Friday, September 27, 2019


WELP---Shiloh went out with a big ol BANG, no? I'll comment on all that in the Sunday Blog. In the meantime...Here we go with Friday's show!!

Police Station: Diane is JaSam's and Dev's attorney. They have to make statements. Jason tells the truth actually about what happens. Diane is in there. Sonny is sitting with Dev and tells him to not say too much. 
Jordan believes JaSam and it's a case of self-defense. Diane's phone's Kim asking about getting Franco discharged. Diane blabs and blabs totally in front of Jason and Sam? Well, anyway, they find out all about the situation. 

Cortinthos' Kitchen:  Joss makes Carly breakfast..she says it's her fault about stuff and not Devvs. Then they talk about OSCAR some more. Ugh. BORING. OMG and a MORGAN mention. They talk about grief. Then Joss thankfully goes to school. 
Jason comes in later and Carly starts cramping.  She's in labor. She said her C-section is in 2 weeks and it can't happen. Jason says: WELL IT IS, let's go!  
Charlie's: I guess Trina and Cameron stop in there FOR COFFEE BEFORE SCHOOL? ahahhaaha OKay then! Dustin is in there getting coffee too. He says see you in school. Lulu and Laura are waiting outside talking. It's awkward-- Laura and she go into Charlies. Lulu gushes about Dustin. UGH he's going to turn out to be a giant creep, right? 

Olivia's on the phone and is all "OH HELL NO"..and leaves. She stomps into Julian and is very mad the sale of the bar is stopped and he changed his mind. 
Olivia goes to leave but hears Lulu talk about sleeping with Dustin to Laura. She looks at her open-mouthed.  Olivia says the ink isnt 'even dry. Laura tells her "that's enough"! 

SO, Some nurse is at GH and I think she's DOD-- she seems to hate Sam. She overheard JaSam talking about killing Shiloh. 
Sam sees Liz coming out of Franco's room. She doesn't think it's a good idea to transfer him to Shadybrook. She wants her to know that Jason wasn't going to have an operation for his malignant brain tumor and she wanted him to. In the end, he made his own choice and it was better that way. Liz tells her to go away, she's not helping her 

Carly's in GH all in labor. Sam's holding her hand but leaves. Jason's talking her through it-- Sonny finally gets the phone call at the PCPD that she's in labor. 

At the HS, class goes outside to discuss "Walden" and Teacher Dusty reads from the book. It's about dying and yada yada. Joss gets up and leaves. Dustin finds her at Oscar's rock. She's crying. OMG she's going to crush on him so hard.  They sit ON THE BENCH TOGETHER. He tells her to start a journal because its' a good way to work out her thoughts. 

That DOD nurse comes into the PCPD to see Jordan. I guess to say what she overheard JaSam talking. Then Jordan called Sam to come back in for more questions. 

Sonny arrives at GH.. Carly's in active labor. 


  1. kd said..."UGH he's going to turn out to be a giant creep, right? "

    *** I didn't get that impression at all. Most of their talk he put Oscar's memorial between them. He only sat on the bench at the end for a few minutes to emphasize the fact that he was hearing her and to suggest the private journal. Please don't give these writers any weird ideas.

    1. I think it will be that Joss is going to crush on the teacher

    2. I saw no creepiness today and hope none comes along. He is nice to have on GH. Hope they don't make him the new Shank.

  2. And here's a link to an interview with Kathleen Gati.

  3. I think Carly's labor pains got worse after speaking to Sam. She just total sunshine.

  4. Sam needs to just go away! Eye roll...
    I already have a splitting headache and she didn't help. 🙄

  5. If Jason ever decides to get out of the hit man gig - he'd be a great EMT - if they offered frequent driving people to the hospital miles - he could go all over the world

  6. FYI:Michael Knight is going to be playing a character by the name of Martin Gray. All I know (saw on Google)

  7. I could not eat anything while I was in Carly's kitchen. That ugly bowl of green crud has got to go!!

    1. NO! What do you have against the Tribbles!!! They did nothing to you. They are innocent beings!!!! ROFL!

    2. Def the tribbles must stay...and multiply!

    3. "zazu says, Def the tribbles must stay...and multiply!"

      YES! They must multiply more and more and more! :) They can be like the Gremlins!!! Give them water and they multiply!!!! Hahaha!

  8. I too think Joss is going to crush on "Mr. Philips". Hope he is not a creep. I didn't get any creepy vibes from him like I did from Dr. Bench.

    1. All the girls are going to crush on him. lol It's a natural part of high school life.I'm sure we all had a teacher like that.

    2. I still remember my high school crush, Mr. Louise, the algebra teacher. I am someone who didn't crush on movie stars or anyone older than myself, I always liked boys my own age, but I remember Mr. Louise, he was gorgeous, and so kind. . .

    3. "Di says, All the girls are going to crush on him. lol It's a natural part of high school life.I'm sure we all had a teacher like that."

      When I was 11 years old I had a crush on my student teacher. He was in his 20's. He was hot. I asked him if he likes to date younger girls. :) He did not. By his answer, he knew I had a crush on him. I was disappointed. :(

  9. Michael Knight's character Martin Gray ( inside joke after Tad Martin on AMC) could be a son of Professor Gordon Bradford Gray (Laura's father)which would make him Laura's half brother.

    1. "Gambilly33 says, Michael Knight's character Martin Gray ( inside joke after Tad Martin on AMC) could be a son of Professor Gordon Bradford Gray (Laura's father)which would make him Laura's half brother."

      OHHHHHHHH! That would be very interesting! :) I wouldn't mind her having a half brother. :)

  10. Carson kitchen:

    Joss and Carly: Joss!!! You are making the Tribbles sad!!! Look! They are crying!!! :( *Comforts the Tribbles*

    Carly and Jason: So basically,


    I guess she did forgive him. Oh oh Carly in labor!!!! Too bad her water didn't break.

    Police station:

    Jordan, Jasam, Turkey boy, Diane, and Sonny: It was a great scene with Turkey Boy and Sonny! I love that they hugged. Diane's hair is different. DIANE!!! Why couldn't you talk to CarlyKim alone when you are on the phone with her?!!?!! So dumb. SONNY! Before you go to the hospital to see Carly, stop by home and get the Tribbles! They want to be there for Carly!!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Olivia and Julian: Why can't they just co-own Charlie's?

    Laura, Lulu, and Olivia: OLIVIA! What Lulu does with Dustin is NONE of your business! Stop being judgemental! And what happens if it does affect Rocco huh? You going to try to get custody of him!?!?!! I love you Olivia, but shut up.

    Trina and Cam: Trina wins the line of the day!

    Trina: Can you believe this text chain from Joss? First she is headed to boarding school, then she is moving in with dad, then she's not. Cam you are missing the point Joss is losing it!

    HAHAHHAHAHAHA! Thank you writers for acknowledging how crazy Joss has been with the boarding school nonsense. Trina has a crush on Dustin. :)

    School: School outside!!! LOVE IT!!!!! :)

    Oscar's meadow:

    Joss and Dustin: Oh please don't make Dustin a bad guy!!!!!!!! :( Joss you never had a diary before? I mean you are acting like it. Sorry I don't buy it.

    The hospital:

    Liz and Drew Jr: Man Drew Jr looks like a stiff robot! ROFL!

    Liz and Sam: Sam!!! Stay out of it! It's none of your business!!!!!

    Carly's room:

    Jason and Carly: Jason is Carly's OBGYN NOW! He is SuperJason/Cop/OBGYN all rolled up into one!

    1. Oops forgot to mention that Sonny showed up in Carly's hospital room! Where are the Tribbles? Oh they must be outside in the waiting area. Probably all pacing the hallways.

  11. Not to defend Sam but, some little person walks into the PD and tells commish a story and she immediately moves on it without questioning who this little person is? This extra has been around for a while. She even went out with Michael if I recall.
    Of course Olivia and Julian should co-own the bar. Hope they do. Is it a new trend for high school kids to hang out in a bar? I know there's food but it's a bar.
    So now another baby and the forever baby story still goes on. And soon it will be Kim. Hope not but...
    FYI:On CBS tonight @ 8:00 is Vernee's new show. The pilot.

    1. The nurse who ratted on Sam to Jordan is not the nurse who dated Michael; that was a different nurse named Francesca.

    2. "zazu says,Not to defend Sam but, some little person walks into the PD and tells commish a story and she immediately moves on it without questioning who this little person is?"

      ROFL! She is tiny. :) I knew she was going to turn out to be bad!!!! :) Miss little spy!!!!

    3. When my sister and I were little my parents hung out at this family friendly bar. It happens. We were little like I think I was 5 maybe. There are places like that.

  12. sonya said..." Man Drew Jr looks like a stiff robot! "

    *** I am saying absolutely nothing...

    1. OH DI!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. “Who is Drew Jr?”

      Franco! :)



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