Monday, June 22, 2020

2003 A Young GH

OH so this show is where JaSam first met!! 

So, Tamara Braun is on today playing Carly and my GOODNESS, she looks exactly like she looked THIS LAST YEAR playing KIM!! She does NOT age WOW. 
Maurice has.
Ingo Has
Steve has 
Kin has...
KeMo has a bit.. 

GEORGIE!! DILLION! TRACY!! Tracy hates Georgie and wants DILLON with SAGE!! 

FAITH ROSCOE MENTION! AND SHE'S ON!! OH I loved her so much. 

Liz and Emily eat at Old School Kelly's and Liz is PG with Zander's Baby!! 

Oh I enjoyed today's show so much.. I loved seeing all the old characters when they were young! 

ALKAZAR!!! A really young Ted King!! and Courtney !! EESH!!  Courtney tells Jason she loves him, wants him to "LEAVE THE LIFE"!! and Alkazar loves Carly. 

This really wasn't A "JaSam" episode much. I guess it's when they met but they werent' on together a lot at all. 

I was delighted watching these old timey characters!! 


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    1. Today's GH the screen looked strange again! I still don't care. :) Well didn't exist in December 3, 2003, so will have to do this from scratch. Besides that, my time machine broke.. Today's episode is from December 3, 2003

      Q home:


      Dillon, Georgie, and Tracy: Oh yes!!! I remember when Tracy didn't want Dillon and Georgie to be a couple. Georgie ran out of there so fast hahahaha.

      Cabin: Liz and Ric!!! My Licric heart!!! :) Come back to Port Chuckles Ric! I miss you so much! Oh oh cop came. Have to come back to get Sonny indicted.

      The police station:

      Jason and Sam: Well well well... When they first met. :) Sam is protecting her luva Sonny!!

      Jason, Emily, and cop Brian: I remember Brian!!! :) Jason is freeeeee!!!! Brian wins the line of the day.

      Cop Brian: Excuses me. Are you Mr. Morgan's girlfriend?


      Cop Brian and Kung Foo Barbie(Courtney):

      Kung Foo Barbie: Okay Brian. I. Want. You. To. Listen. To. Me.

      Oh shut up! Don't treat him like a 5 year old you stupid idiot!! He was just trying to help you!!! You and Jason are OVER!!!! Don't act like you are a queen!!

      Jax and Sam: Jax my love! :) He had frosted tip hair! I don't care what he wears or what he has on his hair! He is yummy! Can he start wearing tight pants? :)

      The hospital:

      Alcazar and Carly: I remember that he loved her so much!!!!!! :)

      Sonny's room:

      Carson: Oh yes. I remember Sonny shooting Carly in the head when she was delivering the baby. And now she has a teeny tiny bandaid!!! HAHAHAHAHA! And there she is making excuses for Sonny! Because she wuvs him.

      Sason: You can feel the wuv between this couple! :) The bromance is strong!!!


      Emily and Liz: Emily! Who sometimes sounded like an 80 year old wise woman, and sometimes an 80 year old stupid woman. Awww pregnant Liz is so conflicted! Tell Ric that you are pregnant with Zander's baby!!!!! Oh hi Nik. No don't kiss Emily! UGH!

      Faith and Zander: Everytime I saw him today, I cried. :( HI FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was queen badass!!! :) Zander is her bodyguard. Zander can be my bodyguard any day of the week. :) While they were talking, Kung Foo Barbie was watching them.. She didn't say anything, and I wanted her to shut up! :)

      Zander and Liz: No Zander!!! Liz is trying to tell you something!!! She wants to tell you that baby Cam is on the way!! :)

      Kung Foo Barbie's home:

      Jason and Kung Foo Barbie: Shut up you damn hypocrite!!! Don't tell him to quit the business!!! You lectured Robin about breaking up with Jason because he wouldn't quit the business, and told Robin that you would NEVER do that!!! HA! Damn idiot. I hate her so much!!! I hated her with Jason, I hated her with Jax, and I liked her with Nik. They had hot chemistry!!! :)

      Kung Fo Barbie and Brian: Brian visited the idiot. I can't believe you are visiting her after she treated you like a 5 year old!


      Sage and Dillon: HA! Dillon trying to tell her that they will never have sex! HAHAHAHAHA. That's what you think Dillon! :) You will lose your virginity to her! :)

      Dillon, Sage, and Georgie: How very ironic that Georgie is worried that Dillon is going to die, when both Sage and Georgie both died!!! Oh hi Alcazar!!! Oh you are trying to keep Dillon and Sage safe by making them go out of town!!! :)

      The pier:

      Queen Faith, Bodyguard Zander, Queen Faith's men, hiding Jason, and Nik: Someone is buying some drugs from Faith. Oh hello Nik!!! Oh hiding Jason bombs her shipment! HA! :) KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

      My flashback: When Jax and Sam were together and had sex. Man they had alot of chemistry! I love the way he grabs her arm and pulls her toward him. Yowza hot! And the lighting, wow!! Perfect lighting!! November, 10, 2003.

      Tomorrow's episode will be November 10, 2004: A mourning Jason agonizes about telling Sam that her baby died.

    2. The time machine is broken? Whaaaaaaat? Say ain't so Sonya! And yup, Emily was stupid on many occasion. I still miss Amber as that character. Thanks for the recap!

    3. "Julie H says, The time machine is broken? Whaaaaaaat? Say ain't so Sonya!"

      Yeah. :( It's going to take awhile to get it fixed.

      "And yup, Emily was stupid on many occasion."

      ROFL! Yeah you can say that again! :)

      "I still miss Amber as that character."

      Me too!!!!!

      "Thanks for the recap!"

      You're welcome. :)

    4. I just loved Amber Tamblyn as Emily. I still love her as a mature hard working woman.
      sonya...your time machine may be broken but your recap is just fine!

    5. "zazu says, I just loved Amber Tamblyn as Emily."

      Me too!!!!! :)

      "sonya...your time machine may be broken but your recap is just fine!"

      Oh thank you. :)

  2. I don't even remember the Sage storyline. When they first showed her yesterday, I had no idea who she was. I vaguely remember her name but couldn't tell you anything else about her. I was excited to see Faith, Zander, Georgie and real Dillon!

    1. "Lori says, I don't even remember the Sage storyline. When they first showed her yesterday, I had no idea who she was. I vaguely remember her name but couldn't tell you anything else about her."

      OH! Well you can read all about her and see if it jogs your memory.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I really enjoyed today's episode, but I was yelling at the screen. Never liked Kung Foo Barbie and I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing her again. I too, didn't remember Sage, (ha!) but it was great seeing Faith (who looked fab), Zander, Georgie, Dylan and of course Liz and Ric. Wow, everyone looked so young! Hilarious that the hypocrisy of the Corinthi was alive and well 17 years ago. Some things never, ever change. And we now have proof that Mumbles wasn't always a mumbler!

    1. "Julie H says, Never liked Kung Foo Barbie and I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing her again."

      YES! I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing her too!!!! Well, except when she was a ghost and visited Spencer.. That was okay, but the rest of the time, no!

      "And we now have proof that Mumbles wasn't always a mumbler!"

      ROFL! Yes we do! :)

    2. Yes. I've said that many times about Mumbles. It's so obvious now that she's just phoning it in and reading her lines with no expression at all.

  5. Well!!! After showing Sonny's kids, here is what they will show after that!

    Week of July 6th

    Monday July 6:

    April 4, 2008: Michael takes a bullet intended for Sonny

    Tuesday July 7:

    May 4, 2010 Michael confesses to killing Claudia.

    Wednesday July 8:

    September 30, 2010 Michael is sentenced to prison.

    July 9

    January 6, 2011: Sonny visits Kristina at the hospital.

    People are saying that the Michael going to prison is the wrong date and it's in May. Man they are showing the Corinthos family a lot!!!!

  6. Watching the older episodes it is noticeable to me that they always filmed in a dark way. Lots of dim lighting and plenty of gloom. I know you all loved every bit of it but it's probably why I wasn't watching much then.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...