Tuesday, June 30, 2020

GH "Schedule" Released

This is it according to TV Source Magazine. I guess they really might just stop trying? I mean? Who wants to see these?? 

I know Ratings have been low low...but at least you could tune in and see old characters and such. I'm also concerned that their Mid-July return to filming may not happen because of the increase in cases in California. 
Ugh, Mess. 

Today's show is the Kristina/Sonny therapy session. air date: June 2, 2010 

Here's hoping they change their minds on this: 

General Hospital episodes tentatively set to air July 13-17 are not themed. Though **SUBJECT TO CHANGE**, the plan is to re-air episodes 14532, 14533, 14533A, 14534 and 14535 which originally aired 5/6/20, 5/7/20, 5/11/20, 5/12/20 and 5/13/20.


  1. WHY???? If they want to rerun recent episodes, save those for the 1-2 weeks before new episodes resume airing so we can recall where things were left!

  2. I agree with you Whitby Terry.... That would make total sense. I did save the last new episode so I could watch again when they resume, but would not mind seeing all of these listed to refresh my memory.

  3. Sorry, this is off topic. You don't have to answer if I should not be asking. Anyone lactose intolerant? Think I might be but this is all new to me. Any blog with lactose intolerant people I can chat with????

    1. "lindie says, Sorry, this is off topic. You don't have to answer if I should not be asking. Anyone lactose intolerant? Think I might be but this is all new to me. Any blog with lactose intolerant people I can chat with????"

      I'm lactose intolerant!!! Have you gone to your doctor yet? Here are a couple of places I found for you.



    2. https://community.qvc.com/t5/Wellness/Anyone-suffer-from-Lactose-Intolerance/td-p/2401643

    3. Thank you very much Sonya. I will check out those websites. The doctor office told me to go on a dairy free diet and keep a journal of symptoms and foods. Call them if I still have problems. Not helpful. I am a nurse and I was pretty much already doing this. I am 54 and have NEVER had issues with any foods whatsoever in my life until about the past year or 2. Wouldn't mind chatting with others about what works and doesn't work for them. I have been trying the dairy free yogurts. They don't taste great and all they seem to be is probiotics and sugar.

    4. lindie You're welcome!!! There are a lot of dairy free things that you can eat and drink. Have you ever tried milk for life? It's so good! Right from the farm! :)

    5. I haven't tried Milk for Life. Where can you buy that?

    6. I think Milk for Life might only be available in New York.

    7. "lindie says, I think Milk for Life might only be available in New York."

      Oh no. Where do you live? We have it at Wegmans. I hope you are able to get it. :(

    8. Hi Sonya. I live in New Hampshire. We don't have Wegmans.

    9. "lindie says, Hi Sonya. I live in New Hampshire. We don't have Wegmans."

      What?! Awwwww. :( That's too bad. Maybe milk for life is at the stores you do have, and if not, yeah I guess it's only in NY. :( Well, there is always almond milk. That's good too. :)

  4. The what after those? Uh oh. There is so much they could show. It would have been nice to have at least one official statement from TPTB about all this. They want viewers but don't seem to care. Confusing.

  5. You would think the network would fight harder to keep loyal viewers engaged. Episodes from the past decade are one thing but repeats from six weeks ago?

  6. Are they thinking that they'll have new episodes for the following week? I know LA County is allowing things to start taping again, but California is not doing well overall, especially LA County. The Governor has ordered bars and restaurants to close again, so I wouldn't be surprised if shows can't start taping when they plan.

  7. I never knew Luke had another kid. Who was the mother of Ethan?

    1. Holly is Ethan’s mother! 🤦‍♀️ I hate this stupid rewrite!

    2. I never knew. Thank you. Didn't watch during this time up until 2013.

    3. Oh you’re welcome Zazu! :) You see Luke explained it all. It all started when Luke and Laura were on the run back in the day! He just happened to see Holly and they had sex. He didn’t know he got Holly pregnant. She put Ethan up for adoption. But the thing is, that it never happened!!! 🤦‍♀️ This was one of the worst rewrites!

    4. Worst re-write EVER as Luke when never have cheated on his "Angel" Laura. Of course, Luke became a big jerk for about the last 20 years on the show. He started off a jerk when he first arrived on GH and ended up a jerk. IMO

    5. "lindie says, Worst re-write EVER"

      YES!!!!! The new writers have got to fix it!!!

      "as Luke when never have cheated on his "Angel" Laura."

      No he wouldn't!!!!

      "Of course, Luke became a big jerk for about the last 20 years on the show. He started off a jerk when he first arrived on GH and ended up a jerk. IMO"

      The writers ruined him!!!!!! He never wanted children? He wasn't happy when Laura was pregnant with Lulu and Lucky?!!?! RUBBISH!!! There is proof!! On youtube! Luke was so excited when Laura told him that she was pregnant with Lucky that he screamed it to everyone!!! :) He was so excited with Lulu too!!!

  8. *Still waiting for the part for my time machine*

    Today's show is from June 4th 2010.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Spinny and Carly: They are both the devil, talking about taking Dante down!!! They hate his guts for what he did to Michael. Dante send Michael to jail because he killed Claudia. Oh hi Olivia! She knows they are talking about Dante!! Carly's nose grows because she is lying! She tells Olivia she is blaming herself for the reason Michael is in jail. Smoooooth Carly very smooth. :) Spinny seems impressed by how Carly lies.

    Jail cell:

    Jason and Michael: They are talking about Dante! Dante is the devil! He is a bad bad bad man! Dante! You are bad! Go sit in the corner and don't come out until you understand what you did!!

    Michael and Bad guy: OH OH! Isn't he the guy who raped Michael before Jason got arrested to protect Michael? :(

    Jail meeting room:

    Dante and Jason: Dante you are bad!!!! You can't see Michael until you get Michael out!!! Go away Dante you bad bad man!!

    Spinny and Jason: Jason notices that Spinny doesn't look so good. He is figuring out that Spinny is working with Carly!!!

    Dante home:

    Lulu, Olivia, and Brooky: Olivia and young Brooky are making Italian din din!!! They have stories about Brooky and Dante when they were younger. Lulu looks jelly. Oh oh Lulu no flowers for Dante! He is allergic!!!

    Dante and Brooky: Oh my my! :) They are talking and having fun! Lulu looks jelly!

    Alexis's home:

    Sonny and Alexis: Sonny is going to therapy with Krissy!! Alexis wins the line of the day!

    Sonny: Do I have to tell you again that I don't hit women?

    Alexis: Well, but you do call them bitches and whores.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Actually, he hasn't done that in years! We found out he has bi polar disorder, and he is on meds. :) Oh hi Krissy! Oh time to go to therapy! Off you go! :)

    Therapy session:

    Krissy and Sonny: Man Sonny!! He thinks the only abuse is physical!!!! And that damn therapist wasn't saying anything! ROFL! But Sonny does think that the therapist is brainwashing Krissy! ROFL!

    Haunted star:

    Ethan and Lucky: Talking about Luke.. Where is Luke? Lucky has a bad feeling. WHOA MAYA! HI MAYA!!! :)

    Carly's house:

    Carly and Sonny: Sonny asked Carly if he had ever been abusive to her! She said don't ask the question if you really don't want to hear the answer to. BOOM! *Mic drop*

    Dungeon in Greece: I read the recap online, that's why I know it's the dungeon in Greece.

    Luke and Tracy: Tracy is very sick. Luke is begging for someone to help! They were kidnapped! All because of Luke's obsession with Helena! ROFL! That's what Tracy said hahahaha.

    Alexis's home part 2:

    Krissy and Sonny: Oh Sonny! You haven't learned anything from therapy!!

    Krissy and Ethan: Awwwwwwwwwww! Too bad they weren't a couple. Damn.

    The hospital:

    Steven, Lisa Niles, and Liz: SEXY STEVEN!!! :) They were talking about investments! Liz wants in but doesn't think she has the money for it. Didn't Liz invest, but then lost her money?

    My flashback: February 1994. This was after the failed Mac and Felicia wedding. Lucy talking to Felicia about the wedding. Lucy meets Doc! :) Felicia's hair! HAHAHA! She looks like an 80's rocker! ROFL!


    Tomorrow's episode is from November 7, 2014: Michael holds a gun on Sonny to make him pay for killing AJ.

    1. I have to say the bitches and whores comment was outstanding! Sonny has learned nothing, and has had no character growth in 20 years. The names he calls Ava are awful and his "meds" haven't cured that obnoxious trait.

      Loved seeing Ethan again, but I wanted to trim his hair, and give Lucky a shave. I'm really having a problem lately with the GH men and their hair, lol!

      Really looking forward to Mikey pulling a gun on Dad today. GH really did AJ wrong. I'm holding a grudge about that, too!

      Fingers crossed that your time machine gets fixed soon, Sonya! :)

    2. "Julie H, says and has had no character growth in 20 years."

      I like it when someone has character growth. :)

      "The names he calls Ava are awful"

      Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Wait the last time they talked was when Sonny, Ava, and Avery was with Mike. Sonny didn't say anything awful to her. It was a nice scene. Even made me cry.

      "Loved seeing Ethan again, but I wanted to trim his hair, and give Lucky a shave. I'm really having a problem lately with the GH men and their hair, lol!"

      ROFL! Yeah Lucky should have shaved and Ethan should really keep his hair down. :)

      "Really looking forward to Mikey pulling a gun on Dad today. GH really did AJ wrong. I'm holding a grudge about that, too!"

      Yeah it's awful! I don't understand why they brought AJ back, just to kill him off again!!! UGH!

      "Fingers crossed that your time machine gets fixed soon, Sonya! :)"


  9. Ugh. Why? Give me the classics. I think that is why Y&R and B&B are doing so well.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!! :)

    My part for the time machine came!! :) I ordered it from another place, so it came quickly. ROFL! *Hops in time machine to go to November 7, 2014*

    "The floating rib: Gee yesterday Lucy was all ra ra sis boom bah (forgot to mention that yesterday) because of the voting race, and now she is upset that Duke is getting arrested. Bobbie is right! Lucy has feelings for Duke! :) BobTodd wins the line of the day! He is talking to Bobbie.

    BobTodd: I've had one crazy day.

    ROFL! And then there is Bobbie defending her daughter. Same old Bobbie. Always defending the people she loves whatever they do! ROFL!

    McSilas and Starki: Boy Starki is all out of breath!

    Starki: I need to find Michael *breaths hard* And I need to check *breathing hard* On my mom. *breathing hard* Why aren't you with my mom? *breathing hard* And then when she is able to talk, they just stand there talking! No urgency?! Your face looks like it Starki but I don't see you rushing!

    Brownstone: Oh Karen I think the Michael and Sonny scene was great! I want him to tell Sonny off! :) I don't want him to shoot Sonny though. :( Of course Ava was manipulating Michael hahaha!

    Pier: Wow Ava lost her voice! She couldn't even yell out Franco's name! She was fine at the Brownstone! :) Franco calls Nina awwww! Great scene! They have got to become a couple eventually! Oh good Starki and McSilas see Ava! Ava got her voice back! Yes Starki you have a sister awwww! :)

    Hotel: Nina, Madaline, and baby Zyrtec! :)One minute Nina has the 4 month old, and then the next minute she is gone, and Nina is holding a pillow/and or the blanket. Then the next minute, Zyrtec is there again! :)PEAK A BOO!!!!! :)

    Anna's office: A lot of I told you so's! :( Are Anna and Duke over? :( Oh there is Lucy being there for Duke! Will there be a Dukcy? Awww but but I love Duke and Anna! :("

    My new comments: Yeah I was wrong about BobTodd winning the line of the day. Lucy wins the line of the day. She is talking to Bobbie.

    Lucy: You wouldn't know better, because your brain is so small you couldn't comprehend it all the complexities of a platonic relationship between a man and a woman.

    ROFL! Lucy kept trying to give Bobbie facts, but Bobbie kept turning it around on her!!! Come on Bobbie!!!! :) I forgot why I called the baby, baby Zyrtec. Hmmm. Did Nina call her that? My comment back then about Nina and BobTodd should be together eventually hahahahaha. So glad my wish came true! :) Too bad they broke up. :( So baby Zyrtec is 6 years old. Well, almost. I'm surprised they didn't sarass her until 10 years old! :)

    My flashback: March 5, 1987. This is a full episode!!! A person named deglimuses has a lot of full episodes! I love this youtube account!! :) This episode has Tiffany and Sean, Jake and Bobbie, and much more. Lucy is pregnant with Jake's baby, and Jake has to tell Bobbie!!! Tiffany wins the line of the day. She is on the plane with Sean, and she says,

    Tiffany: She has tragic eyes, which will probably turn you on.



    Tomorrow's episode: June 29, 2015: Michael gives Avery back to Sonny.

    1. So glad the time machine is fixed, happy cruising to you!

      Michael holding a gun on dear old dad was everything! So very sad that a few months later all was peachy between them again. Stupid Sabrina, lol!

      That version of Nina was the one I disliked. That's when I started calling her Neener. Don't car if she had mental problems or not. Seriously, if I was Ava I would have never forgiven her. And it was so good to see Duke again. They made a huge mistake killing him off. :(

    2. "Julie H says, So glad the time machine is fixed, happy cruising to you!"


      "Michael holding a gun on dear old dad was everything!"

      YES! It was glorious!! :)

      "So very sad that a few months later all was peachy between them again."

      Yeah I know. :(

      "Stupid Sabrina, lol!"

      Oh wait! She did convince him to forgive his father didn't she? I'm trying to remember.

      "That version of Nina was the one I disliked. That's when I started calling her Neener. Don't car if she had mental problems or not. Seriously, if I was Ava I would have never forgiven her."

      Yeah that was awful!!!! :(

      "And it was so good to see Duke again. They made a huge mistake killing him off. :("

      Why bring him back just to kill him off?!!?! I hate when they do that!!!

  12. Hey...any Days watchers? Still the only soap with shows running new episodes and I worked this morning so I couldn't watch and tonight I see no new episode. Was it preempted? 😓 Guess I'll go check GH out.

  13. Michelle L it was on in NY, first 8 mins pre-emoted by Gov Cuomo.

  14. *Jumps into my time machine and goes to June 29th 2015*

    "Nina and Ric's home:

    Nina: Are you my mother's lawyer?

    Me: The better question is, are you my mother's LOVER!!!!! :)


    Moochie and Morgan: They are talking alone and he grabs her! You can read his mind! To quote Karen,

    Morgan's thoughts: It's really crazy..it just grows.........IN MY PANTS!!

    Moochie and BobTodd: BobTodd wins the line of the day!

    BobTodd: So what do you think? About our squishy couple name? Should we be Defranco, or Franise?

    ROFL! I love Franise!!! :)

    Nina/Ric and BobTodd and Moochie: Oh my!!!! This cracked me up! ROFL! BobTodd opened his mouth WIDE! BAHAHAHAHA! BobTodd and Moochie was eating each other's faces off! And Nina was eating Ric's face off! While Morgan tells BobTodd and Moochie to get a room! ROFL! Morgan looks jealous. And Magda was watching it all!!! ROFL!

    Canada hotel:

    Lulu and Dillon's room: Oh come on Lulu quit whining!!! UGH!

    Luke, Laura, and Holly: Laura called Holly, Holly Sutten. Hmmm she isn't Holly Scorpio anymore? Did she go back to her maiden name? At first I thought Holly was going to tell Luke she wants to have sex with him, but no!!! Ethan has been kidnapped too!!! They have to wait tomorrow!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Lante home: Dante and Val smoochy smoooooochy!!! She stopped the kissy wissy. Hmmm Val.. What is it? You don't want to be the rebound girl? You want him to want you 100&? :)

    I want you to want me song.


    Sonny's home: Oh damn! I am such a sucker for Maurice Bernard and baby scenes!!! :) Awwwww! :) Okay so Michael giving baby AJ back, I thought it wasn't real! Ah well it was great while it lasted. Michael forgives his mama. Awwww.

    Sabrina and Michael: Oh!!!! They make wuv!!! :) Nice!!!!! I like Sabrina now. :) It looks like she has changed."

    My new comments: Denise Demoochio!!! Hahaha! I love her! :) I always wondered if that was a wig, or if she dyed her hair. That Laura, Luke, and Holly scene, that was the time when they had the rewrite Luke is Ethan's father. Few days before this scene. Or whatever day it was. Glad they didn't actually show it, or I would be furious! So glad to see Ric!!! :)

    My flashback: When Frisco first came on the scene! 1984


    Tomorrow's episode is from February 26, 2016: Sonny stops Morgan from jumping off the roof of General Hospital.

  15. *Jumps into time machine and goes to February 26, 2016*

    "The hospital:

    The roof: Oh these were great scenes with Morgan, his therapist, Sonny and Michael! It made me cry! :( The only bad annoying part was spirit Kiwi screeching!! UGH!

    Spirit Kiwi: I'll help you. We'll do it together.

    No Spirit Kiwi why don't YOU jump and leave Morgan alone!

    Carly and Dr. Munro: The Carly scene with her washing her hands and thinking was a great scene! Oops burned her hands. Oh hi my Hubby! You look really good shirtless. You have GOT to have a love scene ASAP!!!!! Hmmm Carly and Griffin chem testing?

    Nathan's room: Awww Dr O is singing to her son! :) Nina wins the line of the day!

    Nina: That was unnecessary. Since Jay is awake and we don't understand German.

    ROFL! I don't understand German either, but I like it when Dr O sings! :) Oh look Maxie proposes to Nathan. One minute she is allergic to marriage, and the next,


    Uh yeah right Maxie suuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Nathan has the right idea. Listen to him!

    Maxie: I love you.

    Nathan: I love you too Claudette.

    Well well well! That does it! Nathan has a mystery!!! The tux, the white gloves, and Claudette! Who is Claudette? Oh let me guess. Is she his mother's best friend's sister's housekeeper's daughter? And they fell in wuv but they had to break up because Madaline didn't want them together?!!?!

    Nina and Ava: Awww that was nice giving Ava Kiwi's earrings. BobTodd what do you mean not now?! Huh?! Nina wants to be nice!

    Ava and Paul: Wow she is blaming everyone! Basically,

    Ava: It's all your fault Paul, and all Morgan's fault, and all my fault, and all Michael's fault, and little Morgan Jr's fault!

    Outside Kiwi's room:

    BobTodd: You want to go in and see her?

    Nina: I think her mom should go in first.

    OR Nina, Kiwi is YOUR daughter. :) (rumors hehehe)

    Kiwi's room: Oh! Kiwi is borrowing Sonny's tubes, after he got shot! A good Kiwi scene is a quiet Kiwi. I did love Ava singing to her! Awwww! Oh I had the song in my head for awhile after.

    Police station:

    Paul and Jordan: Paul rips up the warrant for Ava's arrest! BAHAHAHAHHAHA!

    Paul: That is Ava's immunity deal. She was cooperating with the justice department the whole time. She can't be touched.

    OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha! Take THAT Jordan! :) Great scene! Go Paul! :)

    Anna and Jordan:

    Jordan: Even friendship has their limits.

    Yeah Jordan has got a good point there.

    Preview: Hmmm Munro is looking online about Anna?!!?!?! Are they related? :) OH! Is he the baby that Anna and Duke lost?!!?!?!"


  16. New comments: Griffin was new here! He first came on the show February 5th 2016! Oh boy were we wrong about Anna being his mother and that Anna and Duke had him. Me calling Griffin my husband hahahahahaha. We divorced 3 years later. Before him I had another husband who was a doctor. RAJ I think? Yeah RAJ. They don't show him anymore. Nathan, Dr. O, Maxie, and Nina. I love that they are family. :) Well after Maxie marries him. Paul rips up the warrant for Ava's arrest, they didn't show it. How odd. I wonder why they didn't show it. Nathan calling Maxie Claudette, Yeah that Claudette storyline, was a major fail!!! Waste of time. It would have been better if Claudette was Nathan's daughter, like I thought back then. The Morgan, Michael, and Sonny scene, gripped me again! Great scene!!! BRAVO!!!! :) Ava singing to Kiwi, the song was stuck in my head again.

    My flashback: The second half of Frisco being introduced. :)


    Blackie I am on your side! If you don't like what Stef is doing, then fire her!!!

    Frisco: There is a new Blackie taking over. Only this one is a little younger, a little sexier. His jeans fit even tighter.

    Jimmie Lee Holt?!!?! :) ROFL! Oh Frisco you don't know how it's going to end either!! You don't know that Blackie is going to jail and you are taking over!

    Monday's episode: April 4, 2008: Michael takes a bullet intended for Sonny.

    There is an article about sorassing.


    BLAH! I hate sorassing!!!!

  17. It appears that for the next two weeks after this one is all May 2020 episodes. I guess I will be tuning out since we just saw them.

    1. "Allyson says, It appears that for the next two weeks after this one is all May 2020 episodes. I guess I will be tuning out since we just saw them."

      Yup! Just saw that a little while ago and was going to share that. You beat me to it. Yeah I don't want to watch it either!

    2. Why can't we have classic episodes like Y&R and B&B.

    3. "Allyson says, Why can't we have classic episodes like Y&R and B&B."

      I don't know. They don't want to? It's fine. We can watch classic episodes on youtube.


Uncut Filler

  Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curti...