Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Reset

So I did a podcast last night with the ever-fun  Our Take Media.  We discussed our top five things we'd like to see come back when GH does. It's not up quite yet but I'll let you know when it is and you can hit the link. You can always listen to our past podcasts as well. 

So, I decided  asked the same question on Facebook and I thought I'd put some answers here since we've not seen new shows in awhile!!  What do you think? On target? More? Less? 


1) Maxi not pregnant
2) tie up the Peter / Heinrich story and put Peter away. Bring Wes Ramsey back as Peter's doppelganger, but a super nice guy and put him with Maxi
3) end Jason and Sam struggles and let them live happily ever after!

4) Cyrus just a nightmare of Jordan's
5) Taggert is still alive


 Willow pregnant with Chase's baby. Avery be Morgan's baby. Taggart come back.


Drew returns

Nelle murder mystery, but not until Michael and Willow develop feelings for each other

Dr. O-anything with Dr. O! She would be so fun with Marty/MEK

More Epiphany
I’d love to see a younger family member in her life.

Liz gets back into her art. Ava gives /rents Liz and Franco a studio space.

Less Ava. Maura West is amazing, but it’s becoming overkill.

More Robert and Anna. Robert needs a protege - Chase?

As much as I like Wes Ramsey, they’ve written him into a corner. I’d love for Drew to return and be the one to take him down.


1. Drew in a big story 2. Dante in a big story 3. More Diane & Alexis 4. Much more Dr.O and Epiphany 4, The cops win and the mob lose  5. people in therapy with Kevin

KAT !! 

Maxie dumps Peter and no baby!


 Drew is back with Dr O, Tyler Christopher is back, Nelle is gone and Lucas is back with a new love


Get rid of the crooked cops storyline.
2) Bring diversity front and center...
3) More Hospital centered stories.

4) Bring back Love in the Afternoon
5) I got plenty more They need to bring me on board 

SO WHAT SAY YOU WUBBERS? This is just a little taste of what was up on the comments!.

Next week? Well, they are going to show the weeks leading up to when GH left off. It will start from April 28th 2020. SO! Get ready for the whole Chase/Sasha/Michael thing wrapped up with Molly and Brando.  The start date is now pushed back to July 20th so who knows when it will start back up. 

Have a good Sunday. We are having a small gathering today, socially distanced appropriate.  


  1. Definitely Maxie dumps Peter and no baby. How about a double murder mystery with Nelle and Peter. Get some new bad guys. Don't like Nelle or Peter

  2. I agree with more Robert and Anna. Yes, Robert needs a protege like he had in Frisco

  3. AND, More Robert and Mac as well.

  4. Oh! The original Jordan and Curtis picture!! :) Okay here is what I want.

    The original Jordan to come back, to still be with Curtis. Hiney to die, and yes bring his doppleganger in, but not be with Maxie!! They are boring together!! He can be with someone else. To Maxie not be pregnant. Something can be wrong with her heart, but I don't want her to die. Jason and Sam to break up for good and they can be with other people. Willow can be pregnant with Chase's baby and they get back together because they love each other. Michael can be with Maxie. Taggert can be alive yes. Cam and Joss can be together. Dev realizes he is gay. Drew comes back. Dr. O can be with Tad yes. :) Nelle is not Nina's daughter. Willow is. OR Nelle and Willow are both Nina's daughter. They can be twins. Avery can be Morgan's baby and then bring Morgan back. Caaaaaaaarlos, Alcazar, Johnny, Ric,and Claudia can come back!!! Cam gets a visit from his father Zander!! Yes Zander is alive and well and was kidnapped by whomever. Let's say the Cassadines. Cam knows who Zander is right away because he knows what he looks like. They have a great reunion then Friz comes home and sees them. Liz in so much shock she passes out. Lucky can come back home. Luke and Laura back together. And the Tribbles/Moss can live on and make babies, so everyone in Port Chuckles can have one. :)

  5. How about starting fresh. Forget about the previous months and maybe longer. Make everything different again. Use flashbacks, a few not the whole show, for memory sake but new story lines. Don't mind if they fast forward a year or two...they know how to work the time machine.

    1. "How about starting fresh."

      Sounds good to me! :)

      "Forget about the previous months and maybe longer."

      But then we will miss the court. I want to see who wins custody of Wiley!! Unless this was all a dream!! :) Yes make everything a dream haha.

      "Don't mind if they fast forward a year or two..."

      No I don't want them to do that. I hate when Gray's Anatomy time jumps. It's annoying and confusing.

      "they know how to work the time machine."

      ROFL! They can borrow mine!! Hahahahaha!

  6. Get rid of Peter,no baby for Maxi,give Anna back her brain,bring Dante home,bring back old Nik,Hayden should return,original Valerie would be nice but never ever bring back "Morgan"!!

  7. My top five things:

    1) There is a time jump of six months to one year. Some older stories already have concluded. Only flashback is to outcome of the custody trial.

    2) Peter is revealed as a douche and is imprisoned. Maxie becomes colder and decides to focus on her career.

    3) Willow, safely ensconced in the Q mansion as Wiley's mom, can't help herself and is having a torrid affair with Chase. Michael finds out and, like Alan so many decades ago, vows revenge.

    4) Ava gets custody of Avery. After Sonny threatens her, she sends Avery away and declares war on Sonny and Carly.

    5) Sasha overdoses and dies. Everyone feels guilty but ultimately get over it.


    1. "Kevin says, Sasha overdoses and dies. Everyone feels guilty but ultimately get over it."

      ROFL! They get over it really quickly eh? :)

    2. Hey, it is just Sasha, after all. ;-)

    3. "Kevin says, Hey, it is just Sasha, after all. ;-)"

      Hahahaha. Overdosing is fine with me. :)

  8. I think they should jump forward. When I watched the repeats these past few weeks the thing I noticed was that there are characters like Patrick, Dante, Robin, Luke, Tracy, that haven't been replaced by equally interesting ones. It makes it difficult to buy into the story lines. Lucas' must be in terrible pain but we never see it or him. What is happening to Brad in jail? How many times till Alexis lose her ability to practice law? The Wiley, Cyrus,and Peter stories have gone on so long and actors with chops who can pull it off have been either rewritten as weak ( Anna) or sidelined ( Dr. O, Robert sent to find out about Holly). Maybe it is time to bring some characters back like Brenda. She could come to work for Deception and bring her son. He could interact and stir up the teens. She could make things tricky for Nina and Carly. She can also be part of the Mike story. I agree bring the original Jordan back. She had passion!

  9. Love and agree with all these comments and suggestions. Not really looking forward to what actually will be happening.

  10. How 'bout these ideas:
    Murder mystery with Nell taken out... lots of twists and turns but finally reveal the killer to be a core cast member you'd never expect... like Joss!
    Laura gets gravely ill with a mysterious disease, bringing Luke back for an 8 month arc... he finally realizes that Laura is the only one for him but just as they get back together, kill him off. A great swan song for Geary.
    Sam & Jason finally done. They're much better actors when not paired.
    More of the Davis girls... especially Molly.
    Heather Webber comes back for a battle royale with Kevin's 1-armed psychotic brother. She becomes a strange hero figure after she wins.
    Liz front and center, bringing back her brother (Heather's son) and recently found sister. Somehow, get rid of Franco but keep Roger Howarth... something creative!
    Sonny finally comes clean but is then in financial ruins and always having to look over his shoulder. Who would stand by him?
    Finally, have Michael realize he's gay in a surprise reveal with him and Lucas in bed!

    1. "michaelmurmur says, Laura gets gravely ill with a mysterious disease, bringing Luke back for an 8 month arc... he finally realizes that Laura is the only one for him"

      YES!!!! :)

      "but just as they get back together, kill him off. A great swan song for Geary."

      No!!!! :(

      "Finally, have Michael realize he's gay in a surprise reveal with him and Lucas in bed!"


    2. sonya, Michael is Lucas nephew

    3. "lindie says, sonya, Michael is Lucas nephew"

      OH! I forgot!!! Damn the writers should really make Michael call him Uncle Lucas!

    4. michael and lucas are not blood related

    5. That is true since Bobbie adopted him. Still weird

    6. I don't know -- I could kinda dig a Michael/Lucas pairing. Scandalous!

    7. Love these suggestions, especially Michael being gay. And I'm all for the Nellie murder mystery, but please add Peter who's dead body is found next to hers. Please, I'm beggin' you!!! :)

  11. So I turn on the telly because I'm bored. In 7 minutes there's the flashback of Willow in the darn tin foil dress. No thanks.

    1. "zazu says, So I turn on the telly because I'm bored. In 7 minutes there's the flashback of Willow in the darn tin foil dress. No thanks."

      ROFL! Yeah I wanted to watch to see if maybe they changed their minds and showed something different. Noticed they didn't, so changed the channel. No thanks is right!!!

    2. I went one step farther. I took the show off auto record.

    3. Me, too. These episodes weren't great the first time around and definitely unnecessary the second time. By the way, has AntJoan been around? Hope she is ok.

    4. I didn't watch either, though I dvr'd it. We'll see about today, lol!

  12. Hey Sonya! It took me days but I was finally able to watch!! The same thing happened with yesterday's episode, so hoping I can watch that one too. Damn Molly looks like a baby!!

    1. "Michelle L says, Hey Sonya! It took me days but I was finally able to watch!!"

      YAY!!!! :) But on Hulu? :(

      "The same thing happened with yesterday's episode, so hoping I can watch that one too."

      Awww! Find somewhere else to watch it for now. :(

      "Damn Molly looks like a baby!!"

      I know right?!!?!?! She was an adorable little thing! :)

  13. I'm watching on Hulu, seems fine now. Hey, who's that with Ethan? Too young to be Keesha. Man I have forgotten so much. Oh and Claire Walsh....took me forever to remember her.

    1. "Michelle L says, I'm watching on Hulu, seems fine now."

      Oh good!!! :)

      "Hey, who's that with Ethan? Too young to be Keesha."

      That's Maya!!!!! :) Maya Ward!! :) Remember her?

      "Man I have forgotten so much."

      Hahaha yeah me too!

      "Oh and Claire Walsh....took me forever to remember her."

      Yeah I completely forgot about her too. I had to look her up. Now I remember her.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...