Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Hang On !


Well, I'd rather give him a sitz bath but....

Well, I'd rather be giving him a sitz bath but... ok 

Well, the week ended in a bang and I have to say, I enjoyed it!! It seemed like the pace was going faster and things came together. There were also many scenes that were just powerful. Never fear tho, I still have some changes I would have made. You know me, Can't keep quiet all the time. 

I'm really hoping the drama brings people back to GH. Get them on the phone or whatever and tell them to watch!! I really don't want to lose this soap and have it be gone forever. Ratings have been down for all of them since the whole Pandemic thing. Let's SAVE OUR SOAP! 


CHARACTER OF THE WEEK:  Ned Quartermaine. Maybe people have forgotten his real name is Edward but I haven't! The nod to history was so good and  deep that I about fell off my chair.  Ned is starting to embody all that Alan and Edward were, which is pretty ironic given his past. Years of trying to break free of the Qs and being "Eddie Maine" and now? When faced with a betrayal and a company break up he behaves like they would have.  Brook Lynn was behaving like the old Nedly. Ah, the things that happen when we age!! Great scenes by Wally and Lisa. Loved them bringing up Tracey's history as well. Ned is such a lynch-pin for GH I really hope he's on quite a bit and DAYS lets him be with us!! 


"DEATH" OF THE WEEK:  Nelle went down that cliff without a scream?? I really give credit to Laura and Chloe; they had looks on them like: "Help me... I'm your sister"... and "Oh my god, I have to help you, you're my sister". Reminded me of old OLTL Scenes back in the day. Of course, Nelle isn't dead. Because-- it's GH. When will she be back? Who knows. But here's how I'd write it: 
Nelle walks into the Metro Court on New Year's Eve with..MORGAN on her arm!! Morgan met her in the small logging town he's been living in and is in love. Has no idea who he is or was. Oh, and Nelle has a baby with her. Named? Caroline.   ahahahaa. OMG  Please make that happen soapy gods. 


WILD MAN LOOK OF THE WEEK:  Dante! You'd better shave before going home ! Or keep some scruff and just comb your hair. Side note: That's Dr. Kirk with him. I love the actor. Here's hoping he has something to do with PC. 


BORG LOOK OF THE WEEK: NO! It's not Jason this time's Jordan. She just doesn't do it for me. When Taggert said he wasn't killing Cyrus due to Jordan's pleas, it just didn't ring true because the delivery of said plea was just flat as a pancake. 


MYSTERY OF THE WEEK: SO... something is going on with Alexis' wrist and.. I'm not quite sure what the deal is. ?? They've mentioned it several times and she's had "ice" on it. No cast or brace or anything. It's not like NLG has a visible injury to explain so why put it in there at all? Did Alexis do something to hurt her wrist that will come up later? I'm just confused. 


WTF OF THE WEEK: Valerie? Um.. what? Yep, that was Valerie doing some police work during the Wiley kidnapping. But--but.. we haven't seen her in ages. I was having trouble remembering who she was!! Yes, this is an older photo but couldn't get one of this week. She had some weird hair going tho. Bizarre insert if you ask me! 


SCENE OF THE WEEK: Oh I enjoyed this. I do like seeing Angry Michael. Gives Chad a chance to flex a bit. The best part was Nelle reading him for the complete wuss that he is. She perfectly invoked what we've all seen. Then,  Carly was the first one rushing in to find him!!  MOMMY to the rescue! 


Dante's going to be sprung because the WSB says so

Nelle hung on for dear life and... fell. 

Jax tells Carly to lie about events 

Brook Lynn strained her voice telling Michael about the GPS tracker

Liz and Franco outsmart Ava and Nik. Or do they? 

Ava and Nik...the attraction is there!

Epiphony patches up Taggart 

Taggart leaves town without killing Cyrus. Tells Jason to do it 

Trina tells Joss she and Cam kissed 

Wiley is safe 

Note: Carly saw Nelle wearing that necklace that Nina has the other 1/2 of ..hmmm...

SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK:  My fave: Alexis and Ned "reconnect" YEAH! Gatekeepers! Will Chase confess to Willow??  How will Carly keep her secret?? Get all your scoops at Diagnosis Daytime. 



Kelly's on her way back to GH as Britt. Here's hoping Sasha goes away to rehab and she can stay for a long time. Bring back Dr. O and Brad too!!  Sept 10th is the airdate given (could change as you know!) 

Nancy Lee Grahn tweeted that GH will give the day 'off' on election day and air a repeat episode. 

The actor that plays Dustin quit twitter due to it's "toxicity"  

Sad sad to hear of Chadwick Boseman's passing. What a national treasure he was. 

That's it! I did enjoy the week. I watched Thursday's show on Hulu and it was so good without commercials. Did you know each episode was only 38 min long!!? No wonder I'm wanting it to speed up!  Predictions: I think Dr Kirk might be part of the WSB mind control thing with Jason and Drew?? He has to tie in someplace, he's too good of an actor to be just an extra. Maybe he'll bring Dante home and ???  I will also enjoy seeing Valentin take over ELQ and making a mess of things. 

Have a great Sunday. One more week before my work starts up again! Things are going to be very different. I won't stress too much--YET. 


  1. Alexis told Neil that she hurt her hand at the gym.

    1. Yeah she did, but I don't really buy it. It sounds really fake.

    2. I TOTALLY missed this!! LOL thank you!

  2. Maybe NLG really hurt her hand??

    1. I thought that maybe but--wouldn't she have a cast on it or something? It's just weird-- it's not like we would see it if she didn't have that ice on it. IT's been like 2 weeks too because she filmed with stand in Sam with that same thing

  3. I hope Dr Kirk sticks around too. Get someone else to leave the show. Too many on the cast already. Plus, this is the new OLTL lol.

  4. Have they shown Laura and Kevin at all? I miss them. AND, why is Taggart only back for a hot 5 minutes.

    1. Genie taped before COVID shut down. I wondered why they weren't there for the Nurses Ball. Maybe they opted out?

  5. Thanks for the SS Karen. Are you in person or remote this fall? Seems every school is doing something different.

    1. Don't quote me but I think she said remote?? I could be wrong....

    2. I'm doing both. I'm doing remote for students 1:1 at home who need articulation therapy. I'm going into 2 preschools for students with selective mutism that need me in there to help them communicate. The preschools are in Catholic private schools so you know they'll be scrubbed LOL :)

  6. "Nelle walks into the Metro Court on New Year's Eve with..MORGAN on her arm!! Morgan met her in the small logging town he's been living in and is in love. Has no idea who he is or was. Oh, and Nelle has a baby with her. Named? Caroline. ahahahaa. OMG Please make that happen soapy gods."

    HOLY CRAP! I really don't want Morgan to return but I have to admit that is a brilliant idea. I think the "GH" producers should hire you as a writer.

    Overall, it was a good week. I think Nelle will be back sooner because think of the implications. Nina will learn Nelle is her daughter, and defend her against Jax and Carly. Nelle will know Carly lied to the police and blackmail her. Sonny will be angry that Carly trusted Jax and not him, reigniting that triangle. Even Michael may be pissed at Carly for not letting him and Willow in on it. It's like a rock thrown on the pond, so many ripples.

  7. "Ah, the things that happen when we age!!"

    Hahahaha. I know!! :)

    "Ned is such a lynch-pin for GH I really hope he's on quite a bit and DAYS lets him be with us!!"

    Yeah Days!!! Let him go! We need him!! Sorry Days fans. I know I know I'm selfish. :)

    "Nelle walks into the Metro Court on New Year's Eve with..MORGAN on her arm!! Morgan met her in the small logging town he's been living in and is in love. Has no idea who he is or was. Oh, and Nelle has a baby with her. Named? Caroline. ahahahaa. OMG Please make that happen soapy gods."

    *Snicker snicker* :)

    "That's Dr. Kirk with him. I love the actor. Here's hoping he has something to do with PC."

    Yes please!!!! I want Dr. Kirk to come to Port Chuckles and live there and work at the hospital. I hope Dr. Kirk brings the enterprise with him. ROFL! Love Star Trek. :)

    "Did Alexis do something to hurt her wrist that will come up later? I'm just confused."

    Yeah I am so confused too..

    "SCENE OF THE WEEK: Oh I enjoyed this. I do like seeing Angry Michael."

    Me too!!! :) It gives him some meat! :)

    "Gives Chad a chance to flex a bit."

    Yes!!! I agree!

    "The best part was Nelle reading him for the complete wuss that he is."

    Well he wasn't a wuss when he took Avery away from Sonny! :) But then he had to forgive his dad and give Avery back. :(

    "She perfectly invoked what we've all seen. Then, Carly was the first one rushing in to find him!! MOMMY to the rescue!"

    Hahahahaha. Nelle is right!!! :) Oh look there is proof right there. Hi Carly! ROFL!

    1. Don't worry Sonya, in typical soap-killing Ron fashion, he has been writing Days into the ground, so I'm sure Wally will be freed from Salem soon.

    2. "MatchboxGinny says, Don't worry Sonya, in typical soap-killing Ron fashion, he has been writing Days into the ground,"

      Oh really? Yikes!!

      "so I'm sure Wally will be freed from Salem soon."

      Wally deserves better!!!!

  8. I totally agree with everything you said, especially about giving Christopher Cousins more to do. Hard to believe they would hire him and not give him a significant storyline. Here's hoping!

  9. Everything is good...except for Jax telling Carly to lie to police. They need proof that she is dead or not, even though we know she is not.
    Wally Kurth is fantastic.
    Love the Nelle/Morgan story idea! If only.
    Yes to Christopher Cousins becoming a cast member. He and Jeff Kober(Cyrus) are two of my favorite actors. However ridiculous the Cyrus character is.
    Yes to Dr. O and Brad getting sprung. Such innocents. Britch will be back I hope.
    Scenes with NLG have been odd.
    Taggart is a big guy. Jordan is so every scene. Maybe working with Jason will make her better. Eventually Jason will be a cop. No matter that he's a felon. It's GH.
    Have a great day all!
    Thanks again kd.

    1. I don't know, I would totally lie if I was Carly... I mean I'd say I got there too late, saw her go over the side.

    2. I would lie too, but I'm so not willing to go thru Nelle black mailing Carly when she rises from the dead. UGH! And NLG's wrist is really bugging me, too! Lol!

      Loved SS and thank you as always. Best of luck to you when school starts. :)

  10. sorry to repeat myself ---------WHERE IS KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE is Laura?


Light A Wubsy Candle

  It's FINALLY the end of January. This stupid month has lasted a year, I swear!! Today I'm in a class with 20 Four Year Olds!! FOR ...