Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Flare Ups


Ok, so SAM ended up ending Shiloh but it was still the same ol' same ol' ... Danger Will Robinson! Let's talk about the week, shall we?

Since much of it took place on the water, let's do some seared seafood!! 


RESCUE (s)  OF THE WEEK:  and.... Jason rescued Bobbie... Sam rescued Devvvv and Wiley, Jason rescued Sam...then Sam rescued Jason. 
And WHY THE HELL WASN'T Shiloh's death a murder mystery?? I would have had so many ideas and players involved. Until the end... where we find out in flashbacks, Nelle escaped prison one night, did the deed and snuck back in jail. No one ever the wiser. Close up of her smiling her kitty-cat smile in her cell and going peacefully asleep.  BUT!! NOPE! Let's watch SAM again. 
It wasn't even Willow or Krissy for cripes sake!! At least it's over. Well, as over as it gets in Soapland anyway. 


CUTENESS OF THE WEEK: Dawwwwwww.. Aiden trying to get Franco to come out by buying his fave candy!! I said all along Scotty should have brought him food but this little guy did it for me!! I SO wish Franco had had a glimmer of something. Like smelled the candy and for a moment just had "it'... if only with Aiden. Then we'd know he was 'in there'. But alas, DrewCo continues to be Debby Downer Drew and not stirring anything at all in me. 


WALK OUT OF THE WEEK: "The letter isn't addressed to me"-- and with one line, hopefully Julian freaking Jerome is BACK IN THE HOUSE!  Can Kim BE more delusional? She was even trying to get him back fresh from bed with DrewCo!! Paging Dr. Lisa Niles! I may sit back and enjoy this. 


PIZZA OVEN DRAMA OF THE WEEK:  Why Lisa LoCicero isn't on this show more is anyone's guess. I'm hoping it's her choice because I love me some Olivia Falconeri. First she finds out the bar of her dreams is gone (along with her pizza oven) and overhears Lulu casually mention sleeping with someone besides Dante. I can totally get Lulu's POV....and I sure can understand Olivia's. Really liked the scenes and liked Genie and she squaring off a bit! 


BUTT-INSKY OF THE WEEK:  Sam tries to tell Elizabeth to left Franco decide about the procedure himself because that's what she did with Jason's tumor and wow, look! It turned out really well. Um, only problem is-- it's a totally different situation and she's given Liz crap about Franco since day one. So.. bye. 


WARNING BELLS OF THE WEEK: Ok, maybe I've just watched WAY too many daytime dramas but.. this was well.. :side-eye:.  The entire class is out in the park, Joss runs when Walden gets too messy and the teach leaves to find her. Then he takes the time to talk to her on a park bench while the class just--sits there?? Okay then!! Now, this may be innocent and I thinking if anything comes of it, it's a Joss crush. (at least I'm hoping--I don't need Dusty to be all predatory).  If this was the 70's btw, they already would have met for drinks in some secluded place and things would have started. Different times tho. LOL 


CRAMPS OF THE WEEK:  CarSon baby is coming!! Carly will be out of shirt-dresses forth-with!! I'm going to watch this story SO closely for medical and emotional impacts. Sonny and Carly are no spring chickens, their last kid is going to be born with a disability and here's hoping it's not being glossed over. 


MY ONLY HOPE OF THE WEEK:  Spinelli taking down Peter is my ONLY hope at this point. At least Maxie found the receipt of him taking out the money to pay Shiloh. Will she believe him if he tries to wiggle out of it?? 


SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Liz leaning in to tell Franco she's not done fighting for him. Great chem-- great delivery and all around just greatness. VERY SOAPY as well. 


FRIEND OF THE WEEK: Epiphany read both Sonny and Franco this week and provided her usual sage advice.  I think Dr. Terry should also be there for Liz because it seems like she was only around for the Aiden story-- and that's just not right. She's a doctor and could really help Liz at this point. 


Jax and Sonny spar as the Moss grows fat on the counter 
Ava is Dr. Neil's patient now. Can he resist her charms??? 
Franco is transferred to Shadybook to start the memory mapping--or IS he? 
Shiloh is shown dead in a body bag after being shot with a flare gun by Sam
Some nurse with the DOD overheard JaSam talking and she went to Jordan
Devvvvv is assured by Sonny that he's safe with him
Joss misses Oscar
Cam misses Franco
Olivia finds out Lulu slept with Dustin
Maxie finds a bank withdrawl slip in Peter's room
Julian dumps Kim after finding out she slept with DrewCo
Franco doesn't remember his fave candy that Aiden gives him
SO many Nikolas Cassadine mentions this week
Carly's in labor, 2 weeks early 


OK! So that's that-- Drama with the Haunted Star and the whole kidnapping/rescue thing. I found Dev to be another weak-link in that part. His dock scene with Jason was painful. Josslyn struggling with Oscar's death is believable but I wish they'd focus more on Trina and her backstory. I like the Lulu and Laura talks. Adding Olivia spiced things up. Shiloh is dead--or as dead as you can be on GH so that chapter is closed. Yet..we have this DOD nurse blabbing to Jordan something she 'heard' JaSam say and that other trainer-chick running around gunning for Alexis. :eyeroll: Ava's in therapy again (always a good thing) but they'd better get a damn good story for her and soon. Make her the goddess we know she is-- and no more crying, whining and being a doormat for Sonny.  CarSon babe will be born and we'll see how they handle the medical portion of all of this. 
Dan and Chris' material should be full-on soon. Shelley's name was still in the credits last week. Finola should be back from her 1/2 year sojourn (geesh, long enough?) and we'll get the Hayden/Finn drama with their baby. The baby switch is still not out yet. I was hoping it would be in conjunction with the Shiloh trial and death. He died thinking he was a father. Damn. 
I believe it's Michael E Knight's first airing next week! Name? MARTIN Gray ahahaha. MARTIN!! 

Have a great week! I'll be here most days except Thursday-- David and I will have to come up with something fun for you all to do!! 


  1. Karen, what is the significance of MARTIN??

    ITA about Olivia, love the woman, plus, she speaks with an actual Brooklyn accent, unlike Sonny, who comes from Bensonhurt but speaks like he's from SoCal. Plus, Olivia is amazingly beautiful, from head to toe! And, she NEVER ages. We all know that Becky is ageless, and the others in her age range, like Sam and Lulu, all look amazing, but Olivia looks younger than all of them, and she doesn't look fake or plastic either, I don't know how she does it!!

    1. Hi AntJoan- I guess the name of Michael E.Knight's character is an inside joke for AMC lovers.Michael played the role of Tad MARTIN,& there were 2 other important characters on AMC@ one time named Maria Santos GREY & Edmund GREY. That's about all I came up with.

    2. I disagree about olivia, her face looks blown up with fillers. similar to bobbies

    3. He used to play Tad Martin on AMC and now he's Martin Gray on GH.

  2. Shana Tovah to all of my Jewish friends here!

  3. Is Sonny still supposed to be "the most powerful man on the East Coast"? They NEVER show him doing ANYTHING mob-related, he is shown as a coffee importer, and family man, with an increasingly complicated family. Why didn't they just let him leave the mob, what they are doing now makes no sense.

    1. Because then we'd beetch and moan how it's Mobular Hospital.......

  4. Off topic a bit: Hayley Erin's show was cancelled.Does anyone think TPTB will try&bring Kiki/the actress back in some way?

    1. OH It was!! Dang, they shouldn't have killed her off so fast. LOL. Ryan should have chopped someone else up-- I can think of a few.

  5. You are SO right - I mean I waited almost a YEAR for Shiloh to be killed and have a whodunit........with flashbacks - I have talked about it forever and then Sam just SHOOTS him and it's over??????? why didn't we see him find out Wiley wasn't his kid and then SHOT by some anonymous person????
    gotta say - Olivia is overdramatic in my mind but she is gorgeous.
    I foresee - Ava falls for Neil............
    so tired of Joss whining

    1. Ok so....yes, I so wish smarmy Shiloh had found out that Wiley wasn't his son but I'm just glad he's dead, finally. I do agree, Liv is overdramatic, beautiful yes, but overdramatic.
      I hope Ava doesn't fall for Neil....and yes I'm sick of Joss whining. I realize she's sad about Oscar but dang, it's Morgan ALL OVER AGAIN. When did he die? She needs grief counseling or to see Neil or Kevin...Michael moved on long ago and that was his baby boy he "lost".

    2. Olivia is from Brooklyn, her "overdramatic" personality would be normal here.

  6. •I think Olivia portrays the hardcore overly protective Italian mama spot on. She can smack her kid with a shoe, but God forbid if anyone else does. She is the only one who can take issue with Dante’s behavior.
    •As for Dr Terry ... I recall she was a friend to Liz during Franco’s fake confession about Ryan. Dr Terry met Liz in the GH parking garage & they had a heart-to-heart in Liz’s car that ended up with Terry telling “Biz” to “scream ... and scream again to let out those feelings of frustration!” Maybe I remember that scene with such specificity because it was good! It was “regular” and definitely relatable. We do need more interaction like that — and NOT that ridiculous butt-in by Sam. When in hell does Sam feel like she can give Liz advice about anything? And NO comparison between Jason’s tumor and FrankenDrew’s lost memories.
    •We need more scenes with Aiden, too. That was so touching and heartfelt. I honestly thought Aiden would cause a flashback. Now THAT would have been “sumthin’ else!” The scene was playing out so well, but the writers missed the mark when Franco called him “Kid” when they were saying goodbye. Had he called him “Aiden,” I think that would have shown us that Franco is still in his head.

    Question: In the scenes for Monday, we see Nelle eagerly sit down for a meeting with someone. Who do you think it is? We still have Wylie’s story that needs to come to a head before the kiddo gets into college. So who do we think pays her a visit? I wish they would have kept Shitlo around long enough for Harmony to tell him that Wylie isn’t his son! That would have been the cherry on top of his departure — which, by the way, needed more bloody guts, like showing the flare blasting through his chest with a look of terror on his face a la the last scene of the movie “Dead Calm.” If you haven’t seen that movie, the final scene is on You Tube and I think the writers definitely got the flare gun idea from that!

    1. I think that Willow pays a visit to her mom(Harmony)in jail& runs into Nelle.
      As for Shiloh 's ending, it certainly seemed anticlimactic to me too.There were so many loose ends to be tied up, so many other ways the story could have gone. It was even somewhat unfair to the actor to get rid of him so abruptly,almost as if they did it on purpose.It reminds me of the way that Hayden was written out when she left the last time; also a very abrupt exit& a feeble excuse for leaving. Perhaps the writers were given directives to follow.

    2. I didn't see NELLE in previews!!

    3. She was in the previews for Monday, saying to someone not seen yet that she was glad to finally meet them( or words to that effect).

  7. Another fail with Shank ending. Is KeMo on medication perhaps. She does seem to be in some kind of drug stupor, or she just hates her job.
    Ava is right now going the way of other strong female characters. Down the whiny, crying path. Snap out of it GH! Bring back the Ava, Anna, and all the strong women we knew. I don't see Dr. Neil/Ava attraction happening...I hope.
    'Olivia' is great. I still think, when the anger settles, they will co-own.
    Vernee's new show was awful. Sorry.

    1. She definitely seems to be in a stupor most of the time. And now we'll have to watch her crawl through scenes about her arrest because she's on contract, she has to be on regularly, and there's not too much else she can do. They need to wake her up or let her go!

    2. I say let kemo go. never been a fan

    3. Zazu when I watched Port Charles a couple months back KeMo acted the same. Drugged upped? Trying to act sexy....or can't act....I don't know, made her scenes hard to watch. I remember being disappointed when she came over to GH as Sam...LOL!

    4. Kemo on DWTS: when she came on, maybe their 1st season, she was such a klutz. As the season progressed she got really good. She did win. I liked her. IMO if GH maybe lightened the focus on Sam and Jason she could come out of this trance. Their light has dimmed anyway.

    5. I was a huge Sam and Jason fan. Now they are boring. It's sad

  8. I used to like Sam, but not anymore. At the very least, the actress should take a break like Kirsten Storms did to figure things out.

    1. Yes. When is her contract up? If they can't get her to bring it every day at work, then let her go. I listened to her in some interviews a year or so ago and she talks like a normal person...not like her sleeping pill hasn't worn off yet.

  9. I loved your idea Karen about the "who done it?" with Shiloh. Maybe even have Nelle THINK she killed Shiloh and have it have been someone else. Keep us REALLY guessing. Noooooooooooooo, the writers have to take the lazy way out

  10. oh wow. the pressure! to come up with something weekly. any ideas?

    shilohs body was found way too fast, if you ask me. and the body wasnt blue, with blue lips. is it customary to inveil a body in the middle of a lobby? that was just tacky. he looks alive to me and faking it.

    dont be surprised...

    1. Uh oh, Dave, you have now aroused my suspicions. It was too cut& dried perhaps?

  11. Of course they get MEK and he's not going to be connected to anyone on canvas that matters. Probably just another lawyer or evil business dude who will die by February 😒

  12. I find it funny that we can't wait for storylines and actors to go, but get so excited when they come back. Ie Ryan, Nelle, etc

  13. Jason David (Aiden) has joined the cast of an intriguing sci-fi drama called For All Mankind. David plays the part of Daniel Stevens and will be featured in three episodes of this exciting project. Those episodes are called Red Moon, He Built the Saturn V and Prime Crew.

    For All Mankind has been produced for Apple TV+ and will debut on November 1, so that’s not too far away. General Hospital fans may want to check out this exciting show, which explores what would’ve happened if the global space race hadn’t ended.

  14. I agree with what everyone said about sleep walking Mumbles. She has been just awful lately. And by lately I mean the entire year. That conversation with Liz was so unnecessary and Liz showed way more restraint than I would have. I'm ready for Kemo to take a very long sabbatical.

    Olivia is a buttinsky and over the top, but she does love her son! :)

    Great surgery as always, and yup, Shiloh's death was very anti-climatic. I'm ready for Anna's return and I am curious about "Martin".

    1. Supposedly, "Martin" is appearing on today's show or tomorrow 's.I think that most of us are curious as to which character he will play.🤞

  15. Could Martin he be related to David Gray?

    1. That character from like 3 decades ago? Doubtful....

    2. So where is Anna, I had read she would be on Sept. 19.

    3. Yeh...weird, I posted wks ago she was back taping but dang she should be back already. I know they tape three or 4 wks in advance and came back from a 3 wk break a couple wks ago so she should be on any time???


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...