Friday, June 19, 2020

CarSon Wedding #34

DA Hornsby: Serial killer time. He's plotting with Ava against The Corinthos Family.  He's the guy that killed Sabrina. 

Carly and Sonny getting married in GH while he's in a wheelchair. Josslyn is SO LITTLE! OMG...Eden has grown so much over the years. 

Old Jordan is on with Anna... I miss them together. 

Dillion Q~~ and Maxie. He likes Lulu. 

Valerie Spencer is partners with Nathan. Nathan told Dante he thought Valerie was PREGNANT? I forgot about their affair!! LOL 

BODY in the water!! Carlos!! oh ANNA acting all guilty. I think it's Carlos. BUT we do know Carlos is alive because he comes back for Sabrina and the baby. 


  1. "CarSon Wedding #34"

    ROFL! Feels like it. :)

    "Nathan told Dante he thought Valerie was PREGNANT? I forgot about their affair!! LOL"

    You forgot about the Dante and Valerie affair? ROFL! I forgot she slept with Dillon!! :)

  2. Okay! Hopping on that time machine, I went to October 12, 2016, and I will copy and paste what I said back then. I will make new comments.

    "Great show today!!

    Carson home:

    Carly and Bobbie: Sad!!!!! :( Glad Bobbie is there for her!!!

    Carly and Dante: :(

    Carly and Sonny: Wow Morgan's phone works really well for something that exploded! Oh wait did the phone jump out of Morgan's pocket and flew out the window when the car exploded and went down the cliff and into the water? Oh oh Carly is pissed at Sonny!!!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Lulu and Laura: Laura! Why are you ignoring Doc's call? I thought you forgave him when you were on that plane with him? Did I miss a scene? Oh good glad Laura called him. :)


    Kiwi and Ava: Sad!!!!! :(

    Bobbie and Ava: Yes Bobbie! Ava did love Morgan!!! :( I remember when Ava acted like a teenager. :)

    Elevator: Kiwi crying. :(

    Crimson: Oh no! Kiwi can't be with Dillon! Yup I knew that was going to happen! Another obstacle for them!

    Police station:

    Michael and Dante: :(

    Michael and Sonny: Oh! Love when Michael is angry at Sonny!!! :) Hate when Michael is mad at his mother, but with Sonny I don't have a problem with that!

    Interrogation room:

    Dante: :(

    Dante and Lulu: Dante wins the line of the day!

    Dante: Well uh Morgan's dead.

    ROFL! Did you have to say it like that?! As the same category as, well I broke up with my boyfriend. Well, I failed a class. Well, I have to go to the dentist. The writers really should have made Dante say that differently.. Beside that, sad scene. :(

    Q home: Come on Jason!! Tracy is right!!!!! Love that Tracy and Monica are going to the hospital to fight for it to stay up!!!!:)"

    My comments for today: Olivia and Ned kissed YAY! :) Carly was in denial at first about Morgan's death. :( It's going to be 4 years since Morgan died. I'm surprised he didn't come back from the dead yet!!!

    Monday's GH: "December 3, 2003: Jason Morgan and Sam McCall meet when they are both arrested for aiding and abetting suspected crime boss Sonny Corinthos." So in honor of that, my flashback will be when Sam first came on the scene. She met Jax!! 10/1/03

    Sam! You should have brought the dog with you!!!!!

  3. I never, ever bought Paul being a serial killer. It's completely out of character. For me, it ranks up there with having Scotty and Rick Webber cover up a murder. Ugh. #BadWriting

    1. "Kevin I never, ever bought Paul being a serial killer. It's completely out of character."

      Oh, well, with everything that happened to his daughter, yeah I can see him losing his mind. The problem is we had to lose him. :(

      "For me, it ranks up there with having Scotty and Rick Webber cover up a murder. Ugh. #BadWriting"

      UGH! I hated it I hated it I hated it! It was so stupid!!!!!!!!

  4. Just watched yesterday's rerun. Some very powerful acting.
    So as we enter the next porthole our destination is 2003. Oh right, a whole week of mumbles and the Bot. Whoopie!

  5. "zazu says, Some very powerful acting."

    YES!!!! :)

    "So as we enter the next porthole"


    "our destination is 2003."

    Haha yup! :)

    "Oh right, a whole week of mumbles and the Bot. Whoopie!"

    ROFL! When she was with Sonny, you can hear her very clearly. :) And also when she was with Jax. :)


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...