Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday... GH's Split Personality

This show is all over the place. You can so see the touches of new writing overlapping the old. Still the CarJax bickersons...but now with ELQ overtones. A sleezy 1970's inspired "brothel" complete with Lulu running around in skimpy stuff and then a stellar scene with JJ and TC. Ah, the winds o' change.


OMG, hated the Jackal PI stuff today..enough already. We get it. Although seeing Sonny flambuxted was okay. heh "Freak of the Week"... hahahaa 
Maxie and Sonny were funny. She was like "oh, I styled Kristina..she looks great right??!" Whoops

CONNIE looked beautiful in her blue suit!! WOOT!! And that was JJ's kid today. Why does Nikolas leave as soon as she comes back?! WHY wouldn't Lucky just take AIDEN to get a test? He's a cop. Oy to the vey.

LULU running around in a stupid outfit. How do you "work" at a ho house without "working"?? How do you FAKE THAT? lol Ooooooooooo! Someone on twitter told me she's a waitress. It was the "clothes" that threw me off. LOL Do waitresses just 'waitress' in a brothel? Heh. "A girl like you shouldn't be in a place like this" says, never HEARD THAT LINE before.

Whoops Liz.. that's ok, you had a different face at the time.

"I care way more how I look than about how people feel"... HA! Maxie to Jason. Maxie and Jason are certainly spending time together!! 

Scrubs today... Robin's earrings were too big for her head. That's all I got on that. 

Mushy JaSam stuff. And Spin thinks Maxie kissed Sonny. (she was fixing his shirt)


  1. I am as sick of Jackal PI as you are. Maybe this was Guza's way of saying YOu want something non-violent here's something for you.
    I hope this ends SOON.

  2. Helena and Lucky: Delicious!! She loves that Lucky burned down the Spencer home! She said bravo! ROFL! But then his wife got stuck in the house so she realized Lucky was having a temper tantrum ROFL!

    Lucky and Liz: Poor Liz!!! She talks to him about what she did to Shivon! Maybe L&L2 will bond over this problem! :)

    Jackel and Sonny: Jackel pointed a gun on Sonny! ROFL! The way he pointed that gun was ROFL! Then Jason walks in and ROFL ROFL!

    Maxie and Jason: Maxie don't bring up marriage for Jason and Sam!! And I like how she brought up the person she is. :) Hey at least she knows she is selfish and all that. :)

    The whorehouse: Stupid whorehouse! GO AWAY!!!!

    Dante and Lulu: A waitress that looks like a hooker! ROFL! And he is hitting on her! ROFL!

    Robin and Patrick: Patrick wants to keep looking at Jake's file. Is this foreshadowing that Jake is alive? And hey Patrick is talking about his dad!!!! :)

    Sam and Jason: Jason is starting to talk like Maxie! ROFL! No Jason don't purpose to her just because of what Maxie said!!!

  3. I can't get past Maxie calling Jason squishy. That was just amazing(:

    I love how nervous Jason got when he was talking to Sam, and I'm a total Jasam fan, but I don't think they would work married. So I'm kinda hoping they don't get married.

    I'm so tired of Jackal PI, he's pointless and stupid but his scene with Sonny was kinda funny.

    Helena was amazing!!!! I truly adore her!

  4. dudeitsstar oops I forgot about that! Yeah Maxie telling Jason he is warm and squishy ROFL! Love it! :)

  5. Sonya I know, I think that whole scene between Jason and Maxie was so out of character which is what made it so funny.

  6. Actually, I enjoyed the show. Maybe you are not liking the Spinelli bit...but I find it amusing to watch others reactions to him. Also, anytime Spinelli is on is time that Jax, Carly, Brenda, Micheal and Abby are not and in my book that it good...

  7. Oh..I disagree with the comments about the 23 year old son who usually will leave the living room when Gh is on...watched all of LuLus screens...Back in the day..when I was in college in the late 80's girls used to be in scanty dress alot on the soaps and at my college ib the game room the big screen tv at the guy dorms was always on GH. If you do not like what you are seeing then maybe it is because there is a different demographic to pull back in...the young guys at college and the military. My father in law was a master chief in the Navy and he has followed the ABC soap line up forever and that means that younger guys in their 20's were watching back then in the 80's and early 90s..Let the new writers tap into the other demographics...

  8. Didn't get a chance to watch GH today. But the guy who plays Rex on OLTL was here in Michigan today at the stars and stripes festival. I couldn't attend because my boys had speech therapy today but they did interview him on the local news!


  9. That blue suit does look great on Connie. She always brings that something extra to her delivery of Helena's lines and that makes her fun to watch. Sounds like Garin Wolf has some plans for our Hellz...

  10. I have to say... I've always wondered what a Jason/Maxie relationship would be like. I know some people may think I'm crazy, but I think they have crazy chemistry, more than Spixie or Jasam. I'm on team Jaxie! :)

  11. Enough of the Jackal already. Spinelli not knowing who he is would have been much better with out the campy accent.

    Jasam make me sick. Get married already and get this Cr*p off my screen.

  12. "Sam and Jason: Jason is starting to talk like Maxie! ROFL!"

    lmfao~ One of the highlights of the show today for me was seeing my mom perplexed when the whole thing ended. Her only coherent remark being "Jason never talks that much." After I got done laughing my ass off I tried to explain the new writing adjustments. I wish I had read your comment before that conversation though, as you're right on! He really did sound like Maxie~ <3

  13. CARRIE!! LOL on your son!! I agree, it is RIGHT OUT of the '80's!!

  14. Loved L&L 2 working together some. Those 2 still light up my screens. I agree with Andres, Jasam is boring. Never thought I would say that but they have really made them boring marrying them may put a nail in their coffen.Soapzone is rumoring a Liason reunion in the fall if Tony Geary & JJ leave as also rumored.

  15. Poor Rick Springfield another DUI people people get this man some help...send him to Dr Drew or sumpin

  16. JaSam are awesome!
    I can't believe Helena is the only one who sees Liz for she really is!
    I feel so bad for Siobhan, she and Lucky are so amazing together but Lucky is hopeless, he will always go back to liz no matter how cruel she is to him, no matter how many times she cheats and lies... Just my opinion, anyway.

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  19. What do you think about Nik's "riddle"?
    Btw, I keep watching Nik/Lucky last scene together.... what they told each other... is it ok if it makes me wanna cry???

  20. I love Matt... I get it that Maxie and Spinelli will get back together soon but why wasting Matt's character???

  21. Hey anon, let's not forget Liz didn't cheat on Lucky until she kept catching him with Maxie. And Sam was doing her mothers husband not to mention carly with Tony. it's the soaps people. If Jason can forgive Sam for threatening his only child, watching him get kidnapped, then I'm sure lucky can forgive Liz. Bye, bye red.

  22. carrie said...

    "Oh..I disagree with the comments about the whorehouse..."

    Carrie, I'm thinking the problem people are having with the whorehouse is NOT the attire, but the whole whorehouse "story".

  23. I read that jasam is going to have a big lavish wedding! I am so upset by how unfair it is to give them this and liason got a 3 min proposal only to be followed by michael getting shot and bye-bye liason. Well, jasammers you definately won. I don't watch much GH these days because of mob and I can't watch the wedding but congratulations to jasammers.
    I think I might watch the return of some quartermaines but I was disappointed that they will end the spencers and not mob in the future.
    What will lovely Liz get to do in the future? Would they possibly give her a new love interest if jj and TG are leaving ( as ravenbeauty hints )or are they getting rid of rebecca herbst as well before GH ends. I wish they could bring Liz /jax together and restore jax to the heavey hitting smart businessman he was. Have him go up agaist the Q's. Make Liz strong. Give Liz and Jax steamy scenes.
    All in all, I am left feeling so disappointed with the future GH storylines.

  24. Can't watch a jasam wedding. I am sure they will make it a Davis girl affair to attract viewers ( people like alexis ). It is unfair to smash Liz and spencers by killing jake, make Liz pathetic at work and then get rid of JJ and TG.Talk about clearing the path of obstacles for jasam.
    Anyway, Liz deserves better than jason and Lucky.

  25. The Quartermaines are the only thing I will watch.

  26. Jasam, Blech. They have worn this couple out and it is just so dull.
    Give them some spice by throwing them a wrench or some angst with a third party.

  27. I would love to see Helena make sam's life a living hell.Sam is related to a cassadine. It would be interesting to see her interfere with jason and sam especially if sam begins looking for her father after they get married.

  28. I would like Helena to meet anthony. What an amusing scene that would be :) .

  29. Adora said...

    lmfao~ One of the highlights of the show today for me was seeing my mom perplexed when the whole thing ended. Her only coherent remark being "Jason never talks that much." After I got done laughing my ass off I tried to explain the new writing adjustments.
    Hahahahaha your poor confused mom! :) Yes Jason doesn't talk that much ROFL!

    DJ Rogue said...

    Carrie, I'm thinking the problem people are having with the whorehouse is NOT the attire, but the whole whorehouse "story".
    The only problem I have with this story is the the house itself!! I don't have a problem with the story. :)

  30. There's no doubt, the guy is completely right.



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...