Monday, August 24, 2020



MONDAY AGAIN! a HOT one here!! 90 something... but it's August so there you go. Virgo season has started. That means watch yourself LOL 

I've had a rough day, not sure why just blah. Going to start work in 2 weeks and still unsettled. 

Turning Woods calls Sonny. Mike watched a video of an old Nurses Ball when he and Sonny sang together. He smiled. 

JaSam at the hospital. PCPD says the stablizer on his motorcycle was tampered with. 

Jax and Nina talking about the Ball at the Metro. Nothing really. 

Q House, they realize Wiley is gone and someone took him. Julian dropped the rag with the chloroform on it. 

Olivia and Ned at the hospital. Chase wonders who would hate Brook enough to do it.  They tell him about her former manager.  Brook is in surgery 'barely alive".  Ned is feeling guilty and terrible. 

Julian threatens Nelle on the docks. Nelle reminds him that Martin Gray has the document telling everyone about Wiley and Julian's part in all that in case something happens to her.  He goes to shoot her and TAGGERT SAVES HER. He and Julian fight ... Julian knocks out Taggert then throws the gun in the river. Nelle is gone. 

Julian goes to the bar.. Sonny comes in and says "Where you going"?? He asks about Nelle. Julian says she's crazy. Sonny says he knows he helped Nelle get away. 

Nelle is driving away in the van. Wiley is in the backseat. Cop car comes up on them. 


Jason finds Taggert. Yes, he's out of the hospital LOL  Taggert: "Anger Boy" 

Nelle bought a used car so no one can find her.. she drives off into the night 


  1. I yelled at Taggart. lol

    I'm hoping that Julian asks Martin about the letter Nelle left and buys it from him. After all, Nelle said she's not going to pay him and threatened him. Payback's a bi*ch!

    I'm also hoping Julian tells Sonny about the kangaroo. He can say he overheard her talking about the GPS. I'm sure Sonny can get Spinelli to figure out how to hack into that if he traces where she bought the device.

    1. "Di says, I yelled at Taggart. lol"

      Hahahaha. What did you say? :)


    3. "Di says, NOOOO TAGGART....NOOOOO. lol"


  2. I just KNOW that we can write a better storyline than this...….come on, writers.....

    1. "mufasa says, I just KNOW that we can write a better storyline than this...….come on, writers....."

      Yeah especially the Monica, Michael,and Willow scene! :)

    2. I guess per usual I don't expect alot, I enjoyed it! Well...expect Nellie! LOL!! 😂😂 I hope bitch gets caught, Spin's on the case and Tagg's saw Jules and will tell Jason....hopefully someone will figure the kangaroo was bugged!

    3. "Michelle L says, Tagg's saw Jules and will tell Jason..."

      Well, Hopefully he will tell Jason that Jules had a gun on Nelle. :)

  3. They have really written Julian into a corner. I like the actor. Too bad they just don't know how to consistently write for him. I don't see hoe he can last much longer.

    1. Well, they resurrected him after he took a knife to Alexis . . . And look at how many of the characters have committed HORRIBLE crimes, and they all are out of jail, and are made into heroes. . .

  4. Q home:

    Monica, Michael, and Willow: What a strange scene! Michael finds the rag. I didn't see Julian drop the rag.

    Willow: Meh. Wiley isn't in his bedroom.

    Michael: Oh what is that? Some sort of chemical.

    Monica: Oh it's Chloroform!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So odd! I'm dying! Hahahhahaha. And of course Monica who is a doctor doesn't want to go to the hospital! :) Doctors are horrible patients! :)

    Chillow: :( Give each other air hugs and air kisses!!!

    The hospital:

    Jasam: Uh. I was so distracted by Sam's puffy lips. It's like she was in a brawl! Oh oh stablizer on his motorcycle was tampered with!!! When Jason finds out Brando did it, that will be the end of Srando! (Brando and Sonny!) Sonny will break up with him so fast, Brando's head will spin!

    Nedlia: Awwww! :( Olivia if this was Dante who got stabbed, you would be yelling and screaming!!! Ned is so upset that his voice went high! He made me cry! :(

    Nedlia and Chase: YAY! Mom was defending dad!!! :) I'm glad they weren't arguing today.

    The pier:

    Nelle and Jules: Jules was talking to Nelle to death. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. NO TAGGART BABY NO!!!!!! Awwww Taggart is down. :(

    *Jules throws the gun in the water*

    Gun: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *Glug glug glug*

    The gun is dead! :'( Jules murdered the gun. :(

    Jason and Taggart: Oh man! I was hoping Trina would find Taggart! Taggart wins the line of the day.

    Taggart: Anger boy.


    Nelle in the car: Oh I thought it was Jules's car. Oh look mannequin Wiley with no face! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carson and Brando: Wow! There is a nurses ball website? And they show videos? COOL! :) When Michael called Carly, you can hear the fear in his voice. :)

    Carly, Jax, and Nina: I was waiting for Carly to keep touching Jax's arm! :)

    Charlie's bar and restaurant:

    Sonny, Brando, and Jules: YIIIIIIIIIKES! Sonny the mobster is at it again! Too bad he didn't throw barware! :) Jules you better run!!!!!!!!! And Brando? Enjoy your little love muffin now, cus when Sonny finds out the truth of what you did to Jason's motorcycle, oh boy! The love that Sonny has for you, will be gone!

  5. I saw Julian drop the rag, Sonya. I mentioned it yesterday. I was surprised that they didn't see it in their spotless livingroom. ( You might miss it in mine though. lol)

    And I still don't think Brando did anything to the part. But it has worked out well if he wanted to get closer to Sonny.

    1. "Di says, I saw Julian drop the rag, Sonya. I mentioned it yesterday."

      Oh yeah I know you mentioned it. I never saw it fall.

      "I was surprised that they didn't see it in their spotless livingroom."

      Hahahahaha. Too bad their maid didn't see it. :) I miss Alice! :(

      "( You might miss it in mine though. lol)"


      "And I still don't think Brando did anything to the part."

      Yeah probably not. It's probably Cyrus. :)

      "But it has worked out well if he wanted to get closer to Sonny."

      Yup!!!! You are right about that!

  6. What is up with KeMo's lips. Did they look a little worked to anyone else?

    1. yes, I noticed her lips. she had work done.

    2. OK, so I wasn't crazy lol...I'm wondering if her time away from GH had anything to do with that. Her face (primarily her lips) looked a little bloated.

    3. Yes! I wondered about that! They look stupid!

    4. When I first saw her I thought she had a big cold sore on her upper lip. They really don't look that puffy...just different. But I can actually hear what she's saying. I hope they get her back to being a PI. She has been floundering around since long before all the 'pandemonium'.

  7. Ned and Olivia were great yesterday, I could feel their fear and remorse, especially Ned's!

    As usual, Sonny got on my nerves with Jules. And as usual Jules has been written into a corner, which ticks me off. And second-in-command Brando strutting around like Jason had me laughing out loud. He looked awkward.

    Seriously Taggert??? Stopping Julian? What's wrong with you? Lol!

    My governor ("that woman from Michigan", whom I love BTW) speaks at 1:30 today. I just know I'll miss most of GH that starts at 2 pm. :(

    1. I like your "woman from Michigan" too. She seems like a fighter. I mean that in a good way

  8. Brando needs to dial back the enthusiasm about the website. I know quarantine has been hard on everyone, but damn...

    1. "Kevin says, Brando needs to dial back the enthusiasm about the website. I know quarantine has been hard on everyone, but damn..."

      Hahahahahaha. I know right?!?!? :) Brando is so deeply in love with Sonny!! :)

    2. LOL... now THAT would be an interesting storyline: A henchman who pines away for Sonny and tries to sabotage his relationship with Carly.

    3. "Kevin says LOL... now THAT would be an interesting storyline: A henchman who pines away for Sonny and tries to sabotage his relationship with Carly."

      Hahahahaha. Hysterical!!!! :)

  9. I still am wondering if Brando is a Fed or works for Cyrus. I had to fast forward the Jason/Sam scenes yesterday. They are so dumb. Glad it was Jason who found Taggart. They can hide him in Sonny's safe houses and then take on Cyrus together.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...