Friday, June 26, 2020

Where Have You Been?


No I haven't watched GH in a few days. I guess you could say I have Sonny burn-out. While it's fun to tune in to see old characters, I just had too much to do. Today the Zacchara fam is on so I might take a gander. 

I'm feeling very wary about GH at the moment. The longer this goes on, the longer ABC has to look for 'replacement' material for that time slot until they 'return'. The resurgance in CA of COVID isn't boding well either. The Bold and The Beautiful were going to come back but that's been stopped. Even Disneyland isn't opening up on schedule. I just hope this doesn't spell disaster for the show. If ABC finds running some game show is more cost-effective, welp. There ya go. 

Next week is yet another Sonny-Centric one with episodes centering on each of his children. Maybe we'll get crypt-sex again? Hmmm... 

Are you watching the show daily? I know Twitter is WAY down as far as discussion goes. The more time that goes by, the more viewers will peel off.  Here's hoping for a solution soon. I'd hate to lose it all. 


  1. "Where Have You Been?"

    At first I thought you were asking where Papa Z has been hahaha!

    "The Bold and The Beautiful were going to come back but that's been stopped."

    Yes they did stop, but then they tried again. Did they stop again?! I haven't heard that.

    "If ABC finds running some game show is more cost-effective, welp. There ya go."

    Yeah.. :(

    1. The bad thing is that a game show, talk show or cooking show would be cheaper. I HATE all three

    2. "lindie says, The bad thing is that a game show, talk show or cooking show would be cheaper. I HATE all three"

      Yeah the only talk show I watch is the view. I don't want to watch whatever replaces GH.

  2. I DVR it every day, and FF thru about 1/3 of it. I too have Sonny burnout, but it's so great to see all the old faces again. I don't watch game shows or talk shows and don't intend to start. I don't have a good feeling about GH either, which makes me very sad. The increase of Covid cases makes me nervous, for more reasons than one. Thanks for posting and you too Sonya! :)

    1. "Julie H says, it's so great to see all the old faces again."

      Yes it is!!! I am so happy and excited seeing them!!! :)

      "The increase of Covid cases makes me nervous,"

      Yeah it's awful. People are not doing what they are supposed to, to stop the spread!

      "Thanks for posting and you too Sonya! :)"

      You're welcome! :)

    2. Yes, they seem not to give a shit! Excuse my French, but I'm mad. It's like these people not wearing a mask or not social distancing think it can't happen to them!!! Or they just don't gaf?

    3. "Michelle L says,Yes, they seem not to give a shit! Excuse my French, but I'm mad. It's like these people not wearing a mask or not social distancing think it can't happen to them!!! Or they just don't gaf?"

      Yeah they are probably in denial. Just don't confront people who don't wear a mask! They could cough on you or something. There are crazy people out there!

  3. I still DVR it every day, and then watch a few minutes to see who the characters are for that episode. FF or delete after that... so maybe spend about 10 minutes altogether with the show. Do the same thing with YnR and BnB. Still have the last new GH episode in "saved" list to watch again once the show comes back. Hoping that it makes it through this mess.

    1. Hi Pat!! You haven't posed in a long time. How are you holding up? I hope you and your family are doing well!

  4. I'm watching. The earlier ones have characters I never knew. Sam & Jason were actually cute in the beginning. It was funny to see Alexis pregnant but I don't remember at all Sam being with Sonny, getting preggers and losing baby. Nada. I will say her 'girls' have grown.
    IMO...I think ABC will wait it out even if they do show something else but with GH going back over 50 years they should be able to come up with something. Let us hope.


  6. I hate Sonny/Carson but I'm watching. I'm loving the old episodes. Seeing all the old characters long gone. Except Brian Craig. LOL! Some I don't recognize so it takes me a minute or so. I'll say it again (cause I've mentioned it in a previous blog) I want liason damn it. We get so much jasam and they prevailed, so give me a reboot of liason. ❤ all I ask. Hey Karen, I know the Emmys are being televised tonight, of course I'm working and will miss them as usual. Do you think they'll be on Hulu tomorrow??

  7. Karen I don't know if you watched GH today! You were so quiet on twitter!! Well anyway.. *Jumps into the time machine to go to September 22, 2011*

    "Sam and Jason: The place they got married in, HOLY CRAP! That's not the Asian quarter is it?! :) Oh the ring that Monica gave Sam, I thought it was Monica's ring that Alan gave her!! Oops.

    Windamere: Oh love that they showed the outside of it. :) HOLY CRAP LAURA'S PORTRAIT!!!!!! And someone drew her name!!!! The person that is there, is that Luke?! :)

    Patrick and Robin: Love their scene! I also love that they showed the outside of the hospital. :)

    Lisa Niles and Papa Z: WOAH! She gave him the power of power of attorney!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dante and Lulu: Hmm she broke up with him so I'm not sure if getting married right now is a good idea. Altho, just thinking about Laura and Luke at the wedding, makes me happy! :) OKAY GET MARRIED! And Laura BETTER be at the wedding!!!

    Lucky and Dante: Yes Dante join the Spencer clan!!!! :) Good advice Lucky gave him. :)

    Franco: Yesterday he opened his eyes and today he did too! No more squinting sexy eyes!!! Please!!!"

    New comments: The lady in white portrait!! That whole lady in white storyline was awful!!! PAPA Z AND ANTHONY SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! So happy seeing them again!!! :) Back then I really really wanted Papa Z and Tracy to be together!!! Too bad it didn't happen.. Jasam got married. So they have been married for 9 years. Well 9 years in September. Johnathan Jackson as Lucky YAY!!! Dante telling him that he isn't marrying the family. OH YES YOU ARE DANTE HAHAHAHA! The OG Franco!! I wonder why I didn't mention who won the line of the day last time. Well, Franco did.

    OG Franco: Non couple. NonNon couple. Who hasn't coupled with Maxie?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That made me laugh hard!!! :)

    My flashback: Sean Kanan's first scene as AJ! 1993. Alan, Monica, and Jason visiting him at the AA clinic.

    Monday's episode will be from January 29, 2010: Sonny shoots Dante.

  8. One thing I noticed in the old episodes was how much more modest they were. The language was cleaner and very little cleavage Nowadays Sam's "girls" almost fall out when she bends over. I wonder if she ever got rid of her butt tattoo? The women seemed to have aged better than the men.I miss the old Nik and Dante and Nathan but so pleased Morgan has never returned.


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