Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Meet Me in St. Louie

If you come with me, I promise to lose this accent. 

Well, I managed to watch the show for a full week. Yes, I missed a blog but I did watch the ep I missed !!
Was the week worth the watch? You decide! 

Since I'm back home, doing my normal routine I'm just having an espresso. I need it. 

Let me know how you like the new format! 


THE TALK OF THE WEEK:  Liz and Kimmy. Oh the wrath of Elizabeth Imogene Webber came in the form of a nice, soapy bitch slap!! This is drama. This is what soaps are made for. The fact that it comes on the heels of a whole-lotta Sci-Fi trickery is besides the point. Two women. One man. Yep. I'm here for it. I also loved how fast Liz called the wagon to come and get Bio-Franco when Memory-Drew was going to go away with Kim. 
Someone on Twitter had an interesting thought: Does Franco still have his ID? would he get on the plane? And... would he then admit to being Bobby Franco IF he did get on said plane using that ID? Hmmmmm... 


Kim's been a flawed character from the get-go. Especially after we found out she didn't tell her own grown-ass'd kid he was dying. The whole "Give Me a Baby NOW"! Psychosis.  It all led up to this: She really thinks Biological Franco is Drew. She needs to. She's clinging to the "man" that gave her Oscar. So, in her mind...he's her savior. Plus..the sex must have been good.  By the way, I'm not getting into the whole "did she rape him" argument. Just not going to go there. I watch because it's fantasy-fiction. Kim's a loon. That's all I got.


Franco believing he's really Drew is passable. I loved the fact he stopped to talk to Cam on his way out. Hmmm, is that the glimpse of "Franco" we need? Not quite. The writers MUST and I mean MUST have a Franco break-through now and again. Maybe he smells something and looks off...shakes his head a bit. Picks up a paint brush and starts painting something he doesn't even recognize but is in him.  Liz should have touched his hand once, seen a tiny spark (that then went dead). SOMETHING--ANYTHING...because right now "DrewCo" is a dud. Flat, kinda dicky and frankly I don't care if he leaves the canvas. I STILL want Scotty to bring him food and watch him eat. I needs this. 


GASP OF THE WEEK:  Oh lordy!! Laura catches her baby in bed with Dusty the Uber-Driver!! Curtis is just like: Hmmmm.. Welp!! Lulu comes out and rages at her mom for the disturbance. Curtis asks Dustin "How's it hangin"?? LOL. Great little comedic scenes piled right on top of each other. Loved them. Donnell Turner is a gem and he'd better be on contract, damn it. (I have heard he is-- thank the soapygods)


Did I love Curtis and Laura searching for something in the stateroom and finding Cassandra? Well...Look, unless she's got Helena's memory/mind in her, I don't care about her at all. The fact she also brought up Claudette? Oh HELL NO.  I listened to her in the PCPD with Laura and with Valentin. Boring.  The ONLY saving grace of this is Laura and Curtis paired up. 


CONFESSION OF THE WEEK: Welp. Sasha told Michael about her not being Nina's DNA daughter. He was angry for a hot minute until Willow said something magical and not only did he go back to her, he told her she was pretty great and he would keep her secret.  Sasha's voice is so grating to me, I almost wanted to mute, mute, mute. It's called glottal fry by the way and voice therapists hear it as nails on a chalkboard. 


NEAR-MISS OF THE WEEK: Julian didn't tamper with Dr. O's breaks!! Thank you Jesus!! She lives another day. Not only that, Nina asked her to be her maid of honor. Awwwwww.. I love my Lesil. 


BREAK OUT OF THE WEEK: Oh, SHANK!! You made a phone call to Jason to set him on Peter's path so you get a gold-star from me. The trial? I'll give a C because for all the lead up, it was hurried and just chopped right up. We saw the jury's ears, that was it. Who the hell is Jen and why is she ADA for Robert? Ok, maybe he wanted a woman to ask the sensitive questions of the ladies on the stand but HE should have been the one to question Shiloh. It was a big missed opportunity. You don't have Scorpio sitting in a chair when a douche like Shank is waiting to be grilled. 
I also think the whole Nelle-Shiloh connection was wasted. Now that he's leaving the show, it should have climaxed by him yelling "GUESS WHAT BITCH, OUR BABY DIED!!  Ask Cooper who WILEY REALLY IS"!!! before being hauled off. Two birds, one soapy-ass'd stone. 


POWER-MOVES OF THE WEEK: Carly tries to get Dev into boarding school and Sonny tries to get Joss to move into Jax's!!  Not sure why but this exchange between CarSon rang so true to life, which is rare for them. It wasn't about bodies or the was about the fact he's trying to replace Morgan with some kid from god knows where. She's had it.  His answer is to MOVE JOSSLYN!!?? ahahha. Carly's reaction was priceless. For all of LW's driving me nuts with Carly banter, this was perfection. 

Less successful was the Joss/Dev scenes. If you take those scenes and put them next to the ones with Cameron, well... proofs in the pudding.  I find ZERO charm in anything I hate to say. Most younger actors have some spark. When he googled Montreal I was like: YEP! Learn some French and get packin'!! 


PISSED WUBS OFF TO NO END OF THE WEEK: You Mom is a NURSE. She's your MOTHER. And you don't tell her about the baby's condition? Sorry, a woman didn't write this. No way. Carly would have ran to her. FIRST. Probably run over Sonny in the parking lot. Or she should have.  Using the excuse that Bobbie "hovers" is laughable. If Bobbie was around a lot and was shown that way, I might have bought it. But...come on. 
I had to grab a stock GH photo because so many people aren't taking pics on Twitter, it's maddening. I am going to have to learn to do my own. ugh. 



Maxie wants to start an online mag but isn't sure she can or should
Lulu and Dustin slept together and liked it
Cassandra popped out and captured Laura and Curtis
Cassandra ended up in the PCPD, with Alexis as her lawyer
Carly wants Dev in a boarding school
Sonny wants Joss at Jax's
Dev is mopey because he knows CarSon wants him gone. He Googles "Montreal" on his puter
Joss Misses Oscar
Cam Misses Franco
Kim and Franco sleep together
Liz slaps Kim
Kim and Franco decide to run away together
Liz has Franco committed. 
Julian fails to kill Dr O...Brad is not happy
Sasha spills all to Michael, he doesn't care
Peter puts the break-out of Shiloh into motion
The trial pauses after drama testimony and Shiloh is lead out by fake guard
Shiloh gets to Bobbie's car, dressed as an officer. Bobbie was picking up Wiley--will he be in the back of the car??! 


PROP OF THE WEEK: I imagine Heather Webber making this!! 
Photo thx to Pam on Twitter 

Well, that's that.  The ratings have been dismal and don't seem to be improving. Michael Knight is coming on, will that bump things? I'm not hopeful. The choices by management continue to baffle me. I'm busier than ever and need a good reason to sit and watch for an hour a day.  There are so many choices out there I just think soaps need to think outside the box and step it up a bit to keep us. 

Hopefully I'll be around to blog!! 


  1. THanks Karen. That is what I was saying too about Scorpio. What a waste of Tristan Rogers great acting skills. Why would they have him in just to sit in a chair. Tristan didn't look happy about that either. Can't blame him

  2. Carly has a good relationship with Bobbie. She would tell her about the baby

  3. I don't like the new Nina. Didn't like the other one either but at least Michelle Stafford had chemistry with Jax.

  4. Get rid of Dev. Have Joss hang out with Cam more. They have chemistry.

  5. Was that Shiloh last day or does he has more storyline?

  6. I totally agree with you. What kind of voice does mumbles have? if sasha is glottal fry

  7. Thanks for the SS, and for explaining glottal fry. I had no clue, lol! Robert just sitting in a chair was a crime. Such a waste!

  8. Re: Dev. What I'd like to see happen: He flies off to Canada, never to be seen again.

    Alternative what I'd like to see happen if he has to stay: He does turn out to be Brenda's kid ... with Jax! This would PO Sonny and keep him from hooking up with Joss.

    What I expect to see happen: Carly's life is in danger, and Dev saves her and the baby. Carly is eternally grateful, and Sonny gets to gloat that he was right all along.

  9. I hear so much glottal fry these days it makes me nuts and I am not a voice therapist. I work at a university with young people and most of the girls do it but I have no idea why.

    1. I've never heard of glottal fry before, what is it?
      Looking forward to tomorrow. Disappointed that we didn't get to see what happened to Franco after he was captured (cause the next day it was all about Shiloh I believe). Hope Shiloh is captured and Franco is Franco again.

    2. Glottal fry has also been called ‘ vocal fry' in the media, it’s when people speak in such a way as to gave a creaky or croaky voice. It’s described well here:

  10. That Sasha voice thing, I thought she was speaking a certain way because she was so sick.

    1. I would have too..but she does it all the time

  11. Dev serves no purpose, unless he is a plant to bring Sonny down. I still say he is some bad guys kid that has it out for Sonny

  12. They have brought back a dead character or two, or more, as another character but I don't recall ever hearing beforehand that the actor was out, especially from the actor himself. My guess is Jason will kill Shank. But who knows. I wish Michael would kill him. A car crash...Shank dies, Wiley is injured and needs blood or something. Game over. Michael gets baby. Probably not.
    At least Sasha's voice doesn't rise an octave or two at the end of every sentence. What is that called? Besides annoying.
    The 'lawyer'defending Shank was dressed like she was out on a pub crawl. And the ADA looked just like a little older Willow. Voice too.

    1. I want to see Chase....the cop...take him out and rescue what he thinks is Willow's baby.

    2. I think it is called uptalking.

  13. I think SHiloh just disappears - or that they don't find a he can come back???? Kim must go - and Sasha----------no purpose........
    I know i said this but to repeat - because KM and SB have no chemistry they only do a picnic here and there and then he saves her life.......that is about it.........

  14. What is the breathy speech called like Jackie Kennedy used? That is horrible too

  15. Looks like Sonny (Maurice Bernard) has written a book called “Nothing General About It” I will buy it for my wife for Christmas.Hope we get some juicy behind the scenes stories.It just might be about his struggles with mental health issues.

    1. I think it is about his struggles-- it's like #1 on Amazon for fastest growing or something



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...