Wednesday, June 17, 2020

General Hospital 2014

Nina and Franco are gaslighting Ric into thinking he's hearing a baby cry...they say they know they set up her mother. 

Sonny is SHOT and in the hospital and Morgan vows to kill Julian. (for about a half hour) 
Liz is going to tell Jake he's Jason??! (Billy Miller looks yummy) Maybe it's just a ruse. YEP, little Jake interrupts and says he's had a bad dream that "Jake leaves like all my other dads" SO...Liz  isn't going to spill. Damn it. 

Maxie and Nathan.. Maxie's ugly apartment hasn't changed!! LOL 


  1. I will copy and paste what I said back then and make new comments.

    September 14, 2015:

    "Nina and BobTodd's home: Oh look!!! It's sexy Harry Potter again!!! Damn I love Ric's glasses! Love that look on him! I am in love with that look!!! Their scenes today with sexy Harry Potter was great!!!!!! :)Karma Ric karma!!! Hahaha!

    BobTodd: As soon as the public knows about your shenanigans.

    Sexy Harry Potter: Shenanigans?

    BobTodd: Yes shenanigans.

    Nina: Shenanigans!

    BobTodd Shenanigans!


    Me: Shenanigans! Shenanigans!!! Tomfoolery!!! :)

    Nina wins the line of the day!

    Nina: I never promised you a rose garden.

    BAHAHAHAHHA! And the look on sexy Harry Potter's face!!! ROFL! My mom used to sing that song when I was a kid! :)

    The hospital:

    Patrick and Sam: Chitter chatter.. Chatter chitter.

    Sonny's temporary room:

    Dante and Sonny: Kangaroo Meeber jumping all over the place! Dante talking to Sonny! Dammit!!!! Dante is making me feel bad for him! Oh Dante. :( And wow Dante is telling him he is selfish and is blaming him!!!! :) Yeah Dante! You tell him! He has little AJ! He was being stupid! Sonny doesn't agree! The machines are going crazy! Kangaroo Meeber is jumping!!!


    The vows: Just shut up and read me Carly!!!! READ ME!!!!!! And when she does Sonny's spirit is around!!! Awwww flashbacks of Carly and Sonny! And that song, that song was played on Young and the Restless! GH is recycling!

    "Karen says Yes, Dante is honest with Sonny and Sonny flatlines LOL. GEESHHH"

    Sonny can't handle the truth!!!!!! ROFL!

    Maxie's home: Wow Maxie was all calm at Sonny's, and now she is all freaked out when talking to Nathan!!!

    Liz and Jake's home: Liz has got old school eyeliner!!! :)Awesome! So basically,

    Liz: I have something to tell you!

    Jake: What is it?

    Liz: Oh it's so bad! I have done something horrible!

    Jake: You can tell me anything.

    Liz: It's JUST so bad!

    Jake: Please tell me.

    Liz: Well,

    Jake Jr: Mommy mommy! I had a bad dream!!! Jake left the family!

    Jake: Oh that would never happen! Let me take you back to bed.

    *takes Jake Jr back to bed.*

    Jake: Okay Liz what is it you were going to say?

    Liz: Oh it's so bad!!!

    Jake: We are for keeps! We are getting married. Tell me what's wrong!

    Liz: I did something bad to Sam!


    So where is the masked hand?!!?! WHO is the masked hand!?! Karen is it you?! :)Di is it you? AntJoan is it you?!!! Panda is it you?! LindaV is it you? :) Maybe it's the ice cream man across the street!!"

    New comments: Nina with the rose garden comment still made me laugh hard, and the look on Ric's face!!

    Ric: :0

    HAHAHAHAHHA! Last time I forgot to talk about Sonny and the shining angel light on him hahaha. I'm not going to forget this time. It was so bright!! It's like Sonny is an angel! Maxie's hair was strange. She had platinum blonde hair which looked really odd on her. I love her dress.

    My Flashback: Here is more of Sonny in August 1993. He met Mac and Felicia.

    Tomorrow: October 14, 2015: Sonny and Carly get married in the GH chapel.

    1. lol No Sonya. It wasn't me.

    2. "Di says,lol No Sonya. It wasn't me."

      ROFL! Back then you said if it was you, you would have shot him twice hahahaha! You said once on the torso, once on the head, and maybe 3. A shot at the crotch to end the supply of illegitimate children in case he did still make it.. Remember? ROFL!

      "LSV422 says, Not me either, LOL!"

      Hahahahahaha. Back then you said if it was you, you would have made sure he was history, Although you didn't know how to shoot, so you would have ended up shooting your foot. ROFL! Remember? :) Damn I feel like I went back in time and came back to tell everyone what happened! HAHAHAHAHA!

    3. You didn't mention me... it WAS ME!!!!!
      Errr....I wished it was me!

      Great old and new recap. Ric did look like Harry Potter, lol!

      Morgan was a little boy trying to act like a man. So many mega eye-rolls on my part, I had to lay down on the couch. :)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. "Julie H says, You didn't mention me... it WAS ME!!!!! Errr....I wished it was me!"


      "Great old and new recap."

      Thanks. :)

      "Ric did look like Harry Potter, lol!"

      Hahaha a sexy Harry Potter! :) He looked great in those glasses!

      "Morgan was a little boy trying to act like a man. So many mega eye-rolls on my part, I had to lay down on the couch. :)"

      Hahahahaha. True! And he looked like he was going to the army with that hair! :)

  2. Hopped onto my time machine! :) I'm on October 14th 2015! Back then Karen had an eye problem so she couldn't watch GH live! Anyway, I will copy and paste what I said back then, and make new comments.

    "Jerome Gallery: So basically,

    Ava: Please Paul! I beg of you! Please don't make me do bad things until I get my daughter back!!! PLEASE!!!!

    Paul: Awww Ava don't cry. I am not completely heartless. Okay I will let you win your daughter back, and then I will have you do my bidding.

    Oh Anna shows up!

    Anna: Liar liar liar pants on fire! You are a lying liar that lies!

    *Ava spinning in her chair.*

    Ava: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Okay we are done here Anna! Get out!

    Anna: Lying liar that lies! Oh I got a phone call.

    *Anna gets a phone call from Paul*

    Anna: I gotta go liar!

    *Anna leaves*

    The pier:


    Body in the water!!!!!! Who is it?!!?! Oh the face is messed up! The fishes ate his face?!!?! How convenient!!! Oh there is an ID.. Oh it's Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos. Hmmmm. Maybe the body is really Mr. Yum Yum's, and Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos planted his ID on the body! OR Paul planted the ID on Mr Yum Yum's body! I have watched soaps for wayyyy too long! ROFL! Ever since I was little. :)

    Police station: Nathan is about ready to eat his donut, when Val grabs it from his hand and throws it in the trash! ROFL! So basically,

    Nathan and Val:


    Nathan: I'm sorry. I was wrong!


    Nathan: Do you forgive me?

    Val: Yes.

    Nathan: Are we besties again?

    Val: Yes we are.

    Anna and Jordan: Awww they are no longer hair twins.. :( But at least they are talking about Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! :) Maxie and Dillon show up because of that dead body in the water.. Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Val: Everything okay?

    Nathan: Yeah they are just a little shaken up.

    Maxie: Or knocked up.


    Dillon and Dante:

    Dante: You stay the hell away from my wife!


    Maxie and Val: So basically,

    Maxie: You're scratchy and you are sleeping with Dillon, and you're pregnant.


    Maxie: But I saw the pregnancy test in the trash!


    Maxie: I'm sorry. You and Dillon,

    Val: ARE NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Whew.. Val is yelling a lot today! ROFL! Who else will she yell at tomorrow!?!?! Either she is pmsing, or she is really pregnant! ROFL!

    The hospital chapel: Oh time to get married! Oh the new Joss!!! Oh she is so adorable!!! :) Kristina is back! YAY! Lulu is warning Sabrina about Michael!!! WHAT THE HELL?! This is the second time Lulu warned Sabrina about Michael! SHUT THE HELL UP LULU!!!! Oh Joss is doing the wedding march with a piccolo! :) Uh Sonny isn't wearing his breathing tube! That is so stupid! Geez the priest isn't saying anything to them! Carly and Sonny already know how the wedding goes ROFL! But wish the priest would have said more.

    Priest: I now pronounce you husband and

    *Dante's phone rings*

    Dante's phone: Hey answer me!!! Don't ignore me!!! Don't put me on ignore!!!! How rude!

    Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife.

    Well it's about time they are married!!!! :)Now the drama can begin! I can't wait for,

    Carly: I'm sorry Sonny!

    *Sonny breaks barware*

    Sonny: You faithless whore!

    ROFL! Good times. :) Oh oh! Dante finds out Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is dead.. Poor Sabrina. :( Oh Sonny are you and Carly going on your honeymoon now? I think Carly will have to be on top. Oh wait they are going to wait for a honeymoon until Sonny gets better.

    Joss: Mom.. Uncle Sonny. Where are we going on our honeymoon?

    Sonny: I was thinking Iowa.

    Carly: Iowa?

    Sonny: Yeah they got great corn.

    Joss: That would be awesome!!! I love you uncle Sonny!


  3. Continued...

    Joss, Bobbie, and Lulu: Lulu tells Bobbie her and Dante are thinking about adding to their family, and poor Joss is so confused! ROFL! I guess Joss doesn't know who Dr. Lee is hahahahahahahahahahaha!"

    New comments: Joss was so little!!!! :) That was Eden Mccoy!!! :) Caaaaaaaaaaarlos didn't die here. He died 2016 by Julian!!!!

    My flashback: When Lucky and Nik met for the first time.  July 1996

    So tomorrow I'm going to October 12, 2016. Grieving for Morgan, Carly blames Sonny for their son’s death.

  4. These reruns lost in a time continuum are making me dizzy. Just makes no sense at all. Plenty of time to show a week or more at a time. I do appreciate sonya's time travel just to keep up.
    Read that B&B stopped taping already. Something about COVID testing.

  5. "Zazu says, These reruns lost in a time continuum are making me dizzy."


    "Just makes no sense at all. Plenty of time to show a week or more at a time."

    YES!!! I agree!!! They really should do that!!! Bold and the beautiful showed the pilot!! GH can't even show the 80's!

    "I do appreciate sonya's time travel just to keep up."

    ROFL! Thanks. :)

    "Read that B&B stopped taping already. Something about COVID testing."

    Yeah I read that too. I'm glad they are taking their time.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sonya is the best with the time travel! Even has past info about Karen! :)
      The recap was killing me. I forgot about the pronunciation of Caaaaaarlos! BWHAAAAAAA!!! "Faithless whore".....hahahahahah!

      Joss was so little, and Sonny saying how about Iowa, corn, Joss's reaction...oh my goodness!

    3. "Julie H says, Sonya is the best with the time travel!"

      Hahahaha! Oh thanks. :)

      "Even has past info about Karen! :)"

      ROFL! Not all the time, and I'm sure she has forgotten a lot of stuff. :)

      "The recap was killing me. I forgot about the pronunciation of Caaaaaarlos! BWHAAAAAAA!!!"

      HAHAHAHAHA! I miss him. :(

      "Faithless whore".....hahahahahah!"

      ROFL! He hasn't said that in a long time!! I miss it!!

      "Joss was so little, and Sonny saying how about Iowa, corn, Joss's reaction...oh my goodness!"

      That was Eden Mccoy's first day!!! So glad she is growing up on the show! :)


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...