Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Runnin' on Empty

HELLO! Here we go! Let's find out if Brook Lynn dies and Nelle escapes! 

Nelle congratulates herself on kidnapping Wiley and "rescuing" him.. 

Brook Lynn comes through the operation but has 'complications". Something Something blood clots.. and they had to stop surgery.  Cyrus talks to them It's dumb. Ned says he has to call Lois. They go to visit her in the room. 

Everyone at the Q's trying to think where Nelle would go. They all leave for the PCPD but Willow. Nina comes in to sit with her. I forgot they were enemies because that was Michelle Stafford. LOL 

Ava and Julian. She says he just should have killed Nelle while he could lol ...he explains the kidnapping to Ava. OMG if you watch nothing else, watch their dialogue today!! TOO FUNNY. They should be running Port Charles. 


Friz argue about Nikolas. Friz argue about who's worse: Ava or Nikolas?? Nikolas is talking to Spencer on the phone. Then Ava gets there and Franco talks to Ava...and Liz talks to Nikolas.  Liz and Franco are playing them to get the truth. Liz realizes what Nikolas is doing. 

Carly figures out that Nelle must have slashed Brook Lynn. They bring Julian into the PCPD.  He says nothing. Ava told him it's better if Nelle leaves and is never found. Then he won't get in trouble. 

NELLE IS LOST..She doesn't have GPS on her burner phone. Some rando chick jogs by and asks her if she needs help. LOL She gives Nelle directions. Then she notices Wiley in the 
backseat. She tells Nelle where to go..Nelle leaves. 3 seconds later Jogger lady got an amber alert and recognizes Nelle. 

Doc doesn't think Brook will talk again

Willow freaks out. 


  1. I enjoyed today's show.
    Hope BrookLyn gets her voice back when AS comes back after baby. It is part of her personality.
    Boss Cyrus is ridiculous. I really like the actor but his character is a joke.
    Kudos to Wally Kurth.
    I really thought Nelle would off that woman. Maybe tomorrow.

    1. Nelle was pissing me off when she was talking to Wiley, taking her eyes off the road like 50 times (I exaggerate)...I kept expecting her to wreck! The award for brains goes to Chase for remembering the passports name change and getting it done in asap! Today was as a good show!

    2. "Michelle L says, Nelle was pissing me off when she was talking to Wiley, taking her eyes off the road like 50 times (I exaggerate)... kept expecting her to wreck!"

      ROFL! She did it a lot!!! :) I thought she was going to get into a wreck too!!! Geez pay attention to the road and stop talking to your mannequin son!!!

  2. kdmask said "OMG if you watch nothing else, watch their dialogue today!! TOO FUNNY." It was hilarious. lol

    I loved how Franco and Liz were playing the the dastardly duo. lol I wonder what plan they''ll come up with to play with them now. lol

    I thought the Cyrus bit was ridiculous too. What a useless character.

    I really thought Nelle was going to kill that woman too. I'm so glad she got the alert and turned her in. I was so worried that the SL was going to turn into a road trip with a psychpath.

    Wally did a great job today.

  3. Metrocourt restaurant: Nik on the phone with Spencer! :) Too bad we don't get to see Spencer. :(

    Friz: So basically,

    BobTodd: Who is the worst?

    Liz: Ava!

    BobTodd: Nik!

    Liz: Ava!

    BobTodd: Nik!

    Liz: Ava!

    BobTodd: Nik!

    Me: The Tribbles!!!! :) Just cutting down the monotony.. :)

    Nik and Liz: I'm thinking Friz has a plan! Liz is totally playing him!!!

    Liz: Yeah I want to hear the truth.

    Then her face changes! I KNEW IT! Friz DOES have a plan and she is totally playing him to get him to admit the truth! :)

    Ava and BobTodd: I hope Friz's plan works and it doesn't blow up in their faces.

    Nava: They need a break from each other! ROFL!

    Nelle in the car: Nelle still talking to mannequin Wiley! He is so quiet!!!

    Nelle and the jogger lady: Man I really thought that Nelle was going to kill her! There is still time! Especially since she found out who Nelle and Wiley are!!

    Q home:

    Nina and Willow: WOW WILLOW! You are animated and so upset! Where were you yesterday? This is the Willow I want to see! Everytime someone talks negative about Nelle, Nina has this strange look on her face. Why are we having a Nina and Willow scene anyway? Karen and I were talking on twitter today about how the writers are trolling!!! Hahaha. Hmmm Willow didn't even say anything about Nina's half heart necklace!! Maybe Willow has one but Nelle stole it?

    Police station: The look on Carly's face when Sonny said that Brooky's throat slashed! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA. I love it! :) Laura Wright plays shock very well!!!! :)

    Michael and Jules: So basically,


    Jules: What? I'm innocent.

    *Michael turns into the incredible hulk*

    The hospital:

    Cyrus and Portia: I love this!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Portia: HIPPA!

    Cyrus: I'm your boss! Watch the attitude.

    Ned and Olivia: Awwwww Ned! :(

    Ned and Brooky: GAH!!! Ned's voice went high again, and made me cry!!!! :( Brooky is awake!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Julian and Queen Ava: I love their scenes! I love when he tells her the truth! :) She doesn't judge him at all!! :) Queen Ava wins the line of the day.

    Queen Ava: You chloroformed. Monica Quartermaine.


    Sidenote: When Brooky had fear about singing the other day, and I talked about it can happen, and Donny Osmond has it. I found a Q&A about him talking about it.


    1. I missed Queen Ava saying "You chloroformed Monica Quartermaine". Nuts! I can just hear the tone she used, too! Lol!

  4. I think the show is VERY exciting and am THRILLED to have it back on. But the fact that Cyrus became Chair of the Board of GH in like 5 minutes is insane. Also, the fact that sociopath Nelle is somehow free after all of the crimes she has committed, and is able to commit so many more crimes . . . which she probably somehow will get away with--I find it all scary and depressing. I guess there is so much bad news on the news that the bad stuff at GH is just adding to it . . .

  5. sonya said... Hmmm Willow didn't even say anything about Nina's half heart necklace!! Maybe Willow has one but Nelle stole it?

    *** I was thinking the same thing. I hope we're right. I really want Nina to have a child who's not a psycho. Also she's treated Willow so bad in the past. lol It would be a wake up call for her.

    1. Willow was Nina looking at her necklace once in her office and she was telling Nina how lucky she is to have a family heirloom. That she moved around a lot and they always traveled light and left things behind.

    2. "Di says, I was thinking the same thing. I hope we're right. I really want Nina to have a child who's not a psycho. Also she's treated Willow so bad in the past. lol It would be a wake up call for her."

      Hahaha. Maybe when Willow and Nellow were kids, Nellow stole Willow's half heart necklace and maybe Willow don't remember about the necklace. I don't know! Hahaha!

    3. "Tracy L. says, Willow was Nina looking at her necklace once in her office and she was telling Nina how lucky she is to have a family heirloom. That she moved around a lot and they always traveled light and left things behind."

      Yeah I know! :) Willow must not remember her having one. I don't know what the writers are doing haha.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Watch it be someone out of left field like Amy.

  8. Well, Jax is tracking the necklace through the jeweler he found, so that should lead to something . . .

  9. Such a good show and I only missed the first 15 due to a press conference. I love Ava and Jules too, and I missed part of their conversation. Boo!

    My big laugh of the day was GH even mentioning HIPPA! HAHAHHAAHAH! But I'm glad they did. And I was glad Portia pretty much told Cyrus to stick it in his ear.

    I'm getting a little tired of Nina's "weird" looks. Let's move it along already. And thanks goodness random jogger lady didn't get run over by Nellie. I'm with Di, I don't need a psycho road trip story.

  10. I agree with most here -- today was a fun show. The best parts were the Ava/Julian and Franco/Liz scenes. I really did think Nelle was going to kill the jogger. Anyhow, Nina needs to put two and two together and realize Nelle is her daughter. That storyline has been dragging on for ages.

  11. Good show yesterday! Wally K. was fantastic - nice opportunity for him to shine. Nik is a selfish SOB.


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