Monday, August 3, 2020

I'm so SAD

You have no idea how sad I am NOT to be watching live today!! My Dad is ok btw, he's 83 and has a TINY bit of nerve narrowing by his neck. He was having a BIT of pain. (the man doesn't take ONE PILL) So, he's finding out what PT things he can do to help it. Kenny (yes, we have a KENNY AND A KAREN in my fam! LOL) is fit as a fiddle. Doctors never believe how old he is. I'm lucky. BUT, Mom's driving up with him and wants to take a look in some stores (they live in a tiny town) we are masking up and going in for 30 min at the most. Don't worry, I'll protect her with my life. 

I hope GH has some fun with itself. I would love for it to have jumped ahead....we can all be at Peter's funeral for example and tell the story backwards. 
I WILL have my ass here tomorrow however. I'm going to wait to watch on Hulu tonight so no commercials. I'll check for your reactions! 


  1. Please don't be sad. Sounds like you have wonderful parents. Enjoy their visit.
    No spoilers here but I will say the show is very good. You will like. :-)

  2. GH IS BACK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :) But oh no. I am so used to going to my time machine and going to other timelines, that I feel lost now. *Puts time machine away in storage* :( Okay I will tell yeah what happened on GH today, but if you don't want to read it and get spoiled, skip it!!!! :)

    WSB headquarters/Private room:

    DANTE!!!!! :) Oh he is having a nightmare!!! He wants to distract himself. He is writing a letter to his ma! Oh he won't send it. :( Hmmm where is the toilet?

    Courtroom: OH MY MY!!!! Nina is throwing Nelle under the bus and under a car and under a motorcycle! Nelle is YELLING at Nina!!!! Nelle can't breath! Oh oh Nelle.. Put on a mask!! We go to commercial, and they go back to the scene, and Nelle is calm.. What the hell?!?!! How did that happen? That was strange. Diane wins the line of the day.

    Diane: Or is counsel trying to bond with his witness?


    Nelle and Julian: Oh Nelle is not happy with her hubby for not holding her hand for comfort during trial. Awwwwww Julian! How could you?

    Q home:

    Nedlia: Olivia wants to go upstairs and have some lovin. ;) But oh oh she don't want a quickie! She is so upset about Dante. :( They are arguing. Bad time to show up Brooklyn!!!!

    The hospital:

    Laura and Portia: They are talking about Taggart, and Portia says her emotions are all over place since he died. HUH?! What emotions? Trina has shown more emotions than you have! What the hell are you talking about?

    Tom and Laura: Laura is warning about Cyrus. Tom I guess just doesn't want to talk about it, and walks away!

    Cyrus and Laura: Cyrus is up to something with the hospital!!!! He wants to help! Laura doesn't want him to. Cyrus says to her be careful about making false accusations, and to not underestimate him. Oh that shook Laura up!!!


    Nina and Jax: Nina Nina Nina. What did you just do?!!?! Nelle will get revenge on you!! Don't underestimate her!!!

    Nelle and Nina: Nina yearning her half heart necklace again and Nelle shows up. Nina drops the necklace. Nelle is upset! OH OH Nina RUNNNNNNNN!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Brooklyn and V.C.: They have a nice chit chat. Well, looks like they are getting along swimmingly! :)

    V.C. and Marty: Oh they are bonding. :) They are talking about the court session. V.C. did warn Marty about Nina. :)

  3. still watching, but loving it SO FAR! A bit shocked, Karen you will be too! You'll be so sad you missed it! Ok be back after the show! ❤

  4. loved GH today. Nina was great on the witness stand. could care less about Dante.

  5. I actually liked today's ep. (Olivia was getting on my last nerve though.) I hope they don't drag out the judge's decision.

    1. Oh I know! I hope they don't either! Also could they have done a rewrite while away??? Cause we were all like Nellie is getting Wiley, and Nina trashed Nellie. Could the judge possibly be that STUPID to give that little girl her kid after the tantrum she threw???
      I loved GH today!! I was surprised that Laura hugged Chad though. I guess because they do temperature checks it's ok??? No offense but I could've done without Dante too. Nothing against Dom.

    2. What about Olivia and Ned kissing! Didn't look like creative editing to me. I'm with you on not caring about Dante either.

    3. I'm thinking they held a few episodes back for when they were going to restart again, and this was one of those eps.

    4. It certainly seems that way! I know the Bold and the Beautiful has made changes.

    5. "Michelle L said, loved GH today!! I was surprised that Laura hugged Chad though. I guess because they do temperature checks it's ok???"

      "Paul773 says, What about Olivia and Ned kissing! Didn't look like creative editing to me."

      No this was before they shut down. They have a few episodes from before they shut down.

      "Di says, I'm thinking they held a few episodes back for when they were going to restart again, and this was one of those eps."

      YUP! :)

    6. Oh, so THAT explains why they still looked the same! As I said in an earlier post, I saved the last 2 episodes, as I couldn't bear to say good-bye to the show. I watched them yesterday, Sunday. I was struck by how powerful the scenes with Jason/Sonny/Mike were, especially how emotional Jason was, even crying, not his usual MO!

    7. Thank you Sonya, I had read they held back some episodes but forgot. Thanks for the reminder. I missed the Liv and Ned kiss.

    8. "Michelle L says, Thank you Sonya,"

      You're welcome! :)

      "I had read they held back some episodes but forgot."

      Yeah I don't know how many episodes was held back.

      "I missed the Liv and Ned kiss."

      Did you finally get to see it? :)

    9. No....our wifi was down around the area for hours! Finally this morning I wake up and I have wifi again! So I'll try to catch it! I have a dr appt this morning and need to rewatch DAYS cause I fell asleep yesterday watching. (Not because it was boring LOL but I guess I was tired from staying up so late) LOL!

    10. "Michelle L says, No....our wifi was down around the area for hours! Finally this morning I wake up and I have wifi again! So I'll try to catch it!"

      Awwww! I hate when that happens!!! :(

      "I have a dr appt this morning and need to rewatch DAYS cause I fell asleep yesterday watching. (Not because it was boring LOL but I guess I was tired from staying up so late) LOL!"

      ROFL! Get some sleep!!!! :)

  6. Soooo excited to see GH again. I was sooo surprised to see nooo changes in how the actors are interacting with one another. Ned and Olivia kissing, etc. Wonder how they are doing that? Maybe daily testing? I was THRILLED to see Dom, although I see that others are not. I just love him, and love when actors come back to the show, to me they always are welcome. It looks like none of them put on the so-called Quarantine 15, they all look great. Olivia had the same dress on, she must be a size 0. I'm wondering if some of this was footage shot before, as someone said.

    So I am working again from 6-8, so won't get to finish the show until after 8. I am loving it!

  7. So happy to have our show back and it was a good one. So glad Nina was truthful. Didn’t see much social distancing but maybe later on. It would be real disparaging if they all get tested and results right away when so many people are waiting weeks for results. Did any Walking Dead fans catch the Savior mention, haha?

  8. The actress who plays Brooklynn is taking maternity leave shortly.

    1. Amanda Setton is pregnant??? I had no idea. So tiny!

    2. "LindaV says, The actress who plays Brooklynn is taking maternity leave shortly."

      Yeah today someone on soap central said that she is pregnant!!! I had no idea!!!! WOW! :)

  9. i kept thinking how great it would be if Judge Judy was a guest star in this episode and laid into Nelle. Instead the judge just let her take over the courtroom, which I feel would not happen in real life.

    seriously. Judge Judy vs. Nelle.

    1. Oh David I'd love that! She's a bad ass! Love to see them go toe to toe!

    2. Ha! That would've been great. :-)

  10. Executive Producer Frank Valentini answers some questions...

  11. I just loved the new episode! It was great to see Dante. Ned and Oliva kissing threw me for a loop, but I read all of the above that answers that. I absolutely loved Nellie's melt down, and my day would be complete if she became a corpse.

    Just so very happy to have new GH episodes without a million flashbacks, lol! I also liked the "previously on General Hospital" recap they did before the episode started.

    1. "Julie H says, Just so very happy to have new GH episodes without a million flashbacks, lol!"

      Yeah so happy that there were no flashbacks! :)

      "I also liked the "previously on General Hospital" recap they did before the episode started."

      I loved it too!!!! I'm glad they did that!!

    2. Sonya, are you ok since you had to retire the time machine? Lol! Must have been tough. :)

    3. "Julie H says, Sonya, are you ok since you had to retire the time machine? Lol! Must have been tough. :)"

      ROFL! Yeah it is tough, but I'm okay. :) I'm not giving it up completely. I'll still do Throwback Thursday, and Flashback Friday, but just show videos. :)


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...