Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Catching UP

Hi Guys and Gals!! WELL-- time is limping along! It also looks like people were quick on Twitter to say GH was starting production soon because- NOPE. Even when they start back up the restrictions and guidelines will be huge. 
I encourage you to read up about a British soap: HOLLYOAKS and how they are dealing with and starting to film again. 


Wally Kurth (Ned) will be in a upcoming Lifetime Movie A Deadly Bridenapping ! No air date yet, I will keep you posted. 

We've found out that after this week and the CarSon week, there will be a "JaSam" week. This will go back as far as 2003 to relive some of their golden days. 

Today is both Eden McCoy (Josslyn) and Carolyn Hennesy's birthdays! So HAPPY DAY to them! 

With all that's going on in the world, I hope you're taking care and enjoying what you can. I do miss going to the movies--it's my son and my 'thing' together. We've been watching a lot here of course, but not the same thing!  We will enter Phase 3 where I am in NY at the end of the week but it still puts restrictions on things. I also just saw the Canadian border is shut for travel (not goods) until the end of July now. It's going to be a long summer with no festivals or concerts! 

Have a good one. 


  1. To me, there is nothing more boring than JaSam. That's a big Nope for me. I want to see Quartermaines and/or Cassadines.

  2. So pissed...sorry to the jasamers but I want my liason. ❤ I bet they don't show them any love. LOL! Cause it's always been about Carson and jasam. #truth. Anyways. Finally caught up on all the past episodes while on vacation. ❤ Wish they could've shown the older ones but it is what it is...

  3. I agree with Lori, gimme Cassadines, Quartermaines, and Robin and Stone.

  4. Today's GH is from May 20th 2019! I will copy and paste what I said last year, and make new comments.

    Carson home:

    Krissy and Jossy: Umm huh? How did this happen? Oh wait. Carly DID say they were waiting for Krissy to come. I just remembered that!

    Jam: Awwww Cam you are so sweet! :)

    The nurses ball:

    The nurses number: GO AMY! GO DEANNA!!!! :) The way Bobbie was dancing hahahaha! Love it! :)

    Cam and the Llama: Cam wins the line of the day.

    Cam: Hello? Anyone lose a Llama?

    ROFL! Awww he talks to the Llama!!! Sweet scene. :)

    Chase's number: WOW! Chase was great!!! HAWT! :)

    Anna and Robert: Okay Anna just stop it. You are protesting too much!!! You love him just admit it!!

    Mike, Sonny, and Finchy: Finchy finally got the ring back!!! Now what are you going to do Finchy? Hold onto it for another week?

    Alexis, Neil, and Jax: Uh ooookayyyyyyyyyyy. Alexis why are you so flustered? Do you need a brown paper bag to breath in? :) I miss that!!!

    Jax, Carly, and Cam: Cam has got wonderful manners!!!! Mr. Jax! Mrs Cornithos!!! Jax tells him to just call him Jax. Awwwww. :)

    Jax and Carly: I love how they talk about Joss and she keeps texing her and then she says it's your turn. Awwwww. :)

    Hotel room:

    Scotty, Doc, and Ava: Nice try Scotty!!! ROFL!

    Anna on stage:

    "Karen says There's a ring on stage at Anna's feet? HUH?"

    Finchy was near the stage and so was Robert. Finchy was holding onto the ring, and Robert pushed Finchy's hand and the ring was thrown at Anna's feet!!!

    New comments: When Cam was talking to the Llama, I'm surprised it didn't spit on him. ROFL! Oh poor Scotty. Asking help from Lucy to scheme! Lucy used to be very good at scheming, but not anymore! ROFL! She is rusty! All that's on her mind, is the nurses ball!

    My flashback: Jason, Stone, Robin, Keesha, Brenda, & Miguel hang out - September 1995

    Tomorrow's episode is from May 21, 2019 nurses ball.

    1. After watching these Nurse's Balls, Bobbie has 2 dance moves. Finger pointing in the air like John Travolta and the rolling fists. She cracks me up! Gotta love her!

      I saw the llama drool while Cam was chatting him up. I thought the same thing, back away Cam, he's going to spit! LOL!

    2. "Julie H says After watching these Nurse's Balls, Bobbie has 2 dance moves. Finger pointing in the air like John Travolta and the rolling fists. She cracks me up! Gotta love her!"

      I haven't noticed. Hahaha. Well, I guess she wants to be, STAYING ALIVE! Hahahaha. Love Bobbie! :)

      "I saw the llama drool while Cam was chatting him up. I thought the same thing, back away Cam, he's going to spit! LOL!"

      Was he drooling? HAHAHAHAHA! Run Cam run!!!!

    3. LOL Julie about Bobbie! I noticed the same!!

  5. will not be watching jaspam. the mumbler and the walking dead. I used to like steve with robin, og carly and my favorite liz. can we please have a liason love story.

    1. The mumbler and the walking dead! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

    2. Hilarious....the walking dead!!!!!

  6. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that the Powers-That-Be at "GH" should use the break as an excuse to do a time jump when it returns. This would clear the deck for new storylines and they could show the outcome of the custody hearing in pseudo-flashback.

  7. Yeah. I don't need Carson and Jasam. Give me Quatermines, Cassidines, Ice Princess, Spencer's, Luke and Laura. Steve and Audrey. The show we cannot see anymore.
    Robin and Stone, BJ's transplant

  8. Been watching GH since 1981, and this blog since Gedstern started it, but work blocked folks from posting, etc. Retired now and just have to say this because it is strange. In 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 Elizabeth was NOT part of the nurses opening number. Why? Bobbie was in all of them. You even see Liz briefly at the beginning and end of the number in 2016, sitting at the table in a dress. So she is watching the nurses when she IS one and should be up there. I can't imagine why Rebecca would do that. Anybody know why? This has bugged me for a long time. Oh and I also was not really a Jasam fan. Want lots of Quartermaines!

    1. Rebecca does not have a choice, its the writers. she is a fan favorite not the writers favorite. she was fired years ago and fans fought to bring her back. the writers love the mob scene. carson and jasam.

    2. "greenspace says, Been watching GH since 1981, and this blog since Gedstern started it."

      Wow!!! :) Well very nice to meet you! :)

      "Witch says, she was fired years ago and fans fought to bring her back."

      Well, they didn't have to bring her back. They had a choice too. I'm not really sure why she was fired to begin with.

    3. Thanks sonya and witch. I thought maybe the actors had a say in what they wanted to do on the Ball. My "behind the show" knowledge is really only what I get from Karen and some of this group who go to "meet and greet" events and such. Keep up the good work! I remember Becky getting fired and coming back because of the fans. I was so glad! I have always liked her. I hope we don't lose GH because of the virus - the impeachment stuff was bad enough. But this is even worse, for ALL entertainment, actually. And I remember when Karen almost gave up this site - hope we don't lose her (and delcodave, who has been most helpful also).

  9. "greenspace says, Thanks sonya"

    You're welcome!!! :)

    "I remember when Karen almost gave up this site. hope we don't lose her"

    I hope she never gives up this site. :(

    "(and delcodave, who has been most helpful also)."

    Yeah delcodave is awesome!! Not sure where he has been. Hope he is okay!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...