Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Scheduling

Hello! Happy 4th weekend! Remember when GH was so into Independence Day? We always had a picnic in the park with everyone there.  

Next week on GH the episodes will feature Michael and Kristina according to Daytime Confidential.   The episodes range from 2008-2016.  Monday is a day when Michael (Dylan Cash) is shot and Claudia Z is on so I will probably watch then if I can. (That's the 2008 ep). If you want full details, hit the link. 

It's been strange getting off of work and not diving into GH like I usually do! I try to watch 1 or 2 episodes a week but I'm not really interested. With CA going backwards in the re-opening we have to wonder if the cast/crew will be back mid July? 

Meanwhile, I'm watching The Great on Hulu and Unsolved Mysteries (reboot) on Netflix. if 2020 isn't nutty enough, Kanye is supposedly thinking he can run for POTUS. This year. 

Anyone else just exhausted? 


  1. Can you imagine KK as the first lady? OMG... I laughed so hard this morning.
    Yes, I am so exhausted and frustrated and sad. Hard to feel celebratory at all.
    Plus the GH time jumping is making me dizzy. A shout out and thanks to sonya who's trying to put things in perspective. All her time travel must be very tiring.
    Enjoy something cold and fun today!

    1. "zazu says, Can you imagine KK as the first lady? OMG... I laughed so hard this morning."

      ROFL! If he does become president, KK won't be working as a lawyer anymore! :)

      "A shout out and thanks to sonya who's trying to put things in perspective."

      You're welcome!! :)

      "All her time travel must be very tiring."

      Not really, it's actually fun! :) Although I'm not looking forward to time jumping to a few months ago in 2020! ICK!

  2. "Monday is a day when Michael (Dylan Cash) is shot and Claudia Z is on so I will probably watch then if I can. (That's the 2008 ep)"

    YES!!! I can't wait!! :) This was a year before you took over this website. :)

    "With CA going backwards in the re-opening we have to wonder if the cast/crew will be back mid July?"

    Yeah I don't know. I doubt it.

    " if 2020 isn't nutty enough, Kanye is supposedly thinking he can run for POTUS. This year."

    Yeah I read that. Maybe he will change his mind? :)

  3. Dylan Cash (young red haired Michael) was replaced by an older actor, Drew Garrett when the younger Michael was put in a coma after taking a bullet meant for Sonny.Drew Garrett was replaced a year later by Chad Duell. There is a hilariously funny video on youtube about the reason why this happened.

    1. "Gambilly33 says, There is a hilariously funny video on youtube about the reason why this happened."

      HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! That is hysterical! :) They didn't even take breaths while they were talking hahahaha.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...