Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Nothing TO See Here...

WELL.. I was going to leave this blank today but I'm having coffee and thought I'd pop something up. 
How long can this keep up? I guess for awhile, right? Even when they start to tape again, the restrictions are huge and then there's editing and all that. Maybe new shows will run in August? I have no idea. 

Some of the things I've thought of doing would be a week with each character doing a study on their life and exploration of motives. They could interact with other characters a bit and maybe do some spotlight type therapy. . BUT I'd want characters that aren't on everyday.  Do a Liz week, Ned, Olivia-- Ava, even Julian. I'd use old time flashbacks even if there was a recast!  Have each actor that plays them narrate the episodes as well. 

Davis Girls Days! That would be great. Let's revisit each of their births! 

We could have Lesil be transferred back to NY State Prison System and Brad and she team up for some "Orange is the New Black" type comedy and drama.  Have them escape. 

Do a week of "The 4th of July" picnics we used to have (going back to the 70's)  and maybe the Mayoral race when Luke ran. 

A WEEK OF SCOTTY BALDWIN! Come on, there's gold in them their clips! 

I can go on and on. This next week will be a CarSon fest and I'm really not even looking forward to it at all. We see them on the daily. They aren't going to feature the past Carlys either so... meh. 

Same with JaSam week... 

What would you like to see if you could have one character study? I'd also do a Helena Havoc 
Days but you already knew that! 

Hope you are well. We are in Phase 3 here but everyone is still social distancing and wearing masks. I only saw one person without one yesterday. People are being cautious. NY's numbers are on the downturn so I'm hoping they stay that way!! 

Tillie says hello. She's still loving life and being pampered all day. We haven't really started any new series yet. I'm rewatching Ghost Whisperer on Hulu and Marple too. 



  1. Thanks so much. My Sunday morning coffee wouldn't be the same without you.

    kd said "We could have Lesil be transferred back to NY State Prison System and Brad and she team up for some "Orange is the New Black" type comedy and drama. Have them escape. "

    *** OMG That would be hilarious. they could run a week worth of episodes around that theme and it would be hilarious. Instead we'll probably get weeks with someone who lives close and can walk to work. *blech*

    I'll be giving the next few weeks a miss. Had enough of Carson and can't stomach Jasam.

    1. "Di says, I'll be giving the next few weeks a miss. Had enough of Carson and can't stomach Jasam."

      If they are getting all this from the ABC website, then the next after Jasam, is Sonny's children.. You want to watch that? :) After that, I have no idea what they are going to show.

    2. Oh Lord. Are we going to have Morgan rammed down our throats again?

    3. "Di says, Oh Lord. Are we going to have Morgan rammed down our throats again?"

      Well, hopefully they will show young Morgan! :)

  2. "We could have Lesil be transferred back to NY State Prison System and Brad and she team up for some "Orange is the New Black" type comedy and drama. Have them escape."

    YES YES YES! Would LOVE that!! :)

    "Do a week of "The 4th of July" picnics we used to have (going back to the 70's) and maybe the Mayoral race when Luke ran."

    Yes please! I want I want!

    "A WEEK OF SCOTTY BALDWIN! Come on, there's gold in them their clips!"

    YES! I want that too!!!! Yes it's gold!!! And then a week later, LUCY COE!!! :)

    "We are in Phase 3 here but everyone is still social distancing and wearing masks. I only saw one person without one yesterday. People are being cautious."

    Yeah just because things are open, doesn't mean it's safe. Florida and Texas are in an uptick of the virus yikes!!

    "NY's numbers are on the downturn so I'm hoping they stay that way!!"

    Yeah me too!!

    "Tillie says hello."

    HI BABY!!!! :)

    "She's still loving life and being pampered all day."

    Oh good! She deserves it! :)

  3. Thanks for doing this kd. Your ideas sound great. TPTB choices for the next weeks are lousy. One half of the Jasam couple is unwatchable to me. Instead of CarSon I would have liked to see Sonny from his beginnings. Maybe because I'm reading MB's book right now. It's pretty good...I recommend.
    YES to Brad and Dr. O. And Scotty and Lucy. Trying to stay away from doom and gloom.
    Honestly, watching Shiloh this week was painful. A 'colt' story was a great idea. Just not that one.
    I'm glad that northern NY is paying attention to safety. Did you see the photos of downtown Manhattan? East village...crowds in the street...few masks. Masks will be part of our wardrobe for a very long time.
    We are having some incredible weather. I hope you all are too! Enjoy your Sunday and some fresh air.

    1. "Zazu says I would have liked to see Sonny from his beginnings."

      The only way you are going to see that, is on youtube.

      "A 'colt' story was a great idea. Just not that one."

      Colt! ROFL!

      "Did you see the photos of downtown Manhattan? East village...crowds in the street...few masks."

      No I didn't see that!!! :0 Crazy!!!

      "Masks will be part of our wardrobe for a very long time."

      Yeah.. How are you holding up?

    2. At this point we all know what we need to do to protect ourselves. I always thought people didn't respect others' personal spaces, even in healthy times. Most of my time is spent outside...walking the dog. Hope you can stay safe always.

  4. worst sunday surgery ever.


  5. Thanks for the Surgery during this boring stretch! :)
    I would love a week of Helena, that would be the most pleasant of surprises!
    I'll watch Carson, but I'll be watching NCIS reruns instead of Jasam. I'm another that CANNOT stomach them.
    Sonny's children doesn't interest me in the least. I disliked the younger Michael (I believe some were calling him Chuckie) and I won't be watching anything with the Sainted Morgan.

    Everyone have a great day, we had the most beautiful weekend in Michigan!

    1. "Julie H says I disliked the younger Michael"

      Awww why not? He was adorable! :)

      "(I believe some were calling him Chuckie)"

      Yeah I remember. That's because he had red hair.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...