Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday: Metro Court Hostage


I watched today because I wanted to see: Sebastian Roche (Jerry Jacks), OG Lulu (Julie Berman), Ted King (Alkazar) and I wasn't disappointed!! 

Liz is pregnant with Jake. She, Emily and Carly OPERATE on Robin!! LOL..Patrick talks to them over the phone (not even a cell phone).  

If you want some fun old-time GH, tune in! 


  1. After they show Jasam, they are going to show Sonny's children. Here is the schedule for it.

    Week of June 29:

    Monday June 29:

    Original air date January 29, 2010: Sonny shoots Dante.

    General Hospital spoilers for Tuesday June 30:

    Original air date July 4, 2010: Kristina and Sonny attend therapy.

    General Hospital spoilers for Wednesday July 1:

    Original air date November 7, 2014: Michael holds a gun on Sonny to make him pay for killing AJ

    General Hospital spoilers for Thursday July 2:

    Original air date June 29, 2015: Michael gives Avery back to Sonny

    General Hospital spoilers for Friday July 3:

    Original air date February 26, 2016: Sonny stops Morgan from jumping off the roof of General Hospital.

    I would love to see Michael pointing a gun at Sonny again! :) Anyway, After that, I have no idea what they are going to show..

  2. I watched today for the same reasons you did.

  3. THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) The screen is a little strange, but I don't care! :)

    The hospital:

    Alcazar's room: ALCAZAR!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! HI SKYE!!!! :) Oh Alexis is upset but oh oh she is dizzy. She is dehydrated!!!!

    Alexis's room:

    Alexis and the doctor: Alexis has a wig on and has cancer. Or she is recovering from it I think. Doc is talking to her about when his wife had cancer she smoked weed for her symptoms. She died 6 months ago.

    Alexis and Ric: Awwww Ric is worried about her!!! COME BACK TO PORT CHUCKLES RIC!!! Come back to me baby!!!!! :)

    Private place: I'm not sure where they are. I don't remember.

    Jason and Spinny: Spinny and his nicknames for people hahaha. Trying to find a way into the Metrocourt to save people. Spinny wins the line of the day.

    Spinny: You are a little strange.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He is a little strange? :) Jason could say the same thing to you too Spinny! :) Spinny wants to help get Lulu out! Oh this is the time when he had a crush on Lulu! Oh little Michael calls Jason worried about his parents!

    Sonny's home:

    Jason, little Michael, and little Morgan: Little Michael and his red hair!! People used to call him Chuckie, which I think is so rude. Anyway Michael is panicked!! Jason is there for him.

    Metrocourt hostage crisis:

    Private room:

    Sonny and Lulu: Gee Lulu not going to untie him? To skeered not? Sonny is not even asking her to help him!! OH Jerry shows up with Carly. Jerry then grabs Lulu so that Sonny and Carly could be alone awwww. :)

    Sonny and Carly: Oh Carly can't untie him because he isn't tied up with rope! He is handcuffed. Oh but she Macgyvered it and took the handcuffs off! Carly is freaking out because Robin was shot and blood all over! She had to suture her up! Sonny spills his guts to Carly about how he feels about her. She and Sonny are married, but they are getting a divorce, and she is engaged to Jax.

    Metrocourt lobby:

    Robin is shot because Jerry shot her! Emily, Liz, and Carly helped Robin. In the beginning of the hostage crisis when it first started, Liz has a flip phone!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!! It took her forever to text and of course she had to look down on it to text, because IT TAKES FOREVER TO TEXT!!! Anyway, Nik and Emily were sitting together and she was so tired. UGH Nik and Emily! I hate them together!!! Mac is outside and so is Patrick. Patrick was on the phone with Carly to help the ladies save Robin! Phone had blood on it! Robin is so pale! Patrick prayed and Robin said his name. She woke up and was in so much pain!!! An hour went by so fast!!!!

    My flashback: Frisco and Felicia first meet. Part 2.

    Tomorrow's episode will be September 24, 2013, Where Sonny goes off his meds.

  4. Yes!! They went WAYYY BACK! Dylan Cash played Michael and Spin had his unkempt hair! Julie is Lulu! Loving it!! Gonna watch tonight too! LOL!!

  5. Who was that guy who stood up next to Max? I remember him, vaguely, but not his character name or actor...

    1. Hey Michelle, we discussed this on FB, but if anyone else is interested, that was Father Ruiz, twin brother of crazy Manny who was a stalker/murderer, played by Robert LaSardo. I enjoyed that actor, he played nutso very well!

  6. These are EXACTLY the types of shows we should be seeing! So fantastic! Jerry, young Michael, Patrick, Alcazar, am loving this!

  7. This was a great old episode, I loved it! Carly sure had a case of the me-me-me-mees when talking about Robin. "if she dies, everyone will blame me!" Why yes, Snarly I will blame you!

    Mac Daddy looking all young and hot, Drake Junior just looking hot and silent crying on command, and of course original Lulu! I forgot how much I liked her.

    I probably was one of those that called Michael "Chuckie". Never really like the kid. I remember Guza was going to have him kill AJ in the hospital and there was such a major fan uproar that they scrapped that story.

    They really should have just run this entire story from beginning to end!

    1. "Julie H says, I probably was one of those that called Michael "Chuckie"."

      I felt bad for him. I hope it didn't hurt his feelings. :(

      "Never really like the kid."

      Awww why not? He was adorable!!! :) What I thought was funny, is that Carly has blonde hair, and AJ had brown hair, but Michael had red hair. ROFL! Must have gotten the red from grandma Bobbie! ROFL!
      I remember Guza was going to have him kill AJ in the hospital and there was such a major fan uproar that they scrapped that story."

      Oh yeah I remember that!!!! I'm glad they didn't do it!!! I forgot why they were planning on doing that. I even forgot why AJ was in the hospital.

    2. Sonya, I always thought the same about red-headed Michael, got it from grandma! :)

      "Chuckie" was a mean name I'll admit, and I never meant it for the actor, but I only liked Michael when he was a baby. And I can't remember why AJ was in the hospital. Probably something to do with his drinking. I never forgave original Carly (or the current on for that matter) for drugging him, pouring alcohol on him and leaving him somewhere in a grocery cart to make it look like he went on a bender again!

    3. "Julie H says, Sonya, I always thought the same about red-headed Michael, got it from grandma! :)"

      Hahahaha yeah!!! :)

      "Chuckie" was a mean name I'll admit, and I never meant it for the actor,

      Ohhh okay! :)

      "And I can't remember why AJ was in the hospital. Probably something to do with his drinking."

      Yeah probably. :)

      "I never forgave original Carly (or the current on for that matter) for drugging him, pouring alcohol on him and leaving him somewhere in a grocery cart to make it look like he went on a bender again!"

      Yeah I remember that. Carly was so awful back then!!!

  8. Just read that Bold and Beautiful will be filming again soon

    1. Yay, but at least they are showing really old, great shows.

    2. "lindie says, Just read that Bold and Beautiful will be filming again soon"

      Yeah I heard. Yikes. I wonder how that is going to work!!

  9. Loved yesterday's show - great cast back then and everyone looked so young, especially Spin and Jason. Old Lulu was so much better. Ric, Patrick, Mac, Nick - so handsome! Ah, even Guza did some good stuff before he became mob and Sonny/Carly/Jason obsessed.

  10. Does Jason know that Liz is pregnant with his son during the Metro Court hostage crisis?

    1. Not yet, but she does tell him during the hostage crisis.

  11. Fun to watch. Wish they would just show arcs...there is certainly enough time. In those days a story lasted, at the longest, months not years like now. It probably would have been easier for them and more fun for us instead of individual episodes from different years.
    I read today that B&B is now filming.

  12. "Original air date July 4, 2010: Kristina and Sonny attend therapy."

    Actually that is the wrong date. The actual date is June 4th 2010!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...