mik in the first line.

    3. "Di I laughed out loud when Mik announced that scholarship...soapy goodness. I loved that Liz overheard Ava and Nina talk about Ava's plan for Friz! More soapy goodness.BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

      YES!!! So much soapy goodness today!!!! :)

      "They really should make these performances available online somewhere. they make a mint selling the downloads. They've all been so good."

      Oh yes they should!!!! :)

      "I'm also hoping that Julian will take Wiley's kangaroo and put it on the back of an 18 wheeler somewhere. lol Let Nelle take off on a wild goose chase and leave Wiley alone."

      YES!!!! Love that idea!!! Soapy goodness right there!

      "That should be Nik not Mik in the first line."


    4. Di, you wrote exactly what I was going to, and Mr. Hopsicle on an 18 wheeler is genius! Fingers crossed Julian has a plan. He does love Wiley! Loved the fact that Liz overheard Ava. I was howling!

      Mr. Poopy Pants.....hahahahahah! Oh Sonya, yer killin' me!
      BLQ is an idiot. One does not confront a psycho. One calls 911 and hides!

      I finally got caught up, Cam/Trina/Joss were excellent and Cyrus is a tool!

    5. "Julie H says, Mr. Poopy Pants.....hahahahahah! Oh Sonya, yer killin' me!"

      Hahahhaahahahahaha! :) Maybe they will show him today. :)

      "BLQ is an idiot. One does not confront a psycho. One calls 911 and hides!"

      I thought she did call the police, The way she was talking!! Come on BLQ sandwich don't be soggy!!!!

  10. William Lipton knocks it out of the park again. AND the girls sing great

  11. How stupid is Brooke Lynn? Does she know absolutely nothing about Nelle?

  12. Why didn't BrookLynn tell others right away? Why was Julian able to get into the house, he should have been stopped? And WHY does he let her continue to blackmail him, can't he tell it never will be over, it makes NO sense.

    I think that the acts all are spectacular, as usual. I feel like it is a dream that we came back from reruns to this amazing Nurses Ball!

  13. Is Karen sick????????????anyone?????

    1. "mufasa says. Is Karen sick????????????anyone?????"

      On twitter she did leave during the show, but then today on twitter she said she had a headache. She is fine now and she did watch the end of GH! :)



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...