Monday, July 11, 2011
General Hosptial Today...
I'm afraid I'm going to be at an appointment. Grrr. ONLY HAD 3pm time I'm like DON'T YOU KNOW THAT'S GH!? LOL....
SO take over wubbers!!
Sonny and Brenda are going to implode, btw-- I'm sure that's not news to their fans, but it's still bad writing, imo. What a wasted year.
A few new Spoilers are out....
NEW JASAM Promo is out: He pops the Question!! Oh, let the WARS BEGIN!
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The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...
Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
Up and down week for me when it came to enjoyment. It seemed like things were shuffled up wrong in the editing room and it made me scratch...
Yeah, we S&B fans knew this was coming but it still hurts. Oh well, it is what it is. All we can do now is hope that we get our S&B when the show ends.
ReplyDeleteNot watching the JaSPAM promo or the actual show. Can't stomach it.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the record, I like Sam, just not with Jason.
I feel for S&B fans, kind of like Liason, they're dropped before it almost got strated, Oh wait a minute. You guys got a wedding. Oh and PBA's so never mind.
Okay, so I'm actually really really excited for the proposal (:
ReplyDeleteThat being said,Robin is starting to annoy me, like really annoy me.
I'm just done with this Sonny, Brenda, Jax, and Carly crap.
Oh..and I took my brother to the hospital last night and there was a doctor there who's name wase Stephen Niles (:
Who cares about Jason and Sam? The writers have made them so boring. My love for them has turned into what I feel for Dante and Lulu, which is indifference. Didn't Jason propose to Elizabeth too and we saw where that got them. Sam will end up shot again, and we are back to square one...
ReplyDeleteAnyone that has a recap about today, please let me know, so I know how much I should be prepared to ff'd through.
I saw none of the show! Doctor took FOREVER!! ;/ They are acting like Robin/Patrick live in 1966 or something LOL
ReplyDeleteThe role they are placing Robin in is most annoying & what bugs us the most about her at times. Kimberly does not play a woman in power well, she just doesn't. Holier than thou, yadaa yada, urrrrr
ReplyDeleteAnd I too will not watch the promo for the proposal. Sickening that they expect us to believe jason would marry someone that threatened his own child. They ruined it. No going back for many fans. I'm not even a Liason fan, I am a Liz & Lucky all the way. They are one of the only 2 roles on this show that are law abiding. Oh Jason, I don't mind that you kill people you keep doing what you do, honey!
Hate Jasam. hate their proposal. Hate Carly the most. hate Shabhan or however you spell her dumb name.
ReplyDeletePeople need to let Robin be great! This whole cos job is going to be nothing more than a plot point to make her look bad. I can already see it. As for the Jasam, I wish them the best and i'm not even a fan. No hate on my end :-)
ReplyDeletePatrick and Robin: He don't like the cases she is giving him! ROFL! He wants all the meaty cases! He don't want to share.
ReplyDeleteRobin and Liz: Robin brought toys for Aidan! Liz admits she is still in love with Lucky! YAY! :)
Sonny and the moderator: He threatens her!!! She is afraid of him!!!!! Wow it's been a long time since someone is afraid of Sonny! :) Great scene!
Lucky and Shivon: Same conversation different day. But the good thing is, she dropped the lawsuit. :)
Brenda and Jax: Brenda talks about her mother. She still feels unloved by her mother. :(
Sorry, can't stand this couple and won't be watching jasam wedding and baby. I'll watch the q's in aug-sept. I think waiting this long to start improving this showis killing it especially in ratings. It lost more than 300 000 viewers in the last ratings. Jasam isn't pulling viewers in as Frons and KM had hoped and there is no one in this couples way since everyone around them has been destroyed.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me angry to see jasam and I find I can't watch jason at all.
ReplyDeleteWell, jasammers will be the only fans satisfied because they get the fancy proposal, the lavish wedding and probably the baby that doesn't get run over by a car.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but I think GW is writing this and that makes him like Guza (he did write with Guza ).
Guess JFP and Frons got what they want. I read steve burton interview recently where he said JFP told him that he is going to have to take his shirt off in july/august and Steve asked her why.It's just a blatant attempt at ratings. I can't wait until she is gone from this show.
Wher is Amelia Joffey when you need her ( the only liason advocate )?
Although I was a liason fan I really don't care if Jasam get married and have 10 kids. There are no more super couples anymore and if GH was to stay on longer than 2 more years JaSam will be broken up just like every other couple. So I say let them get married I just hate that poor little Jake had to die in order to make way for their supposidly happy ending!
I love Liz but sorry the lucky love isn't there for me. Gone since Lucky was presumed dead years ago. I think JJ is a great actor but I am tired of the Liz/Lucky pairing just to tie up loose ends and protect jasam pairing. It was a blatant attempt to get rid of liason fans by playing to LL2 fans. Soap rumors are JJ will be one of the big stars leaving in september besides TG so hopefully Liz will get a new good storyline before GH ends.
ReplyDeleteLOVE JASAM, love their proposal, love Carly and love Siobhan!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm still watching old shows so I just saw Spinelli propose to Maxie on the exact same rooftop that Jason will be proposing to Sam. A little extra creativity might have been nice, but oh well.
ReplyDeleteI'm not too giddy about any of the couples on the show so I am not for or against Sam and Jason, but I really don't think they'll be getting anything resembling a happy ending so I wish the haters would calm down a bit.
Great for Jasam fans, their fav couple sure has been through a lot and deserves it *rolls eyes*. Seriously though, I'm honestly not mad. I've made peace long ago with Jasam having TPTB's backing. Must be nice...
ReplyDeleteAs a Liason fan, as long as Liz is given good story, a good mate, and TPTB stop writing her so horribly, I'll be fine. It's time for some happiness for her... briefly at least.
So happy for JaSam!! finally they are back on track... the promo makes me all giddy lol its about time Jason&Sam will be happy..
ReplyDeleteI hope they get married at the Q's mansion so we can have A Q's Cassadine/Davis girls wedding...
Inbal, Jasam has been happy for months, in fact about 18 months now. And before Jake's conception, they had 3 years to be happy also.
ReplyDeleteNot sure where your math is that they are finally happy. Having said that, like many others, I say let them have their wedding and even a baby (although I won't watch, I won't hate on them either)My anger and hate is at Guza for killing off Jake. Just so unnecessary.
Lord I can't fathom watching Carly and that stubid Shivaugn. According to Raven she's on her way out very very soon so we'll be released from her stupidity.
ReplyDeleteOh Lord people let's not start about Jaspam. Everyone is Liz hatin forgetting how Sam came on the show with Jax, then Sonny, then Jason, then Ric, then Lucky (who I happened to love her with). Now she's all rosey and clean. Not so much. Liz either I know.
ReplyDeleteEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Sonny was on FIRE Today. GO Sonny! Make Jax pay for trying to take away Carly’s little girl! I love seeing Sonny in protective mode over Carly. It made him look that much HOTTER than he already is! GH really needs to reunite Sonny and Carly! Sonny and Carly are dynamite together! I just love how Sonny told Carly she had to trust him and that he was going to handle the situation on his own. I know Sonny is going to play dirty but I don’t care. Jax had more than enough warnings, and people pleading with him to just share custody with Carly (like Carly wants) and all he’s been doing is acting like a jerk towards Carly and the people she cares about. So whatever Jax gets IMO it’s all on him. You don’t go after Carly and expect Sonny and Jason to just sit back and do nothing. You mess with Carly you’re going to have to deal with Sonny and Jason. They may fight and bicker from time to time but when it matters the fab 3 always have each other’s back. They love each other and will do whatever they have to, to protect each other. I also love how Jason talked Carly down since he knew Carly was going to go into her planning mode like whenever she panics and thinks something bad is going to happen. Today’s show just rocked.
ReplyDeleteLove to watch hypocritical Sonny. Hanging AJ on a meat hook and forcing him to sign away his son is OK. It's OK for Carly to take AJ's son from him with Sonny's help because Carly was afraid for Michael's safety. Jax is afraid for his daughter's safety yet Sonny thinks he's a bad guy for wanting full custody. Yikes...Why do people like this character?
ReplyDeleteWeren't Jason and Sam engaged once before? Or I am remembering wrong? Anyway, still not watching, and this certainly is not going to bring me back...quite honestly, I doubt that anything will. For those of you hoping that when GW takes over completely that things will be better, remember that he still has to answer to Frons and we all know what it is that Frons wants- so it doesn't matter if GW is a better writer, or if he wants different pairings- if Frons doesn't agree, it isn't going to happen. The only way this show is going to work is if Frons gets out of the way.
ReplyDeleteOkay I wasn’t for Sonny hanging A.J. on a meat hook but I find it funny how some people forget that Carly tried with A.J. as well to share custody with Michael and Edward and A.J. didn’t want to hear it. They told her if she divorced A.J. that she would lose her son and she didn’t want to lose her boy either.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit i kinda liked when Sonny threatenedthe mediator yesterday with his evil dimpled grin! I was sooo sick of him having Jason do all the dirty work, it's about time he stepped up and did it himself!! I am also sick of the hype of this Jasam wedding BLAAHH! Love Lucky and Liz, I know they've been back and forth toooo many times but with JJ and BH and his baby OMG how cute! Well new writting coming up soo keeping my fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteNo interest in JaSam - their appearances are too sporadic and uninteresting to generate anything. Loved Lucky and liz - never get tired of those two together. Patrick is acting like a jerk.
ReplyDeletedidn't I read something that Liz might be paired with Johnny? That would be a nice change of pace! Just no kids out of it, PLEASE!
ReplyDeleteWhile I know Jax is acting like a jerk, everything he is saying is absolutely correct. His daugter has a VERY good chance at getting shot/kidnapped/killed just because Carly won't stop hanging out with Sonny. I know he is the father of ONE of your kids, but you don't still have to go to him about EVERYTHING.
And good old SOnny still thinks everything is about HIM. Barf.
I feel for S&B fans, kind of like Liason, they're dropped before it almost got strated, Oh wait a minute. You guys got a wedding. Oh and PBA's so never mind.
Why all the hate? I actually feel for Liason fans too. You guys got sh!tted on in a major way. Wow! Are all Liason fans this mean? LOL!
^^No, not all of them.
ReplyDeleteOkay sometimes, I am indifferent to JaSam. But, watching the promo made my eyes tear up in a good way. I did like Jason and Becky together alot. But, I think that Lucky and Liz are a couple that should end up back together. I hope hope hope that Jonathon does not leave the show in Sep because I want the 2 of them together and I do not want Becky off the show.
ReplyDeleteRita I'm a Jasam fan so I can't wait for the wedding.
ReplyDeleteBut I completely agree. Killing off Jake was completely ridiculous.
Don't know which is more exciting brenda or shiboan leavin!
ReplyDeleteSorry for liason fans. I hope they give Liz a new love in september instead of sticking her back with Lucky ( they are so dysfunctional ) and I still think she loves him but is not in love with him ( always the fall back guy ).
ReplyDeleteLiz falls back into "Lucky is my first love " fog. He is the man I should be with because of that and people feel she should be with him. Lucky did used to put her on a pedestal like his Mom and that was shattered. They have history but when push came to shove GV's Lucky was annoying and non-supportive of Liz and Liz hung on because it's what she should do ( not what she wanted to do ).
ReplyDeleteI'm sure TPTB will write them as rediscovering their love and tie them up into a neat little package but I for a long time felt Liz and Lucky should remain in the past.
I feel that Liz should go through growth where she is not afraid to love who she really wants to and can explore her own dreams, and be strong.
I am sick of jasam. I find Steve burton's jason so cartoonish that I don't like him. I want Liz with someone more exciting than jason and Lucky.Wish she could be whisked off to Italy like she dreamed. Jax could do that for her.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Carly and Liz can make a pact to not get involved with any man for awhile. Just learn to live on your own, without Jason, or any man to comfort you, protect you, etc. They are strong women. Lets show them as that!
ReplyDeleteI will definitely be Fast Forwarding through JaSam's proposal and wedding. I honestly tried to like them this time around. However Sam gets so boring when she is with Jason. Thank goodness Carly and Elizabeth are on the show.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised at how many people are dislike Jasam. I have loved them since day one. i admit they have been a bit boring as of late, but I will always love them! So I am excited for the proposal. I really hope a wedding and baby follow.
ReplyDeleteWE are so happy for jasam:) we've waited for years we deserve it.