Tuesday, August 4, 2020


I was VERY excited 
So the girl playing Brooklyn is PREGNANT (as you can see) there will be a replacement for a bit maybe? I think?? Yes, someone told me that is true .


NEW DAY for "Sam"!! Lindsey is on! I'm being nice. Let's just say she has energy.  Alexis figures out that Julian must be being blackmailed by Nelle. 

Carly/Jason/Sonny talking about MIKE... Moss is in there too. Sonny leaves.  Jason wants Carly to be in charge of HIS living will and when it's his time. He already told Diane all this. Carly is like, no it should be Sam! 
Man, those two should be having a super secret affair. 

Sonny talks to Donna about Mike. (you can see her). Oh that was taped POST break. You can see his tan and a little quarantine pounds lol 

Nina and Nelle. I was kinda hoping Nina would be gone but..?? 

Southern Fried Tad!! YEAH!! I love he and Valentin. Val wants to go after Sam's shares. 

Jason is meets with Sam to tell her about Mike...I forgot they have to meet secretly. AND BOY did they social distanced. He tells her he gave Carly POA and she is NOT happy! LOL 

END: Nelle quits her job at Crimson 

Sonny's Dad hasn't eaten in 24 hours. Sonny is going to have the feeding tube put in


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  2. Carson home:/Kitchen:

    Sonny, Jason, Tribbles, and Carly: TRIBBLES! YAY!!!! It looks big and strong. :) Everyone looks good! I forgot to mention that yesterday, Carly was grinning like a Cheshire kitty in court. Yeah I was confused at first why Jason was talking to Carly about his death and DNR! :)

    "Karen says Man, those two should be having a super secret affair."

    Yeah Jarly really should! :)


    Sonny and Invisible Donna: Broken Sonny!!! :( Awww Sonny. :(

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and recast Sam: Wow!!!! The announcer said the role of Sam Mcall is being played by Lindsey Hartley!!!! That shocked the hell out of me! I wasn't expecting that. They haven't done that in a long time!! Anyway, the second that Lindsay Hartley opened her mouth as Sam, I love her as Sam!!!!! She is perfect in the role!!! Can we keep her as Sam please?!?!!? :)

    "Karen says, NEW DAY for "Sam"!! Lindsey is on! I'm being nice."

    What do you mean you are being nice? You don't like her as Sam?

    The hospital: Cyrus was walking around and around and around. He is all over the place. Hello Jordan. Cyrus wants the hospital so badly!!! WHY?!!?!?!?! And why do I want him to have the hospital so badly?! :)

    Private room:


    "Karen says AND BOY did they social distanced."

    Hello social distancing!! Nice to meet you!!! :) Jasam were so very far from each other hahahahhahaha.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Brooky and V.C.: No!!!! Don't shake hands!!! Use hand sanitizer!!!!!

    Marty and V.C.: V.C. was talking about Sky Chandler and Pine Valley, and Marty is all like huh? ROFL! Thank you writers for the inside joke. :)


    Nina and Nelle: Nelle feels so betrayed Nina!!! You stabbed Nelle in the back!! Nelle is so sweaty! Now that Nelle left, Nina go grab the half heart necklace and fawn all over it.

    The Q home:

    Nedlia: It really feels like I am intruding on their private conversation. :( She wants to be Ned's priority!! :(

    Ned and Brooky: Awwww Ned explaining why he and Lois got divorced. :(

    1. What was up with Alexis and her wrist? I was confused about that. I liked the new Sam. Yes, she has "energy" and I could hear her, lol!

      Good turn of phrase about Nina fawning over that necklace. Lawdy, I've really had enough of the rubbing, groping, and fawning!!

      Thanks for the recap!

    2. Yes, wrist thing outta the blue?
      LOVING the fill in Sam!!! CAN WE KEEP HER????? She even looks the slightest like Nancy (Alexis). Petition anyone? LMAO!! Ok someone on Facebook is saying that Nellie got her hands on the half heart necklace and that it's really Willows? Truth? Who knows? But! I love it and it sounds like Nellie! Besides I love Willow and had a feeling she was Nina's daughter.

    3. "Julie H says, What was up with Alexis and her wrist?"

      Yeah I was wondering that myself. What did we miss?!?!?!!

      "I liked the new Sam. Yes, she has "energy" and I could hear her, lol!"

      Yes! A lot of energy!! I could hear her too!! :)

      "Good turn of phrase about Nina fawning over that necklace."

      Thanks. :)

      "Lawdy, I've really had enough of the rubbing, groping, and fawning!!"


  3. So the Sonny/Mike/Jason scenes were VERY moving, as I said before. This is even more emotional for me because my Mother passed this past Jan., and we all were by her bedside. She had some dementia, but died of pneumonia, but she still looked like Mike toward the end, this brings it all back. What I always thought was crazy was that Sonny hadn't spoken to Mike early on about his wishes re a DNR. They have known for years, and I never understood this. Yesterday Sonny did address this, saying that he and Mike hadn't spoken about it, hadn't spoken about a lot of things. But, Sonny has TONS of family and friends, many at GH, SOMEONE would have told him he had to speak to Mike about this. I know this is an opportunity for more drama for Sonny, but I find it very unrealistic.

    1. My sympathies regarding your mother AntJoan. And I agree that the DNR should have been discussed months ago. As you said not very realistic, but this is GH. :)


  4. I'm glad new shows are back. Yes, there's a but...the relationship between Cyrus and Jordan is just the most ridiculous thing. She acts like they are friends. Even in front of Laura.
    NuSam...high energy. Like KM used to be when we all liked her as Sam. I do hope she comes back with renewed energy.
    I'll miss Amanda Seton. Hope she returns after baby.
    I read that the Nurses Ball is on. Maybe some was taped before the stoppage.

    1. Yup, Cyrus/Jordan....stupidest relationship I've ever seen. He was on a little too much for me yesterday. Though he does have the creepiest chemistry with our Laura. It's like watching a car wreck, lol!

    2. I never liked her (sorry), it started when she was on PC.

  5. I am very happy for the BrookLynn actress, but sooo sad she is leaving, she is fabulous, and an important Quartermaine. As her storyline is heating up, I guess she'll be played by someone else?

    1. yes, that's what people are saying-- I think she will be temp recast SHE will be hard to beat, imo

    2. I just love her. She energizes every scene she is in. Wouldn't be surprised if they shifted the NuSam over to be NuBrooklyn...but I hope only temporarily.

  6. I really like the Nu Sam. She brings some life to the role.She is feisty. I think it is pretty evident that Mike is not going to all of a sudden get better. I love the character and the actor is fantastic but I think it is time for Sonny to let him die peacefully. Just nice to have the show back. A good distraction from Covid.

  7. I have forgotten - WHY won't Sonny just kill Cyrus? I am irritated that he walks around acting innocent and Laura stands up to him but then acts afraid
    WHERE IS KEVIN???????????????????????

    1. I'm not sure he's even on contract. :) I also think he might live in NY? I know Roger lives on the east coast so he probs wont' be on for awhile

  8. New commenter. I like NuSam. When KM comes back, they should switch her (Lindsey) to playing BrookLynn.

    1. "Sydney says, New commenter."

      Hi! Welcome to Wubs blog. :)

      "When KM comes back, they should switch her (Lindsey) to playing BrookLynn."

      Haha that would be interesting. :)

    2. Thanks for the welcome. Also, glad I'm not alone recasting the show. Lol

    3. "Sydney says, Thanks for the welcome."

      You're welcome! :) How long have you been lurking? I hope you keep posting! :)

    4. Welcome Sydney!! And another recaster is always welcome, lol! That thought crossed my mind, too. She looked a little older than the current Brooklynn, but definitely could handle the snark!

    5. Welcome Sydney! The Sam recast did very well but she has a lot of hair and lot of teeth, LOL. At least we can hear her. Too much Cyrus - he makes my skin crawl. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned Martin saying he knew Skye Chandler from somewhere, LOL. MB needs to stop with the jet black hair dye. It makes him look even older.

    6. I also was thinking that the actress playing Sam looks like BrookLynn. I didn't think she was the greatest actress, but she might get better with time.

      OK, Sonny's hair color is fine IMO, but he would look soooo much better if he left it longer and let it curl. Well, I take that back, he always looks great to me, but I always have loved his hair curly.

  9. Oh wow...I missed Donna, guess I wasn't paying attention. Found out what's wrong with foot and wow I just love leaving the dr broke 🙄
    I'll have to rewatch.

    1. "Michelle L says, Found out what's wrong with foot"

      What's wrong with it? :(

      "and wow I just love leaving the dr broke 🙄"

      Oh yeah. That is just so fun!!!! *Comfort*

    2. Plantar fibrosis (I go back for the mri results today). I've been dealing with this since jan but took care of it myself and it got infected and the clinic fixed what I messed up but didn't fix the actual problem. So now that I had money on my HSA card I finally made an appt.

    3. "Michelle L says, Plantar fibrosis (I go back for the mri results today). I've been dealing with this since jan but took care of it myself and it got infected and the clinic fixed what I messed up but didn't fix the actual problem."

      Oh no!! :( You know better than to be your own doctor and surgeon! :) I'm glad you made an appointment and they are going to fix it. Whew!

  10. I just wanted to mention that I like the fact that they're putting the relavant flashbacks at the beginning. Don't mind them there at all. Slipping 10 second flashbacks in the middle of every conversation like they had with the previous episodes wasn't working at all.

    1. "Di says, I just wanted to mention that I like the fact that they're putting the relavant flashbacks at the beginning. Don't mind them there at all.

      Yeah I don't have a problem with that at all either. I like it.

      "Slipping 10 second flashbacks in the middle of every conversation like they had with the previous episodes wasn't working at all."

      Yeah I agree that it wasn't working at all. Glad they stopped it.

  11. It's been sooo long, so they are catching us up, as opposed to the flashbacks, which were meant to keep the show on longer. I imagine after a while they will stop the flashbacks.

    Does anyone know HOW they are shooting? I see SOME social distancing, but not totally. Are they using trick screens? Or testing everyone every day? I hope that they are.

  12. "AntJoan says, I see SOME social distancing, but not totally."

    Jason and Sam were really really distant!! So far away from each other ROFL! Carly and Jason were far apart. They had that island or whatever it's called between them in the kitchen.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hey check this out. On Soaphub.

    "General Hospital News: The Secret Behind The ‘Pandemic’ Kiss That Rocked Daytime

    When General Hospital returned on Monday, we expected to see absolutely no romance and characters remaining at least six feet apart — or at the very least not touching. Unusual for a soap, but necessary in 2020 — otherwise known as The Age Of Corona. Well, actress Lisa LoCicero, who plays Olivia, took to Twitter and explained what happened there. “To those asking, the kiss Kiss mark was filmed before we broke. She further explained to TV Line: “That kiss was taped minutes before we were all called to the floor and dismissed.” She is referring to March 13 when numerous Hollywood productions suspended work due to COVID-19."

    Wow! I didn't know they taped the kiss minutes before they were called to the floor and dismissed!

    "In fact, there seemed to be quite a few scenes taped in March that made it on air this Monday. Some of the courtroom scenes look older and actress Laura Wright told Twitter fans her real first scene back was on Tuesday when Carly entered the Corinthos kitchen to see Jason (Steve Burton) talking to Sonny, who was in pretty bad shape after his last visit with Mike."


    The video is on twitter.




Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...