Friday, July 8, 2011


YEP! Skye Q is back!! August 1st!! I am so excited. I LOVE Robin Christopher-- and thought she got such a bad deal last time--and she's back under a new headwriter!! WOOT! Perhaps for the Ingo Remix?? Hmmmmm.


  1. :D omg never in a million years would I have guessed GH would come in to heal my broken soapy heart. After OLTL betrayal I thought I was done with soaps but GH you're about to do it!

    Now I just need Ingo to stay or Ted to come back and I'm golden! Maybe Skye will even make a friend!

  2. This just came out of no where didnt it Karen????alfred

  3. Yayyy!!! Bring back Jax!!!

  4. Although I like Skye, without a real story why bother. Hard to be excited after what they did to so many possibilities, new writer or not. It will make me sick if it's for Luke. Tracy has been through enough! Bring back Lila Rose as well, to mix things up with Kristina & Ethan as well as Abby & Michael. otherwise, why bother?

  5. I would much rather have felicia.

  6. Alway loved Skye. Good News!

    Robin is such a gorgeous woman. Skye seemed to be one lady who learned from her mistakes, which is/was rare in Guzaland.

  7. This DID COME out of nowhere. I thought AJ would be first.. I didn't think RC would come back after her last stint.
    It could be for the rumored Edward illness/exit too

  8. Thank you you made me smile...And, it is a big toothy grin..Even more descriptive is that I have a headache and it is rainy...So, you really made my day.

  9. I really hope Edward dying is just a rumor...we need him!! I am so excited about Skye, but now we really need Jax to be back on board. Love the fireworks with Carly! You all know how much it would kill Carly to have Skye be Joss's "new mommy". hahaha!! Regardless, I'll take Robin Christopher anyday!! Love her!

  10. I didn't think Skye was a Quartermaine.

  11. Maybe Edward dying is going to bring back a dead Alan and a dead AJ...



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...